97 research outputs found

    Semantic Orientation, Syntactic Position and Pragmatic Function of Modifier in Chinese-English Translation

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    In Chinese-English translation the equivalents for noun or verb modifiers are more than often subject to redeployment in the target language. According to the principle that a modifier is supposed to be syntactically located in the immediacy of the modified toward which it is semantically oriented, the displacement of a modifier from where it should be syntactically located is incurred because of pragmatic motivations. However, in the context of Chinese-English translation, the modified can exert more drawing force on the modifier. As a result, the originally displaced modifier, now in a position identical to that of its English equivalent, returns to the modified, the noun or the verb, toward which it is semantically oriented. Or the modifier will resume the syntactic position as close to its modified noun or verb as possible. A conclusive analysis claims that the drawing gravity from the modified in C-E translation results from the translator’s heightened semantic concerns, although some pragmatic effects can be produced as expected or unexpected.Dans la traduction du chinois vers l’anglais, les équivalents des modificateurs du nom ou du verbe sont souvent sujets à un redéploiement dans la langue cible. En vertu du principe selon lequel un modificateur doit être situé syntaxiquement dans l’immédiateté du modifié vers lequel il est sémantiquement orienté, le déplacement d’un modificateur depuis sa position syntaxique de base est provoqué par des facteurs pragmatiques. Toutefois, dans le contexte de la traduction chinois-anglais, le modifié peut exercer une force d’attraction accrue sur le modificateur. En conséquence, le modificateur initialement déplacé, et donc en position identique à celle de son équivalent anglais, retourne dans une position proche du modifié, le nom ou le verbe, vers lequel il est sémantiquement orienté. Ou encore, le modificateur réintègre la position syntaxique le plus près du nom ou du verbe qu’il modifie. L’analyse conclut de manière convaincante que la force de gravité du modifié dans la traduction chinois-anglais est le fruit d’un accroissement des préoccupations sémantiques du traducteur, bien que certains effets pragmatiques, attendus ou inattendus, puissent aussi être produits

    Conditional Dynamic Mutual Information-Based Feature Selection

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    With emergence of new techniques, data in many fields are getting larger and larger, especially in dimensionality aspect. The high dimensionality of data may pose great challenges to traditional learning algorithms. In fact, many of features in large volume of data are redundant and noisy. Their presence not only degrades the performance of learning algorithms, but also confuses end-users in the post-analysis process. Thus, it is necessary to eliminate irrelevant features from data before being fed into learning algorithms. Currently, many endeavors have been attempted in this field and many outstanding feature selection methods have been developed. Among different evaluation criteria, mutual information has also been widely used in feature selection because of its good capability of quantifying uncertainty of features in classification tasks. However, the mutual information estimated on the whole dataset cannot exactly represent the correlation between features. To cope with this issue, in this paper we firstly re-estimate mutual information on identified instances dynamically, and then introduce a new feature selection method based on conditional mutual information. Performance evaluations on sixteen UCI datasets show that our proposed method achieves comparable performance to other well-established feature selection algorithms in most cases

    Sobre los fundamentos del derecho internacional en el Pensamiento de Xi Jinping respecto del Estado de Derecho

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    Xi Jinpings Thought on the Rule of Law was formally established in November, 2020 at the First Central Conference on Work Related to Overall Law-based Governance in the history of the Communist Party of China (CPC). It includes a wealth of ideas about international law, which are embodied in his propositions on and accounts of international law, and it has been developed under the current change of the world situation never seen for a century. Essentially, for his thought on international law, the core principles are the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and the central idea is to promote building a community with a shared future for mankind, and the main proposition is that the common values of mankind be the guideline for the global governance and international law. As reflected in his thought on the rule of law, the international governance of law is also closely related to the domestic rule of law. His propositions concerning the international governance of law shall be the important guidelines for China to study and practice international law, and will promote and then lead the progress and development of contemporary international law.El Pensamiento de Xi Jinping respecto del Estado de Derecho se estableció for-malmente en noviembre de 2020 durante la Primera Conferencia Central sobre el Trabajo Relacionado con la Gobernanza General basada en el Derecho en la historia del Partido Comunista Chino (PCC). Este pensamiento incluye una riqueza de ideas sobre el derecho internacional, las cuales se encuentran plasmadas en sus propuestas y relatos relativos al derecho internacional, y ha sido desarrollado durante los cambios actuales en la situación mundial, inéditos en el último siglo. En suma, para su pensamiento respecto del derecho internacional, los principios fundamentales son los cinco principios de coexistencia pacífica y la idea central es promover la construcción de una comunidad con un futuro compartido para toda la humanidad. Asimismo, la propuesta radica en que los valores comunes de la humanidad guíen la gobernanza global y el derecho internacional. Como puede apreciarse en sus ideas sobre el estado de derecho, la gobernanza internacional del derecho está íntimamente relacionada con el estado de derecho local. Sus propuestas en relación con la gobernanza internacional de derecho constituirán importantes lineamientos para que China estudie y ejerza el derecho internacional, y promoverán así como guiarán el progre-so y el desarrollo del derecho internacional contemporáneo.Instituto de Relaciones Internacionale

    Depth-First Event Ordering in BDD-Based Fault Tree Analysis

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    In BDD-based fault tree analysis, the size of BDD encoding fault trees heavily depends on the chosen ordering. From a theoretical point of view, finding the best ordering is an intractable task. So, heuristics are used to get good orderings. The most simple, and often one of the best heuristics is depth first left most (DFLM) heuristic. Although having been used widely, the performance of DFLM heuristic is still only vaguely understood, and not much formal work has been done. This paper starts from two different research objects: fault tree without repeated events (NRFT) and fault tree with repeated events (RFT). For NRFT, the BDD generated according to DFLM ordering is proved to be the smallest BDD with the size equal to the total number of events. For RFT, a randomized algorithm is firstly proposed to create reliable benchmarks including large number of random fault trees with different specificities. Then, these benchmarks are used to perform two types of experiments to study the performance of DFLM heuristic. For RFT with small number of repeated events, it is found that the sizes of the BDD built over DFLM orderings are only slightly larger than the sizes of the RFT with different specificities. However, with the increase of the number of repeated events, we encounter the size explosion problem, and the change of repeated event distribution patterns will have a significant impact on the sizes of the BDD built over DFLM orderings. We also find that the number of repeated events is the more important measure than some other specificities (shape, logical type of top gate and OR/AND gate distribution) to estimate the level of the difficulty in BDD-based fault tree analysis

    A statistical evaluation model for the time-dependent strength of cement-admixed marine clay

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    Deep Cement Mixing (DCM) is widely used in urban infrastructure construction such as deep excavation and tunnelling. The variability of the properties of natural soils, combined with uncertainty and inaccuracy of construction operation of deep soil mixing, leads to non-uniformity of the binder distribution in the deep cement-mixed soil, therefore, the often highly variable strength. This study investigates the point level of the unconfined compressive strength of cement-stabilized soils. A statistical approach to evaluate the heterogeneous strength of cement-admixed marine clay is proposed. The unconfined compressive strength of cemented clay is regarded as a random variable with the probability density distribution being assumed as the lognormal distribution. Particularly, the curing time effect is considered in the approach. A simple time-dependent probability density distribution is proposed, with only the mean value changing to account for the curing time effect

    Peak cycle stress analysis of plain dent on pipeline based on FE calculation

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    According to the report of the United States transportation department, mechanical damage is one of the most important reasons for the pipeline accident .The most typical form of mechanical damage is indentation. Dent, which is one of the important factors affecting pipeline fatigue life, substantially reduces the fatigue life of the pipeline in service. The peak cycle stress on dented pipeline is a key parameter in calculating the fatigue life. Finite element models of typical plain dent are established under different circumstances. On the basis of considerable calculations, the results are subjected to univariate and multivariate analyses, yielding the dependences of peak cycle stress on different parameters. The calculation results are fitted by non-linear regression. The relationships between the peak cycle stresses of dented pipeline and the dent depth, the dent longitudinal length, diameter and thickness of pipeline are acquired by establishing mathematical models and proposing the corresponding expressions

    Improving Factual Consistency of Text Summarization by Adversarially Decoupling Comprehension and Embellishment Abilities of LLMs

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    Despite the recent progress in text summarization made by large language models (LLMs), they often generate summaries that are factually inconsistent with original articles, known as "hallucinations" in text generation. Unlike previous small models (e.g., BART, T5), current LLMs make fewer silly mistakes but more sophisticated ones, such as imposing cause and effect, adding false details, overgeneralizing, etc. These hallucinations are challenging to detect through traditional methods, which poses great challenges for improving the factual consistency of text summarization. In this paper, we propose an adversarially DEcoupling method to disentangle the Comprehension and EmbellishmeNT abilities of LLMs (DECENT). Furthermore, we adopt a probing-based efficient training to cover the shortage of sensitivity for true and false in the training process of LLMs. In this way, LLMs are less confused about embellishing and understanding; thus, they can execute the instructions more accurately and have enhanced abilities to distinguish hallucinations. Experimental results show that DECENT significantly improves the reliability of text summarization based on LLMs

    Innovative and Responsible Governance of Nanotechnology for Societal Development

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    The one-pot synthesis of iron-doped carbon quantum dots (Fe-CQDs) for use as both magnetic resonance (MR) and fluorescent (dual-mode) imaging nanoprobes is described. Comprehensive characterizations of the material confirmed the successful doping of the CQDs with Fe(II) ions. The imaging probe has a longitudinal relaxivity of 3.92 mM−1∙s−1 and a low r2/r1 ratio of 1.27, both of which are critical for T1-weighted contrast agents. The maximum emission of Fe-CQDs locates at 450 nm under 375 nm excitation, which also can be applied to fluorescence imaging. Biotoxicity assessment showed good biocompatibility of the Fe-CQDs. The in-vitro experiments with A549 cells indicated that the Fe-CQDs are viable candidates as dual-mode (MR/fluorescence) imaging nanoprobes. For in-vivo experiments, they exhibit high contrast efficiency, thereby improving the positive contrast in T1-weighted MR images. In-vivo time-dependent MRI of major organs showed that the Fe-CQDs undergo fast glomerular filtration and can evade immuno-absorption due to their ultra-small size and excellent biocompatibility. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
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