8,407 research outputs found

    Ecological Effects of Fear: How Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity in Predation Risk Influences Mule Deer Access to Forage in a Sky‐Island System

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    Forage availability and predation risk interact to affect habitat use of ungulates across many biomes. Within sky‐island habitats of the Mojave Desert, increased availability of diverse forage and cover may provide ungulates with unique opportunities to extend nutrient uptake and/or to mitigate predation risk. We addressed whether habitat use and foraging patterns of female mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) responded to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), NDVI rate of change (green‐up), or the occurrence of cougars (Puma concolor). Female mule deer used available green‐up primarily in spring, although growing vegetation was available during other seasons. Mule deer and cougar shared similar habitat all year, and our models indicated cougars had a consistent, negative effect on mule deer access to growing vegetation, particularly in summer when cougar occurrence became concentrated at higher elevations. A seemingly late parturition date coincided with diminishing NDVI during the lactation period. Sky‐island populations, rarely studied, provide the opportunity to determine how mule deer respond to growing foliage along steep elevation and vegetation gradients when trapped with their predators and seasonally limited by aridity. Our findings indicate that fear of predation may restrict access to the forage resources found in sky islands

    Principles of Discrete Time Mechanics: IV. The Dirac Equation, Particles and Oscillons

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    We apply the principles of discrete time mechanics discussed in earlier papers to the first and second quantised Dirac equation. We use the Schwinger action principle to find the anticommutation relations of the Dirac field and of the particle creation operators in the theory. We find new solutions to the discrete time Dirac equation, referred to as oscillons on account of their extraordinary behaviour. Their principal characteristic is that they oscillate with a period twice that of the fundamental time interval T of our theory. Although these solutions can be associated with definite charge, linear momentum and spin, such objects should not be observable as particles in the continuous time limit. We find that for non-zero T they correspond to states with negative squared norm in Hilbert space. However they are an integral part of the discrete time Dirac field and should play a role in particle interactions analogous to the role of longitudinal photons in conventional quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 27 pages LateX; published versio

    Performance of pilot-scale microbial fuel cells treating wastewater with associated bioenergy production in the Caribbean context

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    Microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology represents a form of renewable energy that generates bioelectricity from what would otherwise be considered a waste stream. MFCs may be ideally suited to the small island developing state (SIDS) context, such as Trinidad and Tobago where seawater as the main electrolyte is readily available and economical renewable and sustainable electricity is also deemed a priority. Hence this project tested two identical laboratory-scaled MFC systems that were specifically designed and developed for the Caribbean regional context. They consisted of two separate chambers, an anaerobic anodic chamber inoculated with wastewater and an aerobic cathodic chamber separated by a proton exchange membrane. Domestic wastewater from two various wastewater treatment plants inflow (after screening) was placed into the anodic chamber, and seawater from the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Paria placed into the cathodic chambers respectively with the bacteria present in the wastewater attaching to the anode. Experimental results demonstrated that the bacterial degradation of the wastewaters as substrate induced an electron flow through the electrodes producing bioelectricity whilst simultaneously reducing the organic matter as biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand by 30 to 75%. The average bioenergy output for both systems was 84 mW/m² and 96 mW/m² respectively. This study demonstrated the potential for simultaneous bioenergy production and wastewater treatment in the SIDS context

    Principles of Discrete Time Mechanics: II. Classical field Theory

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    We apply the principles discussed in an earlier paper to the construction of discrete time field theories. We derive the discrete time field equations of motion and Noether's theorem and apply them to the Schrodinger equation to illustrate the methodology. Stationary solutions to the discrete time Schrodinger wave equation are found to be identical to standard energy eigenvalue solutions except for a fundamental limit on the energy. Then we apply the formalism to the free neutral Klein Gordon system, deriving the equations of motion and conserved quantities such as the linear momentum and angular momentum. We show that there is an upper bound on the magnitude of linear momentum for physical particle-like solutions. We extend the formalism to the charged scalar field coupled to Maxwell's electrodynamics in a gauge invariant way. We apply the formalism to include the Maxwell and Dirac fields, setting the scene for second quantisation of discrete time mechanics and discrete time Quantum Electrodynamics.Comment: 23 pages, LateX, To be published in J.Phys.A: Math.Gen: contact email address: [email protected]

    Ohio Livestock Waste Management Guide

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    Single-particle dynamics of the Anderson model: a local moment approach

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    A non-perturbative local moment approach to single-particle dynamics of the general asymmetric Anderson impurity model is developed. The approach encompasses all energy scales and interaction strengths. It captures thereby strong coupling Kondo behaviour, including the resultant universal scaling behaviour of the single-particle spectrum; as well as the mixed valent and essentially perturbative empty orbital regimes. The underlying approach is physically transparent and innately simple, and as such is capable of practical extension to lattice-based models within the framework of dynamical mean-field theory.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Local quantum phase transition in the pseudogap Anderson model: scales, scaling and quantum critical dynamics

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    The pseudogap Anderson impurity model provides a paradigm for understanding local quantum phase transitions, in this case between generalised fermi liquid and degenerate local moment phases. Here we develop a non-perturbative local moment approach to the generic asymmetric model, encompassing all energy scales and interaction strengths and leading thereby to a rich description of the problem. We investigate in particular underlying phase boundaries, the critical behaviour of relevant low-energy scales, and single-particle dynamics embodied in the local spectrum. Particular attention is given to the resultant universal scaling behaviour of dynamics close to the transition in both the GFL and LM phases, the scale-free physics characteristic of the quantum critical point itself, and the relation between the two.Comment: 39 pages, 19 figure

    Rare Earth Elements of modern shelf and deep-water articulated brachiopods: evaluation of seawater masses

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    Modern Rhynchonellids and Tcrcbratulids, obtained from water depths below the neritic zone (>500m) at 23 stations in the Caribbean Sea, North Atlantic, South Pacific and Southern Oceans, were investigated for their rare earth clement (REE) contents (Fig. I, Table I). The ΣREE of shelf (500-I 000 m) or deep-water (> I 000 m) brachiopod populations do not vary significantly between oceans/seas irrespective of water mass origins or influences by major currents

    Range Scheduling Aid (RSA)

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    Range Scheduling Aid (RSA) is presented in the form of the viewgraphs. The following subject areas are covered: satellite control network; current and new approaches to range scheduling; MITRE tasking; RSA features; RSA display; constraint based analytic capability; RSA architecture; and RSA benefits