
Grafički prikaz neuromuskularne podražljivosti el ektričnim č impulsima u obliku intenzitetnovremenske krivulje, u Hrvatskoj se od 1962. godine izvodi u el ektrod ij agnostičkom laboratoriju Klinike za fizikalnu medicinu, rehabilitaciju i reumatologiju Kliničke bolnice "Sestre milosrdnice". Za takav prikaz postoji nekoliko naziva: intenzitetnovrernenska krivulja (1/t krivulja), elektrostatograrn (ELS) ili jakosnovremenska krivulja (SD krivulja). Od 1990. u našem se elektrod ijagnostičkom laboratoriju neuromuskularna podražljivosl električnim četvrtatstim impulsima, osim prikazivanja l/t krivuljom, prikazuje i intenzitetnovremenskim pravcem (l/L pravac). Prikazivanje neuromuskularne podražljivosti u obliku pravca, ima nekoliko važnih prednosti u odnosu na prikazivanje krivuljom. Prednosti su mogućnost odrcdenja kuta, raspona i položaja pravca u koordinatnom sustavu, lakša usporedba motornih i senzornih pravaca i druge. Ti novi elementi svojstveni pravcu, omogućuju bolju dijagnostičku i prognostičku procjenu te neposredno i bolji terapijski pristup. Predlažemo, s toga, da se u budućoj elektrodijagnostičkoj obradi, uz dosadašnju 1/t krivulju, upotrebljava i 1/t pravac jer sa svojim parametrima pravac daje veće elektrodijagnostičke mogućnosti.Since 1962. the graphic presentation of the neuromuscular excitability, provoked by electric rectangular impulses, in the fonn of the intensity-duration curve has been used in Croatia, in the Electrodiagnostic Laboratory of the Clinical Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Reumatology al "Sestre milosrdnice" University Hospital. This graphic presentation has had three alternative names: intensity-duration curve (1/t curve}, electrostatogram (ELS) and strength-duration curve (SD curve). Since 1990. in this electrodiagnostic laboratory the neuromuscular excitability provoked by electric rectanguJar impulses has been presented also in the form of line (lit line), beside the presentation in the form of curve (1/t curve). Presentation of the neuromuscular excitability in the form of the line has several important benefits compared to the presentation in the form of the curve. TI1ese benefits are possibility of the precise determination of the angle, range and the position of the line in the coordinate system as well as the easier comparison of the "motor" lines and the "sensor" lines. The new parameters, characteristic for the line, provide more reliable diagnostic and prognostic evaluation as well as better therapeutic approach. On the basis of these facts we have proposed the use of the 1/t line in the electrodiagnostic routine measurement, beside the l/t curve. Namely, parameters of the 1/t line in comparison to the l/t curve provides broader electrodiagnostic possibilities

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