255 research outputs found

    Simulation of impact assessment of crown forest fires on boundary layer of atmosphere using software PHOENICS

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    Mathematical model of heat and mass transfer of crown forest fire is used in this paper, which is developed on the base of experimental research data and laws and methods of mechanics of reacting media. The numerical calculation carried out using software PHOENICS for non stationary three dimensional case. K-ε model of turbulence is taken into account. It is studied the influence of temperature and wind velocity in boundary layer of atmosphere on the turbulent kinematic viscosity coefficient value and distribution of temperature above the crown forest fire front

    The Method of Manufacturing Nonmetallic Test-Blocks on Different Sensitivity Classes

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    Nowadays in our modern world there is a vital question of quality control of details made from nonmetallic materials due to their wide spreading. Nondestructive penetrant testing is effective, and in some cases it is the only possible method of accidents prevention at high-risk sites. A brief review of check sample necessary for quality evaluation of penetrant materials is considered. There was offered a way of making agents for quality of penetrant materials testing according to different liquid penetrant testing sensibility classes

    Thermography of flame during diesel fuel combustion with steam gasification

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    The paper represents a study concerning the combustion of liquid hydrocarbon fuel in a perspective burner device with the controlled forced supply of overheated steam into the combustion zone, using diesel fuel. The thermal imaging measurements are conducted for the outer flame of the burner device in the wide range of regime parameters (flow rate and temperature of steam). A thermal imaging camera (FLIR, JADE J530SB) is used in the experiments. The effective emissivity coefficient of flame is obtained versus the flow rate of steam supplied. The steam parameters are found to influence on the temperature in the outer flame of the burner device

    Effect of wood structure geometry during firebrand generation in laboratory scale and semi-field experiments

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    As the set of experiments result, statistically substantiated data were obtained on the laws of ignition of a model angular structure under conditions of a point source of heat exposure. The use of IR diagnostics made it possible to control the thermal picture in the experimental area, as well as to capture areas of the highest and lowest heating. In the Large Aerosol Chamber of IAO SB RAS, preliminary experiments were carried out on a “firebrand shower” model exposure, which is naturally occurring firebrands (flaming or glowing embers) with some types of construction materials (chipboards). The exposure of the samples to firebrands stream was provided using a firebrand generator of own original design. It was experimentally confirmed that particle size plays a significant role in the ignition of a building structure. If the characteristic particle size, which can be defined as the ratio of its volume to the surface area in contact with the wood, is less than a certain characteristic value, then the ignition mode with a sharp temperature maximum near the phase interface is not fulfilled. This can be explained by the prevailing heat removal into the external environment in comparison with the amount of heat coming from a heat gun and resulting from chemical reactions

    Emerging invasive group A Streptococcus M1UK lineage detected by allele-specific PCR, England, 2020

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    Increasing reports of invasive Streptococcus pyogenes infections mandate surveillance for toxigenic lineage M1UK. An allele-specific PCR was developed to distinguish M1UK from other emm1 strains. The M1UK lineage represented 91% of invasive emm1 isolates in England in 2020. Allele-specific PCR will permit surveillance for M1UK without need for genome sequencing

    Structural regularities of welded seam between Ti-Tib and vanadium with 12X18H10T interlayer by using electron beam welding

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    Досліджувалися можливості отримання зварного з'єднання сплавуТі-TiB заустенітної сталлю 12Х18Н10Т шляхом формування проміжного шару в зварному з'єднанні. Для цього на поверхні зразка сплаву Ті-TiB формувався легований прошарок, що містить армуючі волокна TiB і основні легуючі елементи стали 12Х18Н10Т. Було визначено, що такий прошарок одержується застосуванням електронно-променевого зварювання з'єднання сплаву Ті-TiB з ванадієм через фольгу зі сталі 12Х18Н10Т. Було виявлено, що мікроструктура сформованого прошарку сплаву на основі титану іванадію з легуючими добавками має характер металевої матриці, армованої мікроволокнами, склад яких відповідає боріду титану, легованого ванадієм. Було виявлено, що для армуючих боридних мікроволокон в мікроструктур і прошарку сплаву на основі титану і ванадію характерною особливістю є їх значне подрібнення в порівнянні з вихідним сплавом Ті-TiB. Крім того, в цьому прошарку в зоні розпаду первинних борідів титану, ініційованого впливом електронного променя, були виявлені фазові утворення за елементним складом близькі Ti2B. В результаті було зроблено припущення, що прошарок сплаву на основі Ti (63-68 at.%) І V (18-25 at.%) із легуючими добавками (Fe, Cr, Ni, B, C), сформований на поверхні сплаву Ті -TiB, перспективний для використання для електронно-променевого зварювання сталі 12Х18Н10Т зі сплавом Ті-TiB.Possibilities of obtaining and using an intermediate layer for joining of Ti-TiB and austenitic steel 12X18H10T (analog of AISI 321; 1.4541; X10CrNiTi18-10) were studied. An alloyed interlayer with TiB reinforcing fibers and the main alloying elements of 12X18H10T steel was formed on the surface of the Ti-TiB sample. Such interlayer was formed during electron beam welding of Ti-TiB with vanadium using foil made of 12X18H10T steel. The microstructure of the interlayer consists of a metal matrix reinforced with microfibers. It’s composition corresponds to vanadium-alloyed titanium boride. In comparison to the initial Ti-TiB alloy, significant grinding of reinforcing boride microfibers in the interlayer microstructure was observed. Besides, the phase formations close to Ti2B in zone of primary titanium borides decomposition in the interlayer, initiated by electron beam were determined. As a result, application of Ti (63–68 at. %) and V (18–25 at. %) based interlayer with alloying additives (Fe, Cr, Ni, B, C) has great potential for utilization in electron-beam welding of 12Х18Н10Т steel with Ti-TiB alloy.Исследовались возможности получения и использования промежуточной прослойки для выполнения сварного соединения сплава Ті-TiB с аустенитной сталью 12Х18Н10Т (аналоги AISI 321, 1.4541, X10CrNiTi18-10). Для этого на поверхности образца сплава Ті-TiB формировалась легированная прослойка, содержащая армирующие волокна TiB и основные легирующие элементы стали 12Х18Н10Т. Было определено, что такая прослойка получается применением электронно-лучевой сварки соединения сплава Ті-TiB с ванадием через фольгу из стали 12Х18Н10Т. Было выявлено, что микроструктура сформированной прослойки сплава на основе титана и ванадия с легирующими добавками имеет характер металлической матрицы, армированной микроволокнами, состав которых соответствует бориду титана, легированногованадием. Былообнаружено, что для армирующих боридных микроволокон в микроструктуре прослойки сплава на основе титана и ванадия характерной особенностью является их значительно еизмельчение в сравнении с исходным сплавом Ті-TiB. Кроме того, в этой прослойке в зоне распада первичных боридо втитана, инициированного влиянием электронного луча, были обнаружены фазовые образования по элементному составу близкие Ti2B. В результате было сделано предположение, что прослойка сплава на основе Ti (63–68 at. %) и V (18–25 at. %) с легирующими добавками (Fe, Cr, Ni, B, C), сформированная на поверхности сплава Ті-TiB, перспективна для использования для электронно-лучевой сварки стали 12Х18Н10Т со сплавом Ті-TiB

    Gabapentin as add-on to morphine for severe neuropathic or mixed pain in children from age 3 months to 18 years - Evaluation of the safety, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of a new gabapentin liquid formulation: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Gabapentin has shown efficacy in the treatment of chronic neuropathic or mixed pain in adults. Although pediatric pain specialists have extensive experience with gabapentin for the treatment of neuropathic pain, its use is off-label. Its efficacy and safety in this context have never been shown. The aim of this trial is to compare gabapentin with placebo as add-on to morphine for the treatment of severe chronic mixed or neuropathic pain in children. This trial is part of the European Union Seventh Framework Programme project Gabapentin in Paediatric Pain (GAPP) to develop a pediatric use marketing authorization for a new gabapentin suspension. Methods/design: The GAPP-2 study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter superiority phase II study in children with severe chronic neuropathic or mixed pain. Its primary objective is to evaluate the efficacy of a gabapentin liquid formulation as adjunctive therapy to morphine. Sixty-six eligible children 3 months to 18 years of age with severe pain (pain scores ≥ 7), stratified in three age groups, will be randomized to receive gabapentin (to an accumulating dose of 45 to 63 mg/kg/day, dependent on age) or placebo, both in addition to morphine, for 12 weeks. Randomization will be preceded by a short washout period, and treatment will be initiated by a titration period of 3 weeks. After the treatment period, medication will be tapered during 4 weeks. The primary endpoint is the average pain scores in the two treatment groups (average of two measures each day for 3 days before the end-of-study visit [V10] assessed by age-appropriate pain scales (Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability scale; Faces Pain Scale-Revised; Numeric Rating Scale). Secondary outcomes include percentage responders to treatment (subjects with 30% reduction in pain scale), number of episodes of breakthrough pain, number of rescue interventions, number of pain-free days, participant dropouts, quality of life (Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory), and acceptability of treatment. Outcomes will be measured at the end-of-study visit after 12 weeks of treatment at the optimal gabapentin dose. Groups will be compared on an intention-to-treat basis. Discussion: We hope to provide evidence that the combination of morphine and gabapentin will provide better analgesia than morphine alone and will be safe. We also aim to obtain confirmation of the recommended pediatric dose. Trial registration: EudractCT, 2014-004897-40. Registered on 7 September 2017. ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03275012. Registered on 7 September 2017

    Assessment of HIF-1α expression and release following endothelial injury in-vitro and in-vivo

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    Background: Endothelial injury is an early and enduring feature of cardiovascular disease. Inflammation and hypoxia may be responsible for this, and are often associated with the up-regulation of several transcriptional factors that include Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 (HIF-1). Although it has been reported that HIF-1α is detectable in plasma, it is known to be unstable. Our aim was to optimize an assay for HIF-1α to be applied to in vitro and in vivo applications, and to use this assay to assess the release kinetics of HIF-1 following endothelial injury. Methods: An ELISA for the measurement of HIF in cell-culture medium and plasma was optimized, and the assay used to determine the best conditions for sample collection and storage. The results of the ELISA were validated using Western blotting and immunohistochemistry (IHC). In vitro, a standardized injury was produced in a monolayer of rat aortic endothelial cells (RAECs) and intracellular HIF-1α was measured at intervals over 24 hours. In vivo, a rat angioplasty model was used. The right carotid artery was injured using a 2F Fogarty balloon catheter. HIF-1α was measured in the plasma and in the arterial tissue (0, 1, 2, 3 and 5 days post injury). Results: The HIF-1α ELISA had a limit of detection of 2.7 pg/ mL and was linear up to 1000 pg/ mL. Between and within-assay coefficient of variation values were less than 15%. HIF-1α was unstable in cell lysates and plasma, and it was necessary to add a protease inhibitor immediately after collection, and to store samples at -800C prior to analysis. The dynamics of HIF-1α release were different for the in vitro and in vivo models. In vitro, HIF-1α reached maximum concentrations approximately 2h post injury, whereas peak values in plasma and tissues occurred approximately 2 days post injury, in the balloon injury model. Conclusion: HIF-1α can be measured in plasma, but this requires careful sample collection and storage. The carotid artery balloon injury model is associated with the transient release of HIF-1α into the circulation that probably reflects the hypoxia induced in the artery wall

    SIGNATURE: A workbench for gene expression signature analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The biological phenotype of a cell, such as a characteristic visual image or behavior, reflects activities derived from the expression of collections of genes. As such, an ability to measure the expression of these genes provides an opportunity to develop more precise and varied sets of phenotypes. However, to use this approach requires computational methods that are difficult to implement and apply, and thus there is a critical need for intelligent software tools that can reduce the technical burden of the analysis. Tools for gene expression analyses are unusually difficult to implement in a user-friendly way because their application requires a combination of biological data curation, statistical computational methods, and database expertise.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed SIGNATURE, a web-based resource that simplifies gene expression signature analysis by providing software, data, and protocols to perform the analysis successfully. This resource uses Bayesian methods for processing gene expression data coupled with a curated database of gene expression signatures, all carried out within a GenePattern web interface for easy use and access.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>SIGNATURE is available for public use at <url>http://genepattern.genome.duke.edu/signature/</url>.</p