576 research outputs found

    Дифференциально−диагностические нейрофизиологические корреляты эмоционально−личностных и поведенческих расстройств у подростков с мозговой дисфункцией

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    Представлены результаты исследования функциональной активности головного мозга у подростков с мозговой дисфункцией и эмоциональными, личностными, поведенческими расстройствами. Выявлены нейрофизиологические корреляты изменений характера и поведения больных подростков.The findings of brain functional activity investigation in teenagers with cerebral dysfunction as well as emotional, personality, behavioral disorders are reported. Neurophysiological correlates of the character and behavior changes in teen−agers were revealed

    A Global Survey of the Views of Practicing Companion Animal Veterinarians on Their Undergraduate Curriculum and Their Access to Continuing Education Resources

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    A global survey was developed to gain insight into the opinion of companion animal veterinarians about their undergraduate education and their access to continuing education on the following topics: client communication, animal welfare, surgical techniques, human-animal bond, dentistry, animal behavior, and zoonotic disease/epidemiology. In 2016, the survey was distributed via SurveyMonkey (R) in five languages to companion animal veterinarians around the world. A total of 1,167 respondents returned to the survey. The distribution of survey responses differed by geographic region (number of respondents in parentheses; where respondents work/have been trained): Europa (including the Russian Federation, 359/423), Asia (311/205), North America (77/89), South America (24/16), Africa (46/41), and Oceania (147/167). The results were strongly influenced by a large number of respondents (in parentheses) who graduated in the Russian Federation (180/162), Australia (133/154), Israel (136/82), the Netherlands (64/64), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (36/46), and the United States of America (46/44). On the basis of the responses, all topics were poorly covered or not taught, except for surgical techniques and zoonotic disease/epidemiology, which were covered adequately or well. However, there were country and geographic regional differences. This was also true for continuing education resources, which were-in addition to countries and geographic regions-also influenced by the educational topic. As already stated by Dhein and Menon in 2003, time away from the practice, travel distance, and expense may be reasons why companion animal veterinarians do not follow continuing education. Online continuing education could fill in the gap and is more time and cost-efficient

    A developmentally regulated chaperone complex for the endoplasmic reticulum of male haploid germ cells

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    Glycoprotein folding is mediated by lectin-like chaperones and protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Calnexin and the PDI homologue ERp57 work together to help fold nascent polypeptides with glycans located toward the N-terminus of a protein, whereas PDI and BiP may engage proteins that lack glycans or have sugars toward the C-terminus. In this study, we show that the PDI homologue PDILT is expressed exclusively in post-meiotic male germ cells, in contrast to the ubiquitous expression of many other PDI family members in the testis. PDILT is induced during puberty and represents the first example of a PDI family member under developmental control. We find that PDILT is not active as an oxido-reductase, but interacts with the model peptide -somatostatin and nonnative BPTI in vitro, indicative of chaperone activity. In vivo, PDILT forms a tissue-specific chaperone complex with the calnexin homologue calmegin. The identification of a redox-inactive chaperone partnership defines a new system of testis-specific protein folding with implications for male fertility

    Biometfical genetic analysis of serum Cholesterol response and basal serum HDL cholesterol level in the rabbit

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    The inheritance of the susceptibility for dietary cholesterol (serum cholesterol response) and of basal serum HDL cholesterol level in the rabbit have been studied by measuring serum total cholesterol levels and HDL cholesterol levels in animalsfrom crosses between hyperresponding and hyporesponding inbred strains. The serum cholesterol response and basal serum HDL cholesterol levels of the resulting six populations (the two parental strains, Fl-hybrid, two baekerosses and F7)were subjected to a biomedical genetic analysis to determine the number of loci involved and the (narrow sense) heritability 0f the two traits. The study revealed that 30% of the individual variation of the serum cholesterol response is under geneticcontrol and that 10 to 16 loci may be involved. The heritability for basal serum HDL cholesterol levels was 50 to 80%, whereas two to five loci may be involved in regulating the basal serum HDL cholesterol level in rabbits

    Rabbit serum esterase genotyping and relationship to serum cholesterol response and basal serum HDL cholesterol level

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    Previous studies have indicated that esterases might be involved in the serum cholesterol response in rabbits. The question addressed in this study is whether in rabbits esterase loci of Linkage Group VI (LG VI) are genetically linked withthe serum cholesterol response to dietary cholesterol or the basal serum HDL cholesterol level. For this purpose the Est-2 and Es-1 genotypes of rabbits in segregating populations derived from a cross between IIIVO/JU (hyporespender andhigh basal serum HDL cholesterol level) and AX/1U (hypettesponder and low basal serum HDL cholesterol level) rabbits were determined. The segregating populations were fed a cholesterol-rich diet for 35 days. Both the Est-2 and Es—1 alleles failed to cosegregate with the serum cholesterol response, whereas a highly significant cosegregation was found with the basal serum HDL cholesterol level. It is concluded that one or more genes of LG VI are regulating the basal serumHDL cholesterol level in rabbits

    Labour and Neonatal Outcome in Small for Gestational Age Babies Delivered Beyond 36+0 Weeks: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Objective. Small for gestational age (SGA) is associated with increased neonatal morbidity and mortality. At present, evidence on whether these pregnancies should be managed expectantly or by induction is lacking. To get insight in current policy we analysed data of the National Dutch Perinatal Registry (PRN). Methods. We used data of all nulliparae between 2000 and 2005 with a singleton in cephalic presentation beyond 36+0 weeks, with a birth weight below the 10th percentile. We analysed two groups of pregnancies: (I) with isolated SGA and (II) with both SGA and hypertensive disorders. Onset of labour was related to route of delivery and neonatal outcome. Results. Induction was associated with a higher risk of emergency caesarean section (CS), without improvement in neonatal outcome. For women with isolated SGA the relative risk of emergency CS after induction was 2.3 (95% Confidence Interval [CI] 2.1 to 2.5) and for women with both SGA and hypertensive disorders the relative risk was 2.7 (95% CI 2.3 to 3.1). Conclusion. Induction in pregnancies complicated by SGA at term is associated with a higher risk of instrumental deliveries without improvement of neonatal outcome. Prospective studies are needed to determine the best strategy in suspected IUGR at term

    Inflation from Susy quantum cosmology

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    We propose a realization of inverted hybrid inflation scenario in the context of n=2 supersymmetric quantum cosmology. The spectrum of density fluctuations is calculated in the de Sitter regimen as a function of the gravitino and the Planck mass, and explicit forms for the wave function of the universe are found in the WKB regimen for a FRW closed and flat universes.Comment: 9 pages, one figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Animal Welfare Worldwide, the Opinion of Practicing Veterinarians

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the animal welfare issues considered the most important by companion animal veterinarians worldwide. For this purpose, a global survey of several potential animal welfare issues was distributed via SurveyMonkey® in multiple languages. The distribution of survey responses differed by region. The main animal welfare concern reported worldwide was obesity, although there were differences across regions, possibly due to cultural and socioeconomic factors. Anthropomorphism (attributing human qualities or characteristics to an animal) was an issue in western countries but less so in Asia, Africa, and Oceania. There were significant differences between Asia and Europe, Africa, and Oceania in the importance and prevalence of convenience euthanasia. There were also age and sex differences in participant responses, with older veterinarians reporting fewer welfare problems than younger veterinarians, and female veterinarians reporting more welfare issues than their male counterparts