534 research outputs found

    Modeling gross primary production of two steppes in Northern China using MODIS time series and climate data

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    AbstractTerrestrial carbon cycle plays an important role in global climate change. As a key component of terrestrial carbon cycle, gross primary production (GPP) is a major determinant of the exchange of carbon between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems. With rapid advancement of remote-sensing technology, it has become a common practice to utilize parameters derived from remote-sensing data to estimate GPP at a regional or global scale. In this study, a satellite-driven model, Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM) was introduced to estimate GPP of two steppes, Xilinhot (XH, 43.5544°N, 116.6714°E) and Duolun (DL, 42.0467°N, 116.2836°E), at Inner Mongolia in Northern China, by integrating moderate resolution imaging spectral radiometer (MODIS) and meteorological measurements at the two flux towers. As defined by the input variables of VPM, two improved vegetation indices (enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and land surface water index (LSWI)) derived from the standard data product MOD09A1 of MODIS, air temperature and photosynthetic active radiation at the flux towers, were included for the model calculating. Canopy-level maximum light use efficiency, a key parameter for VPM, was estimated by using the observed CO2 flux data and photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). Observed GPP derived from flux data were then used to critically evaluate the performance of the model. The results indicate that the seasonal dynamics of GPP predicted by the VPM model agreed well with measured GPP by the flux towers. The determination coefficient (R2) of predicted GPP with measured GPP was 0.86 and 0.79 in 2006, 0.66 and 0.76 in 2007 for DL and XH, respectively. Further, time-series data for the EVI have a stronger linear relationship with the GPP than those for the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. Results of this study demonstrate that the satellite-driven VPM has been potential for estimating site-level or regional grassland GPP, and might be an effective tool for scaling-up carbon fluxes

    Existence and uniqueness of solutions for systems of fractional differential equations with Riemann–Stieltjes integral boundary condition

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    In this article, we first establish an existence and uniqueness result for a class of systems of nonlinear operator equations under more general conditions by means of the cone theory and monotone iterative technique. Furthermore, the iterative sequence of the solution and the error estimation of the system are given. Then we use this new result to study the existence and uniqueness of the solution for boundary value problems of systems of fractional differential equations with a Riemann–Stieltjes integral boundary condition in real Banach spaces. The results obtained in this paper are more general than many previous results and complement them

    Wild silkworm cocoon as a natural tough biological composite structure

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    Silk cocoons are biological composites with intriguing characteristics that have evolved through a long natural selection process. Knowledge of structure-property-function relationship of multilayered composite silk cocoon shells gives insight into the design of next-generation protection materials. The current investigation studied the composite structure and mechanical performance of a wild silkworm cocoon (Chinese tussah silkworm cocoon, Antheraea pernyi) in comparison with the domestic counterpart (Mulberry silkworm cocoon, Bombyx mori). 180º peel and tensile tests were performed on the cocoon walls to understand both their interlaminar and in-plane mechanical properties. The fracture surfaces were investigated under SEM. The wild cocoon showed substantially higher toughness over the domestic cocoon, which explains their unique capability to tackle severe environmental adversaries

    CP Violating Form Factors for Three Gauge Boson Vertex in the Two Higgs Doublet and Left-Right symmetric Models

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    In this paper we calculate the one loop contributions to the CP violating three gauge boson couplings in two-Higgs doublet and Left--Right symmetric models. In the two-Higgs doublet model only a P conserving and CP violating coupling is generated, and it can be large as 10310^{-3}. In the Left--Right symmetric model both P conserving and violating couplings are generated. Due to constraints on the WLW_L--WRW_R mixing, these couplings are small.Comment: 9 pages, Tex, UM-P-92/75, OZ-92/2

    Long-term measurements of particle number size distributions and the relationships with air mass history and source apportionment in the summer of Beijing

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    A series of long-term and temporary measurements were conducted to study the improvement of air quality in Beijing during the Olympic Games period (8–24 August 2008). To evaluate actions taken to improve the air quality, comparisons of particle number and volume size distributions of August 2008 and 2004–2007 were performed. The total particle number and volume concentrations were 14 000 cm−3 and 37 μm−3 cm−3 in August of 2008, respectively. These were reductions of 41% and 35% compared with mean values of August 2004–2007. A cluster analysis on air mass history and source apportionment were performed, exploring reasons for the reduction of particle concentrations. Back trajectories were classified into five major clusters. Air masses from the south direction are always associated with pollution events during the summertime in Beijing. In August 2008, the frequency of air mass arriving from the south was 1.3 times higher compared to the average of the previous years, which however did not result in elevated particle volume concentrations in Beijing. Therefore, the reduced particle number and volume concentrations during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games cannot be only explained by meteorological conditions. Four factors were found influencing particle concentrations using a positive matrix factorization (PMF) model. They were identified as local and remote traffic emissions, combustion sources as well as secondary transformation. The reductions of the four sources were calculated to 47%, 44%, 43% and 30%, respectively. The significant reductions of particle number and volume concentrations may attribute to actions taken, focusing on primary emissions, especially related to the traffic and combustion sources

    The effect of molybdenum on interphase precipitation and microstructures in microalloyed steels containing titanium and vanadium

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    Despite much research into steels strengthened through interphase precitation, there remains much that is not clear, such as the role of a range of elements, particularly Mo, in the interphase precipitation process. Four steels were manufactured with identical composition, but with variations in Ti, V, Mo and N content to investigate the effect of composition on interphase precipitation. Alloys were rapidly cooled from the single austenite phase field and isothermally transformed at 630 °C and 650 °C for 90min. The addition of Mo was found to significantly reduce the austenite to ferrite transformation kinetics, particularly for the V steel. Interphase precipitation was observed in all alloys at both transformation temperatures. For the Ti bearing steel, the two types of precipitate were observed throughout the sample, namely TiC (finer) and Ti2C (coarser), while for the V bearing steels, VC (finer) and V4C3(coarser) were observed. Where Mo was present in the alloy, it was found dissolved in all carbide types. The (Ti,Mo)C and (V,Mo)C formed by classical planer interphase precipitation (PIP) while the (Ti,Mo)2C and (V,Mo)4C3, that had a much wider row spacing, formed through curved interphase precipitation (CIP). Each adopted one variant of the Baker-Nutting orientation relationship. The Ti-microalloyed steels exhibited the smallest precipitates of all the steels, which were approximately the same size irrespective of whether Mo was present in the alloy and irrespective of the transformation temperature. However, the addition of Mo to the V bearing steels resulted in a significant increase in precipitate volume fraction and a reduction in precipitate size. The mechanisms of interphase precipitation leading to the coincident production of two different precipitate types is considered and the role of Mo on the interphase precipitation process is discussed. The resultant effect on strength is considered

    Long-distant contribution and χc1\chi_{c1} radiative decays to light vector meson

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    The discrepancy between the PQCD calculation and the CLEO data for χc1γV\chi_{c1}\to \gamma V (V=ρ0,ω,ϕV=\rho^0,\,\omega,\,\phi) stimulates our interest in exploring extra mechanism of χc1\chi_{c1} decay. In this work, we apply an important non-perturbative QCD effect, i.e., hadronic loop mechanism, to study χc1γV\chi_{c1}\to \gamma V radiative decay. Our numerical result shows that the theoretical results including the hadronic loop contribution and the PQCD calculation of χc1γV\chi_{c1}\to \gamma V are consistent with the corresponding CLEO data of χc1γV\chi_{c1}\to \gamma V. We expect further experimental measurement of χc1γV\chi_{c1}\to \gamma V at BES-III, which will be helpful to test the hadronic loop effect on χc1\chi_{c1} decay.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    On the Origin of Peak-dip-hump Structure in the In-plane Optical Conductivity of the High TCT_C Cuprates; Role of Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations of Short Range Order

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    An improved U(1) slave-boson approach is applied to study the optical conductivity of the two dimensional systems of antiferromagnetically correlated electrons over a wide range of hole doping and temperature. Interplay between the spin and charge degrees of freedom is discussed to explain the origin of the peak-dip-hump structure in the in-plane conductivity of high TCT_C cuprates. The role of spin fluctuations of short range order(spin singlet pair) is investigated. It is shown that the spin fluctuations of the short range order can cause the mid-infrared hump, by exhibiting a linear increase of the hump frequency with the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg coupling strength

    Zn and Fe concentration variations of grain and flag leaf and the Relationship with NAM-G1 Gene in Triticum timopheevii (Zhuk.) Zhuk. ssp. timopheevii

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    Grains of 12 accessions of Triticum timopheevii (Zhuk.) Zhuk. ssp. timopheevii (AAGG, 2n = 4x = 28) and one bread wheat cultivar Chinese Spring (CS) and one durum wheat cultivar Langdon (LDN) grown across two years were analyzed for grain iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) concentrations. All the 12 tested T. timopheevii ssp. timopheevii genotypes showed significantly higher concentration of grain Fe and Zn than CS and LDN. Aboundant genetic variability of both the Fe and Zn concentrations was observed among the T. timopheevii ssp. timopheevii accessions, averagely varied from 47.06 to 90.26 mg kg−1 and from 30.05 to 65.91 mg kg−1, respectively. Their grain Fe and Zn concentrations between years exhibited a significantly positive correlation with the correlation coefficients r = 0.895 and r = 0.891, respectively, indicating the highly genetic stability. Flag leaf possessed twice or three times higher concentrations for both Fe and Zn than grain, and a significantly high positive correlation appeared between the two organs with r = 0.648 for Fe and r = 0.957 for Zn concentrations, respectively, suggesting flag leaves might be indirectly used for evaluating grain Zn and Fe contents. Significant correlations occurred between grain Fe and Zn concentrations, and between grain Zn concentration and the two agronomic traits of plant height and number of spikelets per spike. Both the concentrations were not related to seed size or weight as well as NAM-G1 gene, implying the higher grain Fe and Zn concentrations of T. timopheevii ssp. timopheevii species are not ascribed to concentration effects of seed and the genetic control of NAM-G1 gene. There might be some other biological factors impacting the grain’s Zn and Fe concentrations. These results indicated T. timopheevii ssp. timopheevii species might be a promising genetic resource with high Fe and Zn concentrations for the biofortification of current wheat cultivars

    B_c meson rare decays in the light-cone quark model

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    We investigate the rare decays BcDs(1968)ˉB_c \rightarrow D_s(1968) \ell \bar{\ell} and BcDs(2317)ˉB_c\rightarrow D_s^*(2317) \ell \bar{\ell} in the framework of the light-cone quark model (LCQM). The transition form factors are calculated in the space-like region and then analytically continued to the time-like region via exponential parametrization. The branching ratios and longitudinal lepton polarization asymmetries (LPAs) for the two decays are given and compared with each other. The results are helpful to investigating the structure of BcB_c meson and to testing the unitarity of CKM quark mixing matrix. All these results can be tested in the future experiments at the LHC.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, version accepted for publication in EPJ