413 research outputs found

    The democratisation of party leadership selection: the Portuguese experience

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    In recent years, members of established political parties have received increased powers to select candidates and leaders. Several explanations have been advanced to account for this trend, focusing on the evolution of the political system, the characteristics of party systems or intra-party dynamics. The aim of this article is to examine the introduction of democratising reforms for leadership selection in Portuguese parties. Despite the high degree of centralisation and the low levels of internal participation, all governing parties have expanded members’ rights during the last decade. The main findings suggest that party leaders have decided to change methods for leadership selection mainly for instrumental purposes in order to consolidate their internal power or gain electoral benefits. Moreover, this organisational transformation has had reduced effects on the internal party functioning. Regardless of these similarities, the data show that there are important differences between parties with regard to levels of participation and internal competition

    There is no alternative, or is there? The historic experiment of the left-wing government in Portugal

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    Following elections in October 2015, António Costa formed a government in Portugal that included the support of some of the country’s radical left parties. Marco Lisi assesses how the government has performed since it took power. He argues that while the government has not achieved everything it set out to do, the successes that have been achieved in office illustrate that radical left and centre-left parties can form an effective alternative to parties on the right of the political spectrum

    The first post-crisis elections in Portugal? The implications of the socialist victory in the 2017 local elections

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    Portugal held local elections on 1 October, which were viewed as a key test for the country's government, led by António Costa. The results saw Costa's Socialist Party (PS) receive the largest vote share, while the opposition PSD experienced a loss of support. Marco Lisi assesses what the outcome means for Portugal moving forward, noting that the results illustrated the the resilience of the Portuguese party system, which has remained largely immune to the emergence of new antiestablishment parties

    Conceptualising and Measuring Leadership Autonomy in Contemporary Party Organisations

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    UIDB/04627/2020 UIDP/04627/2020 PTDC/IVC-CPO/1864/2014 PTDC/CPO-CPO/30296/2017At a time when party politics is becoming increasingly personalised, conventional wisdom argues that the party leaders’ power in organisations is on the rise. However, scholarship has not yet provided a thorough and systematic analysis of the role of party leaders that offers theoretical and empirical specification. The aim of this article is to provide an analytical framework for the study of party leadership by examining the concept of leadership autonomy and its components. This new conceptualisation is then applied to a number of different parties across Western Europe, showing how leadership autonomy varies across countries and different party organisations. The conclusion sets out the implications for party change and highlights the importance of placing the leaders’ role at the centre of the empirical analysis of political parties.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    The debate about electronic voting in Portugal and its implementation before and after the pandemic era

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    UIDB/04627/2020 UIDP/04627/2020 PTDC/CPO-CPO/30296/2017The use of electronic voting has been considered an important tool to improve electoral processes in some circumstances, with potential effects in party-voter linkages and participation. However, many countries are skeptical in adopting this digital tool and there are relevant shortcomings in the implementation of electronic voting. Despite favorable conditions for the innovation in voting mechanisms, Portugal is one of the countries still considering the possibility to introduce e-voting. This study argues that we need to consider not only the context in which e-voting takes place, but also the key role of party agents. Drawing on interviews with party officials and experts, primary data collection and media sources, this paper shows that in Portugal e-voting is not regarded as a potential tool to improve the electoral process due to the high level of trust and quality of traditional voting mechanisms, as well as due to the divergent interest of political parties. In addition, party organizations are not familiar with the use of digital tools in terms of grassroot mobilization. Overall, the findings indicate that party barriers are also key for allowing the (non)adoption of e-voting.publishersversionpublishe

    Untangling the Links between Ideology and Euroscepticism!

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    UID/CPO/04627/2013 PTDC/IVC-CPO/1864/2014.The paper examines the relationship between Euroscepticism and ideology in Western European countries and focuses on how this relationship is mediated by party system characteristics and partisanship. Additionally, we explore some distinctive national patterns in the relationship between Euroscepticism and ideology by focusing on four South European countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece), which despite their similar historical and social trajectories, as well as common experiences during the euro crisis in relation to the other Western European nations, they deviate in different ways from the European-wide pattern of interaction between ideology and Euroscepticism. Using data from the European Election Study of 2014 and the Chapel Hill Expert Survey, we show that the relationship between ideology and Euroscepticism can be heavily influenced by characteristics at the level of the party system, such as degree of party system polarization and the levels of supply of left-wing and right-wing Euroscepticism, as well as individual party legacies that can filter the ideology-Euroscepticism relationship through the influence of partisanship. Our findings highlight the importance of parties and party leadership in the future development of Euroscepticism within European polities as evidenced by the distinct national trajectories of Euroscepticism. Political entrepreneurs have the power to directly or indirectly politicize the issue of Europe and to help determine the overall level of Euroscepticism within a specific polity by providing cues to the electorate and mainly to their core partisans.publishersversionpublishe

    Campaign individualisation before and after the Bailout: A Comparison between Greece and Portugal

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    The elections that took place in Greece and Portugal before and after the intervention of the so-called Troika allow us to examine to what extent the austerity period has affected the nature and style of electoral campaigns, especially in terms of individualisation. Our results show that campaigns in Greece and Portugal were quite different and that Greek candidates supported by the two main parties are more likely to emphasise their role. Yet the short-term impact of the crisis has been negligible, as there have been insignificant shifts in the communicative focus on the personalisation of the agendas and on the means used in the campaign after the intervention of the Troika

    Proceedings of Mathsport international 2017 conference

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    Proceedings of MathSport International 2017 Conference, held in the Botanical Garden of the University of Padua, June 26-28, 2017. MathSport International organizes biennial conferences dedicated to all topics where mathematics and sport meet. Topics include: performance measures, optimization of sports performance, statistics and probability models, mathematical and physical models in sports, competitive strategies, statistics and probability match outcome models, optimal tournament design and scheduling, decision support systems, analysis of rules and adjudication, econometrics in sport, analysis of sporting technologies, financial valuation in sport, e-sports (gaming), betting and sports

    Construir o futuro

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    O estudo sobre os processos de democratização constitui uma das áreas mais consolidadas dentro do panorama actual da ciência política. Apesar da riqueza dos contributos que se debruçaram sobre a queda dos regimes autoritários e a instauração de democracias nos vários continentes, a elaboração teórica tem sido muitas vezes pouco produtiva, permanecendo aquém das expectativas. Um dos elementos que limitou a expansão da « transitologia » baseia-se na variedade das abordagens teóricas e metodológ..

    Moderados, pragmáticos e personalizados. A evolução dos partidos de esquerda na Europa do Sul

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    Neste artigo procura-se examinar a evolução dos principais partidos de governo de esquerda na Europa do Sul. Apesar dos diferentes sistemas partidários, estes partidos tiveram que se adaptar aos desafios relativos à transformação das suas bases de apoio e à competição eleitoral. Para analisar os diversos percursos da esquerda de governo em Espanha, Grécia, Itália e Portugal consideram-se três dimensões: a evolução ideológica, as características das bases eleitorais e, finalmente, o aspecto organizativo. Esta análise permite evidenciar o processo de convergência destes partidos, assim como a importância do passado em condicionar o seu sucesso ou insucesso.This article seeks to examine the development of the main left-wing government parties in Southern Europe. In spite of the different party systems, these parties have had to adapt to the challenges of transforming their support bases and to electoral competition. To analyse the different histories of the governing left in Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal, three dimensions are taken into account: the ideological development, the characteristics of the electoral bases and, finally, the organisational aspect. This analysis allows us to show the process of convergence among these parties and the importance of the past as a conditioning factor in these parties’ success or failure.Cet article examine l’évolution des principaux partis de gouvernement de gauche en l’Europe du Sud. Malgré les différents systèmes partisans, ces partis ont dû s’adapter aux défis relatifs à la transformation des leurs bases et à la compétition électorale. Afin d’analyser les différents parcours de la gauche de gouvernement en Espagne, en Grèce, en Italie et au Portugal, trois dimensions sont considérées: l’évolution idéologique, les caractéristiques des bases électorales et, enfin, l’aspect organisationnel. Cette analyse permet de mettre en évidence le processus de convergence de ces partis, ainsi que l’importance du passé dans le succès ou l’échec qu’ils subissent.En este artículo se pretende examinar la evolución de los principales partidos de gobierno de izquierda en Europa del Sur. A pesar de los diferentes sistemas partidarios, estos partidos tuvieron que adaptarse a los desafíos relativos a la transformación de sus bases de apoyo y a la competencia electoral. Para analizar las diversas trayectorias de la izquierda de gobierno en España, Grecia, Italia y Portugal se consideran tres dimensiones: la evolución ideológica, las características de las bases electorales y, finalmente, el aspecto organizativo. Este análisis permite evidenciar el proceso de convergencia de estos partidos, así como la importancia del pasado en condicionar su éxito o su fracaso
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