15 research outputs found

    Vodni resursi Rasinskog okruga i njihov uticaj na regionalni razvoj

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    Rasina district disposes of significant natural resources, among which water resources represented by surface watercourses of the rivers of Zapadna, Velika and Južna Morava and their tributaries, as well as underground waters (phreatic, artesian aquifers, karst and mineral sources) are the most significant. The main goal of this paper is detailed analysis and presentation of the state of available water resources on the territory of Rasina district and determining possibilities, in accordance with obtained results, for their integration in developmental policy of the district. Analytical, evolutionary and comparative method, as well as generalization method, cartographic and poll method made the basis of the research procedure. In studying water resources at first we analyzed basic physical – geographical factors which influence the regime of surface and underground waters. Thus we set the basis for the following hydrological research. After determining the state of all the waters on the territory of Rasina district, we determined which portion of those resources can be used for water supply of population, whereas which portion can be used for the purpose of industry, agriculture and hydro-energetic purpose. Likewise, we provided detailed analysis of the harmful influence of irrational water resources exploitation in the above mentioned sectors, as well as the possibilities for overcoming these negative actions together with rational managing of water resources in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and European standards. On the basis of these researches, a conclusion is imposed that Rasina district disposes of sufficient quantities of water, necessary for the needs of population, industry and agriculture. However, the biggest problem is unplanned economy of such an important natural resource, misuse of water and inadequate protection of sources. Planned and sustainable managing of water resources implies their exploitation for the purpose of satisfying the present needs of the population, whereas it also enables the future generations to do the same. Steady future regional development related to water resources implies adoption and implementation of certain measures which should enable adequate and stable water supply of the population with quality water, construction of the infrastructure for the management of waste waters, reduction of industrial pollution of watercourse, as well as providing sufficient quantities of water for watering arable surfaces. The biggest attention should be paid to the development and realization of the project of the regional system “Ćelije“ which represents the basis for providing sufficient quantities of quality water for the needs of the population and economy in Rasina district and its surroundings

    Integral water management on the territory of the town of Kruševac

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    Providing sufficient amount of quality water for the population is a primary goal of each community. Both lack and irrational management of such an important resource influenced actualization of this problem in Serbia, as well as the need to intensify the activities on preserving water resources through implementation of Directive on waters, brought by European Union, based on integral management of water resources. This work analyzes available water resources on the territory of the town of Kruševac from the aspect of integral water management, which implies consideration of the problem of optimal usage of water resources for the need of different users, as well as protection of water resources from pollution. Organized water supplying of the population of Kruševac with quality water, as the most important activity in water management, is partly realized by building by building reservoir 'Ćelije', while ground waters are still used for supplying industrial plants. Besides providing sufficient amounts of water, adequate purification and waste water drainage from the settlements and industrial plants represent a big problem. This problem could be solved by increasing the number of households connected to sewage network and the amount of communal and industrial waste waters which are purified adequately, by constructing new and reconstructing the existing plants. Regular and adequate water supply of population and industry is an important matter, but it is equally important to preserve the rivers and underground springs from unpurified, used water loaded with harmful substances which can lead to disturbance of river eco-systems. The aim of this work is to point out the possibilities of more rational usage and more quality protection of water resources on the territory of Kruševac, which would more adequately coordinate economic and social development and principles of sustainable water management

    Changes in Soil Erosion Intensity Caused by Land Use and Demographic Changes in the Jablanica River Basin, Serbia

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    The aim of this research is to determine the change in the spatial distribution of erosion intensity in the territory of the Jablanica River Basin in the period 1971-2016 caused by land use and demographic changes. The Erosion Potential Method (EPM) was used to quantify changes in erosion intensity and to estimate the total annual sediment yield. The research results show that the value of the erosion coefficient decreased from 0.432 in 1971 to 0.360 in 2016. Specific annual gross erosion in the Jablanica River Basin was 654.41 m(3)/km(2)/year in 1971, while in 2016 it was 472.03 m(3)/km(2)/year. The analysis of proportional changes was used to determine demographic changes and land use patterns in the basin area. In terms of the scale and intensity of the erosion process, three types and one sub-type of population dynamics of settlements and land use changes were distinguished, respectively: progressive, stagnant, regressive and dominant regressive. It was concluded that the results show the significance of demographic and land use changes in the control of the intensity of erosion. The Soil Erosion Map may be useful to planners and land use managers to take appropriate decisions for soil conservation in the basin

    Statistical analysis of water quality parameters in the basin of the Nisava River (Serbia) in the period 2009-2018

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    This paper analyzes water quality from four hydrological stations in the Nisava river basin from 2009-2018 based on the following parameters: pH, conductivity, O-2 saturation, BOD5, suspended solids, total oxidized nitrogen, phosphates, turbidity and coliform bacteria. Authors have applied WQI (water quality index) as the most reliable indicator of the watercourses pollution for setting of surface water flow quality. Statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) using t-test inferential statistical analysis and post-hoc Tukey test were applied to evaluate statistically significant differences between specific data groups. The results show that bad water quality was registered on all the profiles on an annual basis (WQI = 65-71). The river water pH decreases downstream, while values of BOD5, suspended solids, turbidity, TON, phosphates and coliform bacteria gradually increase. The waters of the Nisava at the station Nis belong to the third class of waters and they are mostly loaded with organic matter originating from waste sewage and industrial waters of both urban and rural areas

    Statistical analysis of temperature regime change on the example of Sokobanja basin in eastern Serbia

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    The changes and oscillations in air temperature during the second half of the 20th and in the early 21st century, have become one of the major concerns of almost all scientific disciplines. Such changes are noticeable both at the local and global level. The objective of this paper is to point out that the changes of this climate element can also be detected at the local level. The research underlying this paper is, in terms of territory, limited to the Sokobanja basin in Eastern Serbia. The analysis relies on the data on air temperature for the period 1946-2012 taken from the Meteorological weather station located in Sokobanja. The obtained data were processed in line with the recommendations of the World Meteorological Organization. The evidenced statistically significant changes in air temperature were examined using the following statistical tests: Pettit test, Standard Normal Homogeneity test, Buishand range test, and von Neumann test

    Statistical analysis of annual and seasonal temperature regime change in Rasina River basin, Serbia

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    In this research, changes in annual and seasonal trends of mean temperatures were analyzed on the territory of the Rasina River basin (central Serbia). We used data from four meteorological stations during three periods: 1961–1989, 1990–2018, and 1979–2013. The change detection analysis has been conceded using the Pettitt’s test, von Neumann ratio test, Buishand’s range test, and standard normal homogeneity (SNH) test, while the linear regression, Mann-Kendall, and Sen's slope tests have been applied for trend analysis. The results show that the change in summer temperatures occurred shortly after 1980. The analysis results showed that inhomogeneous structures are generally observed between 1976 and 1984, between 1997 and 1998, and in 2006. The trend of all the data on annual basis showed positive increasing trend. The analysis indicated that the average annual, winter, and summer temperatures show significant increasing trend both in the longer period (1961–2018) and in the second part of the period (1990–2018). In the first part of the period (1961–1989), autumn temperatures in Kruševac, summer and autumn temperatures in Blace, as well as winter and autumn temperatures in Goč showed significant decreasing trend. The significant rising trend in the summer and winter months in the last 30 years may affect water availability and water demands in the region

    The impact of Mediterranean oscillations on periodicity and trend of temperature in the valley of the Nisava river - a fourier and wavelet approach

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    Periodicity of temperature on three stations in the Nisava River valley in period 1949-2014, has been analyzed by means of Fourier and wavelet transforms. Combined periodogram based on fast Fourier transform shows considerable similarity among individual series and identffies significant periods on 2.2, 2.7, 3.3, 5, 6-7, and 8.2 years in all datasets. Wavelet coherence analysis connects strongest 6-7 years spectral component to Mediterranean oscillation, starting in 1980s. Combined periodogram of Mediterranean oscillation index reveals 6-7 years spectral component as a dominant mode in period 1949-2014. Wavelet power spectra and partial combined periodograms show absence of 6-7 years component before 1975, after which this component becomes dominant in the spectrum. Consistency between alternation in temperature trend in the Nisava River valley and change in periodicity of Mediterranean oscillation was found

    Problems of contemporary demographic development on the territory of Kruševac municipality

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    Demographic changes on the territory of Kruševac municipality in the second half of the 20th century are shown through the increase of the inhabitants in urban settlement as well as the drop of the number of inhabitants in rural settlements. Increase in the number of inhabitants leads to the increase of the number of households, as well as to the drop in the number of the members of those households. One of the most important problems is the ageing of population, ie, drop in the number of young population and significant rise in old population, so the population of Kruševac municipality is already in the phase of the deepest demographic old age. Such age structure influences further economic development of this area at large. Economic structure of the population sustained major changes in the period from 1991 to 2011, because many important industrial companies which were the carriers of economic development of this area were closed in that period

    Contemporary demographic changes of the Rasina district

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    Rasina District is faced with serious demographic problems at the beginning of the twenty-first century which are the consequence of long-term economic and social changes both in this area and the country as a whole. The basic problem is insufficient population regeneration, which further leads to other negative processes. One of the most important problems of Rasina District is the ageing of population, i.e., a drop in young population and a significant rise in old population. Therefore, the population of Rasina District is already in the critical phase of demographic aging. Such age structure influences further economic development of this area at large. The decrease in young population, which is the carrier of future reproduction and regeneration of the population of this area, is evident. So as to stop or decelerate these processes, it is necessary to improve life conditions and ensure certain economic standard. Otherwise, these processes will not be stopped; they will be all the more intensified

    Population Aging in Serbia: A Case Study of the Municipality of Bela Palanka

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    This article focuses on the problem of population aging in the municipality of Bela Palanka typical for the most prominent demographic problems in the territory of the Republic of Serbia and characteristically marked by an unfavorable age structure. The authors tried to determine both spatial and temporal dimensions of the population aging process of the aforementioned municipality