404 research outputs found


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    This paper presents background information about workplace programmes that provideneeded personal and social services to employees. These programmes are commonly referredto as Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs). The paper deals with the theoreticalbackground to aid an understanding of what these programmes are about. The discussionsrevolve around three aspects: reasons why organisations establish these programmes; theirunderlying principles and their essential elements; and the programme services, functions andstructure. In the first section, which focuses on the reasons for programme establishment, ashort list is provided of the commonly given reasons why organisations establish suchprogrammes to assist their employees. The second section focuses on programmes’ basicprinciples, while the third discusses twelve essential elements of these programmes. Thepaper ends with a descriptive illustration of programme development within a highereducation institution in which the author participated. This takes the form of tabularpresentations of programme functions and services as well as its structure. As the paper isdirected at the social work fraternity, it is important to begin by defining and explaining therelationship between workplace programmes and social work, through the route of elucidatingoccupational social work


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    Personal problems, including substance abuse, often impinge on employees’ job performanceand therefore productivity. This paper discusses substance abuse as an example of anemployee problem at the workplace that can be addressed through services such as employeeassistance programmes (EAPs). The use and abuse of substances occur for a number ofreasons, including misguided ones, such as a person trying to “forget problems” at home,socially or at work. In relation to work, the effects are enormous, such as employeeabsenteeism, workplace injuries, as well as damage to expensive workplace equipment andproperty. Aspects discussed in the paper include factors that help “enable” the abuse of suchsubstances within the work environment, factors that indicate deteriorating employee workperformance, as well as possible ways to deal with the problem at the workplace. The paperconcludes with a discussion of possible workplace policies and programmatic solutions onhow to deal with the problem

    Time spent traveling in motor vehicles and its association with overweight andabdominal obesity in Colombian adults who do not own a car

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    Q1Q1Paciente adultoObjective This study examined associations between time spent traveling in motor vehicles per week (TSTMV) and BMI and abdominal obesity (AO) among Colombian adults residing in urban areas who do not own car. Method Secondary data analysis of the 2005 National Nutrition Survey of Colombia was conducted. TSTMV was assessed using the long International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Body composition was measured in 7900 adults. Polytomous and binary logistic regressions were conducted, stratified by gender and adjusted for confounders, including physical activity (PA). Results Forty-two percent of participants were either overweight or obese according to their BMI, and 22.4% had AO. Males in the middle (10 to 149 min) and highest (> 150 min) TSTMV tertiles were more likely to be overweight (POR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.13–2.21 and POR = 1.55, 95% CI = 1.12–2.15 respectively, p-trend = 0.012), obese (POR = 2.39, 95% CI = 1.43–3.99 and POR = 1.93, 95% CI = 1.22–3.08 respectively, p trend = 0.019) and to have AO (POR = 1.81, 95% CI = 1.18–2.78 and POR = 1.73, 95% CI = 1.18–2.54 respectively, p-trend = 0.009). Associations were not significant in females. Conclusions TSTMV was positively associated with overweight and AO in adult Colombian males even after adjusting for PA. These findings highlight the potential deleterious health effects of sedentary behaviors such as prolonged traveling time, independently of having met PA recommendations. Highlights ► Sedentary behaviors have deleterious health effects. ► The deleterious effects of sedentary behaviors are independent of physical activity. ► Most of Latin-America urban population spends long periods travelling in vehicles. ► In Colombian males travelling time is associated with overweight and obesity.https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1907-3173https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000154547Revista Nacional - Indexad

    Utilisation of operation theatres at General De La Rey Hospital in the North West Province

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    BACKGROUND: Operating theatres in any hospital consume a large amount of resources. A well-functioning theatre complex is an important and essential component of a well functioning hospital. . The analysis is based on the socio-economic profile of patients and the time spent in theatre. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study design was used involving a retrospective record review over a one year period (April 2009 to March 2010) was conducted. The variables for the study included, type of operations and their indications, profiles of patients and turn-around time in the theatre. In addition, a comparison between those who had elective and emergency surgery was done with regard to some variables such as profile of patients and turn-around time. The project was initiated after obtaining approval from the head of the department of the North West Provincial Department of Health and University of the Witwatersrand Human Research Ethics Committee (Medical). Confidentiality and anonymity were maintained all the time during collection, capturing, and reporting of the information RESULT: A total of 447 cases were performed during this period including 5.6% (25) elective cases and 94.4% (422) emergency cases. The majority of the operations performed at this Hospital included caesarean section and evacuation of uterus. In addition to that there were other procedures such as laparotomy, labial incision, perineorrhaphy, and dilatation and curettage. The type of procedures (elective or emergency) was significantly associated with ethnicity, employment and medical aid status and referral source of the subjects. The majority of the caesarean sections were performed due to maternal indications. More elective caesarean sections were performed for maternal indications (79%) than fetal indications (21%). There was one maternal complication (ruptured uterus) but no maternal mortality during this period. Whereas all the babies were alive after elective CS, there were seven stillbirths after emergency CS. An average of 110 minutes were spent by patients in theatre and at least 33% of the time was spend on the actual operation although there is no significant difference between elective and emergency patients with regard to time spent in the operating room (p = 0.46). Emergency patients took more time (25 minutes) before they were wheeled to theatre which is an area for improvement. The operating theatre was utilised only 5.9% of available time. This suggests that is opportunity to utilise the operating theatre for other cases. CONCLUSION: This is first formal study performed at a district hospital operating theatre in the North West Province. This study assisted in development of understanding of the function of the operating theatre at the General de la Rey Hospital. The findings of this would assist the hospital management to improve its function such as reduction of latent time for emergency patients and conducting more elective procedures

    Envejecimiento renal, enfermedad cardiovascular y actividad física

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    Diseño de propuesta para la gestión del mejoramiento de la calidad educativa en la Institución Educativa Luis Carlos López

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    Desarrollar programas de mejoramiento en la INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA LUIS CARLOS LOPEZ, en donde se implemente un modelo de Autoevaluación Institucional y se identifique y documente los procesos y procedimientos claves de la Institución, mediante el establecimiento y estudio de el diagnostico Institucional, red de procesos y perfiles de cargos, para diseñar una propuesta para la Gestión del Mejoramiento de la Calidad Educativa que le permita a la Institución tener un seguimiento y control de sus procesos Institucionales con el propósito de direccionar la acción educativa en la consecución de estudiantes y personal competentes con el fin de lograr mejorar el Nivel Académico de los estudiantes y profesores, y la imagen de la Institución en su entorno social

    Epidemiología mundial, latinoamericana y colombiana y mortalidad del síndrome de apnea-hipopnea obstructiva del sueño (SAHOS)

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    El síndrome de apnea-hipopnea obstructiva del sueño (SAHOS) es un trastorno frecuente asociado con secuelas cardiovasculares y neuropsicológicas severas que repercuten en altos costos socioeconómicos para la población.Con anterioridad se estimaba una prevalencia aproximada del 3% al 7% en hombres y del 2% al 5% en mujeres (40-60 años para ambos sexos); sin embargo, en las últimas dos décadas aumentó a 10% en hombres de 30 a 49 años, a 17% en hombres de 50 a 70, a 3% en mujeres de 30 a 49 y a 9% en mujeres de 50 a 70.Se calcula que el 20% de adultos de edad media tiene al menos SAHOS leve y el 80% de los casos permanecen sin diagnosticar, de allí la importancia de sospechar el diagnóstico de la enfermedad.En Colombia se realizó un estudio con la metodología ómnibus que mostró que la prevalencia global de alto riesgo de apnea del sueño, según el Cuestionario Berlín, fue del 19% en tres ciudades —Bogotá D.C., Bucaramanga y Santa Marta— (IC95%: 17.3; 20.8%). Con la escala STOP-Bang, la prevalencia global de alto riesgo de SAHOS fue de 26.9% (IC95%: 24.9; 29%).Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is a frequent disorder associated with severe cardiovascular and neuropsychological sequelae, which has a high socioeconomic cost to the population.In the past, an average prevalence of 3% to 7% in men and 2% to 5% in women (40-60 years for both sexes) was estimated. However, in the last two decades, it increased to 10% in men aged 30 to 49 years, 17% in men aged 50 to 70, and 3% in women aged 30 to 49 and 9% in women aged 50 to 70.It is estimated that 20% of middle-aged adults have at least mild OSAHS, while 80% of cases remain undiagnosed, hence the importance of suspecting this disease.In Colombia, an omnibus survey was conducted showing that the global prevalence of high-risk sleep apnea, according to the Berlin questionnaire, was 19% in three cities —Bogotá D.C., Bucaramanga and Santa Marta— (CI95%: 17.3, 20.8%). The overall prevalence of high risk of OSAHS was 26.9% (95% CI: 24.9%, 29%) according to the STOP-Bang scale

    Exercise during pregnancy on maternal lipids: A secondary analysis of randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Today, scientific evidence has supported the popular belief that physical activity is associated with biological health in pregnant women. A randomized controlled trial was used to assess the benefits of physical exercise during pregnancy on maternal lipids in low-income Latina women. Methods: The study included 67 nulliparous low-income Latina women in gestational weeks 16-20, randomly assigned into one of two groups: 1) The exercise group, which took part in aerobic and resistance exercise for 60min, three times a week for 12weeks, 2) The control group, which undertook their usual physical activity and prenatal care. The primary outcomes were changes in maternal blood lipids after intervention. Obstetrical and neonatal outcomes measured were type of delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, newborn and/or maternal complications', gestational age, weight gain, birth weight, foetal growth, and Apgar score. Results: Fifty women completed the study. At the end of the intervention, there were differences between groups in low-density lipoprotein levels (mean change: -8mg/dL, 95%CI -3 to -29; P less than 0.001) and triglycerides (mean change: -6mg/dL, 95%CI -1 to -11; P=0.03). Also, compared with women who remained in the control group, active women showed lower complications during delivery (moderate postpartum haemorrhage) (58% compared with 75%; P less than 0.05) and lower complications in newborns (e.g. cyanosis or respiratory distress) (21% compared with 46%; P less than 0.001). Conclusions: An exercise programme during the second and third trimester favours less gain in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides fewer delivery and neonatal complications. Trial registration:NCT00741312(August 22, 2008). © 2017 The Author(s)

    Reconstruction of the Ascending Reticular Activating System with Diffusion Tensor Tractography in Patients with a Disorder of Consciousness after Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Giant aneurysms have been treated with endovascular approaches like general, balloon-assisted and stent-assisted coiling, and flow diverter stent-assisted techniques. Few cases have been reported to be treated with both normal and large coils. Despite the mass effect, an adequate revascularization has been reported. An initial use of these coils is being reported in the current study. This is a case which has been successfully treated using a stent-assisted coiling with both small and large coils i.e., Penumbra Coil 400 (Penumbra, Inc., Alameda, California)