28 research outputs found

    Osetljivost kukuruza, suncokreta i ječma na rezidualno delovanje klomazona u zemljiŔtu

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    Sensitivity of maize, sunflower and barley to clomazone residues in loamy soil was assessed in the study using bioassay. Clomazone was applied at a series of concentrations from 0.12 to 12 mg a.i./kg of soil. After 14 days, morphological (shoot height, fresh and dry weight) and physiological (content of carotenoids, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b) parameters were measured. The results showed that morphological parameters are not valid indicators of clomazone sensitivity. Based on the results showing inhibition of the physiological parameters, I50 values were calculated and used to estimate the difference in sensitivity between the species tested. Sunflower was the most sensitive species, while the difference in sensitivity between maize and barley was not significant. Nomenclature: clomazone (2-(2-chlorbenzyl)-4,4-dimethyl-1,2-oxazolidin-3-one), maize (Zea mays L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).U radu je ispitivana osetljivost kukuruza, suncokreta i ječma na rezidualno delovanje klomazona u zemljiÅ”tu tipa ilovače, metodom biotesta. Klomazon je primenjen u seriji koncentracija 0,12-12 mg a.s./kg zemljiÅ”ta. Nakon 14 dana rasta biljaka mereni su morfoloÅ”ki (visina, sveža i suva masa izdanka) i fizioloÅ”ki parametri (sadržaj karotenoida, hlorofila a i hlorofila b). Konstatovano je da morfoloÅ”ki parametri nisu pouzdano merilo osetljivosti na klomazon. Prema ostvarenim procentima inhibicije za merene fizioloÅ”ke parametre izračunate su vrednosti I50, a na osnovu njih utvrđene su razlike u osetljivosti ispitivanih biljnih vrsta. Najosetljiviji je bio suncokret, dok se kukuruz i ječam nisu međusobno značajno razlikovali

    Uticaj načina koriŔćenja na vodne karakteristike planosola (južna Mačva i Pocerina, Srbija)

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    Water holding capacities and saturated hydraulic conductivity of Planosols in south Mačva and Pocerina (Serbia) were compared to assess how different types of land use (forest, arable and grassland) influence soils endangered by stagnating water. These changes came from decrease of total porosity and changes in pores size distribution in arable and grass land compared to forest land. Changes of water characteristics of arable and grassland Planosols compared to forest Planosols were statistically most significant in illuvial horizon Btg (absence of root network and fauna activity). It is important to emphasize: (i) surface A horizon of arable and grass land compared to forest showed insignificant increase of plant available water and significant decrease of saturated hydraulic conductivity (ii) significant decrease of saturation and macro porosity increased the risk of oxygen deficiency in Planosols in wet periods of year in this order: arable land > grassland > forest.Cilj rada je utvrđivanje promena u vodnim kapacitetima i vodopropusnosti planosola na području Mačve i Pocerine zbog pretvaranja Å”uma u travnjake i njive. Promena načina koriŔćenja značajno je uticala na vodne kapacitete, ali ne i na vodopropusnost. Generalno u poređenju sa Å”umama, u njivama i travnjacima je doÅ”lo do smanjenja MVK i povećanja vrednosti PVK, LVK i VV. Navedene promene su posledica smanjenja ukupne poroznosti i promene diferencijalne poroznosti. Promene u njivama i travnjacima su najznačajnije u Btg horizontu (odustvo korenovog sistema i faune), zatim u A horizontu (smanjenje korenovog sistema, aktivnosti faune i sadržaja humusa), a najmanje u Eg horizontu (manja promena poroznosti zbog nestrukturnosti). Sa agroekoloÅ”kog aspekta je važno istaći da u A horizontu njiva i travnjaka u poređenju sa Å”umama povećanje KPV i smanjenje SHC nije značajno; značajno smanjenje MVK i makroporoznosti povećava rizik od nedostatka kiseonika u vlažnom delu godine ovim redom: njive > travnjaci > Å”ume

    Optimizovana sinteza značajnog farmaceutskog intermedijera metil 4-[(1-oksopropil)fenilamino]piperidin-4-karboksilata

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    An efficient synthesis of methyl 4-[(1-oxopropyl)phenylamino]piperidine-4-carboxylate (7) has been developed starting from 1-benzylpiperidin-4-one (1). The compound is a key intermediate in the synthesis of new generation, highly active narcotic analgesics, such as remifintanil, as well as the novel classes of fentanyl analogues. An optimized Strecker-type condensation of piperidone 1 with aniline and HCN yielded the anilino-nitrile 2(ā‰ˆ90%) which, upon selective hydrolysis with conc. H2SO4, gave the anilino-amide 3.After vigorous basic hydrolysis of 3, followed by acidification and successive treatment with SOCl2 and MeOH, the anilino-ester 5 was obtained (40ā€“45%, in 3 steps). N-Acylation of 5 with propionyl chloride yielded the anilido-ester 6(70ā€“80%) In the final step, the catalytic N-debenzylation of 6 was examined under various conditions and optimized to yield 7 in near quantitative yields.U ovom radu razvijena je efikasna sinteza metil 4-[(1-oksopropil)fenilamino]piperidin-4-karboksilata (7), prolazeći od 1-benzil piperidin-4-on-1 (1). Jedinjenje 7 je ključni intermedijer u sintezi nove generacije visoko aktivnih narkotičkih analgetika, kao Å”to je remifentanil a takođe i novih klasa analoga fentanyla. U optimizovanoj Strecker-ovoj kondenzaciji priperidona 1 sa anilinom i HCN, dobijen je anilino-nitril 2 (ā‰ˆ90%) prinos čijom je selektivnom hidrolizom pomoću konc. H2SO4 postao anilino-amid 3. Intenzivnom baznom hidrolizom ovog intermedijera, zakiÅ”eljavanjem a zatim sukcesivno reakcijom sa SOCl2 i MeOH sintetisan je anilino-estar 5 (ā‰ˆ40ā€“45% prinos u 3 faze). N-acelovanjem anilino-estra 5 sa propionil hloridom postao je anilido-estar 6 (ā‰ˆ70ā€“80% prinos). U poslednjom fazi sinteze izvrÅ”ena je optimizacija katalitičkog N-debenzilovanja anilido-estra 6 do finalnog proizvoda 7, u približno kvantitativnom prinosu


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    Patients with advanced gastric cancer generally have poor overall prognosis as well as survival rate. Unfortunately, in the West, gastric cancer typically occurs at an advanced stage and many of these patients have tumor invasion into adjacent structures (International Union Against Cancer [UICC]/American Joint Committee on Cancer [AJCC] Stage T4). Although T4 gastric cancer patients often have peritoneal dissemination or distant metastasis, many do not have M1 disease and are therefore candidates for surgery with the curative intent. A multivisceral resection (MVR) or gastrectomy with resection of adjacent organs is needed in T4 gastric cancer patients to achieve an R0 resection that is one of the most powerful forecasters of gastric cancer surgery results. Spleen, distal pancreas, liver, and large intestine (mostly transverse colon) were the most commonly resected organs. The therapeutic choice with acceptable postoperative morbidity and mortality rates in locally advanced patients with gastric cancer should be gastrectomy with MVR, where complete resection could be realistically obtained and where metastatic involvement of the lymph node is not evident. MVR is done with a curative R0 resection to provide advanced gastric cancer patients with the best survival chance. It was found that resections involving the pancreas, transverse colon and liver were associated with increased survival rate in comparison to MVR with resection of other structures. It was shown that survival rate significantly decreased in patients who had undergone MVR without complete resection compared to those who had an R0 resection. Nevertheless, the extent of the surgical resection required and further advantages of MVR are disputable

    Finger Length Ratios in Serbian Transsexuals

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    Atypical prenatal hormone exposure could be a factor in the development of transsexualism. There is evidence that the 2nd and 4th digit ratio (2Dā€‰:ā€‰4D) associates negatively with prenatal testosterone and positively with estrogens. The aim was to assess the difference in 2Dā€‰:ā€‰4D between female to male transsexuals (FMT) and male to female transsexuals (MFT) and controls. We examined 42ā€‰MFT, 38ā€‰FMT, and 45 control males and 48 control females. Precise measurements were made by X-rays at the ventral surface of both hands from the basal crease of the digit to the tip using vernier calliper. Control male and female patients had larger 2Dā€‰:ā€‰4D of the right hand when compared to the left hand. Control maleā€™s left hand ratio was lower than in control femaleā€™s left hand. There was no difference in 2Dā€‰:ā€‰4D between MFT and control males. MFT showed similar 2Dā€‰:ā€‰4D of the right hand with control women indicating possible influencing factor in embryogenesis and consequently finger length changes. FMT showed the lowest 2Dā€‰:ā€‰4D of the left hand when compared to the control males and females. Results of our study go in favour of the biological aetiology of transsexualism


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    Bleeding during liver resection is a significant threat to the clinical outcome. Portal triad occlusion with complete ischemia of the liver flow of hepatoduodenal ligament is a well-documented, safe and useful way to reduce this problem. Although the technique is efficient in limiting blood loss, there is still controversy concerning potential disadvantages and subsequent reperfusion liver injury. A prospective analysis will include at least 30 patients 18-75 years old, who are undergoing liver resection due to metastases of the colorectal carcinoma. After signing the informed consent, the parameters will be analyzed in three phases, pre-, intra- and postoperatively. During surgery (indicated by a surgical/oncological team of doctors not related to our study) liver tissue samples will be taken of the ā€œhealthy liverā€ (not involved in the tumor process) in which after tissue homogenization, analysis of parameters will be done responsible for the development of liver injury. This research will not affect the clinical practice, course and outcome of the treatment in patients who are included. The study may be useful for future patients who will undergo liver resections. The application of modern research methods with scientific validity of statistical processing of data and the use of appropriate literature, significant data will be obtained about the character, i.e. intensity of damage of the liver tissue in patients undergoing liver resections

    A Case Study on the Danube Limes in Serbia: Valorisation and Cartographic Analyses of Selected Tourism Products

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    Cultural assets in the area of the Danube Limes in Serbia are an integral part of the world heritage ā€œRoman Empire Bordersā€. The research presented in this paper includes the tourist and cartographic visualization of 19 Roman sites in the Danube Limes region of Golubacā€“Radujevac, to determine the real possibilities of tourism development in this area. The historical and cultural heritage of this area is among the most attractive tourist destinations in Serbia, Djerdap National Park and Djerdap Geopark. Despite its diverse cultural and historical values and the specific and unique natural environment, this area is not sufficiently used for tourism. The research included the evaluation of localities, which may serve as the basis to establish which activities should be undertaken in order to plan, use, preserve, and protect such important cultural assets, under the principles of sustainable tourism development. Information based on spatially referenced data in the research process requires cartographic support, in order to understand the geospatial relations of the site significance. Cartographic visualization enabled efficiently systematized data organization, spatial identification, presentation, and the use of complex information from the mapped area in the data analysis in this paper

    Poland - Serbia : the challenges of the scientific cooperation

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    Foreword: "This book contains the collection of 21 academic articles (arranged alphabetically according to the names of the Authors) dedicated to Professor Iliija Rosić, former Rector of Kragujevae University and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, who died on January 11,2008.The book contains the preface, a biographical note including a complete list of acadcmic achievements, as well as the outline of Professor Rosicā€™s scholarly, academic and organizational activities in Poland."(...