420 research outputs found

    Polynesians of the Atlantic? Precedents, potentials, and pitfalls in Oceanic analogies of the Vikings

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    Comparisons between Viking-Age Scandinavia and the cultures of Oceania have long antecedents, stretching back at least to the late nineteenth century, with a significant milestone in the first-ever synthesis of Polynesian archaeology – Peter Buck’s Vikings of the Sunrise published in 1938. This brief contribution offers some critical commentary on a recent example, Mads Ravn’s paper in the 2018 volume of this journal, setting it in disciplinary context and also against Hawaiian work on this topic that has been undertaken by the authors since 2013. We consider the very real potential in this kind of comparative research, with some discussion of possible ways forward, and a note on pitfalls that must be avoided. Long sequences of continuous historical data, with a focus on internal social processes in addition to external influences, are at the centre of our approach. Above all, we stress the need for an emphasis on emic perspectives, not only in relation to native Hawaiians and other Pasifika, but also – as far as possible – in the study of the Scandinavian Iron Age

    Omkring »Harald Hens MÞntreform« og det feudale mÞntvÊsen

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    Att lÀra och förÀndra tillsammans - En kvalitativ studie av tvÄ musikverksamheter i Sverige och Mexiko

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    Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka demokratiska aspekter inom El Sistema med fokus pĂ„ gruppundervisning. Studien har gjorts pĂ„ tvĂ„ El Sistema skolor, en i Mexiko och en i Sverige. Data har samlats in genom observationer och intervjuer enligt kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Resultatet presenteras i tvĂ„ olika delar, en för Mexiko och en för Malmö. Dessa tvĂ„ delar Ă€r uppdelade i fyra kategorier vardera som behandlar det sociala, musiken, demokrati och kollaborativt lĂ€rande. Resultatet visar att bĂ„de retoriken kring verksamheterna och undervisningen i praktiken skiljer sig Ă„t mellan de tvĂ„ skolorna, men att det ocksĂ„ pĂ„ mĂ„nga sĂ€tt Ă€r tydligt att de Ă€r baserade pĂ„ samma koncept med sin grund i Venezuela. I Mexiko anses huvudsyftet med projektet vara socialt, och fördelar med gruppundervisning som lyftes fram av pedagogerna var att lĂ€ra sig samarbeta, och att man kan ta lĂ€rdom av varandras svĂ„righeter och fĂ€rdigheter. InstĂ€llningen frĂ„n pedagogerna i Malmö Ă€r att huvudfokus ligger pĂ„ musiken men att mĂ„nga av de sociala delarna som betonas inom El Sistema automatiskt faller pĂ„ plats nĂ€r man befinner sig i ett musikaliskt sammanhang. Gruppundervisningen bidrar enligt pedagogerna till att inspirationen ökar dĂ„ den kommer frĂ„n mĂ„nga olika hĂ„ll. Att alla Ă€r förebilder för varandra betonas ocksĂ„ som centralt i verksamheten. De ser El Sistema som demokratisk i den mening att de nĂ„r barn och unga som tidigare varit underrepresenterade i kulturskolan och för att orkestern blir en plats dĂ€r barn frĂ„n olika stadsdelar kommer kunna mötas.The purpose of this study is to investigate democratic aspects within El Sistema with a focus on group instruction. The study has taken place at two different El Sistema schools, one in Mexico and one in Sweden. The material for the survey has been acquired through interviews and observation using qualitative methods. The result is presented in two parts, one for Mexico and one for Malmö. These two parts contain four categories each, which process social aspects, musical aspects, democratic aspects and collaborative learning. The result of the study shows that both the rhetoric and the way of teaching differ between the two schools, but it is still clear that they are based on the same concept from Venezuela. In Mexico the main purpose of the project is said to be social. The teachers emphasize that the advantages of group instruction are to learn to collaborate and to learn from each other’s difficulties and skills. The attitude in Malmö is that the main purpose is musical, but that many of the social aspects that are pointed out within El Sistema will automatically develop when you are a part in a musical context. According to the teachers, the sources of inspiration multiply when teaching in a group. That everyone sets an example for each other is also emphasized as an important part of the organization. El Sistema is seen as democratic in the sense that they reach children who earlier have not been represented in the Swedish music schools, and also because the orchestra will be a place where children from different areas of the city can meet

    BistÄndets tre ansikten

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    The purpose of humanitarian aid is to save lives, relieve suffering and maintain human dignity for people affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters or other crisis situations. Since crises and conflicts today are diverse and complex to manage, humanitarian aid, as well as international politics in general, are faced with new challenges. On a global level humanitarian aid has increased in volume, and the number of aid actors has grown whilst other actors such as militaries recently have entered the humanitarian sphere. This largely affects the interaction between aid actors and nature of humanitarian aid as a whole. The purpose of this study is to show how current principles and praxis of humanitarian aid are represented in three aid doctrines that I have formulated. The arguments and values of the three doctrines have been elucidated by a reconstruction. The contents of the doctrines are analyzed using a number of dimensions that on a fundamental level are comprised of superior values and value-systems, and that on an operative level include actors and concrete working methods

    Explore - Exploring the opportunities for advancing vehicle recycling industrialization

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    After almost four years of research, it is time to summarise the findings of the Explore project. Involving actors from across the vehicle value chain, it has aimed to increase dialogue and communication, built knowledge regarding the composition of vehicles and pinpointed barriers and opportunities to improve circular flows of vehicle materials in the future.The project\u27s goal is to find ways to strengthen Swedish automotive recycling industry’s role in a more circular economy and create close cooperation between manufacturing and recycling industries. Against this background, the project has the following objectives:* Analyze future vehicle fleet\u27s material content and its implication for recycling system adaptation.* Adopt and adapt manufacturing planning and control theories and practices to develop a more efficient vehicle dismantling.* Analyze and propose solutions for more efficient reverse logistics in vehicle recycling.* Identify political and industrial action that can support the development of Swedish vehicle recycling.* Identify technical solutions for disassembly, sorting and recycling of future vehicles.The project was carried out through six individual work packages related to different parts of the vehicle value chain

    Demokrati i Guds namn! Kan demokratiska vÀrderingar förenas med islamistiska?

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    Demokrati anses vara det bÀsta sÀttet att uppnÄ de mÀnskliga rÀttigheterna som bestÀmts av FN. Men varför har inte den muslimska vÀrlden kommit till samma slutsats? Huntington skÀnkte oss sin syn att islam och demokrati inte Àr kompatibla. Men Àr det hela sanningen? Denna uppsats försöker mÄla upp en klar bild av varför det verkar vara sÄ svÄrt för den muslimska vÀrlden att vÀlja den demokratiska vÀgen. Vi gör en komparativ ideologianalys av tvÄ demokratiska definitioner mot tvÄ ledande islamistiska strömningar för att ta reda pÄ vad problemet verkligen bestÄr av. För att grÀva djupare tittar vi pÄ Irak och Turkiet för att se hur de tvÄ islamistiska strömningarna tar sig uttryck samtidigt som vi lÀr oss lite historia och om de bÄda lÀndernas nuvarande politiska situation. VÄr analys visar beroende pÄ vilken islamistisk ström man vÀljer att demokrati och islam Àr vÀldigt kompatibla

    Den ömsesidiga relationen mellan stÀder och krig, krig och stÀder

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    Under de senaste Ären har eskalerande urbanisering och vÀpnade konflikter i stÀder kommit att uppfattas som en allt viktigare global sÀkerhetsfrÄga, bÄde bland forskare och praktiker. Samtidigt Àr det empiriskt vÀlbelagt att stÀder alltid har formats av krig och krigföring, och krig och krigföring alltid har formats av stÀder. Trots detta Àr samtida krigsvetenskapliga och vÀsterlÀndska militÀrstrategiska diskussioner om krig, fred och sÀkerhet i relation till stÀder och det urbana ofta onyanserade och baserade pÄ ett binÀrt tÀnkande. Syftet med den hÀr artikeln Àr att genom en bred forskningsöversikt belysa och exemplifiera den ömsesidiga relationen mellan krig och stÀder, och dÀrmed bidra till en fördjupad och mer nyanserad samtida diskussion om krig i och mot stÀder, samt till en fördjupad förstÄelse för stadens dubbla konstruktion och funktion som en miljö som bÄde Àr konstituerad av och konstituerande för militÀrt vÄld. Dylik fördjupad förstÄelse Àr angelÀgen Àven i relation till samtida fredsforskning rörande post-konfliktstÀder och urbant fredsbyggande

    "Bli inte stressad, det Àr bara en prestationsmÀtning" - En kvalitativ studie av butikschefers uppfattning om inverkan av prestationsmÄtt pÄ stressfaktorer

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    Late Iron Age Whaling in Scandinavia

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    The use of bone from marine mammals as raw material in the manufacturing of gaming pieces in the Scandinavian late Iron Age have been observed and discussed during the last few years. New empirical studies have created a chronology as well as a typology showing how the design of the gaming pieces is tightly connected to different choices of raw material from antler in the roman and migration period, to whalebone in the 6 th century and walrus in the 10th century. The ocular examination of the whalebone can, however, rarely go beyond a determination of bone from cetaceans. The following article presents the results from 68 samples of whalebone gaming pieces that have been species determined using ZooMSms. The results show a consistent use of bones from North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) and is thus a strong argument for there being an active and largescale hunt for this type of whale starting inthe 6 h century. However, the manufacturing of gaming pieces was most likely not the reason for hunting whales, but merely a by-product that has survived in the archaeological record. Of greater importance was probably baleen, meat and the blubber that could be rendered into oil. The oil might have been an additional trading product on the far-reaching trade networks developing during the period
