34 research outputs found

    Structure and stability of small H clusters on graphene

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    The structure and stability of small hydrogen clusters adsorbed on graphene is studied by means of Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. Clusters containing up to six H atoms are investigated systematically -- the clusters having either all H atoms on one side of the graphene sheet (\textit{cis}-clusters) or having the H atoms on both sides in an alternating manner (\textit{trans}-cluster). The most stable cis-clusters found have H atoms in ortho- and para-positions with respect to each other (two H's on neighboring or diagonally opposite carbon positions within one carbon hexagon) while the most stable trans-clusters found have H atoms in ortho-trans-positions with respect to each other (two H's on neighboring carbon positions, but on opposite sides of the graphene). Very stable trans-clusters with 13-22 H atoms were identified by optimizing the number of H atoms in ortho-trans-positions and thereby the number of closed, H-covered carbon hexagons. For the cis-clusters, the associative H2_2 desorption was investigated. Generally, the desorption with the lowest activation energy proceeds via para-cis-dimer states, i.e.\ involving somewhere in the H clusters two H atoms that are positioned on opposite sites within one carbon hexagon. H2_2 desorption from clusters lacking such H pairs is calculated to occur via hydrogen diffusion causing the formation of para-cis-dimer states. Studying the diffusion events showed a strong dependence of the diffusion energy barriers on the reaction energies and a general odd-even dependence on the number of H atoms in the cis-clusters.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    3He spin-echo scattering indicates hindered diffusion of isolated water molecules on graphene-covered Ir(111)

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    The dynamics of water diffusion on carbon surfaces are of interest in fields as diverse as furthering the use of graphene as an industrial-coating technology and understanding the catalytic role of carbon-based dust grains in the interstellar medium. The early stages of water–ice growth and the mobility of water adsorbates are inherently dependent on the microscopic mechanisms that facilitate water diffusion. Here, we use 3He spin-echo quasi-inelastic scattering to probe the microscopic mechanisms responsible for the diffusion of isolated water molecules on graphene-covered and bare Ir(111). The scattering of He atoms provides a non-invasive and highly surface-sensitive means to measure the rate at which absorbates move around on a substrate at very low coverage. Our results provide an approximate upper limit on the diffusion coefficient for water molecules on GrIr(111) of <10−12 m2/s, an order of magnitude lower than the coefficient that describes the diffusion of water molecules on the bare Ir(111) surface. We attribute the hindered diffusion of water molecules on the GrIr(111) surface to water trapping at specific areas of the corrugated moiré superstructure. Lower mobility of water molecules on a surface is expected to lead to a lower ice nucleation rate and may enhance the macroscopic anti-icing properties of a surface

    Graphene and graphene oxide on Ir(111) are transparent to wetting but not to icing

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    Anti-icing coatings reduce the freezing onset temperature for water by changing the chemical and physical environment at the water-substrate interface to prevent ice nucleation and growth. Graphene oxide has several attributes that make it attractive as an anti-icing coating and it has been theoretically predicted that graphene oxide has a lower freezing onset temperature than pristine graphene. Here, we test this hypothesis using carefully prepared, well-characterized graphene oxide substrates. We compare the water contact angle for graphene and graphene oxide coatings, both prepared on iridium(111) surfaces. The results show both materials to be transparent to wetting, but indicate a lower freezing onset temperature for graphene oxide than for pristine graphene. The measured water contact angles are dominated by the properties of the underlying Ir(111) substrate while the freezing onset temperature is dictated by the functional groups present on the graphene basal plane. We suggest that the lowering of the freezing onset temperature is caused by the formation of a viscous water layer on the surface. Scanning tunneling microscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data are used to evaluate the robustness of the coating material and suggest ways to improve the long-term performance, namely by advancing strategies to avoid water intercalation.publishedVersio

    H2 formation on interstellar dust grains: the viewpoints of theory, experiments, models and observations

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    Molecular hydrogen is the most abundant molecule in the universe. It is the first one to form and survive photo-dissociation in tenuous environments. Its formation involves catalytic reactions on the surface of interstellar grains. The micro-physics of the formation process has been investigated intensively in the last 20 years, in parallel of new astrophysical observational and modeling progresses. In the perspectives of the probable revolution brought by the future satellite JWST, this article has been written to present what we think we know about the H formation in a variety of interstellar environments.VW’s research is funded by an ERC Starting Grant (3DICE, grant agreement 336474). GV acknowledges financial support from the National Science Foundation’s Astronomy & Astrophysics Division (Grants No. 1311958 and 1615897). LH acknowledges support from ERC Consolidator Grant GRANN (grant agreement no. 648551). GN acknowledges support from the Swedish Research Council. VW, FD and SM acknowledge the CNRS program ”Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire” (PCMI) co-funded bythe Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES). SDP acknowledges funding from STFC, UK. V.V acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (MagneticYSOS project, grant agreement No 679937)

    A systematic IR and VUV spectroscopic investigation of ion, electron, and thermally processed ethanolamine ice

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    The recent detection of ethanolamine (EtA, HOCH2CH2NH2), a key component of phospholipids, i.e. the building blocks of cell membranes, in the interstellar medium is in line with an exogenous origin of life-relevant molecules. However, the stability and survivability of EtA molecules under inter/circumstellar and Solar System conditions have yet to be demonstrated. Starting from the assumption that EtA mainly forms on interstellar ice grains, we have systematically exposed EtA, pure and mixed with amorphous water (H2O) ice, to electron, ion, and thermal processing, representing ‘energetic’ mechanisms that are known to induce physicochemical changes within the ice material under controlled laboratory conditions. Using infrared (IR) spectroscopy we have found that heating of pure EtA ice causes a phase change from amorphous to crystalline at 180 K, and further temperature increase of the ice results in sublimation-induced losses until full desorption occurs at about 225 K. IR and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectra of EtA-containing ices deposited and irradiated at 20 K with 1 keV electrons as well as IR spectra of H2O:EtA mixed ice obtained after 1 MeV He+ ion irradiation have been collected at different doses. The main radiolysis products, including H2O, CO, CO2, NH3, and CH3OH, have been identified and their formation pathways are discussed. The measured column density of EtA is demonstrated to undergo exponential decay upon electron and ion bombardment. The half-life doses for electron and He+ ion irradiation of pure EtA and H2O:EtA mixed ice are derived to range between 10.8 − 26.3 eV/16u. Extrapolating these results to space conditions, we conclude that EtA mixed in H2O ice is more stable than in pure form and it should survive throughout the star and planet formation process

    Challenges for continuous graphene as a corrosion barrier

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    Corrosion, the degradation of metals and alloys by chemical and/or electrochemical means, is a great challenge to society, its industries and its citizens, both in terms of economics, safety and health. Corrosion barrier technology can be regarded as a special case of the more general problem of preventing the transport of matter towards a certain target. For instance, many electronic devices based on organic compounds, such as OLEDs and organic solar cells, deteriorate rapidly in air due to reactions with oxygen and water vapour. Likewise, air exposure will cause food to alter its taste, colour and/or texture. A common solution for this type of problem is to use a barrier layer that limits or blocks the transport of corrosive or oxidative species from the environment to the target. Graphene and several other 2D materials have excellent impermeability, high mechanical properties, and chemical and thermal stability. While graphene has been proposed as a barrier coating for a range of scenarios, graphene-based barrier layers face a number of limitations and challenges that must be considered, depending on the application. In this review, we present a comprehensive overview of these potential roadblocks for graphene-based coatings- A nd related 2D materials-to aid research in this direction, and promote the development of ubiquitous, cheap and powerful barrier technologies based on such ultrathin materials

    Gas-phase electronic action absorption spectra of protonated oxygen-functionalized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OPAHs)

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    Context. Extended red emission (ERE) denotes a broad unassigned feature extending from 540 to 800 nm observed in many regions of the interstellar medium (ISM), and is thought to originate from photoluminescence of cosmic dust. However, definitive assignment of specific carriers remains to be achieved. Aims. Our aim is to investigate the photoabsorption spectra of astrophysically relevant protonated oxygen-functionalized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OPAHs) to probe their ability to absorb photons in the near-ultraviolet (UV) and visible (vis) spectral region and to search for any low-lying electronic states that may account for the ERE. Methods. Gas-phase electronic action absorption spectra of the protonated OPAHs were recorded in the spectral range of 200–700 nm using the ELISA ion-storage ring. Additional time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations were performed to compute excited state transitions that complement the experimental spectra. Results. A set of five protonated (O)PAHs was considered, namely pentacene and the four oxygen-functionalized PAHs, pentacenequinone, pentacenetetrone, anthraquinone, and phenathrenequinone. All pentacene-related species show a main absorption band between 400 and 500 nm, while the smaller OPAHs, anthraquinone and phenanthrenequinone, generally absorb further to the blue compared to the pentacenes. Interestingly, pentacenequinone and phenanthrenequinone exhibit wide absorption plateaus towards the red side of their main absorption band(s), which places them among the potential candidates to contribute to ERE. Additional photodissociation mass spectra reveal the formation of smaller functionalized PAHs and small oxygen-bearing species. Conclusions. Our results demonstrate the ability of OPAHs to absorb in the UV/vis spectral region. Among the four studied OPAHs, two revealed very broad absorption characteristics at wavelengths up to 700 nm, which makes them suitable candidates to contribute to a part of the ERE spectrum. Moreover, these two OPAHs, pentacenequinone and phenanthrenequinone, could dissociate efficiently into oxygen-bearing molecules and smaller functionalized PAHs in photon-dominated regions (PDRs) of the ISM