23 research outputs found

    Un tast d'arqueologia: proposta de difusió arqueològica a través d’una degustació de cerveses

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    Treballs Finals de Grau Arqueologia, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017, Tutor: F. Javier López Cachero[cat] En aquest treball, ens proposem desenvolupar una proposta de difusió arqueològica,que tindrà com a temàtica principal l'elaboració i el consum de cervesa en el passat. Es tracta d'organitzar una experiència arqueo-gastronòmica, on s’oferirà una degustació de cerveses inspirades amb els ingredients i els processos d’elaboració originals, i es donaran a conèixer els diferents contextos als quals pertanyen. Tant el disseny de les receptes, com la reconstrucció del seu marc socio-cultural, seran fruit d’un estudi arqueològic que partirà de l’anàlisi d’unes fonts representatives prèviament seleccionades.[eng] In this paper, we propose to develop an archaeological dissemination proposal, its main them will include the preparation and consumption of beer in the past. It is about organising an archaeological&gastronomic experience, where a beer tasting inspired in the original ingredients and processes of elaboration will be offered, and where the different contexts to which they belong will be revealed. The design of the recipes in addition to the reconstruction of its cultural framework, will descend from an archaeologic study that will be based on previous selected analysis from representatives sources

    Effects of post mortem pH and salting time on Zinc-protoporphyrin content in nitrite-free Serrano dry-cured hams

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    There is a growing demand for clean label products and thus the elimination of curing additives in various dry-cured meats is of interest while maintaining colour characteristics. This study was aimed to examine the effect of pH at 24 h post mortem (pHSM24h ≤ 5.4; 5.4 > pHSM24h < 5.9; pHSM24h ≥5.9) and salting time (standard vs reduced) on zinc-protoporphyrin content, heme content and other physicochemical parameters of Serrano dry-cured hams manufactured without the addition of curing agents. Results showed that in those hams with higher post mortem pH heme content was increased whereas ZnPP content and proteolysis index were decreased. Reduced salting time decreased salt content whereas ZnPP and heme contents remained unaffected. Lower post mortem pH and reduced salting time led to a higher content in various free fatty acids which, in turn, were found to correlate positively with ZnPP formation. However, the observed changes in heme and ZnPP contents had no effect on the instrumental color of the final product.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Consumer attitudes toward consumption of meat products containing offal and offal extracts

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    The development of food products containing offal and offal extracts could be part of the solution to the upcoming demand for animal protein. This study aimed to determine Spanish consumers’ attitudes toward offal and the development of meat products containing offal extracts. Consumers’ perceptions were evaluated by means of focus group discussions and a survey (N = 400) to validate the focus group results in various Spanish provinces. The theory of planned behavior was used to examine consumer attitudes. Results indicated that nutritional properties, environmental sustainability, and affordability were the main drivers, while sensory attributes, low frequency consumption, and perceived higher content of undesirable compounds were the main barriers. Three segments were identified according to their beliefs: those in favor of these products, those that were health and environmentally conscious, and those who were reluctant about them. The identification of these segments and their profiles demonstrated the necessity to focus efforts on providing reliable information on sensory and health-related issues to improve acceptability. Attitude was the most important predictor of behavioral intention regarding the global model, while the social component (subjective norm) was significant for two of the identified segments, emphasizing the relevance of the social component for acceptability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Utilization of Porcine Livers through the Formation of Zn-Protoporphyrin Pigment Optimized by a Response Surface Methodology

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    There is a growing demand for clean-label products. This study aimed to obtain a food-grade coloring ingredient for meat products based on the formation of Zn-protoporphyrin from porcine livers, thus contributing to the development of nitrite-free products. First, the effects of sodium disulfite and acetic, ascorbic, and lactic acids on the formation of Zn-protoporphyrin and the total microbial count were studied. The combination of ascorbic and acetic acids resulted in a higher Zn-protoporphyrin content than acetic acid alone, and microbial levels were maintained (ca. 3 log CFU/mL). Second, a response surface methodology was used to maximize Zn-protoporphyrin while maintaining microbiological food standards. To that end, the effects of pH (4.2–5.4), incubation time (3–30 h), and temperature (25–50 °C) were studied. The selected conditions for Zn-protoporphyrin formation involved anaerobic incubation at pH 4.8 and 45 °C for 24 h. The safety was validated through challenge testing for relevant pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and Clostridium perfringens). A significant reduction (>6 log units) was observed in the selected conditions for L. monocytogenes and Salmonella, whereas C. perfringens spores remained at the inoculated levels. The optimized procedure is proven to be microbiologically safe, and may improve the color of nitrite-free meat products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zinc-protoporphyrin content in commercial Parma hams is affected by proteolysis index and marbling

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    The contents of zinc-protoporphyrin (ZnPP) and heme in twenty-four sliced Parma hams made without the addition of curing agents were determined. Expressed on a dry weight basis, ZnPP averaged 45 mg/kg and ranged from 23 to 85 mg/kg. The heme content averaged 37 mg/kg on a dry matter basis and ranged from 17 to 73 mg/kg. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression analyses were carried out to examine the existing correlations between these pigments and various physicochemical parameters in the final product. PCA showed the existence of associations between ZnPP, sensory redness and salt content. PLS suggests that the conversion of ZnPP from heme is facilitated in those hams with a higher proteolysis index and higher marbling.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Dynamics of Microbial Communities in Nitrite-Free and Nutritionally Improved Dry Fermented Sausages

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    Dry fermented sausage innovation trends are linked to consumer preferences for clean label and sodium-reduced foods. This study aims to evaluate the effect of the formulation and production process temperature on the dynamics of bacterial communities in fuet-type dry fermented sausages using metataxonomics. Six fuet batches were manufactured, including formulations without and with the addition of nitrifying salts (replaced or not by pork liver auto-hydrolysate as a colouring agent), processed at 3 to 12 °C, and a partial replacement of NaCl by KCl, processed at 12 °C. Fermentation was performed spontaneously or by a starter culture. Physicochemical characterisation and culture-dependent and independent bacterial analyses were performed at day 0, 4 and 12, at the end of ripening (aw < 0.90) and after storage. Temperature was the most important factor determining the change in pH, aw and lactic acid bacteria levels while the presence of a starter culture promoted a pH decrease. Metataxonomic analysis showed that low temperature processes and the absence of nitrifying salts allowed the growth of spoilage-related species, while sausages submitted to a mild temperature containing a starter culture and nitrifying salts showed less bacterial diversity. Liver auto-hydrolysate added putative probiotic species to the product. This study provides valuable information to manufacturers who want to innovate safely.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consumer attitudes toward consumption of meat products containing offal and offal extracts

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    The development of food products containing offal and offal extracts could be part of the solution to the upcoming demand for animal protein. This study aimed to determine Spanish consumers’ attitudes toward offal and the development of meat products containing offal extracts. Consumers’ perceptions were evaluated by means of focus group discussions and a survey (N = 400) to validate the focus group results in various Spanish provinces. The theory of planned behavior was used to examine consumer attitudes. Results indicated that nutritional properties, environmental sustainability, and affordability were the main drivers, while sensory attributes, low frequency consumption, and perceived higher content of undesirable compounds were the main barriers. Three segments were identified according to their beliefs: those in favor of these products, those that were health and environmentally conscious, and those who were reluctant about them. The identification of these segments and their profiles demonstrated the necessity to focus efforts on providing reliable information on sensory and health-related issues to improve acceptability. Attitude was the most important predictor of behavioral intention regarding the global model, while the social component (subjective norm) was significant for two of the identified segments, emphasizing the relevance of the social component for acceptability.This work was supported by industrial abattoirs: Patel SAU, Olot Meats S.A., Friselva S.A., Frigoríficos del Nordeste S.A., and Frigoríficos Costa Brava S.A., with financial support of Government of Catalonia (Project Ref. 3A), the National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology (INIA) (RTA2017-00024-C04-01), and CERCA program from Generalitat de Catalunya. R. Bou was in part supported through the Ramon y Cajal Program (RYC-2013-12745) and M. Llauger was supported by the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Grant Number PRE2018-084247).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the oxidation of washed muscle with added chicken hemoglobin

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    The role of chicken hemoglobin in lipid oxidation of washed chicken muscle exposed to high hydrostatic pressure (0, 200, 400 and 600 MPa) was examined. The observed decrease in redness was higher with elevated pressures (5.0 vs 3.7). During storage, redness decreased in samples exposed to 400 and 600 MPa. This decrease was concomitant with the progression of oxidation and the 2.5 fold decrease of soluble heme. An additional experiment was conducted to examine the effect of the hemoglobin mode of addition into pressurized muscle. The exposure at 600 MPa led to washed muscle oxidation even in the absence of hemoglobin, thus indicating that pressure treatments triggered lipid oxidation. However, the presence of native or pressurized hemoglobin into pressurized washed muscle caused more hexanal than the pressurized control without hemoglobin. Overall, results suggest that membrane disruption and the release of hemin are crucial for the onset of oxidation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ¿Es útil la implantación de programas de gestión clínica de los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica? Comparación de la efectividad de dos intervenciones sobre la evolución clínica y la atención recibida

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    Altres ajuts: Agradecemos el soporte económico recibido del «Àmbit d'Atenció Primària» (ICS) y de las becas recibidas de FIS y SEPAR: Módulos de investigación del Àmbit d'Atenció Primària (ICS), 2008; BECA FIS 2007: PI07/90116; Beca SEPAR para proyecto 2006.Evaluar la efectividad de dos programas de gestión en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC). Estudio de diseño cuasi-experimental para evaluar la efectividad de dos intervenciones (I1, I2) para la asistencia de pacientes con EPOC, tras un seguimiento medio de 31,2 meses. Centros de atención primaria de dos áreas sanitarias de Barcelona y sus hospitales de referencia. Pacientes EPOC seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple en los que constara algún código correspondiente a EPOC. I1: Programa de gestión integral que optimizaba y coordinaba los recursos. Se hizo formación y control de calidad de la espirometría. I2: Intervenciones aisladas, como el call-center. Compartían circuitos asistenciales y la historia clínica informatizada. variables de función pulmonar, gravedad, uso de inhaladores, estilos de vida, calidad de vida y exacerbaciones. De los 393 pacientes evaluados al inicio, 120 y 104 (I1 e I2, respectivamente) realizaron la evaluación final. Con la I1 hubo una reducción de los pacientes fumadores (p = 0,034). En ambos grupos, la función pulmonar y la calidad de vida se mantuvieron y la disnea mostró un leve empeoramiento. El correcto uso de inhaladores aumentó, aunque solo alcanzó el 48 y el 61% con la I1 e I2, respectivamente. El porcentaje de pacientes exacerbados disminuyó con la I1 (respecto I2 [p < 0,001]) y el de ingresos hospitalarios por exacerbación disminuyó con la I2 (respecto I1 [p < 0,003]). Ambas intervenciones consiguieron mejoras relevantes y el no empeoramiento global de una enfermedad crónica y progresiva como es la EPOC

    Assessment of a primary and tertiary care integrated management model for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Spain continues to present challenges, and problems are exacerbated when there is a lack of coordinated follow-up between levels of care. This paper sets out the protocol for assessing the impact of an integrated management model for the care of patients with COPD. The new model will be evaluated in terms of 1) improvement in the rational utilization of health-care services and 2) benefits reflected in improved health status and quality of life for patients.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>A quasi-experimental study of the effectiveness of a COPD management model called COPD PROCESS. The patients in the study cohorts will be residents of neighborhoods served by two referral hospitals in Barcelona, Spain. One area comprises the intervention group (n = 32,248 patients) and the other the control group (n = 32,114 patients). The study will include pre- and post-intervention assessment 18 months after the program goes into effect. Analyses will be on two datasets: clinical and administrative data available for all patients, and clinical assessment information for a cohort of 440 patients sampled randomly from the intervention and control areas. The main endpoints will be the hospitalization rates in the two health-care areas and quality-of-life measures in the two cohorts.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The COPD PROCESS model foresees the integrated multidisciplinary management of interventions at different levels of the health-care system through coordinated routine clinical practice. It will put into practice diagnostic and treatment procedures that are based on current evidence, multidisciplinary consensus, and efficient use of available resources. Care pathways in this model are defined in terms of patient characteristics, level of disease severity and the presence or absence of exacerbation. The protocol covers the full range of care from primary prevention to treatment of complex cases.</p