345 research outputs found

    Income Distribution in a Regional Economy: A SAM Model

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    Social accounting matrices (SAM) are a numerical scheme of the circular flow. The SAM-based multipliers can be used to determine the changes in the relative income of the economic agents. In this paper we investigate the process of income distribution in the Catalan Economy, using the linear model of SAM multipliers. We also present an additive decomposition of the distributional incidence measurement provided by Roland-Holst and Sancho (1992). With this decomposition we can identify the different components in the overall process of income distribution among the agents of an economy. The proposed approach pays special attention to the role of the government in the process of income distribution.relative income, distributional incidence, government redistribution.

    The influence of factor prices and import prices on the Catalan Economy (1994)

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    The objective of this paper is to show the influence of the primary inputs prices on the production prices in the Catalan Economy. The methodology we use is the input-output framework, which has permitted us to reflect the changes in the prices of domestic processing sectors under changes in their input costs. Our results demonstrate that production prices react with higher intensity when there is a change in the import costs, in comparison with a change in the domestic costs. This evidence allows us to conclude that the price control inside the economy may be very limited when the increased cost is caused by the foreign sector

    Decomposition of Sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Subsystem Input-Output Model for the Republic of Ireland. ESRI WP398. August 2011

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    The analysis of gas emissions by an input-output subsystem approach provides detailed insights into pollution generation in an economy by revealing the channels by which the environmental burdens are caused and transmitted throughout the production system. In this paper we propose a decomposition of the greenhouse gas emissions by using an input-output subsystems model. The empirical application is for the Irish economy, and the economic and environmental data are for year 2005. Our results show that large asymmetries exist not only in the quantitative contribution of the different activities to greenhouse gas emissions but also in the decomposed effects of this contribution

    Análisis de multiplicadores lineales en una economía regional abierta

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    The objective of this paper is to extend the model of linear multipliers to represent the circular flow in an open economy. Specifically, we incorporate the links between the domestic economy and the foreign sector in the calculation of generalised multipliers. Additionally, we present a decomposition of the multipliers that allows us to identify the feedback effects caused by the foreign sector. With this decomposition we can evaluate the contribution of the external relationships to the income creation inside the economy.linear multipliers, regional economy, foreign sector.

    Miradas a otros espacios urbanos: las ciudades intermedias

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    Pese a la enorme diversidad que caracteriza desde sus inicios al fenómeno urbano la atención sobre sus procesos y resultados suelen centrarse en pocas y concretas realidades. Sabemos cada vez más de los procesos de metropolización y de las grandes aglomeraciones urbanas pero mucho menos de otros espacios urbanos, de las otras escalas urbanas. El programa internacional Ciudades intermedias y urbanización mundial lleva trabajando desde 1996 tratando de cubrir parte de este vacío. La constitución de una red de intercambio de información entre expertos y colaboradores locales ha permitido durante estos años debatir sobre una de les presencias urbanas más numerosa y extensa: las ciudades intermedias. Presentamos en el articulo algunos de las conclusiones a las que la dirección del programa ha llegado tras los debates y aportaciones de sus colaboradores.Despite the enormous diversity that has always characterised the urban phenomenon, interest in its processes and results has usually tended to centre on just a few specific realities. We have progressively increased our knowledge of etropolitanisation processes and large urban agglomerations, but know much less about other urban spaces, other urban scales. The international programme “Intermediate cities and world urbanisation”, which began in 1996, has tried to cover part of this void. In recent years, the constitution of a network of experts and local collaborators has made it possible to exchange information and discuss one of the most numerous and extensive of urban phenomena; intermediate cities. In this article, we present some of the conclusions reached by the programme directors following after considering and debating the contributions presented by their collaborators