7 research outputs found

    Identifying Factors Associated with Food Losses during Transportation: Potentials for Social Purposes

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    The problem of food waste and food loss covers the entire food chain, and its scale varies depending on the part of the chain. The aim of the study was to identify a problem and indicate places where goods redistribution is possible at the food transportation stage. The article provides a detailed breakdown of the causes of losses at the transportation stage. The research material was a large dairy cooperative in Poland. It was found that it was possible to recover 25.08 tons of dairy products. Taking into account the total weight of the cargo carried by all transport units during the analyzed period, this amount is approximately 0.5% of the full load capacity of all transport units in a two-year period. The research conducted shows that losses during the transportation of finished goods are generated, therefore it is possible to recover part of the food during the loading, transportation and unloading stages. The present practice involves an unconditional disposal of all products, which for various reasons are not delivered to the customer at the appropriate time and in proper commercial quality (accidents, collisions). The disposal of ready, often packed, completely safe products is a highly undesirable phenomenon, especially in the context of the poverty experienced by part of society

    Analiza strat na etapie transportu mleka i jego przetworów w wybranych spółdzielniach mleczarskich z Wielkopolski

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    The aim of the study was the analysis of milk and dairy products losses at the transport stage in the two dairy cooperatives. Information was collected using a questionnaire interview. It was determined that the most common reason for non-acceptance by the consignee are mechanical damage of packaging. Indicated what kind of mechanical damage disqualify product from further trade and determined the weight of not adopted products because of this. It was estimated that on the scale of Polish, about 232.6 tons of transported dairy products is eliminated annually from further trade although products are wholesome and safe for consumer

    Pedagogìčna ta suspìl'na pìdtrimka obdarovanih dìtej i molodì. 2

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPublikacja, którą Państwu przedstawiamy stanowi kolejne, drugie z kolei kompendium wiedzy oparte na badaniach i doświadczeniach naukowych polskich i ukraińskich naukowców. Pierwsza część publikacji została wydana w 2010 roku i ukazywała chęć rozwinięcia tematu wsparcia dziecka i młodzieży zdolnej przedstawionego w badaniach europejskiej sieci Eurydyce. Badania te ukazały się w 2008 roku i dotyczyły ustalenia terminologii tego problemu, ustalenia specjalnych rozwiązań edukacyjnych i ich rodzajów oraz kwestii kształcenia i dokształcania nauczycieli do pracy z uczniami zdolnymi/ utalentowanymi