38 research outputs found

    Kajian Keragaman dan Heritabilitas Kandungan β-Karoten Progeni Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Tipe Dura

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    Peningkatan kandungan β-karoten pada CPO saat ini menjadi prioritas utama pemuliaan tanaman kelapa sawit. Pemuliaan dapat dilakukan terhadap populasi yang memiliki keragaman dan daya waris terhadap sifat kandungan β-karoten tinggi. Hal inilah yang mendasari dilaksanakannya penelitian dengan tujuan mengetahui keragaman, heritabilitas dan korelasi kandungan β-karoten dengan karakter komponen hasil Progeni kelapa sawit tipe dura di kebun induk PT. DMS. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun induk Dami Mas Seed Estate (DMSE) dan Laboratorium Analisis Tandan DMSE PT. DMS, Kampar, Riau, serta Laboratorium Kimia Organik Balai Penelitian SMARTRI Libo, PT. Smart. Tbk, Siak. Riau. Bahan tanam yang digunakan terdiri dari 11 progeni dura.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa progeni kelapa sawit tipe dura di kebun induk PT. Dami Mas Sejahtera memiliki kandungan β-karoten relatif tinggi. Progeni 09 memiliki kandungan β-karoten tertinggi dengan keragaman dalam progeni sangat tinggi, sangat baik sebagai bahan pemuliaan. Kandungan β-karoten progeni kelapa sawit tipe dura mempunyai nilai koefisien variasi genetik (KVG) dan heritabilitas yang relatif tinggi. Koefisien Variasi Genetik berat tandan relatif agak tinggi, namun Koefisien Variasi Genetik persentase buah per tandan, berat buah, persentase mesokarp per buah, dan persentase minyak per mesokarp relatif rendah. Berat tandan, persentase buah per tandan, persentase mesokarp per buah memiliki nilai heritabilitas yang tinggi, namun berat buah dan persentase minyak per mesokarp heritabilitasnya rendah. Kandungan β-karoten berkorelasi negatif dengan berat buah

    Biological Network Analysis of Genes Involve in Embryogenesis of Oil Palm using ClueGO

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    The application of DNA sequencing technologies has a major impact on molecular biology, especially in understanding genes interaction in a certain condition. Due to a large number of genes produced by this high-throughput technology, a proper analysis tool is needed for data interpretation. ClueGO is a bioinformatics tool, an easy to use Cytoscape plug-in that strongly improves biological function interpretation of genes. It analyzes a cluster or comparing two clusters and comprehensively visualizes their group functions. This tool is applied to identify biological networks of genes involved in embryogenesis of oil palm, the most critical phase in oil palm tissue culture process. Two ESTs sequencing data from the GenBank database under accession number EY396120-EY413718 and DW247764-DW248770 were used in this study. Fifty-two and one hundred eight groups of genes were identified using biological process in Gene Ontology setting from the database of EY396120-EY413718 and DW247764-DW248770, respectively. Thirty-one groups of genes were consistently occurred in both ESTs. According to the literature, these genes play an important role in cell formations and developments, stresses and stimulus responses, photosynthesis and metabolic processes that indicate the involvement of these groups of genes in oil palm embryogenesis processes. ClueGO is the appropriate tool to analyze a large data set of genes in a specific condition, such as embryogenesis of oil palm. Keywords: callus embryogenesis; Cytoscape plug-in; DNA sequencing; expressed sequence tag; KEGG pathway

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Determinasi Pasar Benih Kelapa Sawit Di Indonesia

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    * Plant Production and Biotechnology Division, PT SMART Tbk., Jakarta** Manajemen dan Bisnis, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.Email : [email protected] development of oil palm (Elaeis guinensis Jacq.) industry in Indonesia was very fast,especially within the last decade. This rapid development was in line with the increasing of land usedfor oil palm plantation and the availability of oil palm hybrid seeds. Until 2009 the demand of oilpalm certified hybrid seeds was beyond its supply which has resulted into the USAge of the illegal oilpalm seeds with low quality. One of the strategies to solve the shortage of certified hybrid seeds wasto increase the number of seed producer in Indonesia, so that since 2009 the oil palm seeds produceddomestically was over supplied. However, the USAge of illegal oil palm seeds was still taking place.Therefore, this research was designed to analysis the determinant factors of oil palm seeds market inIndonesia based on consumer's demography profile, purpose and frequency seed purchase,costumer satisfaction level and seed compatibility. This research was based on the survey taken fromthe respondents in the regency of Siak, Kampar and Rokan Hulu, province of Riau. Selection of therespondents was used the convenience sampling method and later on by judgmental sampling. Slovinmethod was used to determine number of respondent. Data was analyzed using descriptive analysisand ordinal logistic regression analysis. The results of data analysis shown that the amount of soldseeds was depend on demographic factors, i.e. gender, education level, activity and consumer statusin company, but not age of consumers. The purpose and frequency to purchase the oil palm seedswere negatively correlated to the number of sold seeds. Moreover, the level of customer satisfactionhas significant effect on the number of sold seeds

    Indigenous Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria from Peat Soil for an Eco-friendly Biofertilizer in Oil Palm Plantation

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    Degradation in soil fertility is an enormous problem in agricultural intensification system. Availability in phosphate is one of among encountered problems. Peat soils have large areas and great potential for agriculture and plantations, but have many obstacles in their management. One of the issues is the low soil fertility and low availability of nutrients, especially phosphate which exists in many organic forms that are not available to plants. Phosphorous is an essential element after nitrogen, which plays an important role in plant growth and metabolism and the process of soil microbiology. Introduction of phosphate- solubilizing bacteria (PSB) as biofertilizer, is a renewable energy based which can increase the availability of phosphate to plants can overcome this problem and at the same time reducing the use of inorganic P fertilizer. Indigenous PSB, isolated from palm oil plantation could be used as a better and friendly bio-agent to improve soil fertility, specifically for phosphate availability. Eight PSB have been isolated from peat soil in oil palm platation. Morphological, biochemical characterization and molecular identifications showed that the 8 isolates belonged to Flavobacterium and Enterobacter genera, more precisely the species of Burkholderia sp and Novosphingobium nitrogenifigens. Characterization of isolates of the highest PSB activity consisted of the ability to dissolve phosphate in Pikovskaya solid medium, temperature resistance optimization and the ability to produce phosphatase enzyme. Results showed that isolate with the highest potentiality of dissolving phosphate formed 3.5 cm of clear zone diameter and the phosphatase activity at 9 days of incubation 5.992 units (μmol / ml / min). The peak of enzyme’s activity was reached at 6 days , which corresponded to 54.782 ppm of phosphorus solubilised. The lowest pH (3.2) was reached at 1st day of incubation. These isolates showed the ability to grow optimally at temperature range of 25 to 300C. Indigenous PSB could be used as biofertilizer agents which are eco friendly. Keywords: indigenous; biofertilizer; renewable energy, phosphate solubilizing bacteria;phosphatase; oil pal

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Potongan DNA Gen Sterol Metiltransferase 1 (SMT1) Asal Kelapa Sawit

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    Slow height increment is a desirable character in oil palm breeding, and brassinosteroid is an important hormone associated with the character. Sterol methyltransferase 1 (SMT1) is a key gene associated with brassinosteroid biosynthesis. One of the molecular marker development approaches is identifying and characterization of genes associated with the target character. The study aims to isolate and characterize the nucleotide sequence diversity of the SMT1 gene. PCR amplification of the SMT1 gene from Elaeis oleifera (E.o.), E. guineensis (E.g.), and their hybrids (E.g. × E.o.) was done using SMT1 gene-specific primers. The SMT1 gene fragment representing partial intron 8, exons 9, intron 9, and partial exon 10 was successfully amplified and the fragment sequenced in this study. The total nucleotide sequences found in this study were between 501-505 bp, encoded a ranged from 104-105 amino acid residues. A conserved domain of the amino acid residues associated with brassinosteroid biosynthesis was identified in the translated polypeptide, confirming the amplicon’s identity as the SMT1 gene fragment. The identified SMT1 gene nucleotide sequence variabilities may be used to develop molecular markers useful for oil palm breeding programs, especially for the low height increment character. Keywords: Brasinosteroid, dwarf stature, sterolTanaman dengan pertambahan tinggi yang lambat merupakan karakter penting dalam program pemuliaan kelapa sawit dan brasinosteroid merupakan hormon penting yang berpengaruh untuk karakter tersebut. Gen sterol metiltransferase 1 (SMT1) merupakan salah satu gen kunci dalam biosintesis brasinosteroid. Pengembangan marker molekuler dapat dimulai dengan identifikasi dan karakterisasi gen yang terkait dengan karakter target. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengkarakterisasi keragaman nukleotida gen SMT1. Amplifikasi PCR dilakukan menggunakan genom Elaeis oleifera (E.o.), E. guineensis (E.g.) dan hibrida dari keduanya (E.g. x E.o.) dengan sepasang primer spesifik gen SMT1. Dalam penelitian ini berhasil diamplifikasi satu potongan DNA gen SMT1 dan dari hasil DNA sequencing berhasil diidentifikasi sebanyak 501- 505 pb. Potongan DNA yang diidentifikasi terdiri atas partial intron 8, exon 9, intron 9, dan patial exon 10, yang menyandi antara 104-105 residu asam amino. Domain residu asam amino terkonservasi ditemukan dalam hasil translasi amplikon, yang berkorelasi dengan situs aktif dalam biosintesis brasinosteroid dan mengkonfirmasi identitas amplikon sebagai bagian dari gen SMT1. Keragaman nukleotida potongan DNA gen SMT1 yang teridentifikasi berpotensi dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan marker molekuler yang bermanfaat untuk pemuliaan tanaman kelapa sawit, terutama untuk karakter pertambahan tinggi tanaman yang lambat. Kata kunci: Brasinosteroid, sterol, tanaman kerdi

    Identification of Gene Related to Hard Bunch Phenotype in Oil Palm (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.)

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    Molecular genetic analysis of hard bunch phenomenon in oil palm was done in order to elucidate the role of genetic factor underlying hard bunch in oil palm plantation. The aim of this study was to identify the AFLP primer combination that co-segregates with hard bunch phenotype related gene in oil palm. Molecular analysis was done by bulk segregant analysis approach. DNA was isolated from leaves of the normal and hard bunch palm. DNA from ten individual palms from each category were pooled and used as a template. A total of 56 AFLP primer combinations were selected for selection of polymorphic primer, and as a result it was found that 22 AFLP primer combinations (39.28%) were polymorphic. A total of 48 individual of palm DNA containing 24 individual for each group were further genotyped by those 22 polymorphic markers. Of these, one AFLP primer combination (E-ACC/M-CTG) was obtained as a co-segregated marker that distinguished the hard bunch DNA from the normal one. Based on the analysis of the target sequence aligned to the oil palm DNA sequences available in database, we found that our sequence has similarity with Ty-1 copia retrotransposon. This sequence distribute in all 16 linkage group of oil palm genome

    Identification of Gene Related to Hard Bunch Phenotype in Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

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    ABSTRACTMolecular genetic analysis of hard bunch phenomenon in oil palm was done in order to elucidate the role of genetic factor underlying hard bunch in oil palm plantation. The aim of this study was to identify the AFLP primer combination that co-segregates with hard bunch phenotype related gene in oil palm. Molecular analysis was done by bulk segregant analysis approach. DNA was isolated from leaves of the normal and hard bunch palm. DNA from ten individual palms from each category were pooled and used as a template. A total of 56 AFLP primer combinations were selected for selection of polymorphic primer, and as a result it was found that 22 AFLP primer combinations (39.28%) were polymorphic. A total of 48 individual of palm DNA containing 24 individual for each group were further genotyped by those 22 polymorphic markers. Of these, one AFLP primer combination (E-ACC/M-CTG) was obtained as a co-segregated marker that distinguished the hard bunch DNA from the normal one. Based on the analysis of the target sequence aligned to the oil palm DNA sequences available in database, we found that our sequence has similarity with Ty-1 copia retrotransposon. This sequence distribute in all 16 linkage group of oil palm genome.Keywords: abnormal fruits, AFLP, oil palm, Ty-1 copia retrotransposo

    The Study of Two Stages Anaerobic Digestion Application and Suitable Bio-Film as an Effort to Improve Bio-Gas Productivity from Jatropha Curcas Linn Capsule Husk

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    AbstractThe conversion program from kerosene to LPG in Indonesia has positive impact on saving budget of fuel subsidized. However, the program does not only depend on LPG supply from overseas but also inadvisable related to the LPG availability in the world. Bio-gas is renewable energy which categorized as modern cooking oil. This gaseous bio- fuel is feasible in Indonesia due to plenty of bio-gas resources such as bio-mass and waste, simple technology, supporting tropical climate on bio-gas process, no food competition on material supply, minimizing global warming, reducing water pollution and producing organic fertilizer. Some series of study are conducted on dried Jatropha curcas Linn. capsule husk (JCL-CH) as bio-gas feedstock. The objective of the study is to create technology for managing JCL integrally according to bio-refinery principle. This paper will present two studies, JCL-CH performance in single stage digester compared with two stages digester in laboratory and palm fiber compared with glass wool as bio-film/bio-carrier in methanogenesis reactor. The studies were conducted in Research Laboratory PT. Bumimas Ekapersada, Bekasi, West Java from March until May 2012. A liter of glass bottle as digester, arranged in Randomized Complete Design, three replications per treatment placed in 32°C water bath. The bio-gas feedstock was put continuously with Organic Loading Rate – OLR or concentration 1: 12 in single stage compared with 1: 12 and 1: 8 in two stages. The observed parameters were pH, temperature, bio-gas volume, methane concentration, volatile solid and acetic acid concentration. Bio-gas volume was measured by water displacement method and methane concentration was measured by gas chromatography. T-test was used for statistical analysis. The studies showed that two stages digester more efficient since it can increase methane concentration and bio-gas volume/gram VS. The bio-gas volume increase 63.83% in OLR 1: 8. Glass wool was more effective as bio-film carrier compared with palm fiber

    The study of slurry recirculation to increase biogas productivity from Jatropha curcas Linn. capsule husk in two phase digestion

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain the best slurry recirculation treatment for two-phase digester system which produced the highest biogas production in the DH-JcL substrate. The study was conducted in the laboratory using 750 mL and 2 L of plasticdigester and biofilter plastic as growth immobilize. The slurry recirculation treatment consisted of the recirculation of 50 %slurry to methanogenesis digester, 50 % slurry to hydrolysis digester, and 25 % slurry to hydrolysis digester combined with 25 % to methanogenesis digester. The highest daily biogas production was obtained from the recirculation of 50 % slurry to hydrolysis digester. However, the best slurry recirculation treatment, which was more stable in longer period, was 50 % slurry to methanogenesis digester

    Bio-Refinery Study in the Crude Jatropha Oil Process: Co-Digestion Sludge of Crude Jatropha Oil and Capsule Husk Jatropha Curcas Linn as Biogas Feedstocks

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    One of the cultivation failure reasons of Jatropha curcas Linn (JcL) in Indonesia was that it was only recommended for Crude Jatropha Oil (CJO) production which is processed into biodiesel. CJO is only 17-25% of dry seed weight, while the waste residue is called seed cake. Another waste product is dried capsule husk (DH-JcL) which is about 30-80% of the fresh fruit weight and sludge CJO (S-CJO) or about 2-5% of the CJO. S-CJO was unutilized which is bad for the ecology when it is disposed. The research objective was the utilization of the S-CJO waste for bio-refinery and improvement productivity of biogas made from DH-JcL.The study was conducted at the research garden of PT Bumimas Ekapersada, Bekasi, West Java in November-December 2012. A liter one-stage digester was compiled completely as a randomized design (CRD) with three replications in a water bath at a temperature of 32o C. The materials used were DH-JcL of JatroMas cultivars in the toxic category which were mixed with the sludge S-CJO as a co-substrate about with 10% water at a ratio of 1:8. Observation variables were biogas production volume (water displacement method), pH and temperature in the outlet slurry. The preliminary study concludes that S-CJO is appropriate as the co-substrate DH-JcL. It can increase the biogas productivity with feed in less than 10% of S-CJO allocation per day