285 research outputs found

    The q-harmonic oscillators, q-coherent states and the q-symplecton

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    The recently introduced notion of a quantum group is discussed conceptually and then related to deformed harmonic oscillators ('q-harmonic oscillators'). Two developments in applying q-harmonic oscillators are reviewed: q-coherent states and the q-symplecton

    Nonlinear self-flipping of polarization states in asymmetric waveguides

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    Waveguides of subwavelength dimensions with asymmetric geometries, such as rib waveguides, can display nonlinear polarization effects in which the nonlinear phase difference dominates the linear contribution, provided the birefringence is sufficiently small. We demonstrate that self-flipping polarization states can appear in such rib waveguides at low (mW) power levels. We describe an optical power limiting device with optimized rib waveguide parameters that can operate at low powers with switching properties

    Spin dynamics of low-dimensional excitons due to acoustic phonons

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    We investigate the spin dynamics of excitons interacting with acoustic phonons in quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum disks by employing a multiband model based on the 4×44\times4 Luttinger Hamiltonian. We also use the Bir-Pikus Hamiltonian to model the coupling of excitons to both longitudinal acoustic phonons and transverse acoustic phonons, thereby providing us with a realistic framework in which to determine details of the spin dynamics of excitons. We use a fractional dimensional formulation to model the excitonic wavefunctions and we demonstrate explicitly the decrease of spin relaxation time with dimensionality. Our numerical results are consistent with experimental results of spin relaxation times for various configurations of the GaAs/Al0.3_{0.3}Ga0.7_{0.7}As material system. We find that longitudinal and transverse acoustic phonons are equally significant in processes of exciton spin relaxations involving acoustic phonons.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    On the Hydrogen Atom via Wigner-Heisenberg Algebra

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    We extend the usual Kustaanheimo-Stiefel 4D→3D4D\to 3D mapping to study and discuss a constrained super-Wigner oscillator in four dimensions. We show that the physical hydrogen atom is the system that emerges in the bosonic sector of the mapped super 3D system.Comment: 14 pages, no figure. This work was initiated in collaboration with Jambunatha Jayaraman (In memory), whose advises and encouragement were fundamental. http://www.cbpf.b

    Fast transport of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose an inverse method to accelerate without final excitation the adiabatic transport of a Bose Einstein condensate. The method, applicable to arbitrary potential traps, is based on a partial extension of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants, and provides transport protocols that satisfy exactly the no-excitation conditions without constraints or approximations. This inverse method is complemented by optimizing the trap trajectory with respect to different physical criteria and by studying the effect of noise

    Construction of a universal quantum computer

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    We construct a universal quantum computer following Deutsch’s original proposal of a universal quantum Turing machine (UQTM). Like Deutsch’s UQTM, our machine can emulate any classical Turing machine and can execute any algorithm that can be implemented in the quantum gate array framework but under the control of a quantum program, and hence is universal. We present the architecture of the machine, which consists of a memory tape and a processor and describe the observables that comprise the registers of the processor and the instruction set, which includes a set of operations that can approximate any unitary operation to any desired accuracy and hence is quantum computationally universal. We present the unitary evolution operators that act on the machine to achieve universal computation and discuss each of them in detail and specify and discuss explicit program halting and concatenation schemes. We define and describe a set of primitive programs in order to demonstrate the universal nature of the machine. These primitive programs facilitate the implementation of more complex algorithms and we demonstrate their use by presenting a program that computes the NAND function, thereby also showing that the machine can compute any classically computable function.Antonio A. Lagana, M. A. Lohe, and Lorenz von Smeka

    Bogomol'nyi Equations of Maxwell-Chern-Simons vortices from a generalized Abelian Higgs Model

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    We consider a generalization of the abelian Higgs model with a Chern-Simons term by modifying two terms of the usual Lagrangian. We multiply a dielectric function with the Maxwell kinetic energy term and incorporate nonminimal interaction by considering generalized covariant derivative. We show that for a particular choice of the dielectric function this model admits both topological as well as nontopological charged vortices satisfying Bogomol'nyi bound for which the magnetic flux, charge and angular momentum are not quantized. However the energy for the topolgical vortices is quantized and in each sector these topological vortex solutions are infinitely degenerate. In the nonrelativistic limit, this model admits static self-dual soliton solutions with nonzero finite energy configuration. For the whole class of dielectric function for which the nontopological vortices exists in the relativistic theory, the charge density satisfies the same Liouville equation in the nonrelativistic limit.Comment: 30 pages(4 figures not included), RevTeX, IP/BBSR/93-6

    Kink fluctuation asymptotics and zero modes

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    In this paper we propose a refinement of the heat kernel/zeta function treatment of kink quantum fluctuations in scalar field theory, further analyzing the existence and implications of a zero energy fluctuation mode. Improved understanding of the interplay between zero modes and the kink heat kernel expansion delivers asymptotic estimations of one-loop kink mass shifts with remarkably higher precision than previously obtained by means of the standard Gilkey-DeWitt heat kernel expansion.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, to be published in The European Physical Journal

    A Precise Error Bound for Quantum Phase Estimation

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    Quantum phase estimation is one of the key algorithms in the field of quantum computing, but up until now, only approximate expressions have been derived for the probability of error. We revisit these derivations, and find that by ensuring symmetry in the error definitions, an exact formula can be found. This new approach may also have value in solving other related problems in quantum computing, where an expected error is calculated. Expressions for two special cases of the formula are also developed, in the limit as the number of qubits in the quantum computer approaches infinity and in the limit as the extra added qubits to improve reliability goes to infinity. It is found that this formula is useful in validating computer simulations of the phase estimation procedure and in avoiding the overestimation of the number of qubits required in order to achieve a given reliability. This formula thus brings improved precision in the design of quantum computers.Comment: 6 page
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