191 research outputs found

    12 The earliest occupation of the Caucasus region

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    The role of IgG avidity in diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in newborns and infants [Uloga IgG aviditeta u dijagnostici infekcije citomegalovirusom u novorođenčadi i dojenčadi]

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    To evaluate the value of IgG avidity in diagnosis of congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in newborns and infants we collected serum samples from 40 infants under 12 months of age with suspected congenital CMV infection. Sera were tested for IgM, IgG and IgG avidity. For 25 of them, virus isolation and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on urine specimens were performed. Thirteen (32.5%) patients showed the presence of CMV IgM antibodies, 3 (7.5%) had equivocal IgM result, and 24 (60.0%) patients had IgG antibodies only. Using IgG avidity, CMV infection (low avidity index-AI) was documented in 61.5% IgM positive and 54.2% IgM negative patients. Eight of nine (88.8%) IgM positive patients were positive either on virus isolation or PCR. In IgM negative patients, 46.6% urine cultures were positive for CMV and 66.6% were PCR positive. According to age, IgG avidity demonstrated acute/recent primary CMV infection in 58.8% patients younger than three months compared with 91.7% and 81.8% in 3-6 and 6-12 months old babies, respectively. In conclusion, IgG avidity is useful in diagnosis of CMV infection either in IgM positive or IgM negative children older than 3 months of age. In infants less than 3 months, transplacentally derived maternal IgG antibodies of high avidity influence on the IgG avidity result. In these children, CMV infection should be confirmed by direct virologic methods such as virus isolation or PCR

    Predviđanje rodnih razlika u školskom uspjehu i socijalnoj prihvaćenosti: uloga odgode zadovoljstva

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    The study explored whether delay of gratification measured in 6-year old preschool children, incrementally predicts their subsequent academic achievement and social acceptance in elementary school above cognitive abilities. The role of gender in this relationship was also examined. The sample comprised 99 girls and 120 boys attending fourth, fifth and sixth grades. The study was longitudinal with two measurement points: measures of cognitive abilities and delay of gratification were taken at the age of 6, while measures of academic achievement (GPA, grade in Croatian language and math) and social acceptance, measured with the sociometric technique, were taken between the age of 10 and 12 years. It was confirmed that delay of gratification predicted both subsequent academic achievement and social acceptance in elementary school above cognitive abilities, but more strongly for boys than for girls. Also, delay of gratification mediated the relationship between gender and all four dependent variables. Gender differences in social acceptance, Croatian and math grades were partially explained and gender differences in GPA were fully explained by gender differences in delay of gratification measured at preschool age.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati predviđa li odgađanje zadovoljstva mjereno u dobi od 6 godina kasniji školski uspjeh i socijalnu prihvaćenost u osnovnoj školi, povrh mentalnih sposobnosti. Ispitana je i uloga roda u ovom odnosu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 99 djevojčica i 120 dječaka četvrtog, petog i šestog razreda osnovne škole. Istraživanje je bilo longitudinalnoga tipa u dvije točke, pri čemu su kognitivne sposobnosti i odgoda zadovoljstva mjereni u dobi od šest godina, dok su mjere akademskoga postignuća (opći uspjeh, ocjena iz hrvatskoga jezika, ocjena iz matematike) i socijalna prihvaćenost mjerena sociometrijskim testom prikupljene u drugoj točki, u dobi između 10. i 12. godine. Potvrđeno je da odgoda zadovoljstva, osim kognitivne zrelosti, predviđa kasniji školski uspjeh i socijalnu prihvaćenost u osnovnoj školi, ali u većoj mjeri za dječake nego za djevojčice. Također, odgoda zadovoljstva bila je medijator u odnosu između roda i sve 4 zavisne varijable. Rodne razlike u socijalnoj prihvaćenosti, ocjenama iz hrvatskoga jezika i matematike bile su djelomično, a u općem uspjehu potpuno, posredovane rodnim razlikama u odgodi zadovoljstva mjerenoj u predškolskoj dobi

    Jedan bombon ili dva u dobi od šest godina: ima li važnosti za kasniji školski život i zašto?

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    This study explored the role of early delay of gratification (DoG) and its positive outcomes in the child’s later school life. More specifically, it investigated whether DoG measured in six-year-old preschool children predicts their subsequent emotional intelligence, quality of school life and life satisfaction in higher grades of elementary school. Also, the mediating role of emotional intelligence in the relationship between delay of gratification at preschool age and subsequent quality of school life and life satisfaction was also examined. The sample comprised 141 students (48.2 % girls). Delay of gratification (DoG) was measured among six-year-old children; other measurement for one part of the sample was done at the seventh, and for the other part at the eighth grade. DoG was measured by the DoG task: children may eat one tempting treat immediately or they may earn a larger serving by waiting for an unspecified amount of time, doing assessment tasks. Other measurements included the Emotional Intelligence Scale (Wong & Low, 2002), the Quality of School Life Questionnaire (Leonard, 2002; Raboteg Šarić et al., 2009) and the Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale (Huebner, 1991). It was found that students who succeeded in delaying gratification at preschool age had subsequently higher life satisfaction, higher sense of school achievement, and higher emotional intelligence (the use of emotions to facilitate performance and regulation of emotions in the self). Mediation analyses found that the overall emotional intelligence mediates the relationship between DoG and life satisfaction. Also, the component of emotional intelligence called the Use of emotions to facilitate performance was deemed a significant mediator between DoG and a sense of scholarly achievement. It can be concluded that the strengthening of regulatory mechanisms in preschool age may be beneficial for both life satisfaction and the sense of academic achievement in higher grades of elementary school.U ovom istraživanju ispitivala se ulogu rane odgode zadovoljenja i njezine pozitivne ishode u kasnijem djetetovom životu. Više specifično, nastojalo se utvrditi je li izmjerena odgoda zadovoljstva šestogodišnjaka predviđa njihovu kasniju emocionalnu inteligenciju, kvalitetu školskoga života i zadovoljstva životom u višim razredima osnovne škole. Osim toga, nastojala se istražiti posrednička uloga emocionalne inteligencije u odnosu između odgode zadovoljenja u predškolskoj dobi i kasnije kvalitete školskoga života i životnoga zadovoljstva životom. Uzorak je uključivao 141 učenika (48,2 % djevojčica). Odgoda zadovoljenja izmjerena je u populaciji šestogodišnjaka; drugo mjerenje za jedan dio uzorka učinjeno je u sedmom, a za drugi dio uzorka u osmom razredu. Odgoda zadovoljenja izmjerena je zadatkom odgode zadovoljenja: djeca su imala priliku pojesti jedan primamljiv slatkiš odmah ili su mogla odabrati više slatkiša ako čekaju određeno vrijeme, dok rade zadatke procjene. Ostali mjerni instrumenti bili su Skala emocionalne inteligencije (Wong i Low, 2002), Upitnik o kvaliteti školskog života (Leonard, 2002; Raboteg Šarić i sur., 2009) i Skala učeničkog zadovoljstva životom (Huebner, 1991). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su učenici koji su uspjeli odgoditi zadovoljenje u predškolskoj dobi kasnije bili zadovoljniji životom, imali veći osjećaj akademskoga postignuća i višu emocionalnu inteligenciju (upotreba emocija za olakšavanje izvedbe i unutarnje regulacije emocija). Analize medijacije polučile su rezultate koji govore u prilog tome da je cjelokupna emocionalna inteligencija posrednik u odnosu između odgode zadovoljenja i životnoga zadovoljstva. Osim toga, sastavnica emocionalne inteligencije koja olakšava izvedbu smatra se značajnim posrednikom između odgode zadovoljenja i percepcije važnosti školskoga postignuća. Može se zaključiti da jačanje regulatornih mehanizama u predškolskoj dobi može biti korisno za oboje - zadovoljstvo životom i doživljaj smisla postignuća u višim razredima osnovne škole

    Učinci nepovoljnih obiteljskih okolnosti na delinkvenciju muških i ženskih adolescenata

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the direct and serial indirect effects of ecological family disadvantage on adolescent male and female delinquency through poor parental monitoring and deviant peer association. Data used in this paper are collected on a sample of 528 Croatian high-school students (374 males) aged between 15 and 17. Participants self-reported their delinquency, and completed questionnaires about their familial disadvantage, parental monitoring, and their association with deviant peers. PROCESS macro for SPSS was used to test the proposed direct and indirect effects. The results showed that ecological family disadvantage had a direct effect on more pronounced male delinquency. There was no significant serial indirect effect of ecological family disadvantage on male delinquency through the two presumed mediators, but there was significant indirect effect of ecological family disadvantage on male delinquency through their increased deviant peer association. In females, no significant direct or indirect effects were found. The results point to gender specific mechanisms by which ecological family disadvantage contributes to adolescent delinquency, and thus make a significant contribution to the literature on this topic.Cilj ovog rada jest ispitati izravne i neizravne učinke ekoloških obiteljskih nepovoljnih prilika na delinkventno ponašanje mladića i djevojaka kroz loš roditeljski nadzor i druženje s devijantnim vršnjacima. Podatci upotrijebljeni u ovom radu prikupljeni su na uzorku od 528 hrvatskih srednjoškolaca (374 mladića) između 15 i 17 godina. Kako bi se provjerili pretpostavljeni izravni i neizravni učinci, uzet je PROCESS makro za SPSS. Rezultati su pokazali da ekološke obiteljske nepovoljne prilike imaju izravan učinak na izraženije delinkventno ponašanje mladića. Nije pronađen značajan serijalni neizravni učinak ekoloških nepovoljnih obiteljskih prilika na delinkventno ponašanje mladića kroz dva pretpostavljena medijatora, ali je utvrđen neizravan učinak ekoloških nepovoljnih obiteljskih prilika na delinkventno ponašanje mladića kroz njihovo izraženije druženje s devijantnim vršnjacima. Na uzorku djevojaka nisu pronađeni ni značajni izravni ni neizravni učinci. Rezultati upućuju na spolno specifične mehanizme kroz koje ekološke nepovoljne obiteljske prilike pridonose delinkventnom ponašanju adolescenata i važan su doprinos literaturi na ovom području


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    Sociodemographic, sexual behaviour and microbiological profiles of men attending public health laboratory for testing for sexually transmitted diseases

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    In order to identify the groups at risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), we assessed the sociodemographic profiles of men testing for STD, their sexual habits, and the results of microbiological analysis. During a three-year period, a total of 700 men older than 18 years of age completed the questionnaire regarding sociodemographic and sexual behavior. Urethral swabs were taken for microbiological analysis. Thirty-three percent of respondents reported not using condoms. Those that do not use condoms were predominantly less educated, unmarried but in steady relationships, employed, with children, and smokers. Alcohol or drug usage before sexual intercourse was disclosed by 21.4% of respondents, and 10.3% respondents reported sexual intercourses with commercial sex workers. Finally, 24.0% respondents reported sexual relations abroad. In 28.1% of subjects, one or more pathogens were observed in urethral swabs. The most commonly diagnosed microorganism was Ureaplasma urealyticum, followed by Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This study identified several factors that may contribute to the general risk of STD transmission, which will serve to better understand the transmission dynamics and implementation of adequate prevention programs. </p

    Učinci nepovoljnih obiteljskih okolnosti na delinkvenciju muških i ženskih adolescenata

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the direct and serial indirect effects of ecological family disadvantage on adolescent male and female delinquency through poor parental monitoring and deviant peer association. Data used in this paper are collected on a sample of 528 Croatian high-school students (374 males) aged between 15 and 17. Participants self-reported their delinquency, and completed questionnaires about their familial disadvantage, parental monitoring, and their association with deviant peers. PROCESS macro for SPSS was used to test the proposed direct and indirect effects. The results showed that ecological family disadvantage had a direct effect on more pronounced male delinquency. There was no significant serial indirect effect of ecological family disadvantage on male delinquency through the two presumed mediators, but there was significant indirect effect of ecological family disadvantage on male delinquency through their increased deviant peer association. In females, no significant direct or indirect effects were found. The results point to gender specific mechanisms by which ecological family disadvantage contributes to adolescent delinquency, and thus make a significant contribution to the literature on this topic.Cilj ovog rada jest ispitati izravne i neizravne učinke ekoloških obiteljskih nepovoljnih prilika na delinkventno ponašanje mladića i djevojaka kroz loš roditeljski nadzor i druženje s devijantnim vršnjacima. Podatci upotrijebljeni u ovom radu prikupljeni su na uzorku od 528 hrvatskih srednjoškolaca (374 mladića) između 15 i 17 godina. Kako bi se provjerili pretpostavljeni izravni i neizravni učinci, uzet je PROCESS makro za SPSS. Rezultati su pokazali da ekološke obiteljske nepovoljne prilike imaju izravan učinak na izraženije delinkventno ponašanje mladića. Nije pronađen značajan serijalni neizravni učinak ekoloških nepovoljnih obiteljskih prilika na delinkventno ponašanje mladića kroz dva pretpostavljena medijatora, ali je utvrđen neizravan učinak ekoloških nepovoljnih obiteljskih prilika na delinkventno ponašanje mladića kroz njihovo izraženije druženje s devijantnim vršnjacima. Na uzorku djevojaka nisu pronađeni ni značajni izravni ni neizravni učinci. Rezultati upućuju na spolno specifične mehanizme kroz koje ekološke nepovoljne obiteljske prilike pridonose delinkventnom ponašanju adolescenata i važan su doprinos literaturi na ovom području


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    Grafički prikaz neuromuskularne podražljivosti el ektričnim četvrtasl.im impulsima u obliku intenzitetnovremenske krivulje, u Hrvatskoj se od 1962. godine izvodi u el ektrod ij agnostičkom laboratoriju Klinike za fizikalnu medicinu, rehabilitaciju i reumatologiju Kliničke bolnice "Sestre milosrdnice". Za takav prikaz postoji nekoliko naziva: intenzitetnovrernenska krivulja (1/t krivulja), elektrostatograrn (ELS) ili jakosnovremenska krivulja (SD krivulja). Od 1990. u našem se elektrod ijagnostičkom laboratoriju neuromuskularna podražljivosl električnim četvrtatstim impulsima, osim prikazivanja l/t krivuljom, prikazuje i intenzitetnovremenskim pravcem (l/L pravac). Prikazivanje neuromuskularne podražljivosti u obliku pravca, ima nekoliko važnih prednosti u odnosu na prikazivanje krivuljom. Prednosti su mogućnost odrcdenja kuta, raspona i položaja pravca u koordinatnom sustavu, lakša usporedba motornih i senzornih pravaca i druge. Ti novi elementi svojstveni pravcu, omogućuju bolju dijagnostičku i prognostičku procjenu te neposredno i bolji terapijski pristup. Predlažemo, s toga, da se u budućoj elektrodijagnostičkoj obradi, uz dosadašnju 1/t krivulju, upotrebljava i 1/t pravac jer sa svojim parametrima pravac daje veće elektrodijagnostičke mogućnosti.Since 1962. the graphic presentation of the neuromuscular excitability, provoked by electric rectangular impulses, in the fonn of the intensity-duration curve has been used in Croatia, in the Electrodiagnostic Laboratory of the Clinical Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Reumatology al "Sestre milosrdnice" University Hospital. This graphic presentation has had three alternative names: intensity-duration curve (1/t curve}, electrostatogram (ELS) and strength-duration curve (SD curve). Since 1990. in this electrodiagnostic laboratory the neuromuscular excitability provoked by electric rectanguJar impulses has been presented also in the form of line (lit line), beside the presentation in the form of curve (1/t curve). Presentation of the neuromuscular excitability in the form of the line has several important benefits compared to the presentation in the form of the curve. TI1ese benefits are possibility of the precise determination of the angle, range and the position of the line in the coordinate system as well as the easier comparison of the "motor" lines and the "sensor" lines. The new parameters, characteristic for the line, provide more reliable diagnostic and prognostic evaluation as well as better therapeutic approach. On the basis of these facts we have proposed the use of the 1/t line in the electrodiagnostic routine measurement, beside the l/t curve. Namely, parameters of the 1/t line in comparison to the l/t curve provides broader electrodiagnostic possibilities

    Die russische Parteienlandschaft vor den Parlamentswahlen. (I)

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    Die nächsten Parlamentswahlen in Rußland sollen nach der Verfassung von 1993 im Dezember 1999 stattfinden. Der heftige Wahlkampf, der sich nach dem offenen Ausbruch der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise vom 17. August 1998 noch verschärfte, hat längst eingesetzt. Während der Transformation vollzogen sich beträchtliche Änderungen der gesellschaftlichen Strukturen. Die politischen Kräfte - sowohl die Reformkräfte als auch die oppositionelle Antireformkräfte - müssen bei unterschiedlichen Schichten der Bevölkerung Unterstützung suchen, um 1999 in das Parlament gewählt zu werden. (BIOst-Dok