318 research outputs found

    Two responses of a uniformly stratified flow over a sloping bottom to a spatially varying downwelling favorable wind

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution September 2008The work was motivated by studies of Austin and Lentz (2002) and Pedlosky (2007). The above mentioned works considered two different responses of the stratified flow to a downwelling favorable wind forcing. The first study investigated a time dependent flow with a formation of a constantly expanding relatively well mixed region near the shore and the second considered a steady flow that arises when an offshore varying wind is applied. In my thesis I use ROMS to determine which type of response will take place based on the wind amplitude near the coast. It was demonstrated that if the value of the wind is much smaller than the critical value (determined by the stratification, the rotation rate and the horizontal diffusivity) then the flow is steady (the bbl case) and similar to the one investigated by Pedlosky. If the wind is of the order, or larger than, the critical value then the response is time dependent (the pool case) and similar to the one described by Austin and Lentz. The resulting flow structure of each response was also investigated. I examined the sensitivity of the bbl response to variations in the background vertical diffusivity, the initial stratification and the bottom slope. It was shown that a higher background vertical diffusivity, a higher stratification and a shallower bottom slope correspond to thinner (vertically) and narrower (horizontally) bbl. For the pool case the time dependent structure was also examined, using a number of idealized models. It was shown that the rate of the pool region expansion is a complex function of the local wind stress amplitude and the local depth

    New physical principles of contact thermoelectric cooling

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    We suggest a new approach to the theory of the contact thermoelectric cooling (Peltier effect). The metal-metal, metal-n-type semiconductor, metal-p-type semiconductor, p-n junction contacts are analyzed. Both degenerate and non-degenerate electron and hole gases are considered. The role of recombination in the contact cooling effect is discussed by the first time.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, revtex

    The methodology and the essence of performance-based budgeting

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    У статті обґрунтовано вибір тематики дослідження прогресивних механізмів бюджетного процесу. Описано методи наукового пізнання, що використані в роботі, як складових компонентів методологічного дослідження. Досліджено погляди науковців і нормативно-правову основу для визначення програмно-цільового методу; також приведено іншомовні дефініції, що мають широкий вжиток у науковому середовищі. Проведено етимологічний, контекстний аналіз та створено візуальну модель досліджуваної категорії. Сформульовано основні сутнісні ознаки та запропоноване власне визначення програмно-цільового методу. Окреслено вивчення передумов виникнення та розвитку програмно-цільового методу як перспективи подальших досліджень.In this article justified the choice of research themes of advanced mechanisms of the budget process. Described methods of scientific knowledge that used to work as components of methodological research. Studied the views of scientists and legal basis for the Performance-Based Budgeting. Also brought foreign-language definitions with wide consumption in the scientific community. Conducted etymologic and contextual analysis, created a visual model of the category that studying. Formulated the basic essential features and proposed own definition of program budgeting. Outlined the studying preconditions of the origin and development Performance-Based Budgeting as prospects of subsequent researches


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    The article discusses issues related to the analysis of various scientific and methodological approaches to the management of industrial enterprises in domestic and foreign practice. Special attention is paid to modern scientific philosophies for the effective management of industrial enterprises

    Der deutsche Dschihad: Taten und Worte

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    "In 2009 at the latest there appeared a new type of Islamist militants originating from the Federal Republic: increasingly, young men and women with or without a migration background, who had been born and raised in Germany, decided to join foreign terrorist organisations to, by their orders, carry out militant actions or terrorist attacks against the West and Germany. From Hamburg, Berlin, Bonn and other German cities and regions the 'Jihad Caravan' went to Waziristan or Syria where a number of German converts, Turks, Afghans and Arabs, had joined groups such as Al Qaida (AQ), 'Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan' (IBU) and 'Islamic Jihad Union' (11U). The contribution sketches the lines of development of German jihad against the background of conflicts both in Germany and in foreign countries." (author's abstract

    От «зеленого строительства» к природоинтегрированной архитектуре. Принцип регенерации

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    The article analyses different approaches to ‘green building’ and architecture integrated with nature. It gives definition to the regeneration principle and observes the genesis of world and national experience in roof- and facade greening and ‘hanging gardens’. The article denounces myths and misbeliefs that prevent the wide application of green roofs and facades in Russia.Анализируются различные подходы к «зеленому строительству» и архитектуре, интегрированной с природой. Дается определение принципа регенерации и обзор истории возникновения, мирового и отечественного опыта развития различных приемов озеленения кровель, фасадов и «висячих садов». Разоблачаются мифы и заблуждения, препятствующие широкому применению озеленения кровель и фасадов в России

    От «зеленого строительства» к природоинтегрированной архитектуре. Принцип использования форм. Часть 2

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    The article observes the principle of using natural forms and shows the history of occurrence and the modern condition of the ideas and techniques based on using regularities of building natural forms in architecture. The article analyses the basic concepts of architectural bionics and observes the use of the forms of trees and eggs in construction and architecture in the foreign and national practice.Рассматривается принцип использования природных форм; показана история возникновения и современное состояние идей и приемов, основывающихся на использовании закономерностей построения природных форм в архитектуре. Анализируются основы архитектурной бионики, дается широкий обзор применения форм деревьев и яиц в конструкциях и архитектуре в мировой и отечественной практике