31 research outputs found

    A locally optimal fast obstacle-avoiding path-planning algorithm

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    AbstractTwo algorithms to compute the shortest collision-free paths in the Euclidean plane are presented. The ƒ obstacles assumed to be described by disjoint convex polygons having N vertices in total. After preprocessing time O(N+flogN), a suboptimal shortest path between two arbitrary query points can be found in O(f+NlogN) time using Dijkstra's algorithm and in Θ(N) time using the A∗ algorithm. The space complexity is O(N+f)

    K-th shortest collision-free path planning

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    AbstractA hierarchical approach is formulated for the shortest collision-free path construction problem. The new concepts of k-th neighborhood, k-th visibility graph and k-th shortest path are introduced. The proposed approach generalizes some earlier algorithms and allows for incremental improvement of the planned path

    Intelligent interaction in diagnostic expert systems

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    AbstractAdvisory systems help to improve quality in manufacturing. Such systems, however, both human and computerized, are less than perfect and frequently not welcome. Sharp separation between working and learning modes is the main reason for the apparent hostility of advisory systems. Intelligent interaction deploys computerized advisory capabilities by merging working and learning modes. We have developed a knowledge-based interactive graphic interface to a circuit pack diagnostic expert system. The graphic interface integrates both the domain knowledge (i.e. circuit pack) and the troubleshooting knowledge (i.e. diagnostic trees). Our interface dynamically changes the amount of detail presented to the user as well as the input choices that the user is allowed to make. These changes are made using knowledge-based models of the user and of the circuit pack troubleshooting domain. The resulting system, McR, instead of guiding the user by querying for input, monitors users actions, analyzes them and offers help when needed. McR is able both to advise “how-to-do-it” by reifying shallow knowledge from the deep knowledge, and to explain intelligently “how-does-it-work” by abstracting deep knowledge from the hallow knowledge, McR is used in conjunction with the STAREX expert sytem which is installed at AT&T factory

    Mission-critical systems management

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    xxx, 450 p. ; 24 cm


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    Semantic control theory

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