6 research outputs found

    On the Realistic Radio and Network Planning of IoT Sensor Networks

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    Planning and deploying a functional large scale Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) or a Network of Internet of Things (IoTs) is a challenging task, especially in complex urban environments. A main network design bottleneck is the existence and/or correct usage of appropriate cross layer simulators that can generate realistic results for the scenario of interest. Existing network simulators tend to overlook the complexity of the physical radio propagation layer and consequently do not realistically simulate the main radio propagation conditions that take place in urban or suburban environments, thus passing inaccurate results between Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) layers. This work demonstrates through simulations and measurements that, by correctly passing physical information to higher layers, the overall simulation process produces more accurate results at the network layer. It is demonstrated that the resulting simulation methodology can be utilized to accomplish realistic wireless planning and performance analysis of the deployed nodes, with results that are very close to those of real test-beds, or actual WSN deployments

    Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks based on Bird Flocking Behaviour

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    This paper proposes that the flocking behavior of birds can guide the design of a robust, scalable and self-adaptive congestion control protocol in the context of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The proposed approach adopts a swarm intelligence paradigm inspired by the collective behavior of bird flocks. The main idea is to ‘guide’ packets (birds) to form flocks and flow towards the sink (global attractor), whilst trying to avoid congestion regions (obstacles). The direction of motion of a packet flock is influenced by repulsion and attraction forces between packets, as well as the field of view and the artificial magnetic field in the direction of the artificial magnetic pole (sink). The proposed approach is simple to implement at the individual node, involving minimal information exchange. In addition, it displays global self-∗ properties and emergent behavior, achieved collectively without explicitly programming these properties into individual packets. Performance evaluations show the effectiveness of the proposed Flock-based Congestion Control (Flock-CC) mechanism in dynamically balancing the offered load by effectively exploiting available network resources and moving packets to the sink. Furthermore, Flock-CC provides graceful performance degradation in terms of packet delivery ratio, packet loss, delay and energy tax under low, high and extreme traffic loads. In addition, the proposed approach achieves robustness against failing nodes, scalability in different network sizes and outperforms typical conventional approaches