112 research outputs found

    Thermal stability of color centers in LiF crystals: dependence on radiation type and dose

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    Accumulation of radiation defects at irradiation is the complex result of consecutive and mutually independent events: formation of primary pair, spatial separation of its components and their transformation into stable ones under experimental conditions [1]..

    Thermal stability of color centers in LiF crystals: dependence on radiation type and dose

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    Accumulation of radiation defects at irradiation is the complex result of consecutive and mutually independent events: formation of primary pair, spatial separation of its components and their transformation into stable ones under experimental conditions [1]..

    FLIM reveals alternative EV-mediated cellular up-take pathways of paclitaxel

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    In response to physiological and artificial stimuli, cells generate nano-scale extracellular vesicles (EVs) by encapsulating biomolecules in plasma membrane-derived phospholipid envelopes. These vesicles are released to bodily fluids, hence acting as powerful endogenous mediators in intercellular signaling. EVs provide a compelling alternative for biomarker discovery and targeted drug delivery, but their kinetics and dynamics while interacting with living cells are poorly understood. Here we introduce a novel method, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to investigate these interaction attributes. By FLIM, we show distinct cellular uptake mechanisms of different EV subtypes, exosomes and microvesicles, loaded with anti-cancer agent, paclitaxel. We demonstrate differences in intracellular behavior and drug release profiles of paclitaxel-containing EVs. Exosomes seem to deliver the drug mostly by endocytosis while microvesicles enter the cells by both endocytosis and fusion with cell membrane. This research offers a new real-time method to investigate EV kinetics with living cells, and it is a potential advancement to complement the existing techniques. The findings of this study improve the current knowledge in exploiting EVs as next-generation targeted drug delivery systems.Peer reviewe

    Nanodefects in Highly Imperfect Optical Crystals

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    Experiments were carried out within the framework of the development program of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University in the project of the leading universities of theworld 5–100 (Project № VIU-OM-205/2018)

    Cryopreservation of raspberry cultivar accessions bred in Russia from the VIR <i>in vitro</i> collection

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    Cryobanks use plant cryocollections for long-term preservation of crops which cannot be preserved in seed collections. These are vegetatively propagated crops, accessions of species which form either a small amount of seeds, or recalcitrant seeds. Shoot tips (apexes) of in vitro plants are used for cryopreservation for most berry crops, therefore maintenance of in vitro collections is very important. The VIR in vitro collection includes 150 accessions of Rubus L. species, 85 of them are raspberry cultivars, 59 of which were bred in Russia. These cultivars reflect a wide ecogeographic diversity. Among them, there are raspberry cultivars created at the end of the 19th – first half of the 20th centuries, including cultivars bred by I.V. Michurin and by the pioneer of northern horticulture V.V. Spirin. More than half of national raspberry varieties (33) are listed in the State Register for Selection Achievements Admitted for Usage. Raspberry cultivars from Russian breeding programs have a very limited representation in foreign genebanks. The first aim of the present work was cryopreservation of mostly folk and old Russian raspberry cultivars received by VIR from 1925 till 1950 and their transfer into the cryobank. The second aim of the work was to monitor post-cryogenic regeneration of raspberry cultivars transferred to the cryobank earlier. A modified protocol of the droplet vitrification method by “DV-biotech” was used for cryopreservation of shoot tips of in vitro plants of 10 raspberry cultivars (7 of which are folk and old Russian ones) from the VIR in vitro collection. Post-cryogenic regeneration was evaluated for 17 raspberry cultivars preserved in the cryobank from one to five years. Ten raspberry cultivars (900 apexes) with an average mean post-cryoregenic regeneration value of 38.2±3.0% determined in control tests, were placed in the cryobank for long-term storage. A statistically significant effect of the genotype on the viability of explants after cryopreservation was noted, while the post-cryogenic regeneration was genotype insensitive. Additionally, levels of post-cryogenic regeneration were evaluated for 17 raspberry cultivars (296 apexes) preserved in the cryobank from one to five years. Post-cryogenic regeneration within the 20-70% range was displayed by four raspberry cultivars preserved in the cryobank for one year, and for 8 cultivars conserved there from three to five years post-cryogenic regeneration was within the 10-50% range. According to the results of monitoring, regeneration displayed by 12 raspberry cultivars was within the 10-70% range, which can be considered as a reliable rate of apex preservation in liquid nitrogen vapors in the VIR cryobank. Monitoring of the post-cryogenic regeneration of the raspberry accessions preserved in the VIR cryobank and cryopreservation of new raspberry cultivars will be continued

    An integrated approach to the registration and preservation of a cultivar gene pool in the VIR genebank exemplified in cultivars bred by the Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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    As part of a comprehensive program for registering and preserving the gene pool of Russian varieties in the VIR genebank, initiated at the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, nomenclatural standards were assigned to potato cultivars ‘Alâska’, ‘Argo’, ‘Bravo’, ‘Irbitskij’, ‘Legenda’, ‘Lûks’, ‘Terra’, and ‘Šah’, and a voucher specimen was prepared for pre-cultivar ‘Bagira’. All of them were bred at the Ural Federal Agrarian Research Centre (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Nomenclatural standards of these cultivars are preserved in the Nomenclatural standard collection at the Herbarium of cultivated plants and their wild relatives and weeds (VIR Herbarium, WIR). For each of them, a genetic passport was developed using DNA preparations isolated from plant material donated by the cultivar author to the VIR herbarium. The genetic passport, which includes information on the allelic composition of eight chromosome-specific microsatellite loci, is supplemented by the molecular screening data with markers of 11 R-genes for resistance to pests, as well as the data on the types of cytoplasm. The author of cultivars also supplied VIR with samples of virus-free in vitro plants. Microplants of eight Ural cultivars and one pre-cultivar were genotyped using the same SSR markers and included in the VIR in vitro collection, and then in the cryopreservation program. Most of the accessions were characterized by a relatively high, above 39%, level of post-cryogenic regeneration. Frozen explants of the genotyped Ural cultivars (‘Alâska’, ‘Argo’, ‘Legenda’, ‘Terra’, and ‘Šah’) and pre-cultivar ‘Bagira’ were placed for long-term storage in the VIR Cryobank

    Иммуновоспалительные ревматические заболевания: роль восприятия болезни и совладания с ней в психологической адаптации пациента

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    Objective: to analyze the subjective perception of the disease, coping behavior and adherence to treatment as parameters of psychological adaptation of patients with immunoinflammatory rheumatic diseases (IIRD).Patients and methods. 163 women with IIRD who were on inpatient treatment were examined: 63 with systemic lupus erythematosus, 50 with rheumatoid arthritis, and 50 with systemic scleroderma. The mean age of the patients was 34.00±17.46 years.Results and discussion. Groups of patients with different types of perception of the disease were identified: "Unformed perception of the disease" (group 1), "Positive perception of disease control" (group 2), "Negative perception of disease threat" (group 3). When comparing the three groups, it was found that in the group with an unformed perception of the disease, negative emotional experiences were less pronounced than in the other two groups. At the same time, the coping strategies "Self-control" and "Problem solving planning" were significantly higher in the group of patients who positively perceived the control of their disease.Conclusion. Psychological adaptation of patients with IIRD depends on the type of perception of the disease. The identification of two basic profiles (“Disease threat perception” and “Disease and treatment control perception”) and three types of disease perception (“Unformed type of disease perception”, “Positive perception of disease control”, “Negative perception of the disease threat”) made it possible to obtain new, more differentiated ideas about the perception of the disease, which is the target of correctional psychological work with patients suffering from IIRD.Цель исследования – анализ субъективного восприятия болезни, совладающего с ней поведения и приверженности лечению как параметров психологической адаптации пациентов с иммуновоспалительными ревматическими заболеваниями (ИВРЗ).Пациенты и методы. Обследовано 163 женщины с ИВРЗ, находившихся на стационарном лечении: 63 –с системной красной волчанкой, 50 – с ревматоидным артритом и 50 – с системной склеродермией. Средний возраст пациенток составил 34,00±17,46 года.Результаты и обсуждение. Выделены группы пациенток с различными типами восприятия болезни: «Несформированное восприятие болезни» (группа 1), «Позитивное восприятие контроля болезни» (группа 2), «Негативное восприятие угрозы болезни» (группа 3). При  сравнении трех групп установлено,  что в группе с несформированным восприятием болезни негативные эмоциональные переживания были менее выражены, чем в двух других группах. При этом копинг-стратегии  «Самоконтроль» и «Планирование решения проблем» были статистически значимо выше в группе пациенток, позитивно воспринимавших контроль своего заболевания.Заключение. Психологическая адаптация больных с ИВРЗ зависит от типа восприятия болезни. Выделение двух базовых профилей («Восприятие угрозы болезни» и «Восприятие контролируемости болезни и лечения») и трех типов восприятия болезни («Несформированный тип восприятия болезни», «Позитивные представления о контроле болезни», «Негативные представления об угрозе болезни») позволило получить новые, более дифференцированные представления о восприятии болезни, которое является мишенью психокоррекционной работы с пациентами, страдающими ИВРЗ

    Luminescence of LiF crystals doped with uranium

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    The work presents the results of the study of the luminescence of uranium doped LiF crystals. Introduction of the dopant (U) and the co-dopant (OH) shows the occurrence of additional absorption in the range of 260–320 nm. The IR spectrum in crystals containing OH has distinguished characteristic absorption bands at 3725 cm{-1}. In crystals doped with (U), the bands 3550–3580 cm{-1} are observed, which are responsible for OH ions. The doped crystals with co-dopant contain an additional band at 3342 cm?1. The luminescence is observed in the 470–520 nm spectral range excited by ionizing and UV radiation