934 research outputs found

    UAV-Assisted Wireless Powered Cooperative Mobile Edge Computing:Joint Offloading, CPU Control, and Trajectory Optimization

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    This article investigates the unmanned-aerial-vehicle (UAV)-enabled wireless powered cooperative mobile edge computing (MEC) system, where a UAV installed with an energy transmitter (ET) and an MEC server provides both energy and computing services to sensor devices (SDs). The active SDs desire to complete their computing tasks with the assistance of the UAV and their neighboring idle SDs that have no computing task. An optimization problem is formulated to minimize the total required energy of UAV by jointly optimizing the CPU frequencies, the offloading amount, the transmit power, and the UAV’s trajectory. To tackle the nonconvex problem, a successive convex approximation (SCA)-based algorithm is designed. Since it may be with relatively high computational complexity, as an alternative, a decomposition and iteration (DAI)-based algorithm is also proposed. The simulation results show that both proposed algorithms converge within several iterations, and the DAI-based algorithm achieve the similar minimal required energy and optimized trajectory with the SCA-based one. Moreover, for a relatively large amount of data, the SCA-based algorithm should be adopted to find an optimal solution, while for a relatively small amount of data, the DAI-based algorithm is a better choice to achieve smaller computing energy consumption. It also shows that the trajectory optimization plays a dominant factor in minimizing the total required energy of the system and optimizing acceleration has a great effect on the required energy of the UAV. Additionally, by jointly optimizing the UAV’s CPU frequencies and the amount of bits offloaded to UAV, the minimal required energy for computing can be greatly reduced compared to other schemes and by leveraging the computing resources of idle SDs, the UAV’s computing energy can also be greatly reduced

    Comparison of Rotational Energies and Rigidity of OCS-paraH_2 and OCS-4He complexes

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    We analyze the nature of the rotational energy level structure of the OCS-He and OCS-H_2 complexes with a comparison of exact calculations to several differentdynamical approximations. We compare with the clamped coordinate quasiadiabatic approximation that introduces an effective potential for each asymmetric rotor level, with an effective rotation Hamiltonian constructed from ground state averages of the inverse of the inertial matrix, and investigate the usefulness of the Eckart condition to decouple rotations and vibrations of these weakly bound complexes between linear OCS and 4He or H_2. Comparison with exact results allows an assessment of the accuracies of the different approximate methods and indicates which approaches are suitable for larger clusters of OCS with 4He and with H_2. We find the OCS-H_2 complex is considerably more rigid than the OCS-4He complex, suggesting that semi-rigid models are useful for analysis of larger clusters of H_2 with OCS.Comment: accepted by Chem. Phys., 200

    Correlations between the mechanical loss and atomic structure of amorphous TiO2-doped Ta2O5 coatings

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    <p>Highly reflective dielectric mirror coatings are critical components in a range of precision optics applications including frequency combs, optical atomic clocks, precision interferometry and ring laser gyroscopes. A key limitation to the performance in these applications is thermal noise, arising from the mechanical loss of the coatings. The origins of the mechanical loss from these coatings is not well understood.</p> <p>Recent work suggests that the mechanical loss of amorphous Ta2O5 coatings can drop by as much as 40% when it is doped with TiO2. We use a combination of electron diffraction data and atomic modelling using molecular dynamics to probe the atomic structure of these coatings, and examine the correlations between changes in the atomic structure and changes in the mechanical loss of these coatings. Our results show the first correlation between changes in the mechanical loss and experimentally measured changes in the atomic structure resulting from variations in the level of TiO2 doping in TiO2-doped Ta2O5 coatings, in that increased homogeneity at the nearest-neighbour level appears to correlate with reduced mechanical loss. It is demonstrated that subtle but measurable changes in the nearest-neighbour homogeneity in an amorphous material can correlate with significant changes in macroscopic properties.</p&gt

    Interference between the halves of a double-well trap containing a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Interference between the halves of a double-well trap containing a Bose-Einstein condensate is studied. It is found that when the atoms in the two wells are initially in the coherent state, the intensity exhibits collapses and revivals, but it does not for the initial Fock states. Whether the initial states are in the coherent states or in a Fock states, the fidelity time has nothing to do with collision. We point out that interference and its fidelity can be adjusted experimentally by properly preparing the number and initial states of the system.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Phy. rev.

    Ballistic electron motion in a random magnetic field

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    Using a new scheme of the derivation of the non-linear σ\sigma-model we consider the electron motion in a random magnetic field (RMF) in two dimensions. The derivation is based on writing quasiclassical equations and representing their solutions in terms of a functional integral over supermatrices QQ with the constraint Q2=1Q^2=1. Contrary to the standard scheme, neither singling out slow modes nor saddle-point approximation are used. The σ\sigma-model obtained is applicable at the length scale down to the electron wavelength. We show that this model differs from the model with a random potential (RP).However, after averaging over fluctuations in the Lyapunov region the standard σ\sigma-model is obtained leading to the conventional localization behavior.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, to be submitted in PRB v2: Section IV is remove

    Raman scattering studies of spin, charge, and lattice dynamics in Ca_{2-x}Sr_{x}RuO_{4} (0 =< x < 0.2)

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    We use Raman scattering to study spin, charge, and lattice dynamics in various phases of Ca_{2-x}Sr_{x}RuO_{4}. With increasing substitution of Ca by Sr in the range 0 =< x < 0.2, we observe (1) evidence for an increase of the electron-phonon interaction strength, (2) an increased temperature-dependence of the two-magnon energy and linewidth in the antiferromagnetic insulating phase, and (3) evidence for charge gap development, and hysteresis associated with the structural phase change, both of which are indicative of a first-order metal-insulator transition (T_{MI}) and a coexistence of metallic and insulating components for T < T_{MI}

    Drag and jet quenching of heavy quarks in a strongly coupled N=2* plasma

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    The drag of a heavy quark and the jet quenching parameter are studied in the strongly coupled N=2* plasma using the AdS/CFT correspondence. Both increase in units of the spatial string tension as the theory departs from conformal invariance. The description of heavy quark dynamics using a Langevin equation is also considered. It is found that the difference between the velocity dependent factors of the transverse and longitudinal momentum broadening of the quark admit an interpretation in terms of relativistic effects, so the distribution is spherical in the quark rest frame. When conformal invariance is broken there is a broadening of the longitudinal momentum distribution. This effect may be useful in understanding the jet distribution observed in experiments.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, references added, minor corrections. To be published in JHE

    Functional Integral Bosonization for Impurity in Luttinger Liquid

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    We use a functional integral formalism developed earlier for the pure Luttinger liquid (LL) to find an exact representation for the electron Green function of the LL in the presence of a single backscattering impurity. This allows us to reproduce results (well known from the bosonization techniques) for the suppression of the electron local density of states (LDoS) at the position of the impurity and for the Friedel oscillations at finite temperature. In addition, we have extracted from the exact representation an analytic dependence of LDoS on the distance from the impurity and shown how it crosses over to that for the pure LL.Comment: 7 pages, 1 LaTeX produced figur

    Non-homologous end joining in class switch recombination: the beginning of the end

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    Immunoglobulin class switch recombination (CSR) is initiated by a B-cell-specific factor, activation-induced deaminase, probably through deamination of deoxycytidine residues within the switch (S) regions. The initial lesions in the S regions are subsequently processed, resulting in the production of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). These breaks will then be recognized, edited and repaired, finally leading to the recombination of the two S regions. Two major repair pathways have been implicated in CSR, the predominant non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and the alternative end-joining (A-EJ) pathways. The former requires not only components of the ‘classical’ NHEJ machinery, i.e. Ku70/Ku80, DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit, DNA ligase IV and XRCC4, but also a number of DNA-damage sensors or adaptors, such as ataxia–telangiectasia mutated, γH2AX, 53BP1, MDC1, the Mre11–Rad50–NBS1 complex and the ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein (ATR). The latter pathway is not well characterized yet and probably requires microhomologies. In this review, we will focus on the current knowledge of the predominant NHEJ pathway in CSR and will also give a perspective on the A-EJ pathway

    Calculating the jet-quenching parameter in STU background

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    In this paper we use the AdS/CFT correspondence to compute the jet-quenching parameter in a N=2 thermal plasma. We consider the general three-charge black hole and discuss some special cases. We add a constant electric field to the background and find the effect of the electric field on the jet-quenching parameter. Also we include higher derivative terms and obtain the first-order correction for the jet-quenching parameter.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, revised versio