505 research outputs found

    The pleiotropic effects of vitamin D promoting bowel health

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    Vitamin D insufficiency is seasonally endemic in populations north of the 40th parallel, and epidemiological data show an association with colorectal cancer risk and prognosis. Molecular mechanisms that underpin the relationship are not well established. Vitamin D status is shown to be associated with age-related silencing of tumour suppressors in colonic stem cells via aberrant DNA methylation, suggesting that insufficiency contributes to transformation. In this text, vitamin D’s ability to promote bowel health via modification of DNA methylation patterns has been investigated. Chronic inflammation drives tumourigenesis, and vitamin D is recognised to promote proper immune function. Data presented here confirm that vitamin D differentiates monocytes to a tissue-resident macrophage phenotype. D-mediated differentiation is associated with hypomethylation of the TNFα promoter and response to LPS. Thus, we suggest that vitamin D attenuates aberrant DNA methylation in colonic stem cells by promoting resolution of systemic inflammation. Mucosal inflammation mediated by PGE2 promotes aberrant DNA methylation. Pericryptal myofibroblasts interact with colonic stem cells via their secretomes, which are a source of PGE2. Supernatants from primary intestinal myofibroblasts were characterised by LC/MS mass spectroscopy in response to vitamin D. Vitamin D attenuated TNFα-induced transcription of COX2 and PGE2 secretion. PGE2 induced hypermethylation of SOX17 and DKK1 in colonic organoids, and myofibroblast supernatants regulated DNA methyltransferase activity in case-matched organoids. Furthermore, vitamin D ameliorated established aberrant DNA methylation in organoids propagated from inflamed mucosa. Thus, we suggest that vitamin D attenuates mucosal inflammation, and the effects of PGE2 driving aberrant DNA methylation in colonic stem cells. Vitamin D status predicts colorectal cancer survival. The effects of vitamin D sufficiency on colorectal cancer cell lines was investigated. Vitamin D-treated cells exhibit a modified methylome, reduced transcription of MAP kinases, reduced phosphorylation of ERK1 and 2, and inhibition of proliferation. Thus we suggest that vitamin D sufficiency improves colorectal cancer prognosis via modification of established aberrant DNA methylation. Taken together, data support vitamin D sufficiency promoting bowel health via attenuation of aberrant age-related DNA methylation in colonic stem cells

    Investment Controlling im Financial Consulting : Zweckmässige Instrumente für Financial Consultants und Kunden

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    Im Rahmen des Financial Consultings werden Kapitalanlagen in Abstimmung mit den übrigen Elementen wie Vorsorge, Versicherungen, Steuern etc. getätigt. Während der Anpassungsbedarf in den übrigen Bereichen durch feste Termine oder Ereignisse ausgelöst wird, empfiehlt es sich, die Kapitalanlagen einer zusätzlichen periodischen Kontrolle zu unterziehen. Um dabei das Resultat der Kapitalanlagen im Hinblick auf seine Ziele optimieren zu können, muss der Privatanleger die typischen psychologischen Fallen vermeiden. Im theoretischen Teil dieser Arbeit werden aus den Themenbereichen Financial Consulting, Investment Controlling und Behavioral Finance die für die empirischen Untersuchungen relevanten Aspekte herausgearbeitet und Zusammenhänge aufgezeigt. Auf der Basis der erarbeiteten theoretischen Erkenntnisse werden im empirischen Teil Vermögensreportings verschiedener Finanzdienstleister untersucht, mit dem Ergebnis, dass diese wesentlichen Voraussetzungen für ein sinnvolles Investment Controlling nicht erfüllen und psychologische Aspekte kaum berücksichtigen. Zu einem ähnlichen Befund kommt auch die Analyse der Anlagekonzepte von Privatkunden. Aus den Erkenntnissen des theoretischen und den Ergebnissen des empirischen Teils werden Lösungsansätze für ein optimiertes Vermögensreporting und für ein aussagekräftiges und strukturiertes sogenanntes Investment Policy Statement abgeleitet. Zudem werden ein periodischer Anlage- und Kontrollprozess sowie die Verwendung von Szenarien für eine individuelle Ermittlung des Risikoprofils vorgeschlagen. Mit Hilfe des Investment Controllings – basierend auf einem umfassenden Investment Policy Statement und auf einem optimierten Vermögensreporting – wird der Kunde bei der Erreichung seiner Ziele unterstützt. Dabei wird die Kundenbeziehung auf eine neue Basis gestellt, die über reines Vertrauen hinaus geht – hin zu einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kunde und Financial Consultant, welche die Ziele des Kunden in den Mittelpunkt der Beratung stellt

    Bulimia nervosa in adolescents: treatment, eating pathology and comorbidity

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    Background: Bulimia nervosa (BN) is occurring with increasing frequency among adolescents. Yet, few studies have undertaken to detail the clinical presentation, or investigate different treatments for adolescents with BN. Objective: In this article, we 1) review our current knowledge of BN in adolescents, both in terms of clinical presentation and treatment possibilities, and 2) describe a cohort of adolescent bulimics in terms of eating pathology and comorbidity.Subjects: Twenty-seven consecutive referrals for adolescent BN to The University of Chicago Hospitals are presented here (mean age=16.2 yrs, sd+1.4). These patients are among the first to be evaluated for participation in an ongoing randomized controlled trial of two psychosocial treatments. Measures: Eating pathology was measured with the Eating Disorders Examination (EDE), while the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children (K-SADS) was used to establish comorbid psychiatric diagnoses. Results: Our findings indicate that this cohort is quite diverse in terms of ethnicity and family environment. Rates of comorbid depression are much higher in our cohort than in a comparable sample of adult BN. In most other respects, the clinical presentation of BN in our sample of adolescents appears to be similar to that in adults. Conclusion: Comorbidity and adolescent developmental status are two obvious factors that should be taken into account in the evaluation of effective treatments for adolescent BN.South African Psychiatry Review - August 200

    A social identity analysis of technological innovation in an action sport: judging elite half-pipe snowboarding

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    Research question: We explore how facets of the group identity shared by elite half-pipe snowboarding constituents (i.e., judges, athletes, and coaches) shape attitudes towards a proposed technological innovation to the existing judging process. Research methods: Forty-nine Elite Half-Pipe Snowboarding (EHPS) constituents (Coaches, Athletes, and Judges) completed an open-ended questionnaire and email protocol. The sample included participants from 19 countries in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America; all of which participated, coached, or judged in Fédération Internationale de Ski (FIS) or Olympic EHPS competitions. Results and discussion: Participants valued the freedom, individuality, and performance progression the current subjective judging protocol endorses. However, performance progression and changes to the half-pipe have created an increasingly difficult judging task. Participant attitudes toward the proposed innovation varied based on whether it was used to compute athlete final scores or to assist judges with their decision making. Positive attitudes stemmed from the technological innovation providing support to judges, while retaining the flexibility of the existing performance assessment process. Negative attitudes emerged due to perceptions the innovation would inhibit athlete freedom, creativity, and individuality. Implications: Sport managers need to pay close attention to the identity shared by constituents prior to implementing innovation processes. Doing so provides a basis to apply new technological innovations in alignment with the values and beliefs of importance to constituents

    Examining local processes when applying a cumulative impact policy to address harms of alcohol outlet density.

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    One approach to addressing the negative health and social harms of excessive drinking has been to attempt to limit alcohol availability in areas of high outlet density. The Licensing Act (2003) enables English local authorities the power to implement a Cumulative Impact Policy (CIP) in order to tackle alcohol challenges. More than 100 English local authorities have implemented a CIP in one or more designated areas. We examined local licence decision-making in the context of implementing CIPs. Specifically, we explored the activities involved in alcohol licensing in one London local authority in order to explicate how local decision-making processes regarding alcohol outlet density occur. Institutional ethnographic research revealed that CIPs were contested on multiple grounds within the statutory licensing process of a local authority with this policy in place. CIPs are an example of multi-level governance in which national and local interests, legal powers and alcohol licensing priorities interface. Public health priorities can be advanced in the delivery of CIPs, but those priorities can at times be diluted by those of other stakeholders, both public sector and commercial

    Enabling inclusive sport participation: Effects of disability and support needs on constraints to sport participation

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    Framed by a social approach to disability and leisure constraints theory, this paper presents the results of a national study examining the constraints to sport participation for people with disability. Responses were obtained from a multi-platform questionnaire survey capturing data on constraints to participation, dimensions of disability, and level of support needs. The Exploratory Factor Analysis identified five structural together with intrapersonal and interpersonal constraint factors. While intrapersonal and interpersonal considerations were found to constrain sport participation and nonparticipation, the five structural factors had the most significant constraining impact on sport participation. The findings showed that disability type and level of support needs explain significant variations in constraints to participation and nonparticipation. When the 2-Way MANOVA included type of disability and level of support needs as contingent independent variables, the level of support needs was the most significant indicator of the likelihood of having constraints to participation or nonparticipation

    Examining the structural composition and longitudinal change of team identification.

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    The propensity of strongly identified fans to contribute positive organizational outcomes for sport teams underpins why team identification maintains a central position in sport management. In the present study we examine the multidimensional structure, stability, and interrelationships between the dimensions of team identification, using longitudinal data (April 2011-April 2012) collected from fans of a new Australian Rules football team (N=602). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of the team identification items included (measured using the Team*ID scale), supported a five-dimensional model structure. This model was subsequently computed as a longitudinal CFA to test the configural and metric invariance of the Team*ID scale. We used a cross-lagged panel model to examine the longitudinal stability of, and interrelationships between,the dimensions: affect, behavioral involvement, cognitive awareness, private evaluation, and public evaluation. Each dimension displayed relative stability over time. In addition, public evaluation and private evaluation in April 2011 displayed a positive relationship with behavioral involvement in April 2012. Similarly, cognitive awareness in April 2011 predicted increases in public evaluation in April 2012 two. We conclude with implications for theory and practice

    Sport Consumer Behavior Research: Improving Our Game

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    Sport consumer behavior (SCB) research continues to grow in both popularity and sophistication. A guiding principle in much of this research is that sport consumers seek out sport related experiences, and the benefits they yield, in order to satisfy needs and wants. This approach has provided new knowledge and insight into sport consumers. One outcome of this focus is that the vast majority of research on sport consumers has centered on psychological characteristics of these sport experiences related to evaluative and affective components. In addition, this research has predominately relied on cross-sectional studies and attitudinal surveys to collect information with less emphasis on how various situational or environmental factors can influence attitudinal data patterns at the individual and group level. This special issue seeks to deepen our understanding of SCB by providing seven papers that demonstrate or validate findings using multiple studies or data collections

    Exploring the development of team identification.

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    The article discusses a study investigating the development of identification with sports teams, with particular focus given to the application of social identity theory and the psychological continuum model (PCM). The development of internal meaning attached to the team and external actions such as searching for team-related information and promoting the team to others is examined, and the influence of media on attitude formation is commented on. A review of previous literature on the topic is also provided
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