6,204 research outputs found

    Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects in two-dimensional Rayleigh-Benard convection in glycerol

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    We numerically analyze Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq (NOB) effects in two-dimensional Rayleigh-Benard flow in glycerol, which shows a dramatic change in the viscosity with temperature. The results are presented both as functions of the Rayleigh number (Ra) up to 10810^8 (for fixed temperature difference between the top and bottom plates) and as functions of "non-Oberbeck-Boussinesqness'' or "NOBness'' (Δ\Delta) up to 50 K (for fixed Ra). For this large NOBness the center temperature TcT_c is more than 5 K larger than the arithmetic mean temperature TmT_m between top and bottom plate and only weakly depends on Ra. To physically account for the NOB deviations of the Nusselt numbers from its Oberbeck-Boussinesq values, we apply the decomposition of NuNOB/NuOBNu_{NOB}/Nu_{OB} into the product of two effects, namely first the change in the sum of the top and bottom thermal BL thicknesses, and second the shift of the center temperature TcT_c as compared to TmT_m. While for water the origin of the NuNu deviation is totally dominated by the second effect (cf. Ahlers et al., J. Fluid Mech. 569, pp. 409 (2006)) for glycerol the first effect is dominating, in spite of the large increase of TcT_c as compared to TmT_m.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Gas Enrichment at Liquid-Wall Interfaces

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    Molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones systems are performed to study the effects of dissolved gas on liquid-wall and liquid-gas interfaces. Gas enrichment at walls is observed which for hydrophobic walls can exceed more than two orders of magnitude when compared to the gas density in the bulk liquid. As a consequence, the liquid structure close to the wall is considerably modified, leading to an enhanced wall slip. At liquid-gas interfaces gas enrichment is found which reduces the surface tension.Comment: main changes compared to version 1: flow simulations are included as well as different types of gase

    Nucleation threshold and deactivation mechanisms of nanoscopic cavitation nuclei

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    The acoustic nucleation threshold for bubbles trapped in cavities has theoretically been predicted within the crevice theory by Atchley and Prosperetti [“The crevice model of bubble nucleation,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 86, 1065 (1989)]. Here, we determine this threshold experimentally, by applying\ud a single pressure pulse to bubbles trapped in cylindrical nanoscopic pits (“artificial crevices”) with radii down to 50 nm. By decreasing the minimum pressure stepwise, we observe the threshold for which the bubbles start to nucleate. The experimental results are quantitatively in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of Atchley and Prosperetti. In addition, we provide the mechanism which explains the deactivation of cavitation nuclei: gas diffusion together with an aspherical bubble collapse. Finally, we present superhydrophobic nuclei which cannot be deactivated, unless with a high-speed liquid jet directed into the pit

    Axially-homogeneous Rayleigh-Benard convection in a cylindrical cell

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    Previous numerical studies have shown that the "ultimate regime of thermal convection" can be attained in a Rayleigh-Benard cell when the kinetic and thermal boundary layers are eliminated by replacing the walls with periodic boundary conditions (homogeneous Rayleigh-Benard convection). Then, the heat transfer scales like Nu ~ Ra^{1/2} and turbulence intensity as Re ~ Ra^{1/2}, where the Rayleigh number Ra indicates the strength of the driving force. However, experiments never operate in unbounded domains and it is important to understand how confinement might alter the approach to this ultimate regime. Here we consider homogeneous Rayleigh-Benard convection in a laterally confined geometry - a small aspect-ratio vertical cylindrical cell - and show evidence of the ultimate regime as Ra is increased: In spite of the confinement and the resulting kinetic boundary layers, we still find Nu ~ Re ~ Ra^{1/2}. The system supports exact solutions composed of modes of exponentially growing vertical velocity and temperature fields, with Ra as the critical parameter determining the properties of these modes. Counterintuitively, in the low Ra regime, or for very narrow cylinders, the numerical simulations are susceptible to these solutions which can dominate the dynamics and lead to very high and unsteady heat transfer. As Ra is increased, interaction between modes stabilizes the system, evidenced by the increasing homogeneity and reduced fluctuations in the r.m.s. velocity and temperature fields. We also test that physical results become independent of the periodicity length of the cylinder, a purely numerical parameter, as the aspect ratio is increased

    Plasmonic Bubbles in n-Alkanes

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    In this paper we study the formation of microbubbles upon the irradiation of an array of plasmonic Au nanoparticles with a laser in n-alkanes (CnH2n+2C_{n}H_{2n+2}, with n = 5-10). Two different phases in the evolution of the bubbles can be distinguished. In the first phase, which occurs after a delay time {\tau}d of about 100 {\mu}s, an explosive microbubble, reaching a diameter in the range from 10 {\mu}m to 100 {\mu}m, is formed. The exact size of this explosive microbubble barely depends on the carbon chain length of the alkane, but only on the laser power PlP_l. With increasing laser power, the delay time prior to bubble nucleation as well as the size of the microbubble both decrease. In the second phase, which sets in right after the collapse of the explosive microbubble, a new bubble forms and starts growing due to the vaporization of the surrounding liquid, which is highly gas rich. The final bubble size in this second phase strongly depends on the alkane chain length, namely it increases with decreasing number of carbon atoms. Our results have important implications for using plasmonic heating to control chemical reactions in organic solvents

    Surface bubble nucleation phase space

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    Recent research has revealed several different techniques for nanoscopic gas nucleation on submerged surfaces, with findings seemingly in contradiction with each other. In response to this, we have systematically investigated the occurrence of surface nanobubbles on a hydrophobised silicon substrate for various different liquid temperatures and gas concentrations, which we controlled independently. We found that nanobubbles occupy a distinct region of this phase space, occurring for gas concentrations of approximately 100-110%. Below the nanobubble phase we did not detect any gaseous formations on the substrate, whereas micropancakes (micron wide, nanometer high gaseous domains) were found at higher temperatures and gas concentrations. We moreover find that supersaturation of dissolved gases is not a requirement for nucleation of bubbles.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Defining the Focus of Attention: Effects of Attention on Perceived Exertion and Fatigue

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    This manuscript presents two experiments designed to explore the effects of attention on perceived exertion and time to failure in a fatiguing athletic task. There were two major motivating factors for these experiments. First, there are few studies evaluating attentional focus effects in endurance tasks and, second, there is a lack of integration between studies of attentional focus as external/internal (e.g., Wulf, 2007a) compared to associative/dissociative (e.g., Stevinson and Biddle, 1998). In Experiment 1, we used a fatiguing wall-sit posture (essentially a complex, isometric task) to compare two different types of external attention with an internal focus on the position of the legs. An external focus (regardless of type) increased the time taken to failure and reduced perceived exertion. In Experiment 2, we manipulated subjects’ expectancy of fatigue to test the interaction of attention and expectancy (both top-down factors) in this highly fatiguing task. Previous theories of attention during endurance tasks have suggested that as fatigue/pain increase, bottom-up factors begin to dominate subjects’ attention. While this may be true, Experiment 2 showed that even in a highly fatiguing task, attentional strategies, and expectancies affected the time to failure and perceived exertion

    Scaling and Dissipation in the GOY Shell Model

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    This is a paper about multi-fractal scaling and dissipation in a shell model of turbulence, called the GOY model. This set of equations describes a one dimensional cascade of energy towards higher wave vectors. When the model is chaotic, the high-wave-vector velocity is a product of roughly independent multipliers, one for each logarithmic momentum shell. The appropriate tool for studying the multifractal properties of this model is shown to be the energy current on each shell rather than the velocity on each shell. Using this quantity, one can obtain better measurements of the deviations from Kolmogorov scaling (in the GOY dynamics) than were available up to now. These deviations are seen to depend upon the details of inertial-range structure of the model and hence are {\em not} universal. However, once the conserved quantities of the model are fixed to have the same scaling structure as energy and helicity, these deviations seem to depend only weakly upon the scale parameter of the model. We analyze the connection between multifractality in the velocity distribution and multifractality in the dissipation. Our arguments suggest that the connection is universal for models of this character, but the model has a different behavior from that of real turbulence. We also predict the scaling behavior of time correlations of shell-velocities, of the dissipation,Comment: Revised Versio

    Exponentially growing solutions in homogeneous Rayleigh-Benard convection

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    It is shown that homogeneous Rayleigh-Benard flow, i.e., Rayleigh-Benard turbulence with periodic boundary conditions in all directions and a volume forcing of the temperature field by a mean gradient, has a family of exact, exponentially growing, separable solutions of the full non-linear system of equations. These solutions are clearly manifest in numerical simulations above a computable critical value of the Rayleigh number. In our numerical simulations they are subject to secondary numerical noise and resolution dependent instabilities that limit their growth to produce statistically steady turbulent transport.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. E - rapid communication