1,471 research outputs found

    Predictors and Outcomes of Postpartum Mothers\u27 Perceptions of Readiness for Discharge after Birth

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    Objective: To identify predictors and outcomes of postpartum mothers\u27 perceptions of their readiness for hospital discharge. Design: A correlational design with path analyses was used to explore predictive relationships among transition theory-related variables. Setting: Midwestern tertiary perinatal center. Participants: One hundred and forty-one mixed-parity postpartum mothers who had experienced vaginal birth or Cesarean delivery of normal healthy infants. Methods: Before hospital discharge, patients completed questionnaires about sociodemographic characteristics, hospitalization factors, quality of discharge teaching, and readiness for discharge. Three weeks postdischarge, mothers were contacted by telephone to collect coping difficulty and health care utilization data. Main Outcome Measures: Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale, Post-Discharge Coping Difficulty Scale, Utilization of postdischarge services. Results: Quality of discharge teaching, specifically the relative difference in the amount of informational content needed and received and the skills of nurses in delivering discharge teaching, explained 38% of the variance in postpartum mothers\u27 perceptions of discharge readiness. Readiness for discharge scores explained 22% of the variance in postdischarge coping difficulty scores. Nurses\u27 skills in delivery of discharge teaching, coping difficulty, patient characteristics, and birth hospitalization factors were predictive of utilization of family support and postdischarge health care services. Conclusion: A trajectory of influence was evident in the sequential relationships of quality of discharge teaching, readiness for discharge, postdischarge coping, and utilization of family support and health care services. Transitions theory provided a useful framework for conceptualizing and investigating the transition home after childbirth

    Adolescent Exposure to Food Advertising on Television

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    Summarizes a study of the link between adolescents' exposure to television advertising for healthy and unhealthy foods and rates of obesity. Compares data by type of food product and race/ethnicity

    Ebola Contact Tracing Study data

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    The collection contains four datasets captured in the Ebola Contact Tracing Study: [1] 'summary_data_cases' contains details of the 41 confirmed Ebola cases included in the study; [2] 'app_data_contacts' contains details of the 646 Ebola contacts registered on the Ebola Contact Tracing App (ECT) smartphone app. These originate from 18 Ebola cases (16 were laboratory confirmed and 2 were “secret burials” that were not confirmed); [3] 'paper_data_contacts' describes 408 Ebola contacts who were identified from 25 Ebola cases for monitoring using the standard paper-based system for contact tracing; and [4] 'main_analysis_dataset' contains information on 804 Ebola contacts and their contact tracing monitoring status collected using both the ECT app and paper-based system

    Optometric and educational considerations in the management of Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the current literature on Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) and to explore the options for management of children with the disorder. The areas that are addressed include 1) a history and definition of ADD/ADHD, the signs and symptoms, the theories behind why ADD/ ADHD occurs, the diagnostic procedures used to identify ADD/ ADHD children, the role of the optometrist in this process, an overview of the treatment options, 2) an aid for teachers in the understanding of the visual problems associated with ADD/ADHD and the visual effects of drug treatment and the effects this has on classroom learning, and 3) vision therapy techniques and methods of classroom modification that help alleviate symptoms of ADD/ADHD

    Elastin Based Constructs

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    Von der Rampenbeleuchtung zur modernen Theaterbeleuchtung

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit mit dem Titel „Von der Rampenbeleuchtung zur modernen Theaterbeleuchtung“ beschäftigt sich mit den Techniken der Beleuchtung von der Renaissance bis ins 19.Jahrhundert und versucht die Gründe für bestimmte Beleuchtungsmethoden und Beleuchtungsstandorte, allen voran die Rampenbeleuchtung, aufzuzeigen. Die Rampenbeleuchtung wurde sehr lange beibehalten, sie wurde von Beginn an hart kritisiert, ihr wurde Unnatürlichkeit vorgeworfen, und dass sie die Gesichter der Schauspieler verzerrte. Und dennoch überlebte sie über Jahrhunderte hinweg. Dies lag sowohl an der Technik als auch an der Gesellschaft der damaligen Zeit. Auch das Bühnenbild spielte eine wichtige Rolle. In diesem Zusammenhang wird in der Diplomarbeit direkt auf Texte eingegangen, die von Theoretikern aus der Zeit der Rampenbeleuchtung stammen. Wie wurde sie von ihnen aufgenommen, was wurde zur Verbesserung vorgeschlagen und gab es überhaupt eine Möglichkeit, die Verbesserungsvorschläge praktisch umzusetzen. Ein wichtiger Grund war, dass die Technik noch nicht so weit fortgeschritten war. Ein Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Geschichte der Beleuchtungstechnik, ein weiterer Teil mit dem Zuschauerraum des Theaters. Trotz zahlreicher Forderungen nach Abdunkelung blieb dieser noch bis ins 19. Jahrhundert hell erleuchtet. Grund dafür war teilweise das Publikum, das darauf noch nicht vorbereitet war. Die für die Arbeit verwendeten Quellen reichen vom 17. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Die methodische Herangehensweise ist es, aus den verschiedensten Werken die zentralsten Punkte herauszuarbeiten und der Beleuchtungsgeschichte eine übersichtliche Form zu geben. Die Bibliographie enthält sowohl Primärwerke von Theoretikern, als auch Sekundärwerke über die Bühne im Allgemeinen und die Beleuchtung im Speziellen

    Indicators of Climate Change and Social Vulnerability in Fishing Dependent Communities Along the Eastern and Gulf Coasts of the U.S. Marine Policy

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    Changing climatic conditions are affecting the relationship between fishing communities and the marine resources they depend on. This shift will require an adaptive response on the part of policy makers and fishery managers. In the U.S., the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) established, in its fisheries agency (NOAA Fisheries), a set of social indicators of fishing community vulnerability and resilience to evaluate the impacts of changes in fishery management regimes. These indicators enhance the analytical capabilities within NOAA Fisheries for conducting fisheries social impact assessments and informing ecosystem-based fishery management. Building on the existing Community Social Vulnerability Indicators (CSVIs), new measures of climate change vulnerability are defined for the U.S. Eastern and Gulf coasts. These new indicators are used to assess the impact of sea level rise on critical commercial fishing infrastructure and the dependence of communities on species identified as vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Examples are provided in this article to demonstrate the utility of these new indicators to policy makers and the NOAA strategic goal for building resilient coastal communities that are environmentally and economically sustainable. Integration of CSVIs and the new climate change vulnerability indices highlight community needs for unique solutions in order to adapt to environmental and social changes and maintain their well-being