162 research outputs found

    Identification of HSP90 gene from the Chinese oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi

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    The heat shock proteins (Hsp) play an important role in protein folding and protection of cells from stress. To investigate the role of Hsp90 in silk-producing insect Antheraea pernyi (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), a full-length cDNA encoding Hsp90 from A. pernyi was cloned, sequenced and characterized. The complete cDNA (2,482 bp) contained a 2,154 bp open reading frame encoding 717 amino acid residues and had 94.5% identity with Antheraea yamamai Hsp90. The relative expression levels of Hsp90 in five different tissues at normal and high temperatures were evaluated with real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR. The expression of Hsp90 was obviously changed in the examined tissues except for fat bodies after induced by high temperature. SDS-PAGE of purified protein demonstrated that an 86 KD recombinant protein was successfully expressed in transformed Escherichia coli cells. These results shed light on studying the mechanism of tolerance in A. pernyi.Key words: Antheraea pernyi, HSP90, sequence analysis, expression

    A Novel Virtual Vector Modulation-based scheme of Model Power Predictive for VIENNA Rectifier

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    When the finite control set model predictive(FCS-MPC) algorithm is applied to the three-level converter, there are problems such as large current harmonics, high requirements for the computing efficiency of the micro-controller, complex multi-objective optimization and limited output vector switching. In additional, the mismatch of inductance parameter may directly affect the observation accuracy of FCS-MPC. Furthermore, due to the limitation of finite set model prediction, it leads to the switching operation is not constant and the decrease of the grid-connected current quality. In this regard, an improved model predictive direct power control based on the combined virtual vector modulation (MPDPC-VM) is proposed by considering the influence of the filter inductance parameter mismatch. The finite control set and restricted vector switching of the Vienna rectifier are modeled to avoid excessive voltage jumps, and the predicted values of input power is obtained by the sliding-mode control (SMC) strategy. Then, a linear synthesis method of virtual vector modulation-based scheme is proposed, which increases the number of the available voltage vectors in a single switching period from 8 to 19. The grid-connected current ripple is improved by reducing the error between the expected voltage vector and the available voltage vector. Finally, the model reference adaptive system (MRAS) method is applied to improve the working reliability and reduce the influence of mismatching of inductance parameters. Extensive simulation and matching experimental results is given to demonstrate the validity of the proposed strategy under steady-state and transient responses conditions compared against the existing FCS-MPC

    Biomaterials-enabled cornea regeneration in patients at high risk for rejection of donor tissue transplantation

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    The severe worldwide shortage of donor organs, and severe pathologies placing patients at high risk for rejecting conventional cornea transplantation, have left many corneal blind patients untreated. Following successful pre-clinical evaluation in mini-pigs, we tested a biomaterials-enabled pro-regeneration strategy to restore corneal integrity in an open-label observational study of six patients. Cell-free corneal implants comprising recombinant human collagen and phosphorylcholine were grafted by anterior lamellar keratoplasty into corneas of unilaterally blind patients diagnosed at high-risk for rejecting donor allografts. They were followed-up for a mean of 24 months. Patients with acute disease (ulceration) were relieved of pain and discomfort within 1-2 weeks post-operation. Patients with scarred or ulcerated corneas from severe infection showed better vision improvement, followed by corneas with burns. Corneas with immune or degenerative conditions transplanted for symptom relief only showed no vision improvement overall. However, grafting promoted nerve regeneration as observed by improved touch sensitivity to normal levels in all patients tested, even for those with little/no sensitivity before treatment. Overall, three out of six patients showed significant vision improvement. Others were sufficiently stabilized to allow follow-on surgery to restore vision. Grafting outcomes in mini-pig corneas were superior to those in human subjects, emphasizing that animal models are only predictive for patients with non-severely pathological corneas; however, for establishing parameters such as stable corneal regeneration and nerve regeneration, our pig model is satisfactory. While further testing is merited, we have nevertheless shown that cell-free implants are potentially safe, efficacious options for treating high-risk patients

    An Artificial Light Source Influences Mating and Oviposition of Black Soldier Flies, Hermetia illucens

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    Current methods for mass-rearing black soldier flies, Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), in the laboratory are dependent on sunlight. Quartz-iodine lamps and rare earth lamps were examined as artificial light sources for stimulating H. illucens to mate and lay eggs. Sunlight was used as the control. Adults in the quartz-iodine lamp treatment had a mating rate of 61% of those in the sunlight control. No mating occurred when the rare earth lamp was used as a substitute. Egg hatch for the quartz-iodine lamp and sunlight treatments occurred in approximately 4 days, and the hatch rate was similar between these two treatments. Larval and pupal development under these treatments required approximately 18 and 15 days at 28°° C, respectively. Development of methods for mass rearing of H. illucens using artificial light will enable production of this fly throughout the year without investing in greenhouse space or requiring sunlight

    Existence of positive ground state solutions for Kirchhoff type equation with general critical growth

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    We study the existence of positive ground state solutions for the nonlinear Kirchhoff type equation \begin{cases} \displaystyle -\bigg(a+b\int_{\mathbb R^3}|\nabla u|^2\bigg)\Delta {u}+V(x)u =f(u) & \mbox{in }\mathbb R^3, \\ \noalign{\medskip} u\in H^1(\mathbb R^3), \quad u> 0 & \mbox{in } \mathbb R^3, \end{cases} % where a,b> 0 are constants, f∈C(R,R)f\in C(\mathbb R,\mathbb R) has general critical growth. We generalize a Berestycki-Lions theorem about the critical case of Schrödinger equation to Kirchhoff type equation via variational methods. Moreover, some subcritical works on Kirchhoff type equation are extended to the current critical case

    Impact of Porphyromonas gingivalis-odontogenic infection on the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    AbstractAim: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is characterized by diffuse hepatic steatosis and has quickly risen to become the most prevalent chronic liver disease. Its incidence is increasing yearly, but the pathogenesis is still not fully understood. Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) is a major pathogen widely prevalent in periodontitis patients. Its infection has been reported to be a risk factor for developing insulin resistance, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and metabolic syndrome. The aim of this review is to evaluate the association between P. gingivalis infection and NAFLD, identify the possible etiopathogenetic mechanisms, and raise public awareness of oral health to prevent and improve NAFLD.Methods: After searching in PubMed and Web of Science databases using ‘Porphyromonas gingivalis’, ‘non-alcoholic fatty liver disease’, and ‘hepatic steatosis’ as keywords, studies related were compiled and examined.Results: P. gingivalis infection is a direct risk factor for NAFLD based on clinical and basic research. Moreover, it induces systematic changes and systemic abnormalities by disrupting metabolic, inflammatory, and immunologic homeostasis.Conclusion: P. gingivalis-odontogenic infection promotes the occurrence and development of NAFLD. Further concerns are needed to emphasize oral health and maintain good oral hygiene for the prevention and treatment of NAFLD

    Feasibility investigation of using waste laminated packaging as bitumen performance enhancer

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    Millions of tons of laminated packaging are extensively utilized in aseptic food packaging due to its advantages in transporting and storing liquid foods, leading to the annual generation of waste laminated packaging (WLP). To address this concern, this study processes WLP recycled from milk and fruit juice packages into particles. The properties of WLP-modified bitumen were characterized through conventional and rheological tests, and the results were compared with those of the base bitumen. The tests reveal that the addition of WLP increases the softening point and peak force while decreasing penetration and ductility. Additionally, higher WLP content results in a larger modification index, higher failure temperature, lower non-recoverable creep compliance, and lower stress sensitivity. Furthermore, the stabilizing effect of low-density polyethylene in WLP, combined with the complete cross-linking of cellulose fibers, contributes to enhancing the fatigue life of the bitumen
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