21 research outputs found

    Literature Triage and Indexing in the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) Group

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    The Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI; "http://www.informatics.jax.org":http://www.informatics.jax.org) group is comprised of several collaborating projects including the Mouse Genome Database (MGD) Project, the Gene Expression Database (GXD) Project, the Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB) Database Project, and the Gene Ontology (GO) Project. Literature identification and collection is performed cooperatively amongst the groups.

In recent years many institutional libraries have transitioned from a focus largely on print holdings to one of electronic access to journals. This change has necessitated adaptation on the part of the MGI curatorial group. Whereas the majority of journals covered by the group used to be surveyed in paper form, those journals are now surveyed electronically. Approximately 160 journals have been identified as those most relevant to the various database groups. Each curator in the group has the responsibility of scanning several journals for articles relevant to any of the database projects. Articles chosen via this process are marked as to their potential significance for various projects. Each article is catalogued in a Master Bibliography section of the MGI database system and annotated to the database sections for which it has been identified as relevant. A secondary triage process allows curators from each group to scan the chosen articles and mark ones desired for their project if such annotation has been missed on the initial scan.

Once articles have been identified for each database project a variety of processes are implemented to further categorize and index data from those articles. For example, the Alleles and Phenotype section of the MGD database indexes each article marked for MGD and in this indexing process they identify each mouse gene and allele examined in the article. The GXD database indexing process has a different focus. In this case articles are indexed with regard to the stage of development used in the study as well as the assay technique used. In each case the indexing gives an overview of the data held in the article and assists in the more extensive curation performed in the following step of the curation process. Indexing also provides each group with valuable information used to prioritize and streamline the overall curation process.

The MGI projects are supported by NHGRI grants HG000330, HG00273, and HG003622, NICHD grant HD033745, and NCI grant CA089713

    Revised nomenclature for the mammalian long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase gene family.

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    By consensus, the acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS) community, with the advice of the human and mouse genome nomenclature committees, has revised the nomenclature for the mammalian long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases. ACS is the family root name, and the human and mouse genes for the long-chain ACSs are termed ACSL1,3-6 and Acsl1,3-6, respectively. Splice variants of ACSL3, -4, -5, and -6 are cataloged. Suggestions for naming other family members and for the nonmammalian acyl-CoA synthetases are made

    Recommended nomenclature for five mammalian carboxylesterase gene families: human, mouse, and rat genes and proteins

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    Mammalian carboxylesterase (CES or Ces) genes encode enzymes that participate in xenobiotic, drug, and lipid metabolism in the body and are members of at least five gene families. Tandem duplications have added more genes for some families, particularly for mouse and rat genomes, which has caused confusion in naming rodent Ces genes. This article describes a new nomenclature system for human, mouse, and rat carboxylesterase genes that identifies homolog gene families and allocates a unique name for each gene. The guidelines of human, mouse, and rat gene nomenclature committees were followed and “CES” (human) and “Ces” (mouse and rat) root symbols were used followed by the family number (e.g., human CES1). Where multiple genes were identified for a family or where a clash occurred with an existing gene name, a letter was added (e.g., human CES4A; mouse and rat Ces1a) that reflected gene relatedness among rodent species (e.g., mouse and rat Ces1a). Pseudogenes were named by adding “P” and a number to the human gene name (e.g., human CES1P1) or by using a new letter followed by ps for mouse and rat Ces pseudogenes (e.g., Ces2d-ps). Gene transcript isoforms were named by adding the GenBank accession ID to the gene symbol (e.g., human CES1_AB119995 or mouse Ces1e_BC019208). This nomenclature improves our understanding of human, mouse, and rat CES/Ces gene families and facilitates research into the structure, function, and evolution of these gene families. It also serves as a model for naming CES genes from other mammalian species

    Revised nomenclature for the mammalian long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase gene family: TABLE 1.

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    By consensus, the acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS) community, with the advice of the human and mouse genome nomenclature committees, has revised the nomenclature for the mammalian long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases. ACS is the family root name, and the human and mouse genes for the long-chain ACSs are terme

    BioCreative III interactive task: an overview

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    The BioCreative challenge evaluation is a community-wide effort for evaluating text mining and information extraction systems applied to the biological domain. The biocurator community, as an active user of biomedical literature, provides a diverse and engaged end user group for text mining tools. Earlier BioCreative challenges involved many text mining teams in developing basic capabilities relevant to biological curation, but they did not address the issues of system usage, insertion into the workflow and adoption by curators. Thus in BioCreative III (BC-III), the InterActive Task (IAT) was introduced to address the utility and usability of text mining tools for real-life biocuration tasks. To support the aims of the IAT in BC-III, involvement of both developers and end users was solicited, and the development of a user interface to address the tasks interactively was requested

    Rat Genome Database (RGD): mapping disease onto the genome

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    The Rat Genome Database (RGD, http://rgd.mcw.edu) is an NIH-funded project whose stated mission is ‘to collect, consolidate and integrate data generated from ongoing rat genetic and genomic research efforts and make these data widely available to the scientific community’. In a collaboration between the Bioinformatics Research Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin, the Jackson Laboratory and the National Center for Biotechnology Information, RGD has been created to meet these stated aims. The rat is uniquely suited to its role as a model of human disease and the primary focus of RGD is to aid researchers in their study of the rat and in applying their results to studies in a wider context. In support of this we have integrated a large amount of rat genetic and genomic resources in RGD and these are constantly being expanded through ongoing literature and bulk dataset curation. RGD version 2.0, released in June 2001, includes curated data on rat genes, quantitative trait loci (QTL), microsatellite markers and rat strains used in genetic and genomic research. VCMap, a dynamic sequence-based homology tool was introduced, and allows researchers of rat, mouse and human to view mapped genes and sequences and their locations in the other two organisms, an essential tool for comparative genomics. In addition, RGD provides tools for gene prediction, radiation hybrid mapping, polymorphic marker selection and more. Future developments will include the introduction of disease-based curation expanding the curated information to cover popular disease systems studied in the rat. This will be integrated with the emerging rat genomic sequence and annotation pipelines to provide a high-quality disease-centric resource, applicable to human and mouse via comparative tools such as VCMap. RGD has a defined community outreach focus with a Visiting Scientist program and the Rat Community Forum, a web-based forum for rat researchers and others interested in using the rat as an experimental model. Thus, RGD is not only a valuable resource for those working with the rat but also for researchers in other model organisms wishing to harness the existing genetic and physiological data available in the rat to complement their own work

    A genetic linkage map of the mouse: current applications and future prospects [see comments]

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    Technological advances have made possible the development of high-resolution genetic linkage maps for the mouse. These maps in turn offer exciting prospects for understanding mammalian genome evolution through comparative mapping, for developing mouse models of human disease, and for identifying the function of all genes in the organism