21 research outputs found

    Short term effects of irradiance on the growth of Pterocladiella capillacea (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta)

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    Pterocladiella capillacea has been economically exploited for agar extraction in the Azores for many years. Harvesting dropped to a full stop in the early 1990s due to a population collapse, but restarted in 2013. Since then it has been intensively harvested and overexploitation must be prevented, with both sustainable harvesting and effective cultivation practices. This study represents the first attempt to determine optimal conditions for P. capillacea production in the Azores, and evaluates its vegetative growth in two experiments using von Stosch’s medium designed to test entire thallus and tips portions response to different irradiances (30, 70 and 150 μmol photons m¯² s¯¹). The best relative growth rate (RGR) was recorded at 150 μmol photons m¯² s¯¹ for the entire thalli and tips after two-weeks and three-weeks, respectively, indicating that an acclimation period is necessary to assure the growth of this alga under experimental conditions. Higher RGR was obtained at higher irradiance (3.98 ± 2.10% fm day¯¹), but overall, growth rates were low or negative. Epiphytes were a serious problem towards the end of the entire thallus experiments, where Feldmannia irregularis proliferate at all irradiances. Future cultivation approaches complemented with other relevant environmental factors (e.g. pH, photoperiod, salinity), are recommended.FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia projects UID/BIA/00329/2013, 2015 - 2018 and UID/BIA/00329/2019, CIRN (Centro de Investigação de Recursos Naturais, University of the Azores), and CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, Porto, Portugal). RFP was supported by a doctoral grant M3.1.2/F/024/2011, Fundo Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genetic dissection of the relationships between grain yield components by genome-wide association mapping in a collection of tetraploid wheats

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    Increasing grain yield potential in wheat has been a major target of most breeding programs. Genetic advance has been frequently hindered by negative correlations among yield components that have been often observed in segregant populations and germplasm collections. A tetraploid wheat collection was evaluated in seven environments and genotyped with a 90K SNP assay to identify major and stable quantitative trait loci (QTL) for grain yield per spike (GYS), kernel number per spike (KNS) and thousand-kernel weight (TKW), and to analyse the genetic relationships between the yield components at QTL level. The genome-wide association analysis detected eight, eleven and ten QTL for KNS, TKW and GYS, respectively, significant in at least three environments or two environments and the mean across environments. Most of the QTL for TKW and KNS were found located in different marker intervals, indicating that they are genetically controlled independently by each other. Out of eight KNS QTL, three were associated to significant increases of GYS, while the increased grain number of five additional QTL was completely or partially compensated by decreases in grain weight, thus producing no or reduced effects on GYS. Similarly, four consistent and five suggestive TKW QTL resulted in visible increase of GYS, while seven additional QTL were associated to reduced effects in grain number and no effects on GYS. Our results showed that QTL analysis for detecting TKW or KNS alleles useful for improving grain yield potential should consider the pleiotropic effects of the QTL or the association to other QTLs

    Determinants of enhanced vulnerability to coronavirus disease 2019 in UK patients with cancer: a European study

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    Despite high contagiousness and rapid spread, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has led to heterogeneous outcomes across affected nations. Within Europe (EU), the United Kingdom (UK) is the most severely affected country, with a death toll in excess of 100,000 as of January 2021. We aimed to compare the national impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on the risk of death in UK patients with cancer versus those in continental EU. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of the OnCovid study database, a European registry of patients with cancer consecutively diagnosed with COVID-19 in 27 centres from 27th February to 10th September 2020. We analysed case fatality rates and risk of death at 30 days and 6 months stratified by region of origin (UK versus EU). We compared patient characteristics at baseline including oncological and COVID-19-specific therapy across UK and EU cohorts and evaluated the association of these factors with the risk of adverse outcomes in multivariable Cox regression models. Findings: Compared with EU (n = 924), UK patients (n = 468) were characterised by higher case fatality rates (40.38% versus 26.5%, p < 0.0001) and higher risk of death at 30 days (hazard ratio [HR], 1.64 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.36-1.99]) and 6 months after COVID-19 diagnosis (47.64% versus 33.33%; p < 0.0001; HR, 1.59 [95% CI, 1.33-1.88]). UK patients were more often men, were of older age and have more comorbidities than EU counterparts (p < 0.01). Receipt of anticancer therapy was lower in UK than in EU patients (p < 0.001). Despite equal proportions of complicated COVID-19, rates of intensive care admission and use of mechanical ventilation, UK patients with cancer were less likely to receive anti-COVID-19 therapies including corticosteroids, antivirals and interleukin-6 antagonists (p < 0.0001). Multivariable analyses adjusted for imbalanced prognostic factors confirmed the UK cohort to be characterised by worse risk of death at 30 days and 6 months, independent of the patient's age, gender, tumour stage and status; number of comorbidities; COVID-19 severity and receipt of anticancer and anti-COVID-19 therapy. Rates of permanent cessation of anticancer therapy after COVID-19 were similar in the UK and EU cohorts. Interpretation: UK patients with cancer have been more severely impacted by the unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic despite societal risk mitigation factors and rapid deferral of anticancer therapy. The increased frailty of UK patients with cancer highlights high-risk groups that should be prioritised for anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Continued evaluation of long-term outcomes is warranted

    Experimental study of the quantification of indocyanine green fluorescence in ischemic and non-ischemic anastomoses, using the SERGREEN software program

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    Tissue ischemia is a key risk factor in anastomotic leak (AL). Indocyanine green (ICG) is widely used in colorectal surgery to define the segments with the best vascularization. In an experimental model, we present a new system for quantifying ICG fluorescence intensity, the SERGREEN software. Controlled experimental study with eight pigs. In the initial control stage, ICG fluorescence intensity was analyzed at the level of two anastomoses, in the right and in the left colon. Control images of the two segments were taken after ICG administration. The images were processed with the SERGREEN program. Then, in the experimental ischemia stage, the inferior mesenteric artery was sectioned at the level of the anastomosis of the left colon. Fifteen minutes after the section, sequential images of the two anastomoses were taken every 30 min for the following 2 h. At the control stage, the mean scores were 134.2 (95% CI 116.3-152.2) for the right colon and 147 (95% CI 134.7-159.3) for the left colon (p = 0.174) (Scale RGB-Red, Green, Blue). The right colon remained stable throughout the experiment. In the left colon, intensity fell by 47.9 points with respect to the pre-ischemia value (p < 0.01). After the first post-ischemia determination, the values of the ischemic left colon remained stable throughout the experiment. The relative decrease in ICG fluorescence intensity of the ischemic left colon was 32.6%. The SERGREEN program quantifies ICG fluorescence intensity in normal and ischemic situations and detects differences between them. A reduction in ICG fluorescence intensity of 32.6% or more was correlated with complete tissue ischemia

    Model de PNT de benestar animal per a petits escorxadors d’ungulats i solípedes domèstics

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    Benestar animal: Escorxadors; Control oficialBienestar animal; Mataderos; Control oficialAnimal welfare; Slaughterhouses; Official controlEl Reglament (CE) núm. 1099/2009, relatiu a la protecció dels animals en el moment de la matança, d’aplicació des de l’1 de gener de 2013, entre d’altres novetats, indica que l’operador econòmic ha d’elaborar i aplicar procediments normalitzats de treball (PNT) per al sacrifici i les operacions connexes amb la finalitat de no causar patiments evitables als animals. Segons aquest Reglament, un PNT és el conjunt d’instruccions escrites destinades a aconseguir la uniformitat en l’execució d’una funció específica o norma. En aquest sentit, l’operador econòmic (OE) ha d’elaborar PNT, basats en el risc, en totes les fases de producció. Aquests PNT han d’incloure objectius clars, persones responsables, mètodes d’actuació, criteris quantificables i procediments de supervisió i registre. Tot i que és responsabilitat de l’OE, la Comunitat de Pràctica (CoP) de Benestar Animal hem volgut elaborar un model de PNT de fàcil aplicació i enfocat a petits escorxadors. En aquesta edició, l’abast del PNT són els ungulats i solípedes domèstics, i deixem per a una altra ocasió els animals allotjats en contenidors (aus i conills). En aquest treball ha estat clau la participació dels referents en la matèria del Departament d’Agricultura i de l’Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya, així com la continuïtat d’experts de l’Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) que ja havien col·laborat en anteriors edicions.El Reglamento (CE) núm. 1099/2009, relativo a la protección de los animales en el momento de la matanza, de aplicación desde el 1 de enero de 2013, entre otras novedades, indica que el operador económico debe elaborar y aplicar procedimientos normalizados de trabajo (PNT) para el sacrificio y operaciones conexas con el fin de no causar sufrimientos evitables a los animales. Según este reglamento, un PNT es el conjunto de instrucciones escritas destinadas a conseguir la uniformidad en la ejecución de una función específica o norma. En este sentido, el operador económico (OE) debe elaborar PNT, basados en el riesgo, en todas las fases de producción. Estos PNT deben incluir objetivos claros, personas responsables, métodos de actuación, criterios cuantificables y procedimientos de supervisión y registro. Aunque es responsabilidad del OE, la Comunidad de Práctica (CoP) de Bienestar Animal hemos querido elaborar un modelo de PNT de fácil aplicación y enfocado a pequeños mataderos. En esta edición, el alcance del PNT son los ungulados y solípedos domésticos, dejando para otra ocasión los animales alojados en contenedores (aves y conejos). En este trabajo ha sido clave la participación de los referentes en la materia del Departamento de Agricultura y de la Agencia de Salud Pública de Cataluña, así como la continuidad de expertos del Instituto de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentarias (IRTA) que ya habían colaborado en anteriores ediciones.Regulation (EC) no. 1099/2009, relating to the protection of animals at the time of slaughter, applicable since January 1, 2013, among other new developments, indicates that the economic operator must develop and apply standard work procedures (SOP) for the slaughter and related operations in order not to cause avoidable suffering to animals. According to this regulation, a SOP is the set of written instructions intended to achieve uniformity in the execution of a specific function or standard. In this sense, the economic operator (OE) must prepare SOPs, based on risk, in all production phases. These SOPs must include clear objectives, responsible people, methods of action, quantifiable criteria and supervision and recording procedures. Although it is the responsibility of the OE, the Animal Welfare Community of Practice (CoP) has wanted to develop a SOP model that is easy to apply and focused on small slaughterhouses. In this edition, the scope of the NTP is domestic ungulates and solipeds, leaving animals housed in containers (birds and rabbits) for another occasion. Key to this work has been the participation of relevant experts from the Department of Agriculture and the Public Health Agency of Catalonia, as well as the continuity of experts from the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA) who had already collaborated in previous editions

    D1.4 Report on the nutrient imbalance analysis

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    In FERTIMANURE WP1 (FERTIMANURE framework), the animal manure value chain was evaluated by (i) analysing the current scenario in the on-farm experimental pilots, (ii) defining the current market situation of bio-based fertilizer products, and (iii) identifying the main barriers (i.e. politic, economic, social, environmental and legal). Task 1.4 (Regional nutrient imbalance analysis) aimed to review the literature of nutrient imbalances between regions in Europe to better predict where the nutrients recovered in FERTIMANURE can contribute in the long-term sustainability of production agriculture. Deliverable 1.4 (Report on the nutrient imbalances analysis, deadline M13) aims to understand if the need of nutrients for national agricultural production can be satisfied with only the recovery of nutrients derived from animal manure and other biomasses. Specifically, D1.4 reports the results of the nutrients imbalance analysis carried out in Task 1.4. The deliverable is structured as follows: • General introduction describing Task 1.4, the deliverable structure and the methodology used to perform the nutrients imbalances analysis; • Results analysis divided into chapters, one for each country; • Comparison of the results obtained with additional local data, when available; • Overall conclusions.H2020 (Grant no. 862849

    Intra- and Intermolecular Charge Transfer in Aggregates of Tetrathiafulvalene-Triphenylmethyl Radical Derivatives in Solution

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    An extensive investigation of aggregation phenomena occurring in solution for a family of electron donor\u2013acceptor derivatives, based on polychlorotriphenylmethyl radicals (PTM) linked via a vinylene-bridge to tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) units, is presented. A large set of temperature and/or concentration dependent optical absorption and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra in a solution of dyads bearing different number of electrons and/or with a hydrogenated PTM residue offer reliable information on the formation of homo dimers and mixed valence dimers. The results shed light on the reciprocal influence of intramolecular electron transfer (IET) within a dyad and the intermolecular charge transfer (CT) occurring in a dimer between the TTF residues and are rationalized based on a theoretical model that describes both interactions