16 research outputs found

    Charging/discharging of Au (core)/silica (shell) nanoparticles as revealed by XPS

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    By recording XPS spectra while applying external voltage stress to the sample rod, we can control the extent of charging developed on core-shell-type gold nanoparticles deposited on a copper substrate, in both steady-state and time-resolved fashions. The charging manifests itself as a shift in the measured binding energy of the corresponding XPS peak. Whereas the bare gold nanoparticles exhibit no measurable binding energy shift in the Au 4f peaks, both the Au 4f and the Si 2p peaks exhibit significant and highly correlated (in time and magnitude) shifts in the case of gold (core)/silica (shell) nanoparticles. Using the shift in the Au 4f peaks, the capacitance of the 15-nm gold (core)/6-nm silica (shell) nanoparticle/nanocapacitor is estimated as 60 aF. It is further estimated that, in the fully charged situation, only 1 in 1000 silicon dioxide units in the shell carries a positive charge during our XPS analysis. Our simple method of controlling the charging, by application of an external voltage stress during XPS analysis, enables us to detect, locate, and quantify the charges developed on surface structures in a completely noncontact fashion. © 2005 American Chemical Society

    Nanoplasmonically-engineered random lasing in organic semiconductor thin films

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    We demonstrate plasmonically nano-engineered coherent random lasing and stimulated emission enhancement in a hybrid gainmedium of organic semiconductors doped with core-shell plasmonic nanoparticles. The gain medium is composed of a 300 +/- 2 nm thin waveguide of an organic semiconductor, doped with 53 nm gold nanoparticle cores, isolated within silica shells. Upon loading the nanoparticles, the threshold of amplified spontaneous emission is reduced from 1.75 mu J cm(-2) x 10(2) for an undoped gain medium, to 0.35 mu J cm(-2) x 10(2) for a highly concentrated gain medium, and lasing spikes narrower than 0.1 nm are obtained. Most importantly, selection of silica shells with thicknesses of 10, 17 and 21 nm enables engineering of the plasmon-exciton energy coupling and consequently tuning of the laser slope efficiency. With this approach, the slope efficiency is increased by two times by decreasing the silica shell from 21 nm down to 10 nm, due to the enhancement of the localized electric field

    Spatially resolved measurements of plasmonic eigenstates in complex-shaped, asymmetric nanoparticles: gold nanostars

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    We report on spatially resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy studies of optical modes in individual star-shaped gold nanoparticles. We studied different morphologies, ranging from a spheroid to well-developed nanostars. For each shape, essentially two groups of modes are appearing: the first one is localized around the core of the nanostars and has an energy slightly less than the quasi-static dipolar mode of a gold sphere (about 2.2 eV); in the second group, the modes are localized at the end of the nanostar tips, with varying energies depending on the geometry of each tip and with energy down to 1.2 eV. The localization of the tip modes is interpreted with the help of boundary element methods simulations

    SERS chiral recognition and quantification of enantiomers through cyclodextrin supramolecular complexation

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    We introduce here a simple approach in which a cyclodextrin, functionalized with thiols in the narrower rim, is assembled onto the silver surface of a SERS platform composed of polystyrene beads coated with silver nanoparticles. Trapping properties of the fabricated sensor are demonstrated through the retention of different enantiomers (R,R or/and S,S) of hydrobenzoin (HBZ), a molecule that has not been reported before in SERS because it has no affinity for coinage metal surfaces. Further, selective recognition of each enantiomer and semiquantification of its proportion in a racemic mixture are provided by the analysis of the SERS spectra of the HBZ-cyclodextrin complex, in full agreement with the surface selection rules. Enantioselective sensor: We introduce a simple approach in which a cyclodextrin is assembled onto the silver surface of a SERS platform for chiral recognition of enantiomers (see picture). Trapping properties, chiral discrimination and quantification of the R,R- and S,S-enantiomers of hydrobenzoin by surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy are demonstrated