769 research outputs found

    Beyond the Garden City

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    Apartheid: baztertzearen aurpegi berria

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    Euskaraz egindako lan honetan, nazioarteko testuingurua kontuan harturik, XX. mendean Afrika deskolonizatzen hasi zen garaian, Hegoafrikak beste bide bat jarraitu zuen. Lan honetan, Hegoafrikako Batasunaren sorrera, 1910. urtean, alegia, abiapuntu gisa harturik, XX. mendean zehar biztanleria ez-zuriak jasan zuen baztertze eta diskriminazio politiko, ekonomiko zein soziala aztertuko dugu. Eskubideen zapaltze honetan, 1948an D.F.Malan-ek National Party-ren buruak hauteskundeak irabazi zituenean, arraza zuriaren nagusitasun eta goraipamenean oinarritzen zen sistema jarri zuen martxan, hots, Apartheid-a. Gobernu afrikanerrak hauteskundeak irabazi zituenetik, herrialde honetan bizi ziren biztanle ez-zuriek geroz eta mugatuagoa ikusi zituzten euren eskubideak. Lan honen helburu nagusia, hain zuzen ere, baztertze eta diskriminazio honen nondik-norakoa aztertzea izango da, populazio ez-zuriaren eskubideen galera eta menpekotasun politikaren hasiera 1910ean markatuz. Aldi berean, garai honetatik aurrera piztu ziren erresistentzia mugimenduak ere azalduko dira, African National Congress (ANC) alderdia ardatz gisa harturik

    Closed areas for fisheries management: How much is enough?

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    Closed areas are becoming more and more important for fisheries management. Closed areas benefits for stock enhancement and biodiversity conservation are known but, in most countries, surface closed to fisheries is up to the moment too small. While it has been proposed to protect 10% of the marine environment for biodiversity objectives, several studies point that, for fisheries enhancement, it will be necessary to close at least 20% of marine environment to fisheries. Moreover in most countries, closed areas are biased to protect some particular habitat like shallow water reefs and it will be necessary that the protection expand to include all different marine habitats. A crucial point to expand the network of marine protected areas is the financing sustainability of protected areas. Different ways to obtain the management budget for protected areas are discussed.La fermeture de zones revêt une importance croissante dans le cadre de la gestion des activités de pêche. Les avantages que procurent les zones fermées pour l’amélioration des stocks et la préservation de la biodiversité sont connus, mais dans la plupart des cas, la superficie fermée par les pays reste à ce jour bien trop limitée. Bien qu’il ait été proposé de protéger 10 % de l’environnement marin en vue d’atteindre les objectifs liés à la biodiversité, diverses études indiquent que dans le cas de la gestion des activités de pêche, il sera nécessaire de procéder à des clôtures d’au moins 20 % de l’environnement marin. De plus, la majorité des pays définissent les zones de manière inégale pour protéger un type d’habitat spécifique tel que les récifs d’eau peu profonde ; il conviendra d’étendre la protection et inclure tous les différents habitats marins. La viabilité financière des zones protégées est un point essentiel à l’extension du réseau ou de la réserve marine. Différentes méthodes de collecte de fonds aux fins de maintenance des zones protégées sont en cours de discussion

    IXIM: A new maize simulation model for DSSAT v4.5.

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    The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) is a suite of crop simulation models and associated tools for simulating growth, development, and yield of 25 crops. The maize simulation model in DSSAT is CSM-CERES, the modular version of CERES-Maize, which was first published in 1986. The newest release of DSSAT, version 4.5, provides users with the opportunity to run an alternative maize simulation model. IXIM (eeh-sheem), the Mayan language for maize, is a new, more mechanistic, maize simulation model fully compatible with DSSAT. The purpose of this work is to compare seasonal simulations of maize growth and N uptake using CSM-CERES and IXIM

    La alimentación del bacalao (Gadus morhua L.) en el banco de Spitsbergen (Ártico Oriental) con particular referencia al canibalismo

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    Alimentación del bacalao, Gadus morhua L., en el banco de Spitsbergen (Artico Oriental) con particular referencia al canibalismo

    Reserves marines, solució real o mediàtica?

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    Marine reserves, a real solution or one popularised by the media? Over-fishing worldwide undoubtedly poses the worst threat to our seas and oceans. The rate at which fishing reserves are being exploited has reached a limit where it seems impossible to apply effective sustainable measures, with a view to preserving marine biodiversity for future generations. In the face of this extreme situation, the creation of shelters in the form of marine reserves, protected from fishing, has proven to be the most widespread solution, although such measures are attributed an effectiveness that does not appear to be as scientifically proven as popularity would have it

    Morphologic plasticity in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in shallow water meadows

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    Posidonia oceanica es una especie que presenta una elevada plasticidad morfológica. Se ha observado que en el límite superior de la pradera de Posidonia oceanica de la isla de Tabarca existen manchas en las que las plantas poseen unas dimensiones (longitud y anchura de las hojas y longitud de los peciolos) significativamente menores que las de las plantas situadas a mayor profundidad. Se ha comprobado que el cambio se produce gradualmente a lo largo de un mismo rizoma.Posidonia oceanica has a great morphologic plasticity. It has been observed that near the upper limit of the meadow of Tabarca (S.E. Iberian Peninsula) there are patches of Posidonia with dimensions (leaf length and width and petiole length) significantly smaller than that of deeper plants. The morphologic changes are produced gradually along the same rhizome