160 research outputs found

    Excitation Gap Scaling near Quantum Critical Three-Dimensional Antiferromagnets

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    By means of large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we examine the quantum critical scaling of the magnetic excitation gap (the triplon gap) in a three-dimensional dimerized quantum antiferromagnet, the bicubic lattice, and identify characteristic multiplicative logarithmic scaling corrections atop the leading mean-field behavior. These findings are in accord with field-theoretical predictions that are based on an effective description of the quantum critical system in terms of an asymptotically-free field theory, which exhibits a logarithmic decay of the renormalized interaction strength upon approaching the quantum critical point. Furthermore, using bond-based singlet spectroscopy, we identify the amplitude (Higgs) mode resonance within the antiferromagnetic region. We find a Higgs mass scaling in accord with field-theoretical predictions that relate it by a factor of 2\sqrt{2} to the corresponding triplon gap in the quantum disordered regime. In contrast to the situation in lower-dimensional systems, we observe in this three-dimensional coupled-dimer system a distinct signal from the amplitude mode also in the dynamical spin structure factor. The width of the Higgs mode resonance is observed to scale linearly with the Higgs mass near criticality, indicative of this critically well-defined excitation mode of the symmetry broken phase.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures 2 pages, 2 figures supplemental materia

    Heat balance in levitation melting - Sample cooling by forced gas convection in Argon

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    Electromagnetic levitation melting is a containerless processing technique for liquid metals requiring non-contact diagnostic tools. In order to properly perform such experiments, a precise knowledge of the temperaturetime behaviour of the metal sample resulting from the heat Balance between its heating and cooling during the processing is a prerequisite. In two preceding papers we provided the necessary theoretical Background for the inductive heat input by the high frequency magnetic levitation field and the heat loss due to radiation and heat conduction through a surrounding process gas atmosphere and defined the set of experiments needed for obtaining the key parameters of the thermal model. In the present paper we extend the previous work by investigating experimentally the influence of the sample cooling by forced gas convection at high PĂ©clet number in a surrounding Argon gas atmosphere at hand of tests under microgravity

    Thermal phase transitions in a honeycomb lattice gas with three-body interactions

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    We study the thermal phase transitions in a classical (hard-core) lattice gas model with nearest-neighbor three-body interactions on the honeycomb lattice, based on parallel tempering Monte Carlo simulations. This system realizes incompressible low-temperature phases at fractional fillings of 9/16, 5/8 and 3/4 that were identified in a previous study of a related quantum model. In particular, both the 9/16 and the 5/8 phase exhibit an extensive ground state degeneracy reflecting the frustrated nature of the three-body interactions on the honeycomb lattice. The thermal melting of the 9/16 phase is found to be a first-order, discontinuous phase transition. On the other hand, from the thermodynamic behavior we obtain indications for a four-states Potts-model thermal transition out of the 5/8 phase. Employing an exact mapping to a hard-core dimer model on an embedded honeycomb super-lattice, we find that this thermal Potts-model transition relates to the selection of one out of four extensive sectors within the low-energy manifold of the 5/8 phase.Comment: 9 pages, 26 figure

    Dynamical structure factors and excitation modes of the bilayer Heisenberg model

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    Using quantum Monte Carlo simulations along with higher-order spin-wave theory, bond-operator and strong-coupling expansions, we analyse the dynamical spin structure factor of the spin-half Heisenberg model on the square-lattice bilayer. We identify distinct contributions from the low-energy Goldstone modes in the magnetically ordered phase and the gapped triplon modes in the quantum disordered phase. In the antisymmetric (with respect to layer inversion) channel, the dynamical spin structure factor exhibits a continuous evolution of spectral features across the quantum phase transition, connecting the two types of modes. Instead, in the symmetric channel we find a depletion of the spectral weight when moving from the ordered to the disordered phase. While the dynamical spin structure factor does not exhibit a well-defined distinct contribution from the amplitude (or Higgs) mode in the ordered phase, we identify an only marginally-damped amplitude mode in the dynamical singlet structure factor, obtained from interlayer bond correlations, in the vicinity of the quantum critical point. These findings provide quantitative information in direct relation to possible neutron or light scattering experiments in a fundamental two-dimensional quantum-critical spin system.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Residual fluid flow in liquid metallic droplets processed in the space station electromagnetic levitation facility

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    The electromagnetic levitation facility on board the International Space Station is used to investigate contactlessly and without gravityinduced convection thermophysical properties and microstructure formations of hot, highly reactive metallic liquids. Despite the widely forceless microgravity environment, the small remaining electromagnetic levitation forces still drive residual convective fluid flows inside the levitated droplet, which may disturb the measurements. Thus, the knowledge of the flow velocities is critical to interpret and evaluate the measurement results. In previous investigations of Xiao and co-workers, a great amount of numerical magneto hydrodynamics calculations were performed with many different material properties and source force terms. The results for the maximum flow velocities hereof were analytically characterized by surrogate models consisting of multi-dimensional, high-order regression analysis. The present work offers another analytical description of these numerical results. Derived based on physical relations, it provides a simpler and physically more illustrative presentation

    Cu–Ni nanoalloy phase diagram – Prediction and experiment

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    The Cu-Ni nanoalloy phase diagram respecting the nanoparticle size as an extra variable was calculated by the CALPHAD method. The samples of the Cu-Ni nanoalloys were prepared by the solvothermal synthesis from metal precursors. The samples were characterized by means of dynamic light scattering (DLS), infrared spectroscopy (IR), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP/OES), transmission electron microscopy (TEM, HRTEM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The nanoparticle size, chemical composition, and Cu-Ni nanoparticles melting temperature depression were obtained. The experimental temperatures of melting of nanoparticles were in good agreement with the theoretical CALPHAD predictions considering surface energy.Fázový diagram nanoslitiny Cu-Ni respektující velikost nanočástic jako další proměnné byl vypočten metodou CALPHAD. Vzorky Cu-Ni nanoslitin byly připraveny solvotermální syntézou z prekurzorů kovů. Tyto vzorky byly charakterizovány pomocí dynamického rozptylu světla (DLS), infračervené spektroskopie (IR) s indukčně vázanou plazmou a optickou emisní spektroskopií (ICP / OES), transmisní elektronovou mikroskopií (TEM, HRTEM) a diferenciální skenovací kalorimetrií (DSC). Velikost nanočástic, chemické složení a Cu-Ni deprese teploty tání nanočástic byly získány experimentálně a v dobré shodě s teoretickou předpovědí metodou CALPHAD s uvážením povrchové energie nanočástic

    The Liver Tumor Segmentation Benchmark (LiTS)

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    In this work, we report the set-up and results of the Liver Tumor Segmentation Benchmark (LiTS), which was organized in conjunction with the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2017 and the International Conferences on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2017 and 2018. The image dataset is diverse and contains primary and secondary tumors with varied sizes and appearances with various lesion-to-background levels (hyper-/hypo-dense), created in collaboration with seven hospitals and research institutions. Seventy-five submitted liver and liver tumor segmentation algorithms were trained on a set of 131 computed tomography (CT) volumes and were tested on 70 unseen test images acquired from different patients. We found that not a single algorithm performed best for both liver and liver tumors in the three events. The best liver segmentation algorithm achieved a Dice score of 0.963, whereas, for tumor segmentation, the best algorithms achieved Dices scores of 0.674 (ISBI 2017), 0.702 (MICCAI 2017), and 0.739 (MICCAI 2018). Retrospectively, we performed additional analysis on liver tumor detection and revealed that not all top-performing segmentation algorithms worked well for tumor detection. The best liver tumor detection method achieved a lesion-wise recall of 0.458 (ISBI 2017), 0.515 (MICCAI 2017), and 0.554 (MICCAI 2018), indicating the need for further research. LiTS remains an active benchmark and resource for research, e.g., contributing the liver-related segmentation tasks in http://medicaldecathlon.com/. In addition, both data and online evaluation are accessible via https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/17094

    The Liver Tumor Segmentation Benchmark (LiTS)

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    In this work, we report the set-up and results of the Liver Tumor Segmentation Benchmark (LITS) organized in conjunction with the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2016 and International Conference On Medical Image Computing Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2017. Twenty four valid state-of-the-art liver and liver tumor segmentation algorithms were applied to a set of 131 computed tomography (CT) volumes with different types of tumor contrast levels (hyper-/hypo-intense), abnormalities in tissues (metastasectomie) size and varying amount of lesions. The submitted algorithms have been tested on 70 undisclosed volumes. The dataset is created in collaboration with seven hospitals and research institutions and manually reviewed by independent three radiologists. We found that not a single algorithm performed best for liver and tumors. The best liver segmentation algorithm achieved a Dice score of 0.96(MICCAI) whereas for tumor segmentation the best algorithm evaluated at 0.67(ISBI) and 0.70(MICCAI). The LITS image data and manual annotations continue to be publicly available through an online evaluation system as an ongoing benchmarking resource.Comment: conferenc
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