57 research outputs found

    Structural control of the Cueva Huerta Natural Monument (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain)

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    El Monumento Natural de Cueva Huerta está constituido por un sistema de galerías kársticas que exceden los 20 km acumulados desarrollados en calizas carboníferas. En este trabajo analizamos las estructuras geológicas que determinan la orientación de los sectores principales de la cueva. Las observaciones realizadas en el interior de la cueva permiten reconocer varias superficies de deslizamiento de falla como la principal estructura determinando el desarrollo y orientación del sistema kárstico en Cueva Huerta. La orientación de la galería principal es paralela a la traza de una falla asociada a la Falla de León, mientras que varios sectores de la cueva siguen estructuras de dirección noroeste-sureste, probablemente alpinasThe Cueva Huerta Natural Monument is formed by more than 20 km of karstic conduits hosted by carboniferous limestones. Here we study the geological structures that determine the orientation of the major galleries in the cave. The observations made inside the cave point to several fault slip surfaces as the main candidates in the structural control of orientation of karstic conduits in Cueva Huerta. The main gallery follows closely a splay from the Leon fault, while the other major sectors in the cave run with a northwesterly orientation, following minor faults, likely alpine in ag

    Caracterización de la demanda residencial de GLP (supergás) en Uruguay y evaluación de política de subsidio sobre este energético

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza la demanda residencial de gas licuado de petróleo (GLP) en Uruguay. Mediante un modelo microeconométrico de Heckman en dos etapas, se identifican la incidencia positiva en la elección del GLP como principal energético para el uso de cocción del nivel de ingreso de los hogares, el grado de educación del jefe de hogar, el género femenino, la menor edad del jefe y el mayor número de habitaciones de la vivienda. Por otra parte la elección se vincula negativamente con la cantidad de integrantes del hogar y con el precio relativo del GLP respecto a la energía eléctrica. En cuanto al consumo, se halla una relación positiva con el ingreso, reflejada en una elasticidad ingreso del orden de 0,198. Se realiza una cuantificación del monto y del alcance del efecto del precio promocional que fija el Poder Ejecutivo por debajo del precio de paridad de importación y que opera como subsidio de aplicación general. Se establece y evalúa el grado de focalización hacia la población de menores recursos. Se realiza una estimación del coeficiente Gini del consumo del GLP de 0,45 que muestra una menor desigualdad en el acceso al energético que en la distribución del ingreso. Esto ratifica el amplio acceso que tiene el GLP en el país. No obstante, se estima en 43% del total del subsidio para el consumo residencial la porción que termina siendo apropiada por los hogares de los dos quintiles menos pobres. Los resultados obtenidos respaldan la continuación y ampliación de medidas de política, que, con mayor focalización, continúen dirigiéndose a facilitar el acceso de los hogares más pobres a mejores servicios de energía y al GLP en particula

    A control and management architecture supporting autonomic NFV services

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    The proposed control, orchestration and management (COM) architecture is presented from a high-level point of view; it enables the dynamic provisioning of services such as network data connectivity or generic network slicing instances based on virtual network functions (VNF). The COM is based on Software Defined Networking (SDN) principles and is hierarchical, with a dedicated controller per technology domain. Along with the SDN control plane for the provisioning of connectivity, an ETSI NFV management and orchestration system is responsible for the instantiation of Network Services, understood in this context as interconnected VNFs. A key, novel component of the COM architecture is the monitoring and data analytics (MDA) system, able to collect monitoring data from the network, datacenters and applications which outputs can be used to proactively reconfigure resources thus adapting to future conditions, like load or degradations. To illustrate the COM architecture, a use case of a Content Delivery Network service taking advantage of the MDA ability to collect and deliver monitoring data is experimentally demonstrated.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Insights on high-grade deformation in quartzo-feldspathic gneisses during the early Variscan exhumation of the Cabo Ortegal nappe, NW Iberia

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    High-grade, highly deformed gneisses crop out continuously along the Masanteo peninsula and constitute the upper part of the lower crustal section in the Cabo Ortegal nappe (NW Spain). The rock sequence formed by migmatitic quartzo-feldspathic (qz-fsp) gneisses and mafic rocks records the early Ordovician (ca. 480–488 Ma) injection of felsic dioritic/granodioritic dykes at the base of the qz-fsp gneisses, and Devonian eclogitization (ca. 390.4 ± 1.2 Ma), prior to its exhumation. A SE-vergent ductile thrust constitutes the base of quartzo-feldspathic gneissic unit, incorporating mafic eclogite blocks within migmatitic gneisses. A NW-vergent detachment displaced metasedimentary qz-fsp gneisses over the migmatites. A difference in metamorphic pressure of ca. 0.5 GPa is estimated between both gneissic units. The tectono-metamorphic relationships of the basal ductile thrust and the normal detachment bounding the top of the migmatites indicate that both discrete mechanical contacts were active before the recumbent folding affecting the sequence of gneisses during their final emplacement. The progressive tectonic exhumation from eclogite to greenschist facies conditions occurred over ca. 10 Ma and involved bulk thinning of the high-grade rock sequence in the high pressure and high temperature (HP–HT) Cabo Ortegal nappe. The necessary strain was accommodated by the development of a widespread main foliation, dominated by flattening, that subsequently localized to a network of anastomosing shear bands that evolved to planar shear zones. Qz-fsp gneisses and neighbouring mafic granulites were exhumed at > 3 mm yr−1 , and the exhumation path involved a cooling of ∼ 20 ◦C/100 MPa, These figures are comparable to currently active subduction zones, although exhumation P–T trajectory and ascent rates are at the hotter and slower end in comparison with currently active similar settings, suggesting an extremely ductile deformation environment during the exhumation of qz-fsp gneisses within a coherent Cabo Ortegal nappe

    Insights on high-grade deformation in quartzo-feldspathic gneisses during the early Variscan exhumation of the Cabo Ortegal nappe, NW Iberia

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    High-grade, highly deformed gneisses crop out continuously along the Masanteo peninsula and constitute the upper part of the lower crustal section in the Cabo Ortegal nappe (NW Spain). The rock sequence formed by migmatitic quartzo-feldspathic (qz-fsp) gneisses and mafic rocks records the early Ordovician (ca. 480–488 Ma) injection of felsic dioritic/granodioritic dykes at the base of the qz-fsp gneisses, and Devonian eclogitization (ca. 390.4 ± 1.2 Ma), prior to its exhumation. A SE-vergent ductile thrust constitutes the base of quartzo-feldspathic gneissic unit, incorporating mafic eclogite blocks within migmatitic gneisses. A NW-vergent detachment displaced metasedimentary qz-fsp gneisses over the migmatites. A difference in metamorphic pressure of ca. 0.5 GPa is estimated between both gneissic units. The tectono-metamorphic relationships of the basal ductile thrust and the normal detachment bounding the top of the migmatites indicate that both discrete mechanical contacts were active before the recumbent folding affecting the sequence of gneisses during their final emplacement. The progressive tectonic exhumation from eclogite to greenschist facies conditions occurred over ca. 10 Ma and involved bulk thinning of the high-grade rock sequence in the high pressure and high temperature (HP–HT) Cabo Ortegal nappe. The necessary strain was accommodated by the development of a widespread main foliation, dominated by flattening, that subsequently localized to a network of anastomosing shear bands that evolved to planar shear zones. Qz-fsp gneisses and neighbouring mafic granulites were exhumed at > 3 mm yr−1 , and the exhumation path involved a cooling of ∼ 20 ◦C/100 MPa, These figures are comparable to currently active subduction zones, although exhumation P–T trajectory and ascent rates are at the hotter and slower end in comparison with currently active similar settings, suggesting an extremely ductile deformation environment during the exhumation of qz-fsp gneisses within a coherent Cabo Ortegal nappe

    Petrophysical properties of Barrios Fm quartzarenites (Cantabrian Zone, N Spain)

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    La Formación Barrios es una de las unidades litoestratigráficas más características de las zonas externas del orógeno Varisco. Constituida por cuarzoarenitas muy continuas que pueden exceder el centenar de metros de potencia, está presente en casi todas las unidades tectónicas de la Zona Cantábrica. La composición mineralógica determina la alta resistencia mecánica de la mayor parte de la sucesión de estratos que forman la unidad, especialmente las cuarzoarenitas. En este trabajo se describen las propiedades físico-mecánicas determinadas en seis bloques de muestras de esta litología, en general poco alteradas, de las que se han extraído y ensayado 64 probetas. Se han determinado densidad aparente y la porosidad abierta, realizado diferentes ensayos mecánicos sin confinamiento (compresión uniaxial y tracción indirecta), y se han caracterizado las propiedades elásticas mediante ultrasonidosThe Barrios Formation is one of most characteristic lithostratigraphic units in the external parts of the Variscan orogen. It is constituted by continuous quartzarenites that can exceed a hundred meters in thickness. These rocks are present in almost all tectonic units within the Cantabrian Zone. The mineralogy determines its strength for most part of the unit, particularly for the beds made of quartzarenites. In this contribution, basic physical and mechanical properties are described in samples from six blocks, generally fresh, from which 64 cores have been tested. The properties determined are apparent density, open porosity, strength to uniaxial compression, tensional strength (brazilian testing), and elastic properties using ultrasonic testin

    Particle quantification from image analysis: application to a quartz-rich sand injection sample at the basal shear zone of the Esla Nappe (Cantabrian Zone, Variscan orogen)

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    Image analysis of rock samples in thin sections or polished surfaces allows the characterisation of the sizes and shapes of the particles that conform the rock. In order to test the effectiveness of different parameters in discriminating particles and grains of different origin and evolution within a rock, we use one sample from a quartz grain-rich injection at the base of the Esla Nappe (Cantabrian Zone, Variscan Orogen). We characterise particles using the parameters area (A), perimeter (P), sphericity (Es), solidity (So), normalised perimeter-area (PAn) and fractal dimension (DF). The analysis allows to discern rounded sand grains of detrital sedimentary origin from grains that have been partially or totally fractured. However, the parameters used could not discriminate sufficiently grains partially corroded by fluids during their injection perhaps due to the effect of subsequent overgrowths by cementsEl análisis de imagen en muestras de roca en lámina delgada o superficie pulida permite la caracterización de los tamaños y formas de los granos o partículas que constituyen una roca. Para comprobar la eficacia de diferentes parámetros en la discriminación de granos y partículas con diferente origen y evolución en una misma roca, utilizamos una muestra de una inyección arenosa en la base del manto del Esla (Zona Cantábrica, orógeno Varisco). Caracterizamos las partículas con los parámetros de área (A), perímetro (P), esfericidad (Es), solidez (So), perímetro-área normalizado (PAn) y dimensión fractal (DF). Este análisis permite diferenciar los granos redondeados de origen sedimentario detrítico, de aquellos que han sufrido fracturación parcial o total. Sin embargo, el análisis no permitió discriminar suficientemente los granos parcialmente expuestos a la acción corrosiva de fluidos durante la inyección debido quizá a una posible cementación posterio

    Simulación del comportamiento del subsistema de potencia del satélite Lian-He bajo unos parámetros de misión típicos = Simulation of the Lian-Hé satellite power subsystem under typical LEO mission requirements

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    En el proceso de diseño de sistemas espaciales, el subsistema de generación y distribución de potencia resulta crítico. Para percibirlo basta con pensar en la dependencia energética de gran parte de los demás subsistemas. En el presente informe se describirá en detalle el modelizado del sistema de generación y distribución de potencia del satélite Lian-He. También se realizarán análisis para comprobar durabilidad de la batería durante la misión, así como la robustez del diseño en caso de fallo de algún panel solar. El presente trabajo es parte del contenido docente de la asignatura de Generación y Gestión de Potencia Eléctrica correspondiente al Máster Universitario en Sistemas Espaciales (MUSE), impartido en el curso 2016-2017. Los tutores de este trabajo han sido los profesores Elena Roibás-Millán, Javier Cubas y Santiago Pindado. The proper design of the power subsystem in a space mission is a critical factor, as the correct performance of all the other subsystems of a satellite depend on the power generation and distribution. In the present work, the power subsystem of Lian-Hé satellite (generation, storage and distribution), is thoroughly described and analyzed for a typical LEO misión requeriments. Besides, a failure analysis of key parts of the subsystem such as oneot two solar panels, or half of the battery strings has been included in the work. This work was carried out as part of the subject Power Subsystems of the Master in Space Systems(MUSE)of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The supervisors of this work were professors elena Roibás-Millán, Javier Cubas and Santiago Pindado