770 research outputs found

    Cluster Dynamical Mean Field analysis of the Mott transition

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    We investigate the Mott transition using a cluster extension of dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). In the absence of frustration we find no evidence for a finite temperature Mott transition. Instead, in a frustrated model, we observe signatures of a finite temperature Mott critical point in agreement with experimental studies of kappa-organics and with single site DMFT. As the Mott transition is approached, a clear momentum dependence of the electron lifetime develops on the Fermi surface with the formation of cold regions along the diagonal direction of the Brillouin zone. Furthermore the variation of the effective mass is no longer equal to the inverse of the quasi particle residue, as in DMFT, and is reduced approaching the Mott transition.Comment: 4 page

    Ni impurity induced enhancement of the pseudogap in cuprate high T_c superconductors

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    The influence of magnetic Ni and non-magnetic Zn impurities on the normal state pseudogap (PG) in the c-axis optical conductivity of NdBa2_{2}\{Cu1−y% _{1-y}(Ni,Zn)y}3_{y}\}_{3}O7−δ_{7-\delta} crystals was studied by spectral ellipsometry. We find that these impurities which strongly suppress superconductivity have a profoundly different impact on the PG. Zn gives rise to a gradual and inhomogeneous PG suppression while Ni strongly enhances the PG. Our results challenge theories that relate the PG either to precursor superconductivity or to other phases with exotic order parameters, such as flux phase or d-density wave states, that should be suppressed by potential scattering. The apparent difference between magnetic and non-magnetic impurities instead points towards an important role of magnetic correlations in the PG state.Comment: 11 pages and 2 figure

    Formation of metallic magnetic clusters in a Kondo-lattice metal: Evidence from an optical study

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    Magnetic materials are usually divided into two classes: those with localised magnetic moments, and those with itinerant charge carriers. We present a comprehensive experimental (spectroscopic ellipsomerty) and theoretical study to demonstrate that these two types of magnetism do not only coexist but complement each other in the Kondo-lattice metal, Tb2PdSi3. In this material the itinerant charge carriers interact with large localised magnetic moments of Tb(4f) states, forming complex magnetic lattices at low temperatures, which we associate with self-organisation of magnetic clusters. The formation of magnetic clusters results in low-energy optical spectral weight shifts, which correspond to opening of the pseudogap in the conduction band of the itinerant charge carriers and development of the low- and high-spin intersite electronic transitions. This phenomenon, driven by self-trapping of electrons by magnetic fluctuations, could be common in correlated metals, including besides Kondo-lattice metals, Fe-based and cuprate superconductors.Comment: 30 pages, 6 Figure

    Theory of Quasi-Particles in the Underdoped High Tc Superconducting State

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    The microscopic theory of superconducting (SC) state in the SU(2) slave-boson model is developed. We show how the pseudogap and Fermi surface (FS) segments in the normal state develop into a d-wave gap in the superconducting state. Even though the superfluid density is of order x (the doping concentration), the physical properties of the low lying quasiparticles are found to resemble those in BCS theory. Thus the microscopic theory lay the foundation for our earlier phenomenological discussion of the unusual SC properties in the underdoped cuprates.Comment: 4 pages in RevTeX, 1 figure in eps, revised versio

    Photoemission Evidence for a Remnant Fermi Surface and d-Wave-Like Dispersion in Insulating Ca2CuO2Cl2

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    An angle resolved photoemission study on Ca2CuO2Cl2, a parent compound of high Tc superconductors is reported. Analysis of the electron occupation probability, n(k) from the spectra shows a steep drop in spectral intensity across a contour that is close to the Fermi surface predicted by the band calculation. This analysis reveals a Fermi surface remnant even though Ca2CuO2Cl2 is a Mott insulator. The lowest energy peak exhibits a dispersion with approximately the |cos(kxa)-cos(kya)| form along this remnant Fermi surface. Together with the data from Dy doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8 + delta) these results suggest that this d-wave like dispersion of the insulator is the underlying reason for the pseudo gap in the underdoped regime.Comment: 9 pages, including 7 figures. Published in Science, one figure correcte

    Pseudogap and photoemission spectra in the attractive Hubbard model

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectra are calculated microscopically for the two-dimensional attractive Hubbard model. A system of self-consistent T-matrix equations are solved numerically in the real-time domain. The single-particle spectral function has a two-peak structure resulting from the presense of bound states. The spectral function is suppressed at the chemical potential, leading to a pseudogap-like behavior. At high temperatures and densities the pseudogap diminishes and finally disappears; these findings are similar to experimental observations for the cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Proposal for an Experiment to Test a Theory of High Temperature Superconductors

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    A theory for the phenomena observed in Copper-Oxide based high temperature superconducting materials derives an elusive time-reversal and rotational symmetry breaking order parameter for the observed pseudogap phase ending at a quantum-critical point near the composition for the highest TcT_c. An experiment is proposed to observe such a symmetry breaking. It is shown that Angle-resolved Photoemission yields a current density which is different for left and right circularly polarized photons. The magnitude of the effect and its momentum dependence is estimated. Barring the presence of domains of the predicted phase an asymmetry of about 0.1 is predicted at low temperatures in moderately underdoped samples.Comment: latex, 2 figure

    The Unusual Superconducting State of Underdoped Cuprates

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    There is increasing experimental evidence that the superconducting energy gap Δ0\Delta_0 in the underdoped cuprates is independent of doping concentration xx while the superfluid density is linear in xx. We show that under these conditions, thermal excitation of the quasiparticles is very effective in destroying the superconducting state, so that TcT_c is proportional to xΔ0x\Delta_0 and part of the gap structure remains in the normal state. We then estimate Hc2H_{c2} and predict it to be proportional to x2x^2. We also discuss to what extent the assumptions that go into the quasiparticle description can be derived in the U(1) and SU(2) formulations of the t-J model.Comment: 4 pages RevTe

    High-Resolution Photoemission Study of MgB2

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    We have performed high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy on MgB2 and observed opening of a superconducting gap with a narrow coherent peak. We found that the superconducting gap is s-like with the gap value of 4.5 meV at 15 K. The temperature dependence (15 - 40 K) of gap value follows well the BCS form, suggesting that 2Delta/kBTc at T=0 is about 3. No pseudogap behavior is observed in the normal state. The present results strongly suggest that MgB2 is categorized into a phonon-mediated BCS superconductor in the weak-coupling regime.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Fermi Surface Evolution, Pseudo Gap and Stagger Gauge Field Fluctuation in Underdoped Cuprates

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    In the context of t-J model we show that in underdoped regime,beside the usual long wave length gauge field fluctuation, an additional low energy fluctuation, staggered gauge field fluctuation plays a crucial role in the evolution of Fermi surface(FS) as well as the line shape of spectral function for the cuprates. By including the staggered gauge field fluctuation we calculate the spectral function of the electrons by RPA(random phase approximation). The line shape of the spectral function near (Ï€,0)(\pi,0) is very broad in underdoped case and is quite sharp in overdoped case. For the spectral function near (0.5Ï€,0.5Ï€)(0.5\pi,0.5\pi), the quasiparticle peaks are always very sharp in both underdoped and overdoped case. The temperature dependence of the spectral function is also discussed in our present calculation. These results fit well with the recent ARPES experiments. We also calculate the FS crossover from a small four segment like FS to a large continuous FS. The reason of such kind of FS crossover is ascribed to the staggered gauge field fluctuation which is strong in underdoped regime and becomes much weaker in overdoped regime. The pseudo gap extracted from the ARPES data can be also interpreted by the calculation.Comment: 4 pages,6 eps figures include
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