32 research outputs found

    Social media and the possibility of depressive states in young adults

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    Social media (SM) is now a popular place for content creation and a means of communication between young adults. Their increasing participation in our lives means that they replace us face to face contacts (FTF), which can affect our mental health. The above changes in communication habits may correlate with the occurrence of depressive states and a sense of social isolation. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship between the use of MS and the occurrence of depressive states in young adults on the basis of selected literature. The topic of emotional support and a sense of social isolation will also be discussed. PubMed and Google Scholar databases were used to select the appropriate literature, and only research was used.  The cited studies on the use of MS and depression showed that people who spent the most time on social media showed an increased risk of experiencing a depressed mood. Another study analyzed the likelihood of depression depending on the method of emotional support. The comparison of emotional support in FTF (face to face) communication with the support obtained through MS showed that the possibility of depressive symptoms was lower for FTF communication and higher for the second method, respectively. The use of social media among young adults contributes to an increased risk of depression, perceived social isolation and reduced emotional support. Moreover, it has been proven that addiction to MS positively correlates with the presence of depressive symptoms

    The effect of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on the onset of speech disorders and communication problems in children and adolescents

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    Alcohol consumption has many negative effects on the human body, and has been proven to have teratogenic effects on fetal development. Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is associated with growth deficits and neurodevelopmental disorders, including fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Despite such effects, there are still many women who do not give up the consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy. This article, based on a review of available studies on PubMed, examines whether prenatal alcohol exposure can cause problems in children's speech development and promote communication problems in children, as well as in adolescents.  Longitudinal observations on prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) have shown that children up to the age of 3 after PAE have difficulties in receptive or expressive communication compared to a group not prenatally exposed to alcohol. Alcohol has been shown to be the overriding factor causing disorders in the development of the brain and nervous system, which are the main structures responsible for the process of speech development and also the formation of communication skills. Studies among adolescents with PAE have shown that they have weaker spoken and written language skills than those without PAE or with low PAE. This also translates into difficulties in developing their communication skills, which can make it much more difficult for them to become independent and move smoothly through the difficult period of adolescence

    Modern methods of treating marijuana addiction (cannabis use disorders) and its influence on health

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    Introduction: Worldwide, cannabis is the most widely used illegal psychoactive substance and the third most common drug, after alcohol and tobacco. Cannabis use disorder (CUD) affects approximately 10% of the 193 million cannabis users worldwide. In recent years, cannabinoids have become more and more popular. The CUD is becoming a growing social and health problem. The search for effective forms of pharmacotherapy is still ongoing, and an effective combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy may be crucial for the future of CUD treatment.   Material and method: The article was based on a review and analysis of publications and discoveries in recent years, which were available in the PubMed and Google Scholar database.   Results: 82 study participants attempted abstinence from cannabis use. In the final primary endpoint analysis, both 400 mg of CBD and 800 mg of CBD were more effective than placebo in reducing cannabis use.  50 people who were addicted to cannabis treated with gabapentin showed a significant reduction in cannabis use and cannabis withdrawal compared to placebo. Moreover, 70 men addicted to cannabis were randomized and those, who used FAAH inhibitors reported fewer cannabis withdrawal symptoms, less cannabis use and lower THC urine levels than placebo users. Conclusions: Gabapentin has been proven to show a reduction in CUD. The use of CBD, FAAH inhibitors and psychotherapy MET/CBT/CM also appear to be effective. In addition, the use of the principles of People-First Language, avoiding slang and idioms, using medical and curing vocabulary, respects the addicted person, and also positively influences the chances of abstinence

    When does a healthy lifestyle turn into a disorder? Orthorexia – diagnostic problems, methods of treatment

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    Introduction: Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is a common phenomenon. Its prevalence in society ranges from 1% to 60%. Yet, there are no specific diagnostic criteria or effective screening tests. Moreover, orthorexia does not appear in any of the available international psychiatric classifications such as the ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) and DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Due to this fact many people remain undiagnosed, which significantly affects their standard of living, and later puts a strain on the health care system. Material and method: The article is based on a study and analysis of available publications in the last few years, published in the PubMed database. Conclusions: It is crucial to create specific diagnostic criteria for orthorexia. This will enable efficient detection of patients at an early stage of the disorder, which will significantly shorten the diagnostic path. Moreover, specifying potential risk factors will help to reduce new cases

    Giardia intestinalis - atypical symptoms of infection in the daily practice of various specialists

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    Giardia intestinalis infection is the most common parasitic infection in the world. The parasite's reservoir is mainly humans and many species of mammals. Giardiasis is a parasitic disease of the duodenum and small intestine. Infection spreads easily through the oral-fecal route. Its most frequent symptom is chronic diarrhea, but it can also be asymptomatic. This article analyzes atypical symptoms of Giardia Intestinalis infection based on available studies in the PubMed database. Observations have shown that giardiasis can manifest in various types of dermatoses such as urticaria, angioedema, atopic dermatitis, erythema nodosum, or Wells syndrome. A relationship between Giardia Intestinalis infection and various allergic syndromes, manifesting as chronic urticaria or angioedema, has also been observed, as well as an increased occurrence of food allergies due to increased exposure to antigens. Studies have also shown that giardiasis can cause polyneuropathy, avitaminosis, and malabsorption syndrome. Even years after infection, chronic fatigue syndrome can still be observe

    Persons with allergy symptoms use alternative medicine more often

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      INTRODUCTION: The aim of the study is to indicate the relation between the use of alternative medicine and the occurrence of allergic diseases in the Polish population of adults in the age of 20−44 years. Moreover the additional aim of the study is to define the relation between the sex, age and place of living and the use of alternative medicine. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The data from the project Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) has been used for analysis. This project was a continuation of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. The questions on alternative medicine were asked to the group of 4671 respondents in the age of 20−44 years. Additionally outpatient tests were performed in order to confirm the diagnosis of allergic diseases. RESULTS: The total of 22.2% of respondents that participated in the study have ever used alternative medicine (n = 4621). A statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine and declaration of allergic diseases and asthma symptoms has been demonstrated (p < 0.001). No statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine by persons diagnosed by a doctor with any form of asthma or seasonal allergic rhinitis (p > 0.05) has been demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of allergic diseases and asthma influences the frequency of alternative medicine use. However the frequency of alternative medicine use does not depend on allergic disease or asthma being confirmed by a doctor.  Introduction: The aim of the study is to indicate the relation between the use of alternative medicine and the occurrence of allergic diseases in the Polish population of adults in the age of 20−44 years. Moreover the additional aim of the study is to define the relation between the sex, age and place of living and the use of alternative medicine. Material and methods: The data from the project Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) has been used for analysis. This project was a continuation of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. The questions on alternative medicine were asked to the group of 4671 respondents in the age of 20−44 years. Additionally outpatient tests were performed in order to confirm the diagnosis of allergic diseases. Results: The total of 22.2% of respondents that participated in the study have ever used alternative medicine (n = 4621). A statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine and declaration of allergic diseases and asthma symptoms has been demonstrated (p < 0.001). No statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine by persons diagnosed by a doctor with any form of asthma or seasonal allergic rhinitis (p > 0.05) has been demonstrated. Conclusions: The occurrence of allergic diseases and asthma influences the frequency of alternative medicine use. However the frequency of alternative medicine use does not depend on allergic disease or asthma being confirmed by a doctor

    Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome: A comprehensive review of clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment strategies in hyperglycemic crises

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    Introduction and Purpose Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State (HHS), a severe type 2 diabetes complication, presents with profound hyperglycemia, hyperosmolality, and dehydration sans ketosis, posing distinct challenges in diagnosis and treatment compared to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). This article aims to enhance medical community awareness by examining HHS features, prevalence, and associated risk factors, contributing to improved clinical management. Emphasizing tailored treatment strategies for dehydration, coexisting illnesses, and metabolic decompensation, it ultimately seeks to enhance outcomes for type 2 diabetes individuals. Material and methods Conducting a systematic review of medical articles from 1972 to 2023 using PubMed, this study analyzed keywords such as hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state, HHS, diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia, and dehydration. Inclusion of pertinent articles ensured a comprehensive exploration of Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State (HHS) literature during the specified timeframe. Brief description of the state of knowledge. Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome (HHS) predominantly affects elderly type 2 diabetes individuals, often triggered by infections like pneumonia or urinary tract infections. Clinical presentation includes fatigue, weakness, polydipsia, polyuria, nausea, and altered consciousness. Diagnosis relies on criteria such as elevated blood glucose levels and increased osmolality. HHS management involves a multidisciplinary approach, addressing fluid depletion, compromised cerebral perfusion, and achieving gradual normalization of osmolality and blood glucose levels to prevent complications. Summary Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome (HHS), a severe metabolic disorder linked to diabetes, extends beyond hyperglycemia, necessitating a comprehensive understanding. This review sheds light on HHS etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and treatment modalities, emphasizing its critical nature in diabetes care

    When does a healthy lifestyle turn into a disorder? Orthorexia – diagnostic problems, methods of treatment

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    Introduction: Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is a common phenomenon. Its prevalence in society ranges from 1% to 60%. Yet, there are no specific diagnostic criteria or effective screening tests. Moreover, orthorexia does not appear in any of the available international psychiatric classifications such as the ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) and DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Due to this fact many people remain undiagnosed, which significantly affects their standard of living, and later puts a strain on the health care system. Material and method: The article is based on a study and analysis of available publications in the last few years, published in the PubMed database. Conclusions: It is crucial to create specific diagnostic criteria for orthorexia. This will enable efficient detection of patients at an early stage of the disorder, which will significantly shorten the diagnostic path. Moreover, specifying potential risk factors will help to reduce new cases

    Osoby z objawami alergii częściej korzystają z medycyny alternatywnej

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      WSTĘP: Celem badania jest wskazanie, czy w polskiej populacji osób dorosłych, w wieku 20−44 lata, istnieje zależność między stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej a występowaniem chorób alergicznych. Ponadto dodatkowym celem pracy jest określenie czy istnieje zależność między płcią, wiekiem i miejscem zamieszkania, a stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Do analizy wykorzystano część danych z projektu „Epidemiologia Chorób Alergicznych w Polsce” (ECAP). Projekt stanowił kontynuację ogólnoeuropejskiego badania European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. Pytania dotyczące medycyny alternatywnej zadano grupie 4671 respondentów w wieku 20−44 lata. Badanie zostało zrealizowane metodą kwestionariuszową. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono analizy ambulatoryjnie potwierdzające rozpoznanie chorób alergicznych. WYNIKI: Z medycyny alternatywnej kiedykolwiek korzystało łącznie 22,2% wśród wszystkich respondentów biorących udział w badaniu (n = 4621). Wykazano zależność istotną statystycznie między korzystaniem z medycyny alternatywnej a deklarowaniem objawów chorób alergicznych i astmy (p < 0,001). Nie wykazano zależności istotnej statystycznie między stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej wśród osób z rozpoznaną przez lekarzy a jakąkolwiek postacią astmy lub alergicznego nieżytu nosa (p > 0,05). WNIOSKI: Występowanie objawów chorób alergicznych i astmy wpływa na częstość korzystania z medycyny alternatywnej. Częstość stosowania medycyny alternatywnej nie jest jednak zależna od potwierdzonej przez lekarza choroby alergicznej lub astmy.

    The impact of data assimilation into the meteorological WRF model on birch pollen modelling

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    We analyse the impact of ground-based data assimilation to theWeather Research and Forecasting (WRF) meteorological model on parameters relevant for birch pollen emission calculations. Then, we use two different emission databases (BASE – no data assimilation, OBSNUD – data assimilation for the meteorological model) in the chemical transport model and evaluate birch pollen concentrations. Finally, we apply a scaling factor for the emissions (BASE and OBSNUD), based on the ratio between simulated and observed seasonal pollen integral (SPIn) to analyse its impact on birch concentrations over Central Europe. Assimilation of observational data significantly reducesmodel overestimation of air temperature,which is themain parameter responsible for the start of pollen emission and amount of released pollen. The results also show that a relatively small bias in air temperature from the model can lead to significant differences in heating degree days (HDD) value. This may cause the HDD threshold to be attained several days earlier/later than indicated from observational data which has further impact on the start of pollen emission. Even though the bias for air temperature was reduced for OBSNUD, the model indicates a start for the birch pollen season that is too early compared to observations. The start date of the seasonwas improved at two of the 11 stations in Poland. Data assimilation does not have a significant impact on the season's end or SPIn value. The application of the SPIn factor for the emissions results in a much closer birch pollen concentration level to observations even though the factor does not improve the start or end of the pollen season. The post-processing of modelled meteorological fields, such as the application of bias correction, can be considered as a way to further improve the pollen emission modelling