263 research outputs found

    Quantum Monte Carlo study of circular quantum dots in presence of Rashba interaction

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    We present the numerical Quantum Monte Carlo results for the ground state energy of circular quantum dots in which Rashba spin-orbit iteraction is present. Diffusion Monte Carlo with spin propagation is applied in order to treat the spin-orbit interaction correctly, following previous work done in the fieldof the two-dimensional electron gas. Together with ground state energies, also numerical results for density and spin-density profiles are given

    Spin-orbit excitations of quantum wells

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    Confinement asymmetry effects on the photoabsorption of a quantum well are discussed by means of a sum-rules approach using a Hamiltonian including a Rashba spin-orbt coupling. We show that while the strength of the excitation is zero when the spin-orbit coupling is neglected, the inclusion of the spin-orbit interaction gives rise to a non zero strength and mean excitation energy in the far-infrared region. A simple expression for these quantities up to the second order in the Rashba parameter was derived. The effect of two-body Coulomb interaction is then studied by means of a Quantum Monte Carlo calculation, showing that electron-electron correlations induce only a small deviation from the independent particle model result

    Impact investment for urban cultural heritage

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    Impact investing is an emerging but fast fast-growing field in the financial industry. Urban cultural heritage investments having tangible and intangible features are often found in the asset allocation of impact investment portfolios. In this paper we map out the different financial mechanisms of impact investment in the heritage and creative sector and provide comprehensive coverage of several case studies. We assert that cultural heritage is likely to render different impacts and financial returns, so it is important to choose the appropriate investment mechanisms for financing cultural heritage. From this perspective, we present the structure of an impact investment fund dedicated to urban cultural heritage, adopting a portfolio approach to combine different types of capital and to support creative place-making at city or regional level

    Optical response of two-dimensional few-electron concentric double quantum rings: A local-spin-density-functional theory study

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    We have investigated the dipole charge- and spin-density response of few-electron two-dimensional concentric nanorings as a function of the intensity of a perpendicularly applied magnetic field. We show that the dipole response displays signatures associated with the localization of electron states in the inner and outer ring favored by the perpendicularly applied magnetic field. Electron localization produces a more fragmented spectrum due to the appearance of additional edge excitations in the inner and outer ring.Comment: To be published in Physical Review

    An enhanced sampling QM/AMOEBA approach: The case of the excited state intramolecular proton transfer in solvated 3-hydroxyflavone

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    We present an extension of the polarizable quantum mechanical (QM)/AMOEBA approach to enhanced sampling techniques. This is achieved by connecting the enhanced sampling PLUMED library to the machinery based on the interface of Gaussian and Tinker to perform QM/AMOEBA molecular dynamics. As an application, we study the excited state intramolecular proton transfer of 3-hydroxyflavone in two solvents: methanol and methylcyclohexane. By using a combination of molecular dynamics and umbrella sampling, we find an ultrafast component of the transfer, which is common to the two solvents, and a much slower component, which is active in the protic solvent only. The mechanisms of the two components are explained in terms of intramolecular vibrational redistribution and intermolecular hydrogen-bonding, respectively. Ground and excited state free energies along an effective reaction coordinate are finally obtained allowing for a detailed analysis of the solvent mediated mechanism

    Orbital Magnetic Dipole Mode in Deformed Clusters: A Fully Microscopic Analysis

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    The orbital M1 collective mode predicted for deformed clusters in a schematic model is studied in a self-consistent random-phase-approximation approach which fully exploits the shell structure of the clusters. The microscopic mechanism of the excitation is clarified and the close correlation with E2 mode established. The study shows that the M1 strength of the mode is fragmented over a large energy interval. In spite of that, the fraction remaining at low energy, well below the overwhelming dipole plasmon resonance, is comparable to the strength predicted in the schematic model. The importance of this result in view of future experiments is stressed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 Postscript figures, uses revte

    Energy, Structures, and Response Properties with a Fully Coupled QM/AMOEBA/ddCOSMO Implementation

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    We present the implementation of a fully coupled polarizable QM/MM/continuum model based on the AMOEBA polarizable force field and the domain decomposition implementation of the conductor-like screening model. Energies, response properties, and analytical gradients with respect to both QM and MM nuclear positions are available, and a generic, atomistic cavity can be employed. The model is linear scaling in memory requirements and computational cost with respect to the number of classical atoms and is therefore suited to model large, complex systems. Using three variants of the green-fluorescent protein, we investigate the overall computational cost of such calculations and the effect of the continuum model on the convergence of the computed properties with respect to the size of the embedding. We also demonstrate the fundamental role of polarization effects by comparing polarizable and nonpolarizable embeddings to fully QM ones

    Towards accurate solvation free energies of large biological systems

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    Continuum solvation models like PCM or COSMO are the standard tool to calculate solvation free energies in a quantum level, but have been typically limited to small biological molecules due to its large computational cost. Recently, a new implementation of COSMO based on a domain decomposition strategy (ddCOSMO) [1] has been presented, which speeds up calculations by several orders of magnitude, thus paving the way for its application to very large systems. Here, we report the parameterization of ddCOSMO to the prediction of hydration free energies based on the MST solvation model developed in Barcelona, [2][3]. The parameterization is based on the PM6 semi-empirical Hamiltonian, on a set of over 200 experimental hydration free energies. The new model opens the way to the accurate prediction of hydration free energies of very large biomolecules, thus going beyond the usual classical MM-PBSA or MM-GBSA approaches

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking of Bose-Fermi mixtures in double-well potentials

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    We study the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) of a superfluid Bose-Fermi (BF) mixture in a double-well potential (DWP). The mixture is described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) for the bosons, coupled to an equation for the order parameter of the Fermi superfluid, which is derived from the respective density functional in the unitarity limit (a similar model applies to the BCS regime too). Straightforward SSB in the degenerate Fermi gas loaded into a DWP is impossible, as it requires an attractive self-interaction, while the intrinsic nonlinearity in the Fermi gas is repulsive. Nonetheless, we demonstrate that the symmetry breaking is possible in the mixture with attraction between fermions and bosons, like 40K and 87Rb. Numerical results are represented by dependencies of asymmetry parameters for both components on particle numbers of the mixture, N_F and N_B, and by phase diagrams in the (N_F,N_B) plane, which displays regions of symmetric and asymmetric ground states. The dynamical picture of the SSB, induced by a gradual transformation of the single-well potential into the DWP, is reported too. An analytical approximation is proposed for the case when GPE for the boson wave function may be treated by means of the Thomas-Fermi (TF) approximation. Under a special linear relation between N_F and N_B, the TF approximation allows us to reduce the model to a single equation for the fermionic function, which includes competing repulsive and attractive nonlinear terms. The latter one directly displays the mechanism of the generation of the effective attraction in the Fermi superfluid, mediated by the bosonic component of the mixture.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. A (2010)

    Scissors modes in triaxial metal clusters

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    We study the scissors mode (orbital M1 excitations) in small Na clusters, triaxial metal clusters Na12{\rm Na}_{12} and Na16{\rm Na}_{16} and the close-to-spherical Na9+{{\rm Na}_9}^+, all described in DFT with detailed ionic background. The scissors modes built on spin-saturated ground and spin-polarized isomeric states are analyzed in virtue of both macroscopic collective and microscopic shell-model treatments. It is shown that the mutual destruction of Coulomb and the exchange-correlation parts of the residual interaction makes the collective shift small and the net effect can depend on details of the actual excited state. The crosstalk with dipole and spin-dipole modes is studied in detail. In particular, a strong crosstalk with spin-dipole negative-parity mode is found in the case of spin-polarized states. Triaxiality and ionic structure considerably complicate the scissors response, mainly at expense of stronger fragmentation of the strength. Nevertheless, even in these complicated cases the scissors mode is mainly determined by the global deformation. The detailed ionic structure destroys the spherical symmetry and can cause finite M1 response (transverse optical mode) even in clusters with zero global deformation. But its strength turns out to be much smaller than for the genuine scissors modes in deformed systems.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure
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