1,206 research outputs found

    Associations of amphibians with environmental covariates and estimation of the prevalence of the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in north-central Iowa wetlands

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    Contaminants, habitat degradation, and the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) are among suspected culprits for worldwide amphibian declines, however; little field research has been done to examine these factors in the Midwestern US. In 2006 I conducted amphibian surveys at 29 wetlands in north-central Iowa, a region dominated by intensive row crop agriculture. I utilized three survey techniques to document amphibians and used the information-theoretic approach to choose models that best estimated relationships between successful reproduction and species richness, and the parameters: pesticides, nutrients, wetland density, proportion cropland in the landscape, and fish. I collected swab samples from Rana pipiens and tested them for the presence of Bd. Alachlor, phosphate, and fish were negatively associated with successful reproduction of Rana pipiens and alachlor and fish were negatively associated with reproductive success of Pseudacris triseriata. Fish were negatively associated with anuran species richness. I detected Bd on samples from 23% of sites

    Novel Approaches for the Treatment of Uveal Melanoma

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    Il melanoma uveale (MU) è il principale tumore intraoculare nella popolazione adulta. Durante il mio dottorato di ricerca, la mia attività scientifica è stata volta allo studio dei meccanismi coinvolti nella progressione del MU, con lo scopo di identificare nuove strategie terapeutiche dirette contro la componente tumorale e stromale. Il sistema dei fattori di crescita dei fibroblasti (FGF) e dei loro recettori (FGFR) è coinvolto nella crescita e nella progressione tumorale. Inoltre, dati clinici evidenziano come l’elevata espressione di ligandi e/o recettori sia associata ad una prognosi peggiore nei pazienti. In questo lavoro di tesi è stato dimostrato per la prima volta come l’inibizione del sistema FGF/FGFR rappresenti una strategia efficace per colpire le cellule staminali tumorali del MU, coinvolte nella disseminazione metastatica, nella resistenza alle terapie e nell’insorgenza di recidive. Inoltre, durante il mio dottorato di ricerca ho partecipato allo sviluppo di un modello ortotopico di MU nell’embrione di zebrafish. Infine, una parte di questo lavoro di tesi è stata volta ad approfondire i meccanismi di escape immunologico messi in atto dal MU per sfuggire al controllo del sistema immunitario. In questo contesto, i linfociti Natural Killer (NK) sono una popolazione di cellule dell’immunità che riveste un ruolo fondamentale nell’immunosorveglianza nei confronti delle cellule tumorali. I nostri dati preliminari dimostrano che il MU esprime elevati livelli del fattore immunosoppressivo TGFb e che è in grado “riprogrammare” i linfociti NK verso un fenotipo pro-tumorale, detto decidual-like, ponendo le basi per ulteriori studiUveal melanoma (UM) is a very aggressive tumor, and it represents the most common primary intraocular malignancy in the adult population. While primary tumors are successfully treated in 90% of cases, almost 50% of patients ultimately develops metastasis, with a median survival after diagnosis spanning from 6 to 12 months. Therefore, effective pharmacological therapies are eagerly required. In this frame, during my PhD I have focused on gaining a better understanding on the mechanisms sustaining tumor progression in the attempt to identify novel therapeutic strategies. In this thesis, I have illustrated our results on alternative approaches aimed at hampering both tumor cells as well as the stromal component. The Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)/FGF Receptor (FGFR) system exerts a very important role in UM. Indeed, both clinical and experimental evidence demonstrates the presence of an autocrine FGF/FGFR activation loop, with alterations in the expression of ligands and receptors resulting in a poorer prognosis in patients. In this context, we have previously demonstrated the efficacy of inhibiting the FGF/FGFR system using the pan FGF-trap NSC12 as a strategy to reduce cell proliferation, migration, and survival of UM cell lines. Additionally, FGF-mediated signaling is also involved in the maintenance of Cancer Stem-like Cells (CSCs), a subpopulation of tumor cells responsible for tumorigenesis, metastatic dissemination, therapy resistance, and recurrence. Therefore, eliminating CSCs is a crucial step to achieve a complete tumor eradication. On this premise, we have demonstrated for the first time that the inhibition of the FGF/FGFR system is an effective strategy to hamper the stem-like component due to the enhanced sensitivity of CSCs to FGF-deprivation. In this frame, we have also established an orthotopic model of UM in the zebrafish embryo as a tool for in vivo drug screening. By engrafting tumor cells in proximity to the developing choroidal vasculature of the eye, our model closely mimics the microenvironment in which tumors originate. Additionally, we have developed a reliable and accurate method for assessing xenograft tumor growth by exploiting the bioluminescent signal of tumor cells transduced with firefly luciferase. The advent of immune therapy strategies has failed to improve the clinical management of UM, due to the exploitation of immune escape strategies that are still largely unclear. In this context, Natural Killer (NK) lymphocytes are important regulators of cancer immunosurveillance and their activity is finely controlled by the expression of specific activating and inhibitory receptors that allow them to discriminate and eliminate malignant cells. However, the presence of a pro-tumor and pro-angiogenic subpopulation of decidual-like NK lymphocytes has been recently described in various tumor types. These cells are characterized by the production of pro-angiogenic/pro-inflammatory mediators as well as by an impairment of their cytotoxic functions. On this premise, we have investigated whether decidual-like polarization of NK lymphocytes could be involved in UM, as a process sustaining tumor progression as well as the formation of metastatic lesions. Our data demonstrates that the conditioned media from UM cell can shift NK lymphocytes towards a decidual-like state, characterized by reduced levels of activating receptors and by an impaired cytotoxic activity. These data, together with the evidence that UM cells express the immunosuppressive cytokine TGFb, support the hypothesis that soluble factors produced by cancer cells and accumulated within the tumor microenvironment could favor UM immune escape. Our results set the basis for further studies on the role played by UM-derived TGFb in reprogramming NK lymphocytes and they hint at TGFb as a potential target for the treatment of UM

    Application and Influence of Technology on Medication Adherence in Adults with Heart Failure: An Integrative Literature Review

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    Abstract Background: Heart failure is a progressive disease that presents itself through multiple debilitating symptoms. Being there is no cure, symptom management and prevention through a tailored polypharmaceutical regimen is key to keeping these patients out of the hospital and improving their quality of life. Considering as of 2014, 6 million Americans are living with heart failure, it is crucial to implement interventions to promote medication adherence. Emerging technologies can provide patients the opportunity to remotely monitor their self-care and better adhere to their drug regimens. Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify forms of technology available to adults living with heart failure to adhere to prescribed medication regimens and to explore the efficacy of these technologies on improving medication adherence. Methods: An integrative literature review was conducted to include recent, peer-reviewed, and primary sources meeting defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data synthesis and analysis was completed to identify common themes in the literature. Results: Seven studies were examined to reveal eight sources of technology applying either reminder systems, event monitoring systems, or video phone systems. These technologies utilized either novel devices, smartphone applications, or at-home equipment to carry out interventions and test efficacy. Conclusions: Event monitoring systems were found to be the most efficient in promoting medication adherence in adults with heart failure. These findings reveal more research needs to be conducted using event monitoring systems, behavioral theory-based interventions, larger sample sizes, and potential barriers to medication adherence in this population. Keywords: heart failure, medication, adherence, compliance, technolog

    Monolithic PneuNets Soft Actuators for Robotic Rehabilitation: Methodologies for Design, Production and Characterization

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    Soft-robotics for biomedical applications, such as rehabilitation robots, is a field of intense research activity. Different actuation solutions have been proposed in the last decades, involving study and development of soft actuators of different types and materials. The purpose of the paper is to present procedures for an optimized design, and for easy and low cost production and characterization of monolithic PneuNets soft-actuators. An innovative design approach has been developed. The parameterization of the geometry, combined with FEM simulations is the basis for an optimized design of the actuator, as a function of the obtained bending and of the generated forces. Simple and cheap characterization setup and procedures have been identified for the actuator characterization and for simulation results validation. An easy and low-cost fabrication method based on lost wax core obtained through a silicone based mold has been developed for a monolithic PneuNets soft-actuator. The proposed solution performs well in bending, without the need for a strain limiting layer. Experimental results validated simulations, confirming the feasibility of adopting an optimized simulation-based design approach

    Laboratory aid to the diagnosis and therapy of infection in the neonate

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    Despite the advances in perinatal and neonatal care and use of newer potent antibiotics, the incidence of neonatal sepsis remains high and the outcome is still severe. For years, investigators have sought a test or panel of tests able to identify septic neonates accurately and rapidly in order to obtain an early diagnosis and develop a specific effective treatment for a successful outcome. In addition to the standard procedures (blood, CSF, and urine cultures), such panels have included a combination of haematological investigations (total, differential and immature cell counts), and levels of acute-phase reactants (principally CRP and procalcitonin), and cytokines (such as IL-6 or neutrophil CD64). Furthermore, the science of proteomics and genomics has been applied to the search for bio-markers, production of protein profiles and genetic polymorphisms that can rapidly help the prediction, early diagnosis, and treatment of human diseases, but, for now, data are as yet insufficient to confirm their validity

    Exploring Responsible Tourism in Upper Myanmar

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    The concept of “responsible tourism”, which has spread rapidly in recent years, evokes conscious tourist behavior so as to minimize negative impacts on destinations, from an environmental, economic and cultural point of view. While intuitively comprehensible, the concept is not easy to operationalize in empirical studies. Facing this difficulty, our contribution illustrates an attempt to operatively define the concept within the framework of the development of a sustainable destination plan for the Ancient Cities of Upper Myanmar (ACUM). The paper describes the index adopted to survey and measure responsible attitudes among tourists and the main results of the research.

    Good Media Mix Strategies for Bad Times: Sequencing Optimizes

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    This paper summarizes an experiment which compares three commonly used marketing elements: advertising, Internet websites, and publicity. These elements are rated on two dependent variables: message acceptance (credibility and message strength), and message response (attitude and purchase intent). Direct effects of each variable are examined. Sequencing effects are also examined to see if it matters in what order potential customers encounter the marketing message. Results indicate that a website, used alone, can make a significant difference in message strength. However, to impact purchase intent, a multimedia campaign is necessary. The current study extends the authors’ 2005 research comparing only advertising and publicity on the same variables. The publicity-lead sequence in both studies produced some of the strongest results on the purchase intent variable. Advertising-only was not significant for any variable in either study but was significantly present in sequencing effects. Applications for marketing professionals are included


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    Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengetahui Kinerja Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Kabupaten Halmahera Barat Di Bidang Legislasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, dengan menggunakan analisis data interaktif, Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja DPRD Kabupaten Halmahera Barat di Bidang Legislasi masih belum baik, karena kemampuan dari personil anggota DPRD Kabupaten Halmahera Barat dalam proses legislasi tidak sesuai dengan harapan, Peraturan Daerah yang telah disetujui oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Kabupaten Halmahera Barat sepanjang tahun 2014-2019 adalah sebanyak 20 Perda dari 55 Ranperda DPRD dalam menjalakan Legislasi belum sepenuhnya berjalan dan berfungsi secara maksimal dan belum berjalan sebagaimana mestinya, karena Ranperda yang dijadikan Peraturan Daerah sebagian besar berasal dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Halmahera Barat.Kata Kunci : Kinerja, DPRD, Fungsi Legislas


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    This Article presented an analysis of the domestic violence towards black American women as seen in Alice Walker novel “The Color Purple”. The reason for particularly choose this topic because the wants to find out how the domestic violence faced by black American women during 1970s- 1980s delineated in “The Color Purple”. In this article, the writers applied library research to collect the data. The main data were taken from the novel “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker. Furthermore, in this article, the writers used the sociology of literature theory since the writers analyzes the novel as a reflection of situation that happened to black American women in the south during 1970s- 1980s. After analyzing the data, the writers found out that domestic violence happened to the two characters in the novel: Celie and Sofia. The black women in the novel represented black American women in the South during 1970s- 1980s. They undergo domestic violence from black American men. The violences were: physical violence, mental violence and neglect
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