149 research outputs found

    Women's Writing in the Croatian Post-war Lyric Poetry

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    Mystical Elements in E. A. Poe Works

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    U ovome radu govori se o neobičnom životu i o stvaralaštvu E. A. Poa koji je preteča kriminalističkih, detektivskih ili horror romana. Pojašnjava se romantizam kao književno razdoblje s naglaskom na njegovoj tematici s obzirom na odnos prema neobjašnjivom, mističnom, fantastičnom. U razdoblju romantizma stvara se širi krug čitalačke publike koja vjeruje kako su načela prave spoznaje intuicija, mašta i um pa dio ovoga rada objašnjava i ulogu čitatelja. Unutar epohe romantizma razvija se fantastična književnost u kojoj prepoznajemo romantičarsku sklonost „bijegu od stvarnosti“ u svijet mašte. Taj se svijet gradi na fantastičnom i na sumnji i kolebanju čitatelja i lika. Književni teoretičar Cvetan Todorov bavi se fantastičnim, čudnim i čudesnim na što se analiza Poeovih djela oslanja. Tematika fantastičnoga oslanja se na „ja - teme“ koje se bave odnosima između čovjeka i svijeta, odnosno izdvojenošću čovjeka od svijeta, i „ti - teme“ koje se bave odnosima čovjeka i njegovih želja i nesvjesnih nagona. U ovome radu pozornost se obratila i na gotičku književnost. Čitanjem i opažanjem elemenata fantastike i gotike kratke priče mogu se svrstati u žanr fantastičnog, no pomnijom se analizom, koja se provodi na strukturalnoj i semantičkoj razini, dolazi do zaključka kako priče zapravo pripadaju žanru čudesnoga ili čudnoga. Određivanje pripadnosti djela određenom žanru fantastične književnosti potkrjepljuje se i primjerima iz priča. U odabranim tekstovima izdvojeni su mistični elementi i elementi osobnih preokupacija, posebno osjećaji prolaznosti, osamljenosti, otuđenosti, straha i užasa.This paper deals with the unusual life and creativity of E. A. Po who is the forerunner of, what is later to be known as, criminal, detective or horror novels. Romanticism is described as a literary period with an emphasis on its theme with regard to the relation to the unexplainable, mystical, fantastic. In the period of romance, a wider circle of readers is created, believing that the principles of real perception are intuition, imagination and mind, and part of this work also explains the role of readers. It is emphasized that fantastic literature is developing within the epoch of romanticism, in which we recognize the romantic tendency of "escape from reality" into the world of imagination. This world is built on the fantastic and on suspicion and swirling of readers and figures. Literary theorist Cvetan Todorov deals with the fantastic, strange and miraculous aspects that are also the basis of the analysis of Poe's work. The theme of fantasy relies on "I - themes" that deal with the relationship between man and the world, that is, the separation of man from the world, and the „you - themes" that deal with the human relation towards his desires and unconscious impulses. This paper also addressed Gothic literature. By reading and observing the elements of fantasy and gothic, short stories can be classified into a genre of fantastic, but a closer analysis, carried out on a structural and semantic level, leads to the conclusion that the stories actually belong to the genre of miraculous or strange. The clasification of a piece of work to a particular genre of fantastic literature is corroborated by examples from the analized stories . Selected texts contain mystical elements and elements of personal preoccupation, especially the feelings of passion, loneliness, alienation, fear and horror

    Integrated production of algal biomass

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    Applied research is increasingly defined within a context of sustainability and ecological modernisation. Within this remit, recent developments in algal biotechnology are considered to hold particular promise in integrating aspects of bioremediation and bioproduction. However, there are still a number of engineering and biological bottlenecks related to large scale production of algae; including requirements to reduce both capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX). One potential avenue to reduce these costs is via feedstock substitution and resource sharing; often described as industrial symbiosis. Such an approach has the benefit of providing both environmental and economic benefits as part of an ‘eco-biorefinery’. This thesis set out to investigate and address how best to approach some of the cost related bottlenecks within the algal industry, through a process of industrial integration and novel system design. The doctorate focussed on applications within a Northern European context and was split into four research topics. The first and second parts identified a suitable algal strain and were followed by the characterisation of its growth on wastewater; with the findings showing Chlorella sorokiniana (UTEX1230) capable of robust growth and rapid inorganic nutrient removal. The third part detailed the design, construction and validation of a lower cost and fully scalable modular airlift (ALR) photobioreactor, suitable amongst other applications for use within wastewater treatment. This work concluded with a pilot scale deployment of a 50 L ALR system. The fourth research section detailed the costs of ALR construction and operation at a wastewater treatment works, with a particular focus on the benefits that can be derived by industrial symbiosis. The thesis concludes with an appraisal of the ALR design and considers the potential for the technology, particularly within a wastewater treatment role. A final consideration is given to the practicalities of developing the algal industry within the UK in the short to medium term

    Characterization of Chlorella sorokiniana, UTEX 1230

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    This paper characterizes the strain Chlorella sorokiniana UTEX 1230 within a laboratory setting using a 1 L bubble column. The findings show that productivity can be trebled under mixotrophic conditions (from 0.2 g·L−1·d−1 to 0.66 g·L−1·d−1) with the addition of sodium acetate. The results also indicate that both the growth rate and final yield increase with the cultivation temperature, with most parameters showing an optimum in the range of 30–35 °C. The maximum specific growth rate was found to be in the region of 0.12 h−1 at a surface irradiance between 100–500 µE·m−2·s−1. This high growth rate makes the strain particularly suited to the rapid production of biomass, suitable for either whole cell bioprocessing or bioremediation. However, the relatively low lipid productivity (9.2 mg·L−1·d−1) confirms previous findings which would indicate poor applicability for biodiesel production. The strain shows greater promise in wastewater treatment applications with removal rates of nitrogen and phosphorus in the region of 37 and 30 mg·L−1·d−1 respectively. Furthermore, the findings show that a fed-batch strategy to inorganic nutrient loading can increase the final yield by around 50% compared to a conventional batch run. This is particularly interesting as fed-batch production techniques are rarely used within microalgal cultivation, so provide an interesting avenue for further investigation. Overall, the findings show that C. sorokiniana UTEX 1230 is a robust and fast-growing microalgal strain suitable both for the laboratory and scale-up

    on the surface integrity of electron beam melted ti6al4v after machining

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    Abstract The Additive Manufacturing process known as Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is increasingly used to produce Ti6Al4V biomedical parts, whose functional surfaces, however, need to be machined afterwards. The paper addresses the fundamental issue of surface integrity of EBM parts when subjected to machining operation under dry, flood and cryogenic cooling conditions. The machined surface integrity is evaluated in terms of microstructural and mechanical features, residual stresses, surface topography and defects. Results are then compared to the outcomes of the same machining tests carried out on the conventional wrought alloy. This study points out the different machinability of the two investigated alloys, highlighting that new insights into optimization of parameters for machining AM alloys are needed

    Obilježja kontrolinga u dioničkim društvima na Zagrebačkoj burzi

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    Cilj istraživanja je prepoznati suvremenu razinu razvoja kontrolinga na nacionalnoj razini na uzorku 30 najvećih dioničkih društava koja kotiraju na Zagrebačkoj burzi i time stvoriti vrijedan benchmark u hrvaskom kontrolingu. Također, prikazuje se profil prosječnog kontrolera u velikom dioničkom društvu i iznose se mišljenja, stavovi te ocjene hrvatskih kontrolera o danim aspektima kontrolinške prakse. Zaključuje se da kontroling u Hrvatskoj ima neusporedivo veliki razvojni potencijal te da njegova uloga kao aktivnog nositelja poslovnog uspjeha sve više dobiva na važnosti


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    Suvremeni uvjeti poslovanja potiču razvoj kontrolinga i povećavaju potražnju za kontrolerima. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja o obilježjima kontrolera u 30 najvećih hrvatskih dioničkih društava na Zagrebačkoj burzi provodi se usporedba sa značajkama kontrolera u njemačkim dioničkim društvima iz uzorka DAX indeksa Frankfurtske burze. Istražuju se različiti aspekti profila kontrolera i uspoređuju rezultati dvaju istraživanja. Cilj istraživanja je identificirati te usporediti tipični profil kontrolera u poduzećima Zagrebačke i Frankfurtske burze. Rezultati komparativne analize pokazuju kako se zbog povijesnih, ekonomskih i drugih egzogenih i endogenih razloga profil kontrolera u poduzećima Zagrebačke i Frankfurtske burze tek dijelom razlikuje. Pored značajnih sličnosti postoje i razlike u obilježjima; one mogu biti poticaj za daljnji razvoj kontrolera u poduzećima u Hrvatskoj.Controlling becomes nowadays a more complex and dynamic function, as well as an essential component of successful business. Based on the research about the level of controller development in the 30 biggest Croatian companies on the Zagreb stock exchange, the paper examines the development convergence with German companies included by the DAX index of the Frankfurt stock exchange. In this paper results of two surveys are being compared. The conclusion lies in the fact that because of historical, economic and other endogenous and exogenous reasons controller partly varies in the German and in the Croatian companies. However, the development of controlling in Croatian companies has an incomparably great potential

    The effects of ionizing radiation on the structure and antioxidative and metal binding capacity of the cell wall of microalga Chlorella sorokiniana

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    The impact of ionizing radiation on microorganisms such as microalgae is a topic of increasing importance for understanding the dynamics of aquatic ecosystems in response to environmental radiation, and for the development of efficient approaches for bioremediation of mining and nuclear power plants wastewaters. Currently, nothing is known about the effects of ionizing radiation on the microalgal cell wall, which represents the first line of defence against chemical and physical environmental stresses. Using various microscopy, spectroscopy and biochemical techniques we show that the unicellular alga Chlorella sorokiniana elicits a fast response to ionizing radiation. Within one day after irradiation with doses of 1–5 Gy, the fibrilar layer of the cell wall became thicker, the fraction of uronic acids was higher, and the capacity to remove the main reactive product of water radiolysis increased. In addition, the isolated cell wall fraction showed significant binding capacity for Cu2+, Mn2+, and Cr3+. The irradiation further increased the binding capacity for Cu2+, which appears to be mainly bound to glucosamine moieties within a chitosan-like polymer in the outer rigid layer of the wall. These results imply that the cell wall represents a dynamic structure that is involved in the protective response of microalgae to ionizing radiation. It appears that microalgae may exhibit a significant control of metal mobility in aquatic ecosystems via biosorption by the cell wall matrix

    ATX-101 for reduction of submental fat: A phase III randomized controlled trial

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    BackgroundATX-101, an injectable form of deoxycholic acid, causes adipocytolysis when injected subcutaneously into fat.ObjectiveWe sought to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ATX-101.MethodsIn this phase III trial (REFINE-2), adults dissatisfied with their moderate or severe submental fat (SMF) were randomized to ATX-101 or placebo. Coprimary end points, evaluated at 12 weeks after last treatment, were composite improvements of 1 or more grades and 2 or more grades in SMF observed on both the validated Clinician- and Patient-Reported SMF Rating Scales. Other end points included magnetic resonance imaging–based assessment of submental volume, assessment of psychological impact of SMF, and additional patient-reported outcomes.ResultsAmong those treated with ATX-101 or placebo (n = 258/treatment group), 66.5% versus 22.2%, respectively, achieved a composite improvement of 1 or more grades (Mantel-Haenszel risk ratio 2.98; 95% confidence interval 2.31-3.85) and 18.6% versus 3.0% achieved a composite improvement of 2 or more grades in SMF (Mantel-Haenszel risk ratio 6.27; 95% confidence interval 2.91-13.52; P < .001 for both). Those treated with ATX-101 were more likely to achieve submental volume reduction confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging, greater reduction in psychological impact of SMF, and satisfaction with treatment (P < .001 for all). Overall, 85.7% of adverse events in the ATX-101 group and 76.9% in the placebo group were localized to the injection site.LimitationsFollow-up was limited to 44 weeks.ConclusionATX-101 is an alternative treatment for SMF reduction