283 research outputs found

    Time-annotated game graphs for synthesis from abstracted systems

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    The construction of discrete abstractions is a crucial part of many methods for control synthesis of hybrid systems subject to formal specifications. In general, the product of discrete abstractions may not be a discrete abstraction for the product of the underlying continuously-valued systems. Addressing this, we present a control synthesis method for transition systems that are built from components with uncertain timing characteristics. The new device, called here time-annotated game graphs, is demonstrated in a variety of examples. While it is applicable generally to parity games, we consider it in the context of control subject to GR(1) specifications. We show how a nominal strategy obtained without time knowledge can be modified to recover correctness when time information becomes available. The methods are applied to a brief case study of an aircraft electric power system

    Patching task-level robot controllers based on a local µ-calculus formula

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    We present a method for mending strategies for GR(1) specifications. Given the addition or removal of edges from the game graph describing a problem (essentially transition rules in a GR(1) specification), we apply a µ-calculus formula to a neighborhood of states to obtain a “local strategy” that navigates around the invalidated parts of an original synthesized strategy. Our method may thus avoid global resynthesis while recovering correctness with respect to the new specification. We illustrate the results both in simulation and on physical hardware for a planar robot surveillance task

    Hot-swapping robot task goals in reactive formal synthesis

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    We consider the problem of synthesizing robot controllers to realize a task that unpredictably changes with time. Tasks are formally expressed in the GR(1) fragment of temporal logic, in which some of the variables are set by an adversary. The task changes by the addition or removal of goals, which occurs online (i.e., at run-time). We present an algorithm for mending control strategies to realize tasks after the addition of goals, while avoiding global re-synthesis of the strategy. Experiments are presented for a planar surveillance task in which new regions of interest are incrementally added. Run-times are empirically shown to be favorable compared to re-synthesizing from scratch. We also present an algorithm for mending control strategies for the removal of goals. While in this setting the original strategy is still feasible, our algorithm provides a more satisfying solution by "tightening loose ends.'' Both algorithms are shown to yield so-called reach annotations, and thus the control strategies are easily amenable to other algorithms concerning incremental synthesis, e.g., as in previous work by the authors for navigation in uncertain environments

    Enhancing tolerance to unexpected jumps in GR(1) games

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    When used as part of a hybrid controller, finite-memory strategies synthesized from linear-time temporal logic (LTL) specifications rely on an accurate dynamics model in order to ensure correctness of trajectories. In the presence of uncertainty about the underlying model, there may exist unexpected trajectories that manifest as unexpected transitions under control of the strategy. While some disturbances can be captured by augmenting the dynamics model, such approaches may be conservative in that bisimulations may fail to exist for which strategies can be synthesized. In this paper, we consider games of the GR(1) fragment of LTL, and we characterize the tolerance of hybrid controllers to perturbations that appear as unexpected jumps (transitions) to states in the discrete strategy part of the controller. As a first step, we show robustness to certain unexpected transitions that occur in a finite manner, i.e., despite a certain number of unexpected jumps, the sequence of states obtained will still meet a stricter specification and hence the original specification. Additionally, we propose algorithms to improve robustness by increasing tolerance to additional disturbances. A robot gridworld example is presented to demonstrate the application of the developed ideas and also to perform empirical analysis

    Identifying and exploiting tolerance to unexpected jumps in synthesized strategies for GR(1) specifications

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    When used as part of a hybrid controller, finite-memory strategies synthesized from LTL specifications rely on an accurate dynamics model in order to ensure correctness of trajectories. In the presence of uncertainty about this underlying model, there may exist unexpected trajectories that manifest as unexpected transitions under control of the strategy. While some disturbances can be captured by augmenting the dynamics model, such approaches may be conservative in that bisimulations may fail to exist for which strategies can be synthesized. In this paper, we characterize the tolerance of such hybrid controllers - synthesized for generalized reactivity(1) specifications- to disturbances that appear as unexpected jumps (transitions) to states in the discrete strategy part of the controller. As a first step, we show robustness to certain unexpected transitions that occur in a finite-manner, i.e., despite a certain number of unexpected jumps, the sequence of states obtained will still meet a stricter specification and hence the original specification. Additionally, we propose algorithms to improve robustness by increasing tolerance to additional disturbances. A robot gridworld example is presented to demonstrate the application of the developed ideas and also to obtain empirical computational and memory cost estimates

    The Test- Retest Reliability and Minimal Detectable Change of the Sensory Organization Test and Head- Shake Sensory Organization Test

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    Context: The assessment of balance deficits following sport- related concussion can be accomplished using computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) testing procedures, including the Sensory Organization Test (SOT) and the Head- Shake Sensory Organization Test (HS- SOT). Although these tests are considered to be important post- concussion balance assessments, the test- retest reliability of the HS- SOT has not been evaluated in a healthy, athletic population. Objective: Our purpose was to evaluate the test- retest reliability of the HS-SOT in a non-concussed, athletic sample. Design: A prospective, time series, cohort design was used. Setting: University research laboratory. Participants or Other Participants: Twenty (8 F, 12 M) healthy intercollegiate athletes (age 19.95 ± 1.28 years, height 175.55 ± 13.57 cm, weight 74.73 ± 17.59 kg). Interventions: Postural stability was assessed at two time intervals (9 days apart). Subjects completed all 6 testing conditions of the SOT and the 2 testing conditions for the HS- SOT. Results: Excellent test- retest reliability was demonstrated for the SOT composite equilibrium scores (ICC 1,1= .83). Moderate test- retest reliability was observed for the SOT equilibrium scores for conditions 2 (.66) and 5 (.65); somatic (.58), visual (.65), and vestibular sensory analyses (.68); and sensory analysis preference (.66). Moderate reliability was also noted for equilibrium scores on condition 5 for the HS- SOT (.65). The test- retest reliability was poor for the HS- SOT equilibrium scores on condition 2 (ICC= .26, δ2= .14), HS-SOT equilibrium score ratio for fixed surface (ICC= .37, δ2 2= .003). Conclusions: Determining the minimal difference in HS- SOT scores (ICC and MDC) representing significant change over time will help clinicians to identify athletes with balance disorders in the acute post- concussion phase

    Interfacing TuLiP with the JPL Statechart Autocoder: Initial progress toward synthesis of flight software from formal specifications

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    This paper describes the implementation of an interface connecting the two tools : the JPL SCA (Statechart Autocoder) and TuLiP (Temporal Logic Planning Toolbox) to enable the automatic synthesis of low level implementation code directly from formal specifications. With system dynamics, bounds on uncertainty and formal specifications as inputs, TuLiP synthesizes Mealy machines that are correct-by-construction. An interface is built that automatically translates these Mealy machines into UML statecharts. The SCA accepts the UML statecharts (as XML files) to synthesize flight-certified implementation code. The functionality of the interface is demonstrated through three example systems of varying complexity a) a simple thermostat b) a simple speed controller for an autonomous vehicle and c) a more complex speed controller for an autonomous vehicle with a map-element. In the thermostat controller, there is a specification regarding the desired temperature range that has to be met despite disturbance from the environment. Similarly, in the speed-controllers there are specifications about safe driving speeds depending on sensor health (sensors fail unpredictably) and the map-location. The significance of these demonstrations is the potential circumventing of some of the manual design of statecharts for flight software/controllers. As a result, we expect that less testing and validation will be necessary. In applications where the products of synthesis are used alongside manually designed components, extensive testing or new certificates of correctness of the composition may still be required

    Control design for hybrid systems with TuLiP: The Temporal Logic Planning toolbox

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    This tutorial describes TuLiP, the Temporal Logic Planning toolbox, a collection of tools for designing controllers for hybrid systems from specifications in temporal logic. The tools support a workflow that starts from a description of desired behavior, and of the system to be controlled. The system can have discrete state, or be a hybrid dynamical system with a mixed discrete and continuous state space. The desired behavior can be represented with temporal logic and discrete transition systems. The system description can include uncontrollable variables that take discrete or continuous values, and represent disturbances and other environmental factors that affect the dynamics, as well as communication signals that affect controller decisions

    Crop supply dynamics and the illusion of partial adjustment

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    We use field-level data to estimate the response of corn and soybean acreage to price shocks. Our sample contains more than eight million observations derived from satellite imagery and includes every field in Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana. We estimate that aggregate crop acreage responds more to price shocks in the short run than in the long run, and we show theoretically how the benefits of crop rotation generate this response pattern. In essence, farmers who change crops due to a price shock have an incentive to switch back to the previous crop to capture the benefits of crop rotation. Our result contradicts the long-held belief that agricultural supply responds gradually to price shocks through partial adjustment. We would not have obtained this result had we used county-level panel data. Standard econometric methods applied to county-level data produce estimates consistent with partial adjustment. We show that this apparent partial adjustment is illusory, and we demonstrate how it arises from the fact that fields in the same county are more similar to each other than to fields in other counties. This result underscores the importance of using models with appropriate micro-foundations and cautions against inferring micro-level rigidities from inertia in aggregate panel data. Our preferred estimate of the own-price long-run elasticity of corn acreage is 0.29 and the cross-price elasticity is -0.22. The corresponding elasticities for soybean acreage are 0.26 and -0.33. Our estimated short-run elasticities are 37 percent larger than their long-run counterparts

    Implementation of a mentored professional development programme in laboratory leadership and management in the Middle East and North Africa.

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    Laboratories need leaders who can effectively utilize the laboratories' resources, maximize the laboratories'capacity to detect disease, and advocate for laboratories in a fluctuating health care environment. To address this need, the University of Washington, USA, created the Certificate Program in Laboratory Leadership and Management in partnership with WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, and implemented it with 17 participants and 11 mentors from clinical and public health laboratories in 10 countries (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen) in 2014. Designed to teach leadership and management skills to laboratory supervisors, the programme enabled participants to improve laboratory testing quality and operations. The programme was successful overall, with 80% of participants completing it and making impactful changes in their laboratories. This success is encouraging and could serve as a model to further strengthen laboratory capacity in the Region
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