6 research outputs found

    A Guide for Early Career Success in Academic Research

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    Balancing the research, teaching, and service facets is important to achieving success in academia. Doctoral programs should prepare their students to successfully navigate and balance all three of these facets. We focus on the research facet in this study and draw from the experience of a panel of accomplished researchers within the discipline, to compile a set of guidelines for doctoral students and new faculty. Analyzing the qualitative results from the panel interviews, we find that to ensure success within the research facet, one must effectively manage three emergent focal distinctions; a relationship with: oneself, others, and with the work

    How do salespeople make decisions? The role of emotions and deliberation on adaptive selling, and the moderating role of intuition

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    This research explores how salespeople make decisions and what factors influence these decisions. Research in psychology suggests that, in making decisions, people use both intuition and deliberation, often relying on some degree of both processes. This study examines the impact of emotion, intuition, and deliberation on a salesperson’s adaptability and resulting performance. Intuition is found to play a significant moderating role in the relationships between both deliberation and regulation of emotions on adaptive selling. However, as anticipated, the role of this moderation variable differs for each of these relationships. Findings suggest that intuition provides an important input to deliberative and emotive thought processes, and plays an important role in salesperson adaptiveness. Implications for salesperson mentoring and training programs are explored.