99 research outputs found

    Enhancing security and scalability of Virtual Private LAN Services

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    Abstract Ethernet based VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service) is a transparent, protocol independent, multipoint L2VPN (Layer 2 Virtual Private Network) mechanism to interconnect remote customer sites over IP (Internet Protocol) or MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) based provider networks. VPLS networks are now becoming attractive in many Enterprise applications, such as DCI (data center interconnect), voice over IP (VoIP) and videoconferencing services due to their simple, protocol-independent and cost efficient operation. However, these new VPLS applications demand additional requirements, such as elevated security, enhanced scalability, optimum utilization of network resources and further reduction in operational costs. Hence, the motivation of this thesis is to develop secure and scalable VPLS architectures for future communication networks. First, a scalable secure flat-VPLS architecture is proposed based on a Host Identity Protocol (HIP). It contains a session key-based security mechanism and an efficient broadcast mechanism that increase the forwarding and security plane scalability of VPLS networks. Second, a secure hierarchical-VPLS architecture is proposed to achieve control plane scalability. A novel encrypted label-based secure frame forwarding mechanism is designed to transport L2 frames over a hierarchical VPLS network. Third, a novel Distributed Spanning Tree Protocol (DSTP) is designed to maintain a loop free Ethernet network over a VPLS network. With DSTP it is proposed to run a modified STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) instance in each remote segment of the VPLS network. In addition, two Redundancy Identification Mechanisms (RIMs) termed Customer Associated RIMs (CARIM) and Provider Associated RIMs (PARIM) are used to mitigate the impact of invisible loops in the provider network. Lastly, a novel SDN (Software Defined Networking) based VPLS (Soft-VPLS) architecture is designed to overcome tunnel management limitations in legacy secure VPLS architectures. Moreover, three new mechanisms are proposed to improve the performance of legacy tunnel management functions: 1) A dynamic tunnel establishment mechanism, 2) a tunnel resumption mechanism and 3) a fast transmission mechanism. The proposed architecture utilizes a centralized controller to command VPLS tunnel establishment based on real-time network behavior. Hence, the results of the thesis will help for more secure, scalable and efficient system design and development of VPLS networks. It will also help to optimize the utilization of network resources and further reduction in operational costs of future VPLS networks.Tiivistelmä Ethernet-pohjainen VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service) on läpinäkyvä, protokollasta riippumaton monipisteverkkomekanismi (Layer 2 Virtual Private Network, L2VPN), jolla yhdistetään asiakkaan etäkohteet IP (Internet Protocol)- tai MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) -yhteyskäytäntöön pohjautuvien palveluntarjoajan verkkojen kautta. VPLS-verkoista on yksinkertaisen protokollasta riippumattoman ja kustannustehokkaan toimintatapansa ansiosta tullut kiinnostavia monien yrityssovellusten kannalta. Tällaisia sovelluksia ovat esimerkiksi DCI (Data Center Interconnect), VoIP (Voice over IP) ja videoneuvottelupalvelut. Uusilta VPLS-sovelluksilta vaaditaan kuitenkin uusia asioita, kuten parempaa tietoturvaa ja skaalautuvuutta, optimaalista verkkoresurssien hyödyntämistä ja käyttökustannusten pienentämistä entisestään. Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena onkin kehittää turvallisia ja skaalautuvia VPLS-arkkitehtuureja tulevaisuuden tietoliikenneverkoille. Ensin väitöskirjassa esitellään skaalautuva ja turvallinen flat-VPLS-arkkitehtuuri, joka perustuu Host Identity Protocol (HIP) -protokollaan. Seuraavaksi käsitellään istuntoavaimiin perustuvaa tietoturvamekanismia ja tehokasta lähetysmekanismia, joka parantaa VPLS-verkkojen edelleenlähetyksen ja tietoturvatason skaalautuvuutta. Tämän jälkeen esitellään turvallinen, hierarkkinen VPLS-arkkitehtuuri, jolla saadaan aikaan ohjaustason skaalautuvuus. Väitöskirjassa kuvataan myös uusi salattu verkkotunnuksiin perustuva tietokehysten edelleenlähetysmekanismi, jolla L2-kehykset siirretään hierarkkisessa VPLS-verkossa. Lisäksi väitöskirjassa ehdotetaan uuden Distributed Spanning Tree Protocol (DSTP) -protokollan käyttämistä vapaan Ethernet-verkkosilmukan ylläpitämiseen VPLS-verkossa. DSTP:n avulla on mahdollista ajaa muokattu STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) -esiintymä jokaisessa VPLS-verkon etäsegmentissä. Väitöskirjassa esitetään myös kaksi Redundancy Identification Mechanism (RIM) -mekanismia, Customer Associated RIM (CARIM) ja Provider Associated RIM (PARIM), joilla pienennetään näkymättömien silmukoiden vaikutusta palveluntarjoajan verkossa. Viimeiseksi ehdotetaan uutta SDN (Software Defined Networking) -pohjaista VPLS-arkkitehtuuria (Soft-VPLS) vanhojen turvallisten VPLS-arkkitehtuurien tunnelinhallintaongelmien poistoon. Näiden lisäksi väitöskirjassa ehdotetaan kolmea uutta mekanismia, joilla voidaan parantaa vanhojen arkkitehtuurien tunnelinhallintatoimintoja: 1) dynaaminen tunnelinluontimekanismi, 2) tunnelin jatkomekanismi ja 3) nopea tiedonsiirtomekanismi. Ehdotetussa arkkitehtuurissa käytetään VPLS-tunnelin luomisen hallintaan keskitettyä ohjainta, joka perustuu reaaliaikaiseen verkon käyttäytymiseen. Tutkimuksen tulokset auttavat suunnittelemaan ja kehittämään turvallisempia, skaalautuvampia ja tehokkaampia VLPS järjestelmiä, sekä auttavat hyödyntämään tehokkaammin verkon resursseja ja madaltamaan verkon operatiivisia kustannuksia

    Highly efficient key agreement for remote patient monitoring in MEC-enabled 5G networks

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    Abstract Remote patient monitoring is one of the cornerstones to enable Ambient Assisted Living. Here, a set of devices provide their corresponding input, which should be carefully aggregated and analysed to derive health-related conclusions. In the new Fifth-Generation (5G) networks, Internet of Things (IoT) devices communicate directly to the mobile network without any need of proxy devices. Moreover, 5G networks consist of Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) nodes, which are taking the role of a mini-cloud, able to provide sufficient computation and storage capacity at the edge of the network. MEC IoT integration in 5G offers a lot of benefits such as high availability, high scalability, low backhaul bandwidth costs, low latency, local awareness and additional security and privacy. In this paper, we first detail the procedure on how to establish such remote monitoring in 5G networks. Next, we focus on the key agreement between IoT, MEC and registration center in order to guarantee mutual authentication, anonymity, and unlinkability properties. Taking into account the high heterogeneity of IoT devices that can contribute to an accurate image of the health status of a patient, it is of utmost importance to design a very lightweight scheme that allows even the smallest devices to participate. The proposed protocol is symmetric key based and thus highly efficient. Moreover, it is shown that the required security features are established and protection against the most of the well-known attacks is guaranteed

    Realizing Internet of Things with network slicing:opportunities and challenges

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    Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) is a lucrative technology within the modern community that realizes the concept of the smart world, by expanding within a myriad of applications. Existing wireless networks require a radical change to fulfill the network requirements and cater the rapid expansion of the IoT ecosystem. 5G architecture is specifically designed to facilitate this demand. Network slicing is a pivotal technology in 5G architecture that has the ability to divide the physical network into multiple logical networks with specific network characteristics. In this paper, we are going to analyze how network slicing can be helpful in the IoT realization. Technical aspects that are required in the IoT realization, and the slicing based solutions which address these aspects, will be discussed here. Moreover, technical challenges that can arise due to network slicing integration in IoT ecosystem, will also be discussed with the potential solutions

    Survey on network slicing for Internet of Things realization in 5G networks

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    Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that makes people’s lives smart by conquering a plethora of diverse application and service areas. In near future, the fifth-generation (5G) wireless networks provide the connectivity for this IoT ecosystem. It has been carefully designed to facilitate the exponential growth in the IoT field. Network slicing is one of the key technologies in the 5G architecture that has the ability to divide the physical network into multiple logical networks (i.e., slices) with different network characteristics. Therefore, network slicing is also a key enabler of realisation of IoT in 5G. Network slicing can satisfy the various networking demands by heterogeneous IoT applications via dedicated slices. In this survey, we present a comprehensive analysis of the exploitation of network slicing in IoT realisation. We discuss network slicing utilisation in different IoT application scenarios, along with the technical challenges that can be solved via network slicing. Furthermore, integration challenges and open research problems related to the network slicing in the IoT realisation are also discussed in this paper. Finally, we discuss the role of other emerging technologies and concepts, such as blockchain and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) in network slicing and IoT integration

    Fast transmission mechanism for secure VPLS architectures

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    Abstract Ethernet based secure VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Services) networks require to establish full mesh of VPLS tunnels between the customer sites. However, the tunnel establishment between geographically distant customer sites introduces a significantly high delay to the user traffic transportation. In this article, we propose a novel fast transmission mechanism for secure VPLS architectures to reduce the waiting time before transmitting the data and the average data transmission delay between geographically distant customer sites. The performance of proposed mechanism is analyzed by using a simulation model and a testbed implementation

    Enhancing security, scalability and flexibility of virtual private LAN services

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    Abstract Ethernet based VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service) networks are now becoming attractive in many enterprise applications due to simple, protocol-independent and cost efficient operation. However, new VPLS applications demand additional requirements, such as elevated security, enhanced scalability and improved flexibility. This paper summarized the results of a thesis which focused to increase the scalability, flexibility and compatibility of secure VPLS networks. First, we propose a scalable secure flat-VPLS architecture based on Host Identity Protocol (HIP) to increase the forwarding and security plane scalability. Then, a secure hierarchical-VPLS architecture has been proposed by extending the previous proposal to achieve control plane scalability as well. To solve the compatibility issues of Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) in VPLS networks, a novel Distributed STP (DSTP) is proposed. Lastly, we propose a novel SDN (Software Defined Networking) based VPLS (SoftVPLS) architecture to overcome tunnel management limitations in legacy secure VPLS architectures. Simulation models and testbed implementations are used to verify the performance of proposed solutions

    Software defined VPLS architectures:opportunities and challenges

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    Abstract Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS) is an Ethernet based VPN (Virtual Private Network) service which provides protocol independent and high speed multipoint-to-multipoint connectivity. In this article, we discuss the possibility to use emerging networks concepts such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) to improve the performance, flexibility and adaptability of VPLS networks. SDN and NFV based VPLS (SoftVPLS) architectures offer new features such as centralized control, network programmability and abstraction to improve the performance, flexibility and automation of traffic, security and network management functions for future VPLS networks

    Survey on blockchain based smart contracts:applications, opportunities and challenges

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    Abstract Blockchain is one of the disruptive technical innovation in the recent computing paradigm. Many applications already notoriously hard and complex are fortunate to ameliorate the service with the blessings of blockchain and smart contracts. The decentralized and autonomous execution with in-built transparency of blockchain based smart contracts revolutionize most of the applications with optimum and effective functionality. The paper explores the significant applications which already benefited from the smart contracts. We also highlight the future potential of the blockchain based smart contracts in these applications perspective

    Secure communication and data processing challenges in the industrial internet

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    Abstract The next industrial revolution is foreseen to happen with upcoming Industrial Internet that combines massive data collected by industrial sensors with data analysis for improving the efficiency of operations. Collecting, pre-processing, storing and analyzing such real-time data is a complex task with stringent demands on communication intelligence, QoS and security. In this paper we outline some challenges facing the Industrial Internet, namely integration with 5G wireless networks, Software Defined Machines, ownership and smart processing of digital sensor data. We propose a secure communication architecture for the Industrial Internet based on Smart Spaces and Virtual Private LAN Services. It is a position paper, describing state-of-the-art and a roadmap for future research on the Industrial Internet

    MEC-enabled 5G use cases:a survey on security vulnerabilities and countermeasures

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    Abstract The future of mobile and internet technologies are manifesting advancements beyond the existing scope of science. The concepts of automated driving, augmented-reality, and machine-type-communication are quite sophisticated and require an elevation of the current mobile infrastructure for launching. The fifth-generation (5G) mobile technology serves as the solution, though it lacks a proximate networking infrastructure to satisfy the service guarantees. Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) envisages such an edge computing platform. In this survey, we are revealing security vulnerabilities of key 5G-based use cases deployed in the MEC context. Probable security flows of each case are specified, while countermeasures are proposed for mitigating them