51 research outputs found

    Digital receivers for low-frequency radio telescopes UTR-2, URAN, GURT

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    This paper describes digital radio astronomical receivers used for decameter and meter wavelength observations. This paper describes digital radio astronomical receivers used for decameter and meter wavelength observations. Since 1998, digital receivers performing on-the-fly dynamic spectrum calculations or waveform data recording without data loss have been used at the UTR-2 radio telescope, the URAN VLBI system, and the GURT new generation radio telescope. Here we detail these receivers developed for operation in the strong interference environment that prevails in the decameter wavelength range. Data collected with these receivers allowed us to discover numerous radio astronomical objects and phenomena at low frequencies, a summary of which is also presented.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure


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    Purpose. The establishment of the role of water and electrolyte disorders in the pathogenesis postresuscitation hemo circulatory disorders after removal from the clinical death caused by acute myocardial infarction.Materials and methods. In experiments with 158 dogs studied under Nembutal anesthesia recovery processes of life after 5 minutes of clinical death caused by myocardial infarction.Results. It is found that dogs in the early postresuscitative after myocardial infarction occurs movement of sodium ions in the red blood cells, which is accompanied by gipoosmiey blood plasma and interstitial fluid. This causes the movement of water in the cell sector, which leads to the development of hypovolemia and drop in cardiac output. Movement of potassium and calcium ions from cell sector into the extracellular defines violation of myocardial, vascular tone, and increases the risk of arrhythmia postresuscitation myocardial infarction.Сonclusion. In postresuscitative in dogs undergoing clinical death with acute myocardial infarction, there is a redistribution of electrolytes sector body. During the first 9 hours after resuscitation sodium and calcium concentration in the cell sector increase and decrease in the extracellular. Changes in the potassium content of the opposite. By the end of 1st day recovery period increases plasma sodium concentration, and the corresponding potassium and calcium indicators reduced. The osmolarity of the extracellular space is reduced by 5 min postresuscitative period and increases toward the end of 1 day. It is associated with similar changes in sodium concentration. sodium retention in the cell movement causes the space portion therein, and development of extracellular fluid volume depletion, which leads to a decrease in venous return and cardiac output drop. In the interval of 9–24 hours after resuscitation begins a long period of stabilization of the circulatory system. This is due to the normalization of the water distribution sector, which leads to the restoration of intravascular volume and resolution of hemodynamic disturbances. Цель. Установление роли водно-электролитных расстройств в патогенезе постреанимационных гемоциркуляторных нарушений после остановки сердца, вызванной острым инфарктом миокарда.Материалы и методы. В опытах на 158 собаках под нембуталовым наркозом изучали процессы восстановления жизнедеятельности после пятиминутной клинической смерти, вызванной острым инфарктом миокарда.Результаты. Установлено, что у собак в раннем постреанимационном периоде после инфаркта миокарда происходит перемещение ионов натрия в эритроциты, что сопровождается гипоосмией плазмы крови и интерстициальной жидкости. Это обусловливает перемещение воды в клеточный сектор, что приводит к развитию гиповолемии и падению сердечного выброса. Перемещение ионов калия и кальция из клеточного сектора во внеклеточный определяет нарушение сократимости миокарда, сосудистого тонуса и увеличивает риск развития аритмии в постреанимационном периоде инфаркта миокарда.Заключение. Закономерности острых расстройств водно-электролитного баланса в постреанимационном периоде у экспериментальных животных, перенесших клиническую смерть на фоне острого инфаркта миокарда, характеризуются периодичностью смещения натрия, калия и воды с фазностью клеточной гипергидратации, сменяющейся внеклеточной. Задержка натрия в клеточном пространстве обусловливает перемещение в него части внеклеточной жидкости и развитие гиповолемии, которая приводит к уменьшению венозного возврата и падению сердечного выброса. В интервале 9–24 ч после оживления начинается длительный период стабилизации системного кровообращения.

    Виховання студентської молоді у вищих медичних закладах України

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    Надзвичайно важливим завдання для вищого навчального закладу є створення належних умов для розвитку та задоволення культурних потреб студентiв, для їх самореалiзацiї, щоб випускники медичного вузу стали не просто знаючими спецiалiстами, а людьми творчими, духовно багатими iз демократичним баченням світу та етичним ставленням до нього, особливо до тих, кому невдовзi надаватимуть квалiфiковану медичну допомогу

    University students’ education by means of online technologies

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    Introduction. During the past ten years the important changes in educational programs of higher education point out the transition from the traditional live lecture form to the distance learning form (the online training format). Training for innovative engineering activities requires to involve students in the online training format and to explore its applicability.The aim of the present article is to identify the areas of the effective use of the online training format in the educational process for high school institutions and the prospects of further development of the distance learning.Methodology and research methods. In this article, an integration of theoretical and practical training of the innovative engineering with the methods of the analysis and synthesis, a pedagogical experiment and mathematical statistics were used.Results. The areas of use of the online learning in the field of traditional and innovative formats of training have been identified. A subsystem of storage of the information on the course of educational activities is suggested. A high efficiency of the distance learning application is confirmed by the results of a pedagogical experiment within the unified programs for a wide audience of students and persons having the right to an individual work schedule.Scientific novelty. The performed research contributes to identify the framework of the effective use of the online learning at higher education institutions. The suggested form of storage of the information on the education process events in a separate subsystem allow for processing and generalising the data with the use of the BigData and DataMining technologies.Practical significance. Further development of the research presented in this article might be focused on the establishment of numerical relations when using various education formats within various disciplines providing the greatest effect when training students at higher education institutions.Введение. В последнее десятилетие наметилась серьезная тенденция перевода традиционной лекционной формы обучения в вузах в дистанционный режим. Подготовка к инновационной инженерной деятельности требует вовлечения студентов в онлайн-формат обучения, с одной стороны, и определения рамок применимости этого формата, с другой. Цель статьи – определить области эффективного использования онлайн-формата в учебном процессе вузов и перспективы дальнейшего развития дистанционного обучения.Материалы и методы. При написании статьи использовались интеграция опыта теоретического и практического обучения инновационной инженерной деятельности, методы анализа и синтеза, педагогический эксперимент. Результаты. В работе определены рамки применимости онлайн-технологий в поле традиционных и инновационных форматов обучения. Предложена подсистема накопления информации о ходе учебного процесса. Высокая эффективность применения дистанционного обучения подтверждена результатами педагогического эксперимента с использованием унифицированных учебных программ для широкой аудитории обучающихся и для контингента, имеющего право на выбор индивидуального графика работы. Научная новизна. Выполненные исследования позволяют определять рамки эффективного использования онлайн-формата обучения в вузах. Предложенная форма накопления информации о событиях учебного процесса в виде отдельной подсистемы дает возможность обобщать данные с использованием технологий Big Data и Data Mining.Практическая значимость. Дальнейшим направлением исследования может стать установление численных соотношений при использовании разнообразных форм обучения по различным дисциплинам, которые дают максимальный эффект при обучении студентов в высших учебных заведениях


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    Underground water is one of the sources of water supply and the most important mineral resources. The enrichment of natural groundwater with radium isotopes is a geochemical regularity, and their use a recognized source of additional exposure to the population and the environment. Forecast resources of groundwater in the territory of the Russian Federation are 869055 thousand m3/day. As of 01.01.2015, 15054 deposits (sections) of groundwater have been explored, of which 10556 are in operation. In the federal districts, the volume of extraction and extraction of groundwater varies widely. The percentage of groundwater in domestic and drinking water supply in 35 regions of the Russian Federation ranges from 70 to 100%; in more than 30 regions it exceeds 90%. A whole series of large cities provide water supply through the underground water. Underground waters, depending on the field of application, are divided into drinking, technical, heat power, industrial and medical. The formation of numerous areas with an increased content of natural radionuclides for all types of groundwater is largely determined by the volume of their use. Organized use of groundwater is preceded by special water treatment, where it is possible to form doses of exposure to those above permissible levels established in NRB-99/2009 and the formation of a mass of waste with an increased content of natural radionuclides. In many regions of the country, there is a prospect of a constant increase in the use of all types of groundwater and the creation of new enterprises, which will require monitoring and radiation and hygienic assessment. Particular attention should be paid to the use of associated waters of oil and gas fields that have the highest content of natural radionuclides among groundwaters as a promising source of mineral raw materials

    New software and hardware controlling complex of the UTR-2 radio telescope

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    In 2013-2014, a new software and hardware controlling complex was developed and installed on the UTR-2 radio telescope. Controlling complex is designed for planning observations of discrete cosmic radio sources and areas of the celestial sphere, for programming control of UTR-2 pattern position with UTC time scale synchronization, for monitoring of control codes execution, as well as for control of other UTR-2 systems. Operating and control of the radio telescope parameters are carrying out by a host computer in a local area network or by Internet via a control and monitoring unit based on the ARM microcontroller STMicroelectronics of the STM32 set. The functionality of the new complex significantly automates the radio telescope operation. The report describes the structure of this complex, basic functionality and implemented radio telescope operating modes

    Solar Drift Pair Bursts in the Decameter Range

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    International audienceThe results of observations of solar decametric drift pair bursts are presented. These observations were carried out during a Type III burst storm on July 11 21, 2002, with the decameter radio telescope UTR-2, equipped with new back-end facilities. High time and frequency resolution of the back-end allowed us to obtain new information about the structure and properties of these bursts. The statistical analysis of more than 700 bursts observed on 13 15 July was performed separately for ``forward'' and ``reverse'' drift pair bursts. Such an extensive amount of these kind of bursts has never been processed before. It should be pointed out that ``forward'' and ``reverse'' drift pair bursts have a set of similar parameters, such as time delay between the burst elements, duration of an element, and instant bandwidth of an element. Nevertheless some of their parameters are different. So, the absolute average value of frequency drift rate for ``forward'' bursts is 0.8 MHz s-1, while for ``reverse'' ones it is 2 MHz s-1. The obtained functional dependencies ``drift rate vs. frequency'' and ``flux density vs. frequency'' were found to be different from the current knowledge. We also report about the observation of unusual variants of drift pairs, in particular, of ``hook'' bursts and bursts with fine time and frequency structure. A possible mechanism of drift pairs generation is proposed, according to which this emission may originate from the interaction of Langmuir waves with the magnetosonic waves having equal phase and group velocities