27 research outputs found

    Researches on the origin of life,prebiotic synthesis of simple organic compounds under conditions simulating submarine hydrothermal vents

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    L'objectif de cette thÚse était d'évaluer le potentiel, pour la chimie prébiotique, des conditions régnant au niveau des sources hydrothermales sous-marines de type fumeurs noirs, des environnements riches en H2S et en sulfures métalliques. Nous avons étuThe aim of this thesis was to evaluate the potential for prebiotic chemistry of the conditions prevailing in the vicinity of black smoker-type hydrothermal vents, which are deep sea environments rich in H2S and transition metal sulfides. We have studied

    Burgundy red wines’ representations for those involved in the sector

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    International audienceLes diffĂ©rents segments de professionnels de la filiĂšre vitivinicole partagent-t-ils les mĂȘmes reprĂ©sentations vis-Ă -visdes vins rouges de Bourgogne? Tel le est la question Ă  laquelle nous avons souhaitĂ© rĂ©pondre. Afin d’évaluer dans un premier temps le degrĂ© de convergence des rĂ©ponses sensorielles, visuelles et olfacto-gustatives, deux familles d’acteurs de la filiĂšre bourguignonne ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es: celle des professionnels amont(viticulteurs, Ɠnologues,techniciens) et celle des professionnels aval (restaurateurs,sommeliers,cavistes, commerciaux grande distribution). L’approche sensorielle convoquĂ©e ici reposait sur la mesure intrinsĂšque d’exemplaritĂ©. [1]Pour ce faire, 40 vins rouges de Bourgogne d’entrĂ©e et de moyenne gamme, de cĂ©page Pinot noir, du millĂ©sime 2010 illustrant la diversitĂ© de l’offre (appellations rĂ©gionales et certaines communales, zones viticoles, type d’acteurs, prix, facteurs technologiques et humains,...) ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©s aux deux panels professionnels. Au total, 38 sujets ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©unis: 20 professionnels amont et 18 professionnels aval. L’enjeu Ă©tait double: (i)dĂ©terminer le degrĂ© d’accord ou de dĂ©saccord entre sujets,cela en fonction de la famille d’acteurs considĂ©rĂ©e, (ii) bipolariser les vins Ă  l’issue des mesures d’exemplaritĂ©. Les participants devaient Ă©galement rĂ©pondre Ă  un questionnaire sur leurs pratiques et leurs reprĂ©sentations Ă  l’égard des vins rouges de Bourgogne. Enfin, une analyse conjointe a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e afin de dĂ©terminer les attributs extrinsĂšques (prix,nom de marque, appellation d’origine,...) les plus importants aux yeux des professionnels dans la discrimination et le positionnement commercial de tels vins


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    National audienceLes diffĂ©rents segments de professionnels de la filiĂšre vitivinicole partagent-t-ils les mĂȘmes reprĂ©sentations vis-Ă -visdes vins rouges de Bourgogne? Tel le est la question Ă  laquelle nous avons souhaitĂ© rĂ©pondre. Afin d’évaluer dans un premier temps le degrĂ© de convergence des rĂ©ponses sensorielles, visuelles et olfacto-gustatives, deux familles d’acteurs de la filiĂšre bourguignonne ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es: celle des professionnels amont(viticulteurs, Ɠnologues,techniciens) et celle des professionnels aval (restaurateurs,sommeliers,cavistes, commerciaux grande distribution). L’approche sensorielle convoquĂ©e ici reposait sur la mesure intrinsĂšque d’exemplaritĂ©. [1]Pour ce faire, 40 vins rouges de Bourgogne d’entrĂ©e et de moyenne gamme, de cĂ©page Pinot noir, du millĂ©sime 2010 illustrant la diversitĂ© de l’offre (appellations rĂ©gionales et certaines communales, zones viticoles, type d’acteurs, prix, facteurs technologiques et humains,...) ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©s aux deux panels professionnels. Au total, 38 sujets ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©unis: 20 professionnels amont et 18 professionnels aval. L’enjeu Ă©tait double: (i)dĂ©terminer le degrĂ© d’accord ou de dĂ©saccord entre sujets,cela en fonction de la famille d’acteurs considĂ©rĂ©e, (ii) bipolariser les vins Ă  l’issue des mesures d’exemplaritĂ©. Les participants devaient Ă©galement rĂ©pondre Ă  un questionnaire sur leurs pratiques et leurs reprĂ©sentations Ă  l’égard des vins rouges de Bourgogne. Enfin, une analyse conjointe a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e afin de dĂ©terminer les attributs extrinsĂšques (prix,nom de marque, appellation d’origine,...) les plus importants aux yeux des professionnels dans la discrimination et le positionnement commercial de tels vins

    Olfactoscan device used to reveal aroma active compounds in pinot noir wines

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    Olfactoscan device used to reveal aroma active compounds in pinot noir wines. 16. International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Noses (ISOEN 2015

    Data from: Socially-mediated effects of climate change decrease survival of hibernating Alpine marmots

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    1. In the context of global change, an increasing challenge is to understand the interaction between weather variables and life histories. Species-specific life histories should condition the way climate influences population dynamics, particularly those that are associated with environmental constraints, such as lifestyles like hibernation and sociality. However, the influence of lifestyle in the response of organisms to climate change remains poorly understood. 2. Based on a 23-year longitudinal study of the Alpine marmot, we investigated how their lifestyle, characterized by a long hibernation and a high degree of sociality, interacts with the ongoing climate change to shape temporal variation in age-specific survival. 3. As generally reported in other hibernating species, we expected survival of Alpine marmots to be affected by the continuous lengthening of the growing season of plants more than by changes in winter conditions. We found, however, that Alpine marmots displayed lower juvenile survival over time. Colder winters associated with a thinner snow layer lowered juvenile survival, which in turn was associated with a decrease in the relative number of helpers in groups in the following years, and therefore lowered the chances of over-winter survival of juveniles born in the most recent years. 4. Our results provide evidence that constraints on life history traits associated with hibernation and sociality caused juvenile survival to decrease over time, which might prevent Alpine marmots coping successfully with climate change

    Exemplarity measurement and estimation of the level of interjudge agreement for two categories of French red wines

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    Exemplarity measurements of wines by at least 20 judges are used to estimate the degree of interjudge (dis)agreement and to tell wines apart into two contrasting extremes. Two sets of French red wines Pinot noir from Burgundy and Cabernet franc from the Loire Valley are studied separately but by the same approach. Short-listing criteria are used to collate 40 starting-price and middle-range wines for each set differing a priori in olfactory terms. Wine professionals assess their local wines first orthonasally and then, independently, by global evaluation. A pool of descriptive and inferential statistics indicates there is generally neither complete divergence nor real agreement among judges. For Burgundy Pinot noir, the weak agreement observed and measured for orthonasal evaluation strengthens slightly for global evaluation. Contrariwise, for Loire Valley Cabernet franc wines, agreement is poorer for global evaluation than for olfactory evaluation. With orthonasal evaluation, responses are more consistent for Cabernet franc than for Pinot noir, whereas for global evaluation, the levels of interjudge agreement are of the same order for both sets of wines. The subjectivity of sensory responses is interpreted for each situation. The personal judgment of exemplarity (or typicality) may therefore be defined as a demanding cognitive decision varying with the circumstances of the experiment and responding to a process of perceptual categorization based on previous knowledge and on an intuitive comparison between a sample and an abstract but conscious image of the category. Agreement among judges is sufficient to bipolarize the wines. As the power to discriminate among the wines is related to the level of interjudge agreement, bipolarization is most marked for the Cabernet franc wines evaluated by olfactory evaluation