79 research outputs found

    Resource queueing system with feedback as a model for servicing two types of traffic

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    The resource multi-server queue with two arrival processes is considered. The analytical expressions for the means of the number of customers in the orbits are found. The stationary distribution of the two-dimensional stochastic process of numbers of customers in the service block is found, which allows calculating the main probability and numerical characteristics. A numerical example is considered, where the applicability area of approximation was obtained


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    The results of mycological studies of variety of biosamples during gastrointestinal, respiratory and. genitourinary diseases in different patients we analyzed during the period from 2006 to 2010 years. Different types of fungi were found at gastritis (15-30 % of cases), gastric cancers (5-30 %), duodenal ulcer (3-12 % ), diseases of the respiratory system. (9-14 %). In the cases of prophylactic gynecological evaluations the fungi were found in 12-15 % of women; among these 19-28 % were healthy non-pregnant women and. 14-32 % healthy pregnant women

    Resource retrial queue with two orbits and negative customers

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    In this paper, a multi-server retrial queue with two orbits is considered. There are two arrival processes of positive customers (with two types of customers) and one process of negative customers. Every positive customer requires some amount of resource whose total capacity is limited in the system. The service time does not depend on the customer’s resource requirement and is exponentially distributed with parameters depending on the customer’s type. If there is not enough amount of resource for the arriving customer, the customer goes to one of the two orbits, according to his type. The duration of the customer delay in the orbit is exponentially distributed. A negative customer removes all the customers that are served during his arrival and leaves the system. The objects of the study are the number of customers in each orbit and the number of customers of each type being served in the stationary regime. The method of asymptotic analysis under the long delay of the customers in the orbits is applied for the study. Numerical analysis of the obtained results is performed to show the influence of the system parameters on its performance measure

    Working sick and out of sorts: a cross-cultural approach on presenteeism climate, organizational justice and work–family conflict

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    A climate of presenteeism has important effects on employee well-being and the organization itself. Our study, based on surveys of health sector employees in six different countries (Brazil, Ecuador, Lebanon, Portugal, Russia and Spain) examines whether organizational justice plays a mediating role in the relationship between a presenteeism climate in the organization and work–family conflict (WFC). Our results indicate that the perception of organizational justice and the presenteeism climate do influence WFC. Moreover, higher levels of WFC were found in non-Latin countries. This study contributes to the work attendance and life balance field by providing cross-cultural empirical evidence corroborating the effect of justice and presenteeism climate on the WFC.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio


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    The paper explains relevance of career competence of prospective specialists. It describes the concept of career competence. Career competence is considered to be the element of professional competence characterizing its aspiration, readiness and ability to professional self-realization, which is followed by reflexive vision of, an adequate self-assessment and defining purposeful process and result of development of professional career. The publication defines the structure of career competence which consists of axiological, motivational and activity (self-efficiency, motivation to career, ability to solve career problems), cognitive (career goal-setting and planning), personal (responsibility and adaptability) and procedural components (procedure of career building: steps, stages, periods and dynamics). The author analyzes technologies of career competence of building in national and foreign educational systems. The article describes special course on career competence building “My career”. The theoretical and methodological basis of the course “My Career” is developed by means of applying competence-based approach, personal and activity approach, axiological and the subject - subject ones. The course “My Career” is considered to be the block and modules system of interactive classes carried out in the training way; the course involves students in activity which conforms to development of career orientations, self-efficiency, goals setting, development of motivation to career, ability to overcome career obstacles, adapt to changing environment conditions, development of tactical and strategic planning of career taking into account changes of its speed in the social and economic environment. The course is based on three modules responding to the stages of career competence building; they are focusing module, bringing module and fixing one. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results received during experiment proved efficiency of psychology and pedagogical training «My career» is constructed on the basis of integration between motivational and activity component, cognitive component, axiological one, personal and procedural components of prospective specialists’ career competence building.Обоснована актуальность проблемы формирования карьерной компетентности будущих специалистов. Описано понятие карьерной компетентности. Карьерная компетентность рассматривается в качестве элемента профессиональной компетентности, характеризующего ее стремление, готовность и способность к профессиональной самореализации, сопровождающегося рефлексивным видением себя, адекватной самооценкой и определяющего целенаправленный процесс и результат развития профессиональной карьеры. Определена структура карьерной компетентности, состоящая из аксиологического, мотивационно-деятельностного (самоэффективность, мотивация к карьере, умение решать карьерные проблемы), когнитивного (карьерное целеполагание и планирование), личностного (ответственность и адаптивность) и процессуального компонентов (тактика построения карьеры: фазы, этапы, периоды и темп). Представлен анализ технологий формирования карьерной компетентности в отечественной и зарубежной системах образования. Описан специализированный курс по формированию карьерной компетентности «Моя карьера». Теоретико-методологическую основу разработки специализированного курса «Моя карьера» составили компетентностный, личностно-деятельностный, аксиологический и субъект-субъектный подходы в обучении. Специализированный курс «Моя карьера» представляет собой блочно-модульную систему интерактивных занятий, проводимых в тренинговой форме посредством активного вовлечения студентов в деятельность, содействующую развитию карьерных ориентаций, самоэффективности, постановке целей, развитию мотивации к карьере, умению преодолевать карьерные препятствия, приспосабливаться к изменяющимся условиям среды, развитию тактического и стратегического планирования карьеры с учетом изменений ее темпа в социально-экономической среде. В основе содержания специализированного курса лежат три модуля, отвечающие этапам формирования карьерной компетентности: ориентирующий, приобщающий, закрепляющий. Количественный и качественный анализ результатов, полученных в ходе проведения эксперимента, доказал эффективность психолого-педагогического тренинга «Моя карьера», построенного на основе интеграции мотивационно-деятельностного, когнитивного, аксиологического, личностного и процессуального компонентов формирования карьерной компетентности будущих специалистов

    Features of antifungal therapy during long-lasting infectious process: a clinical case of fungal keratitis and profile of antifungal sensitivity based on assessing biofilm formation

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    Among infectious diseases, opportunistic mycoses hold a special place. There has been accumulating a lot of evidence regarding the clinical and epidemiological aspects of infection caused by Fusarium spp., which global incidence rate among microbial keratitis ranges from 2 to 40% depending on the geographical location of the country. Colonizing mucous membranes, fungi can exist not only in the form of plankton, but form biofilms after surface attachment, which leads to elevated resistance to multiple antifungal agents. Here we describe a clinical case of fungal keratitis due to Fusarium solani by determining profile of the antifungal sensitivity for isolated fungal strains, by taking into account their potential for biofilm formation. We used an F. solani culture isolated from the patient as well as F. solani test culture obtained from the Russian National Collection of Microorganisms. While determining the sensitivity of fungal planktonic cultures to antifungal agents from the azole group (fluconazole, voriconazole), amphotericin B and terbinafine, it was revealed that antimycotics amphotericin B and voriconazole exerted a marked antifungal activity against clinical isolate, whereas the plankton F. solani test culture was more sensitive to all groups of antifungal agents. Due to a long-lasting progressive course of the infectious process and the high biofilm-forming ability of the clinical strain F. solani, the activity of antifungal agents on biofilm cells was modeled and examined in vitro. It was shown that regarding to the fungal biofilms, value of the minimally inhibitory concentration exceeded those for planktonic cultures by 100-fold. The mechanisms of action for antifungal agents on vital parameters of fungal cell structures were analyzed by using confocal laser scanning microscopy after staining samples with propidium iodide and acridine orange for 15 min to detect changes between intact and damaged cell surface. It was found that within the biofilm fungal cells preserved viability even after exposure to high concentrations of antifungals. In addition, despite the fungicidal drug activity at substantial concentrations acting on the biofilm cell membrane, the cell nuclei remained viable. Owing to the presence ot the mechanism of resistance in mycelial fungi shown in the study, it is necessary to take into account and investigate characteristics of biofilms in terms of drug sensitivity that will allow to optimize a choice of antimicrobial therapy

    The Sozofity of Volyn Region (Ukraine)

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    Уперше здійснено аналіз созологічного статусу раритетних судинних рослин Волинської області порівняно з природоохоронними списками Республіки Білорусь та Польщі. Незважаючи на наявність Полісся в зазначених регіонах, їх раритетні види відрізняються ступенем ризику, що необхідно враховувати при викладанні дисциплін ботанічного циклу і проведенні польових практик у виші. Представлено матеріали про 96 видів судинних рослин Волинської області, що перебувають під охороною Червоної книги України, проведено порівняльний аналіз охоронного статусу видів рослин області та двох сусідніх держав. The first conducted analysis of the sozologichal status of rare vascular plants of Volyn region compared to the nature protection’s lists of Belarus and Poland. Despite the presence of Polesie at the regions, their rare species differ in the degree of risk that must be considered at Botanical cycle’s subjects and field university’s practices. The materials of 96 species of vascular plants of the Volyn region, under the protection of the Red Book of Ukraine, are presented. The comparative analysis of the conservation status of species and the two neighboring states was carried out.Роботу виконано на кафедрі ботаніки СНУ ім. Лесі Українк

    Multi-service resource queue with the multy-component Poisson arrivals

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    In many papers devoted to telecommunication systems, multiservice queueing models with heterogeneous customer arrivals are given. As a rule, there is streaming traffic, corresponding to the audio and video conference, and elastic traffic, corresponding to the data and file transmission. Different types of traffic require different quality of service, therefore the multi-service systems are also differentiated service systems. Such papers are aimed at developing a framework for estimating the quality of service indicators in new generation multi-service networks. This paper considers a multiservice resource queueing system with three Poisson arrivals, one of which is splitting. The equation for the probabilities distribution of the total resource amounts on the system blocks is compiling by the dynamic screening method, and using the characteristic function of the stationary distribution, the solution is obtaining. The numerical characteristics of the system performance are obtained by the method of moments using characteristic function. A numerical example shows that arrivals intensity growing increases optimal total resource amounts on system blocks in the system with limited resources, and the splitting arrivals affect the correlation between total resource amounts


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    The aim of the work is to study a mechanism of formation of a monolayer in a multilayered ion beam nanostructured coating by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and a model of formation and growth of a monolayer by ion beam sputtering of target substrate with an ion assisting. To investigate the mechanism of formation and growth of monolayer in the coating a technique of sample preparation was developed for further study using electron microscopy Tescan MIRA (Czech Republic), allowing to obtain image surface of an object with high resolution, especially at low accelerating voltages. For the study of thin films, transmission electron microscopy is used much more frequently than scanning, so a console has been designed that allows to obtain images in the passing electrons – TE detector for study by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM – Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy). During study of monolayers by transmission electron microscopy using a TE detector, a mechanism of the formation of monolayer in multilayer ion-beam nanostructured coating has been proposed, consisting of the following steps: the adsorption of chromium particles on the substrate surface; surface diffusion to the stage of a screw dislocation; 2D-growth of chromium monolayer (2D-formation terraces) of 2D-islands; 2D→3D transition – the transition to three-dimensional island growth mode (3D-growth) by the mechanism of Stransky – Krastanow. The model of formation and growth of monolayer under ion-beam sputtering of a target with ion-assisted substrate has been developed.Целью данной работы является изучение механизма формирования монослоя в многослойном ионно-лучевом наноструктурном покрытии методом просвечивающей электронной микроскопии, а также разработка модели формирования и роста монослоя при ионно-лучевом распылении мишени с ионным ассистированием подложки. Для исследования механизма формирования и роста монослоя в покрытии была разработана методика препарирования образцов для их последующего изучения с использованием электронного микроскопа Tescan MIRA (Чехия), позволяющего получить изображения поверхности исследуемого объекта с высоким разрешением, особенно при низких ускоряющих напряжениях. Для исследования тонких пленок метод просвечивающей электронной микроскопии используется гораздо чаще, чем сканирующей, поэтому разработана приставка, позволяющая получать изображения в проходящих электронах – TE-детектор для исследования методом сканирующей просвечивающей электронной микроскопии (STEM – Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy). При изучении монослоев методом просвечивающей электронной микроскопии с использованием TE-детектора предложен механизм формирования монослоя в многослойном ионно-лучевом наноструктурном покрытии, состоящий из следующих этапов: адсорбция частиц хрома на поверхности подложки; поверхностная диффузия к ступени винтовой дислокации; 2D-рост монослоя хрома (формирование 2D-террас) из 2D-островков; 2D→3D-переход – переход в режим роста трехмерных островков (3D-рост) по механизму Странского – Крастанова. Разработана модель формирования и роста монослоя при ионно-лучевом распылении мишени с ионным ассистированием подложки.