290 research outputs found

    Childhood asthma and physical activity: a systematic review with meta-analysis and Graphic Appraisal Tool for Epidemiology assessment

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    PRISMA Items Used in Reporting in the Current Systematic Literature Review. Additional file 1 presents the PRISMA checklist items that were examined, with the draft article page numbers. (DOCX 29 kb

    Teacher Residency as a Path to Teacher Diversity: Negotiating Tensions in Role and Identity

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    This phenomenological qualitative study examined the experiences of graduate-level teacher candidates enrolled in teacher residency programs and serving as teacher aides or assistants (TAs). Some participants were graduate-level teacher candidates already employed as TAs in a large urban district and enrolled in an Urban Pipeline Residency Program, a state-funded diversity initiative designed to increase the number of teachers from underrepresented groups by supporting TAs to pursue teacher certification. Additional participants were enrolled in the Traditional Residency Program and completed residencies in other local districts. Survey and interview data from TA/teacher candidates, mentors, and instructors showed that TA/teacher candidates in both groups experienced conflicting roles and identities, balanced demands of different classroom settings, lacked access to knowledge and materials, and balanced demands on their time. Informed by role theory, identity work, and culturally responsive pedagogy, this study suggests that programs for TA/teacher candidates may benefit from negotiating these tensions through: 1) support for TA/teacher candidates to develop their identities as teachers to address role conflict, 2) strong communication protocols to address role clarity, and 3) increased access to tools and knowledge to address role enactment

    An fMRI investigation of the neural correlates underlying the autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR)

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    Introduction: The "autonomous sensory meridian response" (ASMR) is a neologism used to describe an internal sensation of deep relaxation and pleasant head tingling which is often stimulated by gentle sounds, light touch, and personal attention. Methods: An fMRI-based methodology was employed to examine the brain activation of subjects prescreened for ASMR-receptivity (n=10) as they watched ASMR videos and identified specific moments of relaxation and tingling. Results: Subjects who experienced ASMR showed significant activation in regions associated with both reward (NAcc) and emotional arousal (dACC and Insula/IFG). Brain activation during ASMR showed similarities to patterns previously observed in musical frisson as well as affiliative behaviors. Conclusion: This is the first study to measure the activation of various brain regions during ASMR and these results may help to reveal the mechanistic underpinnings of this sensation

    Iron, silicate, and light co-limitation of three Southern Ocean diatom species

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    The effect of combined iron, silicate, and light co-limitation was investigated in the three diatom species Actinocyclus sp. Ehrenberg, Chaetoceros dichaeta Ehrenberg, and Chaetoceros debilis Cleve, isolated from the Southern Ocean (SO). Growth of all species was co-limited by iron and silicate, reflected in a significant increase in the number of cell divisions compared to the control. Lowest relative Si uptake and drastic frustule malformation was found under iron and silicate co-limitation in C. dichaeta, while Si limitation in general caused cell elongation in both Chaetoceros species. Higher light intensities similar to SO surface conditions showed a negative impact on growth of C. dichaeta and Actinocyclus sp. and no effect on C. debilis. This is in contrast to the assumed light limitation of SO diatoms due to deep wind driven mixing. Our results suggest that growth and species composition of Southern Ocean diatoms is influenced by a sensitive interaction of the abiotic factors, iron, silicate, and light

    A Spectroscopic study of laser-induced Tin-Lead plasma: transition probabilities for spectral lines of Sn I

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    In this paper, we present transition probabilities for 97 spectral lines of Sn I, corresponding to transitions n(n = 6,7,8)s → 5p2, n(n = 5,6,7)d → 5p2, 5p3 → 5p2, n(n = 7)p → 6s, determined by measuring the intensities of the emission lines of a Laser-induced breakdown (emission) spectrometry (LIBS). The optical emission spectroscopy from a laser-induced plasma generated by a 10 640 Å radiation, with an irradiance of 1.4 × 1010 Wcm− 2 on an Sn–Pb alloy (an Sn content of approximately 20%), in vacuum, was recorded at 0.8 µs, and analysed between 1900 and 7000 Å. The population-level distribution and corresponding temperature were obtained using Boltzmann plots. The electron density of the plasma was determined using well-known Stark broadening parameters of spectral lines. The plasma under study had an electron temperature of 13,200 K and an electron number density of 2 × 1016 cm− 3. The experimental relative transition probabilities were put on an absolute scale using the branching ratio method to calculate Sn I multiplet transition probabilities from available radiative lifetime data of their upper states and plotting the Sn I emission spectrum lines on a Boltzmann plot assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) to be valid and following Boltzmann's law. The LTE conditions and plasma homogeneity have been checked. Special attention was paid to the possible self-absorption of the different transitions. The experimental results obtained have been compared with the experimental values given by other authors

    Tools for crushing diatoms – opal teeth in copepods feature a rubber-like bearing composed of resilin

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    Diatoms are generally known for superior mechanical properties of their mineralised shells. Nevertheless, many copepod crustaceans are able to crush such shells using their mandibles. This ability very likely requires feeding tools with specific material compositions and properties. For mandibles of several copepod species silica-containing parts called opal teeth have been described. The present study reveals the existence of complex composite structures, which contain, in addition to silica, the soft and elastic protein resilin and form opal teeth with a rubber-like bearing in the mandibles of the copepod Centropages hamatus. These composite structures likely increase the efficiency of the opal teeth while simultaneously reducing the risk of mechanical damage. They are supposed to have coevolved with the diatom shells in the evolutionary arms race, and their development might have been the basis for the dominance of the copepods within today's marine zooplankton

    Foraminiferal assemblages as palaeoenvironmental bioindicators in Late Jurassic epicontinental platforms: relation with trophic conditions

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    Foraminiferal assemblages from the neritic environment reveal the palaeoecological impact of nutrient types in relation to shore distance and sedimentary setting. Comparatively proximal siliciclastic settings from the Boreal Domain (Brora section, Eastern Scotland) were dominated by inner−shelf primary production in the water column or in sea bottom, while in relatively seawards mixed carbonate−siliciclastic settings from the Western Tethys (Prebetic, Southern Spain), nutrients mainly derived from the inner−shelf source. In both settings, benthic foraminiferal assemblages increased in diversity and proportion of epifauna from eutrophic to oligotrophic conditions. The proximal setting example (Brora Brick Clay Mb.) corresponds to Callovian offshore shelf deposits with a high primary productivity, bottom accumulation of organic matter, and a reduced sedimentation rate for siliciclastics. Eutrophic conditions favoured some infaunal foraminifera. Lately, inner shelf to shoreface transition areas (Fascally Siltstone Mb.), show higher sedimentation rates and turbidity, reducing euphotic−zone range depths and primary production, and then deposits with a lower organic matter content (high−mesotrophic conditions). This determined less agglutinated infaunal foraminifera content and increasing calcitic and aragonitic epifauna, and calcitic opportunists (i.e., Lenticulina). The comparatively distal setting of the Oxfordian example (Prebetic) corresponds to: (i) outer−shelf areas with lower nutrient input (relative oligotrophy) and organic matter accumulation on comparatively firmer substrates (lumpy lithofacies group) showing dominance of calcitic epifaunal foraminifera, and (ii) mid−shelf areas with a higher sedimentation rate and nutrient influx (low−mesotrophic conditions) favouring potentially deep infaunal foraminifers in comparatively unconsolidated and nutrient−rich substrates controlled by instable redox boundary (marl−limestone rhythmite lithofacies).This research was carried out with the financial support of projects CGL2005−06636−C0201 and CGL2005−01316/BTE, and University of Oslo, Norway−Statoil cooperation. M.R. holds a Juan de la Cierva grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain
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