824 research outputs found

    Ovarian responses and conception rates in response to gNrh, Hcg, and progesterone

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    We hypothesized that increasing concentrations of progesterone after artificial insemination (AI) would increase fertility. Our objective was to assess changes in ovarian structures, incidence of ovulation, and change in serum progesterone in response to GnRH, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), or exogenous progesterone (controlled internal drug release; CIDR insert) treatment, beginning 4 to 9 days after AI (d 0) and again 7 days later (Exp. 1). Blood was collected from 753 cows in 3 herds on days 0 and 7. Ovaries of 162 cows in 1 herd were scanned and mapped to confirm the presence a corpus luteum (CL), and cows were assigned randomly to serve as control (n = 41) or to receive a CIDR insert for 7 days (n = 41), 100 μg of GnRH (n = 40), or 3,300 IU of hCG (n = 40). More cows were induced to ovulate in response to GnRH (60%) and hCG (78%), compared with control (2.4%). Compared with control, cows treated with GnRH or hCG had more induced CL (d 7) and more total CL (d 7), but serum progesterone was increased only in response to hCG. Volume of the original luteal structures was increased by hCG, but tended to be reduced by CIDR and GnRH, compared with luteal volume in control. Total CL volume was increased by hCG, but reduced by CIDR, compared with CL volume of control. In Exp. 2, cows in 5 herds were used to assess conception rates in response to the same treatments described in Exp. 1: control (n = 708), CIDR (n = 711), GnRH (n = 719), and hCG (n = 714). Tendencies for interactions of treatment x herd and treatment x lactation group were detected, but no 3-way interactions were found. Treatment with hCG increased conception rates in second-lactation cows. The CIDR tended to increase, and hCG increased, conception rates in 2 herds, whereas the CIDR decreased conception rates in 1 herd. We concluded that GnRH and hCG effectively induced ovulation, and increased number of CL, but only hCG increased serum progesterone. Further, treatment with the CIDR or hCG increased conception rates, but only in some herds.; Dairy Day, 2006, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2006

    Astrophysical Fluids of Novae: High Resolution Pre-decay X-ray spectrum of V4743 Sagittarii

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    Eight X-ray observations of V4743 Sgr (2002), observed with Chandra and XMM-Newton are presented. The nova turned off some time between days 301.9 and 371, and the X-ray flux subsequently decreased from day 301.9 to 526 following an exponential decline time scale of (96±3)(96 \pm 3) days. We use the absorption lines present in the SSS spectrum for diagnostic purposes, and characterize the physics and the dynamics of the expanding atmosphere during the explosion of the nova. The information extracted from this first stage is then used as input for computing full photoionization models of the ejecta in V4743 Sgr. The SSS spectrum is modeled with a simple black-body and multiplicative Gaussian lines, which provides us of a general kinematical picture of the system, before it decays to its faint phase (Ness et al. 2003). In the grating spectra taken between days 180.4 and 370, we can resolve the line profiles of absorption lines arising from H-like and He-like C, N, and O, including transitions involving higher principal quantum numbers. Except for a few interstellar lines, all lines are significantly blue-shifted, yielding velocities between 1000 and 6000 km/s which implies an ongoing mass loss. It is shown that significant expansion and mass loss occur during this phase of the explosion, at a rate M˙(35)×104 (LL38) M/yr\dot{M} \approx (3-5) \times 10^{-4} ~ (\frac{L}{L_{38}}) ~ M_{\odot}/yr. Our measurements show that the efficiency of the amount of energy used for the motion of the ejecta, defined as the ratio between the kinetic luminosity LkinL_{\rm kin} and the radiated luminosity LradL_{\rm rad}, is of the order of one.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Accepted in book: Recent Advances in Fluid Dynamics with Environmental Applications, pp.365-39

    Adaptation of Left Ventricular Twist Mechanics in Exercise-Trained Children Is Only Evident after the Adolescent Growth Spurt.

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    The extent of structural cardiac remodeling in response to endurance training is maturity dependent. In adults, this structural adaptation is often associated with the adaptation of left ventricular (LV) twist mechanics. For example, an increase in LV twist often follows an expansion in end-diastolic volume, whereas a reduction in twist may follow a thickening of the LV walls. While structural cardiac remodeling has been shown to be more prominent post-peak height velocity (PHV), it remains to be determined how this maturation-dependent structural remodeling influences LV twist. Therefore, we aimed to (1) compare LV twist mechanics between trained and untrained children pre- and post-PHV and (2) investigate how LV structural variables relate to LV twist mechanics pre- and post-PHV. Left ventricular function and morphology were assessed (echocardiography) in endurance-trained and untrained boys (n = 38 and n = 28, respectively) and girls (n = 39 and n = 34, respectively). Participants were categorized as either pre- or post-PHV using maturity offset to estimate somatic maturation. Pre-PHV, there were no differences in LV twist or torsion between trained and untrained boys (twist: P = .630; torsion: P = .382) or girls (twist: P = .502; torsion: P = .316), and LV twist mechanics were not related with any LV structural variables (P > .05). Post-PHV, LV twist was lower in trained versus untrained boys (P = .004), with torsion lower in trained groups, irrespective of sex (boys: P < .001; girls: P = .017). Moreover, LV torsion was inversely related to LV mass (boys: r = -0.55, P = .001; girls: r = -0.46, P = .003) and end-diastolic volume (boys: r = -0.64, P < .001; girls: r = -0.36, P = .025) in both sexes. A difference in LV twist mechanics between endurance-trained and untrained cohorts is only apparent post-PHV, where structural and functional remodeling were related

    The rate of colonization by macro-invertebrates on artificial substrate samplers

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    The influence of exposure time upon macro-invertebrate colonization on modified Hester-Dendy substrate samplers was investigated over a 60-day period. The duration of exposure affected the number of individuals, taxa and community diversity. The numbers of individuals colonizing the samplers reached a maximum after 39 days and then began to decrease, due to the emergence of adult insects. Coefficients of variation for the four replicate samples retrieved each sampling day fluctuated extensively throughout the study. No tendencies toward increasing or decreasing coefficients of variation were noted with increasing time of sampler exposure. The number of taxa colonizing the samplers increased throughout the study period. The community diversity index was calculated for each sampling day and this function tended to increase throughout the same period. This supports the hypothesis that an exposure period of 6 weeks, as recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, may not always provide adequate opportunity for a truly representative community of macro-invertebrates to colonize multiplate samplers. Many of the taxa were collected in quite substantial proportions after periods of absence or extreme sparseness. This is attributed to the growth of periphyton and the collection of other materials that created food and new habitats suitable for the colonization of new taxa. Investigation of the relationship between ‘equitability’ and length of exposure revealed that equitability did not vary like diversity with increased time of exposure.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72073/1/j.1365-2427.1979.tb01522.x.pd

    Controlled RNA contamination and degradation and its impact on qPCR gene expression in S. epidermidis biofilms

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    RNA quality is of utmost importance to perform gene expression quantification by qPCR. The classical methods used to determine \RNA\ quality are based on electrophoresis and spectrophotometer assessment, namely A260/A280 and A260/A230 ratios. It was previously shown that due to the complex nature of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms, \RNA\ extraction procedures could impact mRNA quality and thus accurate quantification. Herein, we contaminated and degraded \RNA\ extracted from S. epidermidis biofilms, and assessed the effect on gene expression by qPCR. As expected, thermal degradation of RNA had a significant impact on gene expression on two out of the three tested genes. On the other hand, the contamination of the extracted \RNA\ yielded an interesting result: while most contaminants did not changed the purity indicators or the integrity of RNA, significant changes on gene expression levels were found. This work confirms that poor \RNA\ extraction has an important impact in qPCR quantification, emphasizing the consequences of carry-over contaminants on gene expression studies. Additionally, our results show that the parameters commonly used to assess the quality of extracted \RNA\ from bacterial cultures seem to be insufficient to ensure reliable gene expression determination.This work was funded by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) and COMPETE grants PTDC/BIA-MIC/113450/2009 and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-014309. The following authors had an individual FCT fellowship: VC (SFRH/BD/78235/2011); LDRM (SFRH/BD/66166/2009)

    Very-high energy gamma-ray astronomy: A 23-year success story in high-energy astroparticle physics

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    Very-high energy (VHE) gamma quanta contribute only a minuscule fraction - below one per million - to the flux of cosmic rays. Nevertheless, being neutral particles they are currently the best "messengers" of processes from the relativistic/ultra-relativistic Universe because they can be extrapolated back to their origin. The window of VHE gamma rays was opened only in 1989 by the Whipple collaboration, reporting the observation of TeV gamma rays from the Crab nebula. After a slow start, this new field of research is now rapidly expanding with the discovery of more than 150 VHE gamma-ray emitting sources. Progress is intimately related with the steady improvement of detectors and rapidly increasing computing power. We give an overview of the early attempts before and around 1989 and the progress after the pioneering work of the Whipple collaboration. The main focus of this article is on the development of experimental techniques for Earth-bound gamma-ray detectors; consequently, more emphasis is given to those experiments that made an initial breakthrough rather than to the successors which often had and have a similar (sometimes even higher) scientific output as the pioneering experiments. The considered energy threshold is about 30 GeV. At lower energies, observations can presently only be performed with balloon or satellite-borne detectors. Irrespective of the stormy experimental progress, the success story could not have been called a success story without a broad scientific output. Therefore we conclude this article with a summary of the scientific rationales and main results achieved over the last two decades.Comment: 45 pages, 38 figures, review prepared for EPJ-H special issue "Cosmic rays, gamma rays and neutrinos: A survey of 100 years of research

    A High Statistics Search for Ultra-High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from Cygnus X-3 and Hercules X-1

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    We have carried out a high statistics (2 Billion events) search for ultra-high energy gamma-ray emission from the X-ray binary sources Cygnus X-3 and Hercules X-1. Using data taken with the CASA-MIA detector over a five year period (1990-1995), we find no evidence for steady emission from either source at energies above 115 TeV. The derived upper limits on such emission are more than two orders of magnitude lower than earlier claimed detections. We also find no evidence for neutral particle or gamma-ray emission from either source on time scales of one day and 0.5 hr. For Cygnus X-3, there is no evidence for emission correlated with the 4.8 hr X-ray periodicity or with the occurrence of large radio flares. Unless one postulates that these sources were very active earlier and are now dormant, the limits presented here put into question the earlier results, and highlight the difficulties that possible future experiments will have in detecting gamma-ray signals at ultra-high energies.Comment: 26 LaTeX pages, 16 PostScript figures, uses psfig.sty to be published in Physical Review

    A measurement of the tau mass and the first CPT test with tau leptons

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    We measure the mass of the tau lepton to be 1775.1+-1.6(stat)+-1.0(syst.) MeV using tau pairs from Z0 decays. To test CPT invariance we compare the masses of the positively and negatively charged tau leptons. The relative mass difference is found to be smaller than 3.0 10^-3 at the 90% confidence level.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Phys. Letts.