1,062 research outputs found


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    Development of an X-band Photoinjector at SLAC

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    As part of a National Cancer Institute contract to develop a compact source of monoenergetic X-rays via Compton backscattering, we have completed the design and construction of a 5.5 cell Photoinjector operating at 11.424 GHz. Successful completion of this project will result in the capability of generating a monoenergetic X-ray beam, continuously tunable from 20 - 85 KeV. The immediate goal is the development of a Photoinjector producing 7 MeV, 0.5 nC, sub-picosecond electron bunches with normalized RMS emittances of approximately 1 pi-mm-mR at repetition rates up to 60 Hz. This beam will then be further accelerated to 60 MeV using a 1.05 m accelerating structure. This Photoinjector is somewhat different than the traditional 1.5 cell design both because of the number of cells and the symmetrically fed input coupler cell. Its operating frequency is also unique. Since the cathode is non-removable, cold-test tuning was somewhat more difficult than in other designs. We will present results of "bead-drop" measurements used in tuning this structure. Initial beam measurements are currently in progress and results will be presented as well as results of RF conditioning to high gradients at X-band. Details of the RF system, emittance-compensating solenoid, and cathode laser system as well as PARMELA simulations will also be presented.Comment: 3 pages, 6 figures, 1 Table, LINAC 200

    Yield and compatibility of ten tomato scion varieties grafted with ‘Maxifort’ rootstock

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    Many urban and peri-urban tomato growers are adopting the use of grafted plants to help reduce disease incidence and/or improve crop yields, particularly in high tunnel systems. However, little is known about how scion cultivar selection plays a role or if there is a similar impact across scion cultivars in regard to fruit yield. In our study, ten hybrid, determinate, red slicing tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) varieties were evaluated as scions for ‘Maxifort’ rootstock. Trials were conducted in 2016 and 2017 in a three-season high tunnel in Olathe, KS. All ten scion varieties were found to be compatible with ‘Maxifort’. However, ‘BHN 589’, ‘Red Deuce’, ‘Skyway’, and ‘Tasti Lee’ showed significant improvements in marketable yield when grafted to ‘Maxifort’ indicating that they were “highly compatible” with the rootstock. Grafted ‘Red Deuce’ and ‘BHN 589’ scions had the highest fruit yield of any of the treatments that we tested and ranged from to 21.4 to 23.0 lbs of marketable fruit per plant. Nongrafted ‘Primo Red’ was also a good option for high tunnel production and provided 19.2 lbs of marketable fruit per plant. The results of this study suggest that not all scion cultivars respond to grafting with ‘Maxifort’ rootstock in the same manner and we attempted to assess their compatibility based on crop productivity

    Transcriptomic and Exometabolomic Profiling Reveals Antagonistic and Defensive Modes of Clonostachys rosea Action Against Fusarium graminearum

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    The mycoparasite Clonostachys rosea ACM941 is under development as a biocontrol organism against Fusarium graminearum, the causative agent of Fusarium head blight in cereals. To identify molecular factors associated with this interaction, the transcriptomic and exometabolomic profiles of C. rosea and F. graminearum GZ3639 were compared during coculture. Prior to physical contact, the antagonistic activity of C. rosea correlated with a response heavily dominated by upregulation of polyketide synthase gene clusters, consistent with the detected accumulation of corresponding secondary metabolite products. Similarly, prior to contact, trichothecene gene clusters were upregulated in F. graminearum, while those responsible for fusarielin and fusarin biosynthesis were downregulated, correlating with an accumulation of trichothecene products in the interaction zone over time. A concomitant increase in 15-acetyl deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside in the interaction zone was also detected, with C. rosea established as the source of this detoxified mycotoxin. After hyphal contact, C. rosea was found to predominantly transcribe genes encoding cell wall–degradation enzymes, major facilitator superfamily sugar transporters, anion:cation symporters, as well as alternative carbon source utilization pathways, together indicative of a transition to necrotropism at this stage. F. graminearum notably activated the transcription of phosphate starvation pathway signature genes at this time. Overall, a number of signature molecular mechanisms likely contributing to antagonistic activity by C. rosea against F. graminearum, as well as its mycotoxin tolerance, are identified in this report, yielding several new testable hypotheses toward understanding the basis of C. rosea as a biocontrol agent for continued agronomic development and application

    Genes, psychological traits and civic engagement

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    Civic engagement is a classic example of a collective action problem: while civic participation improves life in the community as a whole, it is individually costly and thus there is an incentive to free ride on the actions of others. Yet, we observe significant inter-individual variation in the degree to which people are in fact civically engaged. Early accounts reconciling the theoretical prediction with empirical reality focused either on variation in individuals\u27 material resources or their attitudes, but recent work has turned to genetic differences between individuals. We show an underlying genetic contribution to an index of civic engagement (0.41), as well as for the individual acts of engagement of volunteering for community or public service activities (0.33), regularly contributing to charitable causes (0.28) and voting in elections (0.27). There are closer genetic relationships between donating and the other two activities; volunteering and voting are not genetically correlated. Further, we show that most of the correlation between civic engagement and both positive emotionality and verbal IQ can be attributed to genes that affect both traits. These results enrich our understanding of the way in which genetic variation may influence the wide range of collective action problems that individuals face in modern community life

    Glaucoma surgery calculator: limited additive IOP effect of phacoemulsification on Ab Interno Trabeculectomy

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    Purpose: To compare reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP) after Trabectome in pseudophakic patients and Trabectome combined with phacoemulsification (Trabectome-phaco) in phakic patients. Methods: Cases were excluded if patients were followed for less than 12 months, diagnosed with neovascular glaucoma, or required additional glaucoma surgery within 12 months after Trabectome or Trabectome-phaco. Missing data such as type of glaucoma, gender, or age was imputed by generating 5 similar but non-identical datasets. Groups were matched using Coarsened Exact Matching based on age, gender, type of glaucoma, race, preoperative number of glaucoma medications and baseline IOP. Linear regression was used to examine IOP reduction after surgery. Results: A total of 612 cases were included in the study with 248 Trabectome cases and 364 Trabectome-phaco cases. Baseline IOP was found to be statistically significant. An average of 0.73±0.03 mmHg IOP reduction is associated with an increment of 1 mmHg in baseline IOP. Type of surgery was not statistically significant after adjusting for baseline IOP, age, baseline number of glaucoma medications and type of glaucoma. Conclusion: Patients with higher baseline IOP are expected to have a greater IOP reduction

    Interrelationship Between Nutrients and Chlorophyll-a in an Urban Stormwater Lake During the Ice-covered Period

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    Urban stormwater lakes in cold regions are ice-covered for substantial parts of the winter. It has long been considered that the ice-covered period is the “dormant season,” during which ecological processes are inactive. However, little is known about this period due to the historical focus on the open-water season. Recent pioneering research on ice-covered natural lakes has suggested that some critical ecological processes play out on the ice. The objective of this study was to investigate the active processes in ice-covered stormwater lakes. Data collected during a two-year field measurement program at a stormwater lake located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada were analyzed. The lake was covered by ice from November to mid-April of the following year. The mean value of chlorophyll-a during the ice-covered period was 22.09% of the mean value for the open-water season, suggesting that primary productivity under ice can be important. Nitrogen and phosphorus were remarkably higher during the ice-covered period, while dissolved organic carbon showed little seasonal variation. Under ice-covered conditions, the total phosphorus was the major nutrient controlling the ratio of total nitrogen to total phosphorus, and a significant positive correlation existed between total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a when the ratio was smaller than 10. The results provide preliminary evidence of the critical nutrient processes in the Stormwater Lake during the ice-covered period

    Regulation of Murine Airway Surface Liquid Volume by CFTR and Ca2+-activated Cl− Conductances

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    Two Cl− conductances have been described in the apical membrane of both human and murine proximal airway epithelia that are thought to play predominant roles in airway hydration: (1) CFTR, which is cAMP regulated and (2) the Ca2+-activated Cl− conductance (CaCC) whose molecular identity is uncertain. In addition to second messenger regulation, cross talk between these two channels may also exist and, whereas CFTR is absent or defective in cystic fibrosis (CF) airways, CaCC is preserved, and may even be up-regulated. Increased CaCC activity in CF airways is controversial. Hence, we have investigated the effects of CFTR on CaCC activity and have also assessed the relative contributions of these two conductances to airway surface liquid (ASL) height (volume) in murine tracheal epithelia. We find that CaCC is up-regulated in intact murine CF tracheal epithelia, which leads to an increase in UTP-mediated Cl−/volume secretion. This up-regulation is dependent on cell polarity and is lost in nonpolarized epithelia. We find no role for an increased electrical driving force in CaCC up-regulation but do find an increased Ca2+ signal in response to mucosal nucleotides that may contribute to the increased Cl−/volume secretion seen in intact epithelia. CFTR plays a critical role in maintaining ASL height under basal conditions and accordingly, ASL height is reduced in CF epithelia. In contrast, CaCC does not appear to significantly affect basal ASL height, but does appear to be important in regulating ASL height in response to released agonists (e.g., mucosal nucleotides). We conclude that both CaCC and the Ca2+ signal are increased in CF airway epithelia, and that they contribute to acute but not basal regulation of ASL height