63 research outputs found

    Læring i forsyningskæder : – én interviewanalyse

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    Læring i forsyningskæder eller Supply Chain Learning (SCL) er et nyt begreb inden for logistikken. Det har sit udspring i både Supply Chain Management (SCM) og i Organisatorisk Læring. Supply Chain Management har som sproglig term eksisteret i ca. 20 år. Begrebet blev anvendt tilbage i starten af 80erne og har sat fokus på, hvorledes konkurrencemæssige fordele kan opnås ved at integrere indkøb, produktion, salg og distribution. SCM anvendes dels i relation til ledelsesprocesser, og dels i relation til virksomheders strukturelle organisering (Harland 1996; Arlbjørn 2002). Implementering af nye ledelsessystemer rejser nye krav til organisationen. Det kan være i relation til de udførende funktioner, i relation til kolleger og medarbejdere og i relation til leverandører og kunder. Her kommer læringsbegrebet i fokus. I relation til SCM er der inden for de senere år udviklet en særlig læringsretning: Supply Chain Learning, SCL (Bessant et al 1999; Lane 2001). Erkendelsen af, at fortsat vækst og økonomisk fremgang ikke længere kan sikres gennem an- vendelse af standardiseret udstyr og procedurer, men i stigende grad er afhængig af virksom- hedernes evne til at håndtere vidensindholdet i produktionen har sat fokus på læring. Supply Chain Learning udtrykker, at dette kun kan ske gennem kontinuerlig udvikling af læringska- paciteten i forsyningskæden. I projektet ’Fremtidens Forsyningskæder’, som gennemføres af Center for Logistik og Transport og Center for Industriel Produktion blev der i foråret 2002 afholdt et seminar på Munkebjerg ved Vejle under overskriften ’Fremtidens forsyningskæder – udfordringer for logistiksystemerne i morgendagens virksomheder’. Seminaret skulle provokere og inspirere til nye tankesæt, skitsere fremtidens logistiksystemer og opnå øget indsigt i fremtidens udfordringer (Lemoine and Dagnæs 2002). Deltagere i seminaret var logistikledere, forskere og konsulenter. På dette seminar blev det gang på gang understreget, hvorledes udviklingen af fleksibilitet i det logistiske system i en forsyningskæde stiller nye krav til kompetence og udvikling. Tilpasningen mellem de enkelte funktioner i det logistiske system kræver fleksible løsninger, hvor især tidstilpasningen synes at være blandt de største udfordringer. Udviklingen bevæger sig hastigt fra operationel fleksibilitet mod organisatorisk fleksibilitet (Johansen 2002). Med nærværende projekt, som er en del af det ovenfor omtalte samarbejde, ville vi sætte fokus på læringsdelen i forsyningskæden, gennem en undersøgelse af, hvilke vurderinger ledere i det logistiske system anlægger på læring og kompetenceudvikling, hvad de anser for vigtige forudsætninger for at læringsprocesser kan finde sted, og hvorledes de ser læring i sammen- hæng med tekniske, teknologiske og sociale processer i en forsyningskædes hverdag

    Orchestration of signaling by structural disorder in class 1 cytokine receptors

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    Background:Class 1 cytokine receptors (C1CRs) are single-pass transmembrane proteins responsible for transmitting signals between the outside and the inside of cells. Remarkably, they orchestrate key biological processes such as proliferation, differentiation, immunity and growth through long disordered intracellular domains (ICDs), but without having intrinsic kinase activity. Despite these key roles, their characteristics remain rudimentarily understood.Methods:The current paper asks the question of why disorder has evolved to govern signaling of C1CRs by reviewing the literature in combination with new sequence and biophysical analyses of chain properties across the family.Results:We uncover that the C1CR-ICDs are fully disordered and brimming with SLiMs. Many of these short linear motifs (SLiMs) are overlapping, jointly signifying a complex regulation of interactions, including network rewiring by isoforms. The C1CR-ICDs have unique properties that distinguish them from most IDPs and we forward the perception that the C1CR-ICDs are far from simple strings with constitutively bound kinases. Rather, they carry both organizational and operational features left uncovered within their disorder, including mechanisms and complexities of regulatory functions.Conclusions:Critically, the understanding of the fascinating ability of these long, completely disordered chains to orchestrate complex cellular signaling pathways is still in its infancy, and we urge a perceptional shift away from the current simplistic view towards uncovering their full functionalities and potential

    Migration patterns of Greenland halibut in the North Atlantic revealed by a compiled mark-recapture dataset

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    Marine fisheries are often allocated to stocks that reflect pragmatic considerations and may not represent the species’ spatial population structure, increasing the risk of mismanagement and unsustainable harvesting. Here we compile mark–recapture data collected across the North Atlantic to gain insight into the spatial population structure of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), an issue that has been unresolved for decades. The dataset contains 168130 fish tagged from 1952 to 2021, with 5466 (3.3%) recaptured individuals. Our results indicate that fish tagged at <50 cm body length migrate at higher rates, suggesting that mark–recapture studies on adult individuals underestimate population-level migration rates. We find evidence for migrations across management units in the North Atlantic indicating two regional offshore populations: one in the Northeast Atlantic, where the West Nordic and Northeast Arctic stocks, currently managed separately, likely belong to a single population that spans from the Kara Sea to Southeast Greenland; and one in the Northwest Atlantic where migration was observed between the Newfoundland and Labrador stock and the Northwest Arctic stock in Davis Strait and Baffin Bay. Our findings indicate complex population structure with implications for international and domestic fisheries management of this long-lived species.publishedVersio