183 research outputs found

    Design Band Stop Filter untuk Jaringan WiMAX 3.5 GHz

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    Along with the development of technology-based Broadband Wireless Access (BWA), it is not just a connection is needed, but also the speed of the internet access and large capacity. One of the technology in BWA currently used is IEEE 802.16d WiMAX standard. IEEE 802.16d WiMAX standard using a frequency of 3.5 GHz. Indonesian satellite using the same frequency with the frequency of WiMAX. In order to avoid any interference between WiMAX and satellite it is necessary to filter on the WiMAX receiver. Therefore bandstop filter is used to reject the frequency of satellite based WiMAX standard has been set. In this thesis report discusses the design of bandstop filter circuit consisting of components - namely passive components, inductors and capacitors. Responses were used in this design is the Chebyshev response for Chebyshev response can result in a high degree of steepness of the passband to stopband. Software used in the design of band-stop filter is the Advanced Design System (ADS) 2011

    Desain Band Pass Filter untuk Jaringan WiMAX 3.5 GHz

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    The development of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) today, not only the connections that are needed, but also speed internet access and large capacity. One of the BWA technology is currently used in IEEE 802.16d WiMAX standard. IEEE 802.16d WiMAX standard using a frequency of 3.5 GHz. Indonesian satellite using the same frequency with the frequency of WiMAX. To avoid interference between WiMAX and satellite receivers need to filter WiMAX. Band pass filter is present as a solution to overcome the problem of interference between WiMAX and Satellite. In this final report discusses the design of bandstop filter circuit consisting of components - namely passive components, inductors and capacitors. Responses were used in this design is the Chebyshev response for Chebyshev response can result in a high degree of steepness of the passband to stopband

    Psychometric properties of the revised Developmental Behaviour Checklist scales in Dutch children with intellectual disability

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    The present study assessed the reliability and validity of the revised scales of the Developmental Behaviour Checklist (DBC) in a Dutch sample of children with intellectual disability (ID). The psychometric properties of the parent and teacher versions of the DBC were assessed in various subsamples derived from a sample of 1057 Dutch children (age range = 6-18 years) with ID or borderline intellectual functioning. Good test-retest reliability was shown both for the parent and teacher versions. Moderate inter-parent agreement and high one-year stability was found for the scale scores. Construct validity was satisfactory, although limited by high informant variance. The DBC scales showed good criterion-related validity, as indicated by significant mean differences between referred and non-referred children, and between children with and without a corresponding DSM-IV diagnosis. The reliability and validity of the revised DBC scales are satisfactory, and the checklist is recommended for clinical and research purposes

    Opposing the toxic apartheid: The painted veil of the COVID‐19 pandemic, race and racism

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    This article is a personal reflection of how the coronavirus exposes ‘shocking’ levels of racism against us, and our vulnerability as Chinese women living in Britain. By reflecting our experiences of verbal and physical race‐based violence connected to coronavirus, we explore the fluidity of our racial identities, the taken‐for‐granted racial stereotypes and white privilege, and everyday racism in the UK. Can the vulnerable use vulnerability as an agent to shift the moment of helplessness? We contribute to the uncomfortable yet important debate on racism against Chinese women living in the UK through voicing up our embodied vulnerability as invisible and disempowered subjects to this viral anti‐Chinese racism. This is a form of resistance where we care for the racialized and marginalized others. In doing so, we lift the painted veil of the pandemic, race and racism to collectively combat racial inequalities

    Anatomical and Physiological Plasticity in Leymus chinensis (Poaceae) along Large-Scale Longitudinal Gradient in Northeast China

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    Although it has been widely accepted that global changes will pose the most important constrains to plant survival and distribution, our knowledge of the adaptive mechanism for plant with large-scale environmental changes (e.g. drought and high temperature) remains limited.An experiment was conducted to examine anatomical and physiological plasticity in Leymus chinensis along a large-scale geographical gradient from 115° to 124°E in northeast China. Ten sites selected for plant sampling at the gradient have approximately theoretical radiation, but differ in precipitation and elevation. The significantly increasing in leaf thickness, leaf mass per area, vessel and vascular diameters, and decreasing in stoma density and stoma index exhibited more obvious xerophil-liked traits for the species from the moist meadow grassland sites in contrast to that from the dry steppe and desert sites. Significant increase in proline and soluble sugar accumulation, K(+)/Na(+) for the species with the increasing of stresses along the gradient showed that osmotic adjustment was enhanced.Obvious xerophytic anatomical traits and stronger osmotic adjustment in stress conditions suggested that the plants have much more anatomical and physiological flexibilities than those in non-stress habitats along the large-scale gradient

    Barriers to identifying eating disorders in pregnancy and in the postnatal period: a qualitative approach.

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    BACKGROUND: Eating Disorders (ED) are mental health disorders that typically effect women of childbearing age and are associated with adverse maternal and infant outcomes. UK healthcare guidance recommends routine enquiry for current and past mental illness in antenatal and postnatal care for all women, and that pregnant women with a known ED are offered enhanced monitoring and support. Midwives and health visitors are ideally placed to identify and support women with ED as they are often the primary point of contact during the antenatal and postnatal periods. However, research on the barriers to identifying ED in the perinatal period is limited. This study aimed to understand the barriers to disclosure and identification of ED in pregnancy and postnatally as perceived by women with past or current ED, and midwives and health visitors working in the UK National Health Service. METHODS: Two studies were undertaken: mixed-measures survey of pregnant and postnatal women with current or past ED; focus groups with student and qualified midwives and health visitors. RESULTS: Five themes emerged on the barriers to disclosure in pregnancy as perceived by women: stigma, lack of opportunity, preference for self-management, current ED symptomatology and illness awareness. Four themes were identified on the barriers to identification of ED in pregnancy and in the postnatal period as perceived by health professionals: system constraints, recognition of role, personal attitudes, and stigma and taboo. CONCLUSIONS: Several barriers to the identification of ED during and after pregnancy were described, the main factors were stigma and poor professional training. Perinatal mental health is becoming increasingly prioritised within national policy initiatives; however, ED continue to be neglected and increased awareness is needed. Similarly, clinical guidance aimed at responding to the rising prevalence of obesity focus on changing nutrition but not on assessing for the presence of ED behaviours that might be affecting nutrition. Improving education and training for health professionals may contribute to reducing stigma and increase confidence in identifying ED. The barriers identified in this research need to be addressed if recognition and response to women with ED during the perinatal period is to improve

    Kansallinen allergiaohjelma 2008-2018 muutti asenteita ja vÀhensi sairastavuutta

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    LĂ€htökohdat : Allergiaohjelma 2008–2018 on kansallinen kansanterveysohjelma, jonka avulla vĂ€lttö­strategia on kÀÀnnetty sietostrategiaksi ja painotettu allergiaterveyttĂ€. Raportoimme 10 vuoden tulokset.MenetelmĂ€t : Ohjelmalla oli kuusi tavoitetta, joiden toteuttamiseksi mÀÀriteltiin tehtĂ€vĂ€t, työkalut ja mittarit. Ohjelmaa toteutettiin kouluttamalla terveydenhuoltoa ja viestimĂ€llĂ€ vĂ€estölle.Tulokset : Astman ja allergisen nuhan esiintyvyys tasoittui asevelvollisissa ja Helsingin aikuisvĂ€estössĂ€. Helsingin aikuisista astmaatikoista 41 % oli ollut vuoden 2016 kyselyĂ€ edeltĂ€neen vuoden oireettomia (31 % 2006). Lasten allergiaruokavaliot vĂ€henivĂ€t koko maassa noin puoleen. TyöperĂ€iset allergiset sairaudet vĂ€henivĂ€t 45 %. Astman sairaalahoidon tarve puolittui, mutta pĂ€ivystyskĂ€ynnit vĂ€henivĂ€t oleellisesti vain lapsilla. Anafylaksia aiheutti aiempaa enemmĂ€n pĂ€ivystyskĂ€yntejĂ€. Allergiasta ja astmasta aiheutuvat vuosittaiset suorat ja epĂ€suorat kustannukset vĂ€henivĂ€t 200 miljoonaa euroa ­(30 %) verrattaessa vuosia 2007 ja 2018.PÀÀtelmĂ€t : Allergian ja astman aiheuttama sairastavuus ja niistĂ€ koituvat kustannukset vĂ€henivĂ€t merkittĂ€vĂ€sti. Haitat vĂ€henivĂ€t aluksi nopeasti, myöhemmin hitaammin. Ammattilaiset ja suuri yleisö hyvĂ€ksyivĂ€t uuden suunnan, jossa painottuivat sietokyky ja terveys allergiasta huolimatta. Tietoon perustuvat systemaattiset ohjelmat ovat vahva keino parantaa kansanterveyttĂ€
