342 research outputs found

    Categories of the humorous institutional discourse (on the material of American stand-up comedians’ shows)

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    This article discusses the humorous institutional discourse. Such categories as coherence, dialogicality, informativity, situationality, purposefulness, modality, intertextuality, theatricality are analyzed on the material of American stand-up comedians’ video records. The basic features of the categories are established and analyzed within the humorous institutional discourse

    Link Between Local Phenology and Climate Change

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    The SouthEast Virginia Phenology Project was initiated as collaboration between Norfolk Botanical Garden and Old Dominion University in 2010 to document phenology of seven native plants and potential effects of the climate change on their life cycle. The air temperature in Norfolk has increased on average by 0.02ºC per year since 1980. Four out of seven of taxonomically diverse plant species (Mayapple, Flowering Dogwood, Highbush Blueberry, and Common ButtonBush) exhibited significant sensitivity to warming temperatures. Of these four, only Common Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) had shown significant phenophases shift. Specifically, first flowering and first fruiting dates had shifted 2.7 and 6.7 days later. The flowering period coincides with an average temperatures decrease of 0.3ºC during the last six years of data collection. These data, collected over longer period of time, can have implications on agriculture, horticulture, native ecosystem management, and human health

    Content of lipids in blood and tissues of animals during hypodynamia

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    Experiments on 97 rats and 50 rabbits were undertaken to study the influence of hypodynamia on the lipid content in the blood, liver, heart, and in the aorta. Reduction of muscular activity contributed to the increase of cholesterol and beta lipoprotein levels in the blood and to accumulation of cholesterol in the liver and the heart. The total lipid content in these tissues decreased. In the aorta the total lipid content increased, while lecithin and cephalin figures went down. The character of biochemical changes in hypodynamia resembles in many ways the lipid metabolism changes in atherosclerosis

    Influence of climatic factors in cyclicity share gain of year rings at the Fir Caucasian

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    On deterioration of climatic conditions trees react more actively, than to their improvement. The size of activity is defined by a share of a gain of thickness of wood rings of a trunk. Parameters of individual share contain the information on cyclic characteristics of system interactions

    Digital Learning in Russian Higher Education: What Are Lecturers Attitude and Fears Toward Online Courses Adoption?

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    Online courses changed the landscape of higher education in the World, but their acceptance by lecturers in Russian universities is incomplete. The study aims to reveal a general attitude of online courses among lecturers in Russian universities; to quantify factors that motivate lecturers to create and modify online courses; to identify lecturers' fears regarding their employment status due to the widespread adoption of online courses into the practice of higher education. The quantitative study is based on the results of a lecturers’ survey, which was conducted in 2020 in Russian universities. We filled 134 questionnaires using the Google form. The result contributes to (i) a scientific discussion about the role, meaning, and effects of online courses inclusion into educational programs (in the context of factors and motives for creating and addressing them by the lecturers), and it enriched the scope of scientific literature, dedicated to e-learning in higher education, and (ii) empirical results confirmed that acceptance of online courses in the systems of higher vocational education is viewed through the prism of employment threats

    Analysis of the hospitalization time impact on hospital mortality from acute myocardial infarction

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    Diseases of the circulatory system and their most severe form – acute myocardial infarction (AMI) – is one of the most important problems of modern medicine due to the steady increase in morbidity, negative impact on quality of life, early disability of patients. 19.5 % of patients die from AMI, 50 % among which die 90-120 minutes after the first symptoms of the disease. The aim of the research was to analyse the impact of hospitalization on the mortality of patients with AMI and predict the risk of death in case of untimely hospitalization of this category of patients. Materials and methods. We have conducted a retrospective analysis of 876 medical records of patients diagnosed with AMI who were treated in the cardiology department of Kharkiv Regional Clinical Hospital in 2019. During the study, we have used retrospective, logical, medical and statistical methods. Odds ratios and a 95 % confidence interval were also calculated. Results and discussion. The research revealed the impact of hospitalization on the organization of medical care and hospital mortality of patients with AMI. It was found that the largest share of patients with AMI, both among the dead and those who left the hospital, were hospitalized in the period from 2 to 12 hours from the onset of the disease (49.6 % and 52.33 %, respectively), as well as in period after 24 hours – 28.00 % and 21.70 %, respectively. The largest share of patients with AMI, regardless of the time of hospitalization were persons older than 60 years. The results of the analysis showed that in the period up to 2 h from the onset of the disease, the share of hospitalized patients with more severe heart muscle damage (presence of Q wave) was 91.35 % against 8.65 % of patients with AMI without ST segment elevation. It should be noted that in almost 50 % of cases, patients with AMI without ST segment elevation were hospitalized after 24 h from the onset of the disease. At the same time, the largest share of deaths in this group of patients was observed in the hospital stay from 12 to 24 hours. According to the results of the research, risk factors for fatal outcome in AMI were identified, in particular male gender, the presence of an established ECG diagnosis of NSTEMI, conducting SKA in patients with AMI. It was also found that timely hospitalization of patients within the therapeutic window reduces the chances of hospital mortality by 52 %. Conclusions. The obtained data indicate a strong relationship between the time of hospitalization and the organization of medical care and hospital mortality of patients with AMI. It is reliably established that timely hospitalization of patients within the therapeutic window reduces the chances of hospital mortality by 52 %: HS is 0.483 (95 % CI 0.238 – 0.981), p=0.175

    Oil and gas presence perspectives of weathering layer reservoir of Nurol'ka mega-basin according to data of geothermics

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    Oil perspective areas of the Nurol'ka mega-basin (south-east of Western Siberia) through the M formation (Permian-Triassic weathering crust) on the basis of the results application of geothermometry were identified. Accumulating power distribution and quality of the M formation collectors were taken into account. The priority area for research are weathering layer reservoirs and its development that cover the South beads of Kulan-Igayskaya and Tamradskaya basins and its insulation joint were proposed. Glukhov's oil field that is located in this area approve its high prospectivity

    Predicted facies, sedimentary structures and potential resources of Jurassic petroleum complex in S-E Western Siberia (based on well logging data)

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    This paper is devoted to the current problem in petroleum geology and geophysics- prediction of facies sediments for further evaluation of productive layers. Applying the acoustic method and the characterizing sedimentary structure for each coastal-marine-delta type was determined. The summary of sedimentary structure characteristics and reservoir properties (porosity and permeability) of typical facies were described. Logging models SP, EL and GR (configuration, curve range) in interpreting geophysical data for each litho-facies were identified. According to geophysical characteristics these sediments can be classified as coastal-marine-delta. Prediction models for potential Jurassic oil-gas bearing complexes (horizon J[1]{1}) in one S-E Western Siberian deposit were conducted. Comparing forecasting to actual testing data of layer J[1]{1} showed that the prediction is about 85%